Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 813: Different pushes! The overall situation has been set!

Yang Dingtian is the speaker, what international jokes?

He came to Xiaoxitian, one is to find the enchanting mother and child, and the other is to smash the fire.

Next, he will also lead the Tiandao League army, ready to come to the end of the army, how can you work as a speaker in Xiaoxitian.

And this speaker, the enchanting can do, Yang Dingtian can't do it.

The enchanting can get rid of the control of the Enchanted II, and even be able to imprison his greatest politics. If the Yangding innocent Li Lingzhi fainted to be the speaker, then living is a shackle.

At this point, Yangdingtian is more realistic than the enchanting.

Any position must be beaten by yourself, and must not be the charity of others.

Yang Dingtian is a good non-language, and it is detached to be a great sage. If you really want to be the speaker, in the quarrel of countless interests, this detached identity will disappear.

But directly refused?

It is also impossible. If you refuse it directly, it means that the input of the Shadow Gore before the Enragy II is all squandered. He must be angry and angry. When he wants to get out of the way, it is difficult. After all, he is going to take the enchanting. The mother and son left together.

Yangding Tiandao: "The demon patriarch, after the speaker’s accidental death, will there be no more elections?"

Enchanting said: "No, only one election can be held in a hundred years. If the speaker is killed in an accident, the nine tribes will appoint an acting speaker. This kind of thing happened once, and the result was that the former speaker had left the agent. The position of the speaker for the next 30 years."

Yangding Tiandao: "So, the Master of the Great Master, the possibility of getting this position is great."

Enchanting said: "He lives and lives, completely in our hands. He has not made public appearances, we can kill him at any time, and we have a substitute for Yongshe. You are also a great sage. And among the nobles, With a very large reputation, I can be a proxy speaker."

Yangding Tiandao: "But, after all, I am just a non-language. If you are a great sage, once you become a speaker, your detached identity will disappear."

Yongshe's face changed: "Jiang Shang, you may not know how much I invested in the enchanting. Now, he is so dead, can I let all my previous investment be in vain? I can tell you this. Let Yongshe go up? It is impossible. It is forcing me to turn my face. I want to know the present saint, and the only demigod of my gods, but my daughter and grandson."

Then, Yongshe smashed the railroad: "I want my support. Unless you are the speaker."

Yangding Tiandun was silent. It is obvious that the Enchanting II in front of the eyes is absolutely impossible to convince with words. It can only be naked.

Suddenly, there was another idea in Yangdingtian’s brain, and it could even be said that the brain was wide open.

"Hero lord, I have an idea." Yangding Tiandao: "Always let Master Yongshe act as the speaker, but let your daughter Ji Ya be her assistant to the speaker. After several decades, let Ji Ya become a magistrate. One hundred years, or two hundred years later, let Ji Ya run for the new speaker."

Enchanted II suddenly breathed a stagnation.

This, this is a more direct stimulation to their own interests.

Although, although Jiya wants to be the speaker. It takes a hundred years or even two hundred years. But for the demon fox family, one or two hundred years is not a very long time.

Although Ji Ya’s political talent is far less enchanting, it is worse than most people, even comparable to the previous speakers.

and. She is still the wife of the great sage Jiang Shang, who has already left the identity of the Shadow Gog Princess and can participate in the election.

If, get the approval of Yongshe, plus she is the sister of the banshee, plus the support of the Shadow Ge family, coupled with the support of the great sage Jiang Shang, the possibility of becoming the speaker after a hundred years of development Still not small.

After all, Xiao Xitian has already had two presidents, and it is not surprising that he has a third term.

Yang Dingtian continued: "The demon patriarch, if you want to let Giya participate in the new speaker in a hundred years, then the principle of Xiao Xitian may still have to follow the route of Yongshe, art and culture, not Hegemony and force. After all, as a woman, Ji Ya is born with a lack of momentum in expansion and martial arts."

Enchanted II thought while he nodded instinctively.

Then said: "Ji Yaben is a member of parliament. If Yongshe promised to let Ji Ya be his only assistant to the speaker, then I can consider supporting the chairman of the agency."

Yangding Tiandao: "Well, I will talk to Lord Yongshe."


Before talking with Yongshe, Yang Dingtian found Ji Ya.

