Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 814: Akiha is pregnant! Really empty fire!

Among the nine tribes, even the demon of the Yinyue nationality did not come forward to oppose it, so the alliance against Yongshe officially collapsed. Even the Haiqi people are half-pushing and supporting Yongshe as the acting speaker.

Not that no one is as full of courage as a demon, so even the Haiqi people did not propose to withdraw from the nine tribes.

Therefore, in the case of the Yinyue demon violently abstaining, the leaders of the remaining eight tribes unanimously passed, let Daxian Shi Yongshe act as the speaker.

After the patriarchs of the nine tribes were all settled, the alliance tribal meeting was held again.

At the meeting, Ji Ya announced the death of the enchanting speaker to all the members of the House of Representatives, and announced the enchanting words of the returning jade.

At this point, the top layer of the world knows the news that the enchanting is dead.

Then a few days later, the enchanting death was spread throughout the small West.

Moreover, the acting Speaker, Yong She, and the Alliance Tribal Parliament have given the enchanting Speaker an unparalleled reputation.

The enchanting speaker is for the future of the fox family. In order to find the ruins of the Naga empire, he was unfortunately swallowed up by the abyss of the void border. He was born great and died gloriously.

Even the nobles of all the nobles of the nine tribes collectively mourned for the enchanting speaker. All the city’s tribes in Xiaoxitian stopped all entertainment for seven days.

Moreover, from now on, every day, the enchanting day of the enchanting, is positioned as a enchanting day.

Moreover, when the future of the demon fox aristocracy is born, it is best to avoid the word Qi.

In short, the enchanting after death, extremely sorrowful.

Of course, for the death of the enchanting, some people are sad, some people are fortunate.

In fact, most of the nobles of the nine major tribes have a sigh of relief. The arrogant strategy of hegemony proposed by them is not good. In fact, the heart. It is faintly excluded.

Is it not good to live comfortably? Anyway, now that Ronghua is rich and rich, it has been inexhaustible.

For hegemony, it means fighting, it means dead.

Moreover, the enchanting is also prepared to monopolize the birthright of the demigod. at this point. Let the nobles are very taboo, because once this happens, many high-ranking nobles will be in the hands of the enchanting, and they certainly don’t like this.

Moreover, the enchanting sorrow is so handsome that it also gives them a lot of pressure.

The patriarch of the iron fight, the speaker of the water.

The speaker is strong, and the patriarchs are naturally weak. and so. Of course, they like the warm and profound elders of Yongshe. It is a good day to drink and dance. It’s not easy to follow the speaker of the enchanting.

Not everyone wants to be arrogant and masochistic.

As Yongshe became the speaker, Ji Ya officially announced that he was separated from the Shadow Go. And, set his identity in the capital. From now on. She is the noble aristocrat of Yindu, and no longer has any inheritance rights of the Shadows. On the surface, there is no direct inheritance relationship with Enchanted II.

Then, the Union Tribal Council announced. Daxian Shi Jiang Shang was assassinated by the assassin, so his body was paralyzed. In order to better take care of the Daxian Master, Ji Ya officially married Mr. Jiang Shang as his wife.

If it was before, Mr. Jiang Shang’s wife would be married. Will definitely be subject to a lot of reactions, will make many demon fox aristocrats disappointed.

However, at this time, Jiang Shangdaxian was physically insulted, and Ji Ya married him. Both sides received great praise. Especially Ji Ya, many fox fox aristocrats feel that Ji Ya has extraordinary love. There is also piety for wisdom.

Of course, now Yongshe will not directly accept Ji Ya as the assistant to the speaker. She also needs her to further brush up various prestige, and let her deal with many related things, and then justify it to let Ji Ya become the assistant to the speaker.

At present, the identity of Ji Ya is the wife of the great sage, and is also at the top of the entire fox fox.

In short, under the efforts of the two like-minded people of Yongshe and Yangdingtian, the situation of the impasse in Xiaoxitian was finally stabilized. Since then, Xiao Xitian has once again embarked on the road of art and culture. In the direction of corruption and corruption, the higher aristocracy has gone further and further, and the threat to the entire human world has become smaller and smaller.


On this day, Yang Dingtian officially said goodbye to Yongshe, and he would return to the human kingdom with his enchanting mother and child.

Of course, his departure is semi-public and semi-secret. Because he did say that he would go to the human kingdom to conduct a civilized investigation.

However, he took away the enchanting and Yang Yi and only one person knows.

Yongshe still sat in a wheelchair and looked at Yangding Tiandao with reluctance: "Can't I really stay for a while? I really need you, Xiaoxitian also needs you very much."

Yang Dingtian pushed him and walked on the boulevard of the Silver Palace. He said: "The situation in the human kingdom is still urgent. I really have a lot to do."

Yongshe said: "What about the virtual fire? What are you going to do?"

Yangding Tiandao: "It’s my life, I am fortunate to lose it! It will be mys after all, not mys and I can’t force it. The enchanting is the best example.”

Yongshe sighed: "Unfortunately, I can't give you more information about the Void Fire. In fact, I have some taboos. I really hope that this word will be erased from my mind in the future. ”

Yangdingtian stopped, then turned the direction, pushed Yongshe back into the hall, and said: "Well, I am here to say goodbye to you, and then I will go back directly with the enchanting mother and son." Xiaoxitian is officially handed over to you."

Yongshe stretched out his thin hands and held Yangdingtian. He said: "Do not worry, as long as I live a day, I will not let the fox family repeat the Naga clan, and will not let the Naga people go to the destruction of the world. The road."

Yang Dingtian deeply bowed down and said: "So, teacher Yongshe, left."

Yongshe waved his hand and said: "Remember, when you encounter a difficult thing, come to Xiaoxitian. You are not only the leader of the human kingdom, but also the great sage of Xiaoxitian, my confidant and friend. Always will be."

"I will, goodbye." Yangding Tiandao.

"Goodbye..." Yongshe’s eyes twitched slightly, then raised his face and closed his eyes and sighed.

Then he explored his hand to turn the wheelchair to change direction and return to his bedroom. However, this is not a self-service wheelchair and the wheels are relatively small. His hand is out of reach.

He should have never been in a wheelchair before, and it seems to be very skilled.

Yangdingtian turned and left.

Later, there was the voice of Yongshe, saying: "Children, before you leave, say goodbye to Ji Ya. Also. I have transferred the enchanting mother and child to the Pegasus silver car, you can take them away at any time. It is."

"Yeah." Yangding Tiandao.


Ji Ya is sorting out the documents at this time.

Yangding Tiandao: "I want to go to the human kingdom. As I said before, I am very curious about human civilization. If I can get some enlightenment, then it is better."

Ji Yayi said, "I know, do we need to send experts to protect you?"

Yang Dingtian shook his head and said: "No, there are not many people in the human kingdom who can hurt me."

Ji Yaben wants to say that you have not been ruined? But this topic at this time. It doesn't make much sense.

However, she opened her mouth as if she still had something to say, but she did not say it after all.

"Then I will not send you, goodbye!" Ji Yadao.

"Goodbye." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, Yangdingtian left the room where Ji Ya was located and went to the east gate of the silver palace. The enchanting secret silver car was there. Have the highest pass issued by the Speaker of Yongshe.

After the enchanting death, Yongshe mastered the highest power within the capital in the shortest time. Even those loyal to the enchanting masters. Even the masters who participated in the imprisonment of Yongshe did not have too many obstacles and re-loyal to Yongshe.

The small warriors of Xiaoxitian, especially the higher warriors of Yindu, all have very mature political attitudes.

In a very vulgar way, it is: Resolutely support the Central Committee, whoever supports the Central Committee.

Yang Dingtian is a great sage teacher. In the Silver Palace, there is almost no power next to Yongshe! Therefore, when he left the silver palace, not only did he not block anything, but all the fox warriors who had passed through all of them had bowed down.

Outside the Silver Palace, Yang Dingtian boarded the carriage.

at this time. The enchanting inside is full of absolute uneasiness.

In the meantime, after the enchanting death, the enchanting is one of the most uneasy people. Because she knows that the odd goods can live, and her father can't rely on it, so he doesn't even know what he is going to meet next. Moreover, she is a mother, the heaven and the earth of Yang Yi, and she tries her best to protect her children.

At the moment when Yangdingtian entered the carriage, the enchanting face suddenly changed, and then Yang Yi was hugged in his arms, then smiled: "Mr. Jiang Shang, where are you going to take us?"

At this time, Yang Yi in her arms is like a small bird. Open two small hands and rush directly into the top of the sky. Sweetly: "Dad, Dad..."

Yangding violently took him into his arms, and then took a lot of lost enchanting sorrow into his arms, holding it tightly, greedily sniffing the breath of their mother and child, trembled: "Okay, good. ...... my heart, baby, we went home, Dad took you home, Yangshuo brother, Yangshuo sister can miss you, Grandma miss you too..."

The enchanting first stayed, then heard the familiar voice of Yangdingtian, and was completely shocked.

As if dreaming, the enchanting shocked and looked at Yang Dingtian incredulously. After a long time, she shivered: "Child, I am not dreaming? Really you? Really you?"

"Yeah, it's me..." Yangdingtian kissed a enchanting ear, and then used a skilled movement to knead the voluptuous buttocks.

Suddenly, the enchanting tears filled my eyes, and I kissed the mouth of Yangdingtian, and shivered: "My child, my little boy. From now on, I really fell in love with you, I will not only do your life." A little woman of the world, I want to love you like a flame..."

At the same time, Ji Ya, sitting behind the big table, suddenly touched her stomach, sighed softly, and then laughed and laughed: "Since he doesn't care, why should he tell him, there is no need to do anything about children." Baby, from now on, you are my own child."


At the same time, in the deep dungeon, there are also a couple of men and women who are kissing.

The woman's, with the beauty of the devil, has a undulating body.

Yongshe, still in a wheelchair.

The woman, kneeling on his lap, leaned on the beautiful face and kissed him.

Yongshe looks so old.

And this woman looks so beautiful and peerless.

She is innocent!

"My lover, hurt?" asked innocently.

Yongshe said: "This is nothing for me! More than 200 years ago, I was born in a wheelchair until I was twenty-three years old. So now I look like this, I feel very natural. Nothing is uncomfortable."

Nothing to say: "Just like this, let Yang Tiantian leave?"

Yongshe said: "Yes, let him go."

Nothing to say: "If you can't do it in the east, if you want to make a demigod, you still need Yangdingtian. Why