The enchanting death is a huge blow to Ji Ya!

The enchanting is her idol, his political sustenance, and the sustenance of the fox family. Even her best husband.

For the enchanting cause, she even sacrificed her own chastity, from the enchanting second lady to the wife of the non-language Jiang Shang.

Of course, she personally hurt her husband Jiang Shangyi into a waste person (of course, Yangdingtian is loaded.)

Jiya made such a huge sacrifice, and with the death of the enchanting, all these sacrifices were paid.

So at this time, she is even utterly disillusioned.

When Yang Dingtian saw her again, her perfect image was gone.

The clothes on the body also have wrinkles. Such as the hair of the cloud, but also some scattered.

Even the beautiful face has become thin. The gemstones of the gemstones are also somewhat dull, their lips are chapped, and they lose their seductive color.

When she saw Yangdingtian coming in, she had almost no reaction or fluctuation. Even, seeing the legs that Yang Dingtian walked in was intact, she did not express much horror, knowing that he used to pretend to be jealous.

At this time, she stood in a enchanting portrait.

"You go out, I want to be alone." Ji Yadao: "You and my marriage are fake. You and I both hate each other. Now that the enchanting is dead, you and I can be free."

Yangding Tiandao: "I just talked to your father. He said that the condition for supporting the president of Yongshe is to let you become the assistant of the speaker. After several decades, he will treat the magistrate. One hundred years later, you will run for the position of the speaker. ""

Ji Ya shook her head: "I am the daughter of the Shadow Ge patriarch. There is no power to run for the Speaker."

"Your identity is no longer the princess of the Shadow Ge family, but the wife of the great sage Jiang Shang." Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, there were some fluctuations in the eyes of Ji Ya.

She is a man with strong political ambitions, but she has previously placed her ambitions on the enchanting body. Now that the enchanting is dead, she instantly loses all her goals.

Now, Yangdingtian has given her a bigger and farther goal. As the speaker, he became the third speaker in the history of Xiaoxitian.

Yangding Tiandao: "However, as a woman, the image and the martial arts are contradictory, so you can only follow the line of peace, art, and culture. This is consistent with the square of the Lord."

Ji Ya satirically sneered: "It is to let the demon fox nobles continue to be drunk and dream, and finally go to destruction. Right?"

Yangding Tiandao: "This may take into account your wisdom, and the wisdom of your lord."

Ji Ya continued to look at the enchanting portrait on the wall, and then said: "I try, one hundred years later, my hopes are very embarrassing, then it will be more unstable than the enchanting, and almost two hundred years later. And I want to completely sever the relationship between the sever and the Gogo. I am extremely prominent as your wife. Even when necessary. I also want to suppress the interests of the Shadows to show isolation."

Yang Dingtian smiled, but did not want to talk to her about politics again. He said directly: "Well, then I will talk to Yongshe."


Seeing Yongshe again, he is sitting in a wheelchair.

"Fairy II can support you to represent a speaker. But ask her daughter Ji Ya to be your only assistant to the speaker. After ten years as a magistrate, a hundred years, or two hundred years later, she Participate in the new speaker's post." Yangding Tiandao.

Yongshe directly nodded to the local: "Good. Yes!"

Yang Dingtian was worried: "Yong She, I am worried about Ji Ya. She has great ambitions and is very sympathetic with the enchanting. In the future, she will be elected as the speaker, will she re-enter the same path as the enchanting?"

Yongshe said: "She is very smart and has a high political talent. But she is not a enchanting after all, not so much as she and the enchanting like-minded, have the same strategic route, it is better to say that she is attached to the enchanting. Now the enchanting has Dead, I have enough time to transform her mind, she... is not a enchanting after all."

Yangding Tiandao: "Now you have an alliance with Enchanted II, you can master at least five tribes, plus one silver, and the rest are the four tribes of the original Justice League. Although these four tribes have The two are separated from the Justice League, but they are still looking forward to the silver moon.

Yongshe said: "Two of the four tribes of the Justice League have little problem, because after all, they have betrayed the Yinyue people. So, only the Silver Moon and the absolute ally Haiqi are left. So the next The goal to be convinced is the demon patriarch!"

It’s hard to convince the devil.

In the past, the demon was madly resisting the strategic line of Yongshe. He has always advocated the ideal of the demon fox to dominate the world. Therefore, he will let go of the murderous vengeance and declare the allegiance to the enchanting.

Now, just after he has surrendered to allegiance, the enchanting is dead. The direction of Xiao Xitian turned to art and culture, and apparently he will enter a state of mad hostility.

And the will of this person is extremely determined, and it is very difficult to convince him.

"I will try." Yangding Tiandao.

Yongshe said: "You go, very dangerous. He even thinks that you are killing the enchanting, maybe it will be the next hand."

Yang Dingtian shook his head and said: "No, because the silver dragon blood crystal on my body is from the enchanting, his proudest son."

And in the face of demon, can only be persuaded, it is impossible to conquer by force.

Because the enchanting has already launched a big battle, and ended in victory. But this victory is not the victory of the battle, but the active surrender of the demon patriarch.

It is simply impossible to launch a big war now. Today, the small tribes of Xiaoxitian are completely inert and resentful in the war. It’s really not a rival to the Justice League.


Two days later, Yangdingtian entered the Yinyue family and saw the demon.

He took out the returning jade of Ji Ya directly, which had all the process of enchanting death, and his linguistic legacy.

After reading it.

The demon fierce moment is like being struck by lightning. I can’t believe it at this jade.

How can it be? How can it be?

He has just made such a huge determination to surrender to the enchanting, and he joined forces to go to the great cause of chaos for chaos, and the enchanting is so dead?

How is this possible?

Then, his body seemed to have lost all his strength. After a while, he jerked back a few steps, sat in a chair, and then breathed in a big mouth.

He has experienced this kind of blue sky twice.

For the first time, I heard my son’s enchanting death in the hands of the enchanting.

The second time, now, I heard the death of the enchanting.

The killing of his own enemy is a blow, but it is no less than the first time.

He even felt that his dream, the dream of the demon fox's hegemony, was completely destroyed and completely lost hope.

"Is it you? It is you..." Suddenly, the demon stood up fiercely and pointed to Yangding Tiandao: "I know who you are, you are not a non-language Jiang Shang, you are a human Yangdingtian. You are And Yongshe old thief, conspiring to kill the enchanting speaker, ruined the hope of the fox family."

Then, the demon face is cold and cold: "Now, you dare to come, but also want to try to persuade me to support the president of Yongshe, dreaming! I will not kill you, but I want to take your human identity, and you and All the conspiracy of the lord of the demon swearing, all said. Then, at the big trial meeting, you will be executed publicly!"

Then, he waved his hand and ordered to arrest Yang Dingtian, and then, together with Yongshe, directly sent to the nine major tribal trials. It is necessary to clarify the penalty and seek justice for the enchanting.

This person, it is extremely difficult to persuade, unless it is like-minded, it is impossible to change his mind.

Yang Dingtian sighed deeply: "The demon patriarch, your son is enchanting, before dying, choose to give up the reincarnation and hand over the silver dragon blood to me, so I can become a non-speaking person. ""

"What?" Demon stunned, completely unwilling to look at Yangdingtian.

Then, he quickly grasped the arm of Yangdingtian, and an energy swiftly poured into his body to identify the silver dragon energy in the body.

Yang Dingtian completely released the sea of ​​gas, so that the energy of the blood dragon crystal in the body filled the mysterious veins, allowing the identification of the demon.

Yes, it is a enchanting silver dragon blood crystal ~ ~ Yes, it is a very special energy atmosphere.

Suddenly, the demon is so confused. For the demon fox family, the body is not fundamental, the soul is not fundamental, and the silver dragon blood crystal is fundamental.

Because, this time, the small West Heaven Totem has fallen to the root of the power given by Silver Dragon.

"After nothing..." After a long time, the demon patriarch seems to be old and countless, tears.

"With you, with you... I can't stop you, but I don't think I agree to obey you. I... I am a silvermooner, I am withdrawing from the nine tribes. In the League Parliament, I close the door and continue our martial arts dream... go, let's go, I don't want to see you again!"

After a few hours, Yangdingtian left, Xiaoxitian has already decided!


Note: The second is sent! After going out, write the second more.

Please ask the brothers for support! (to be continued

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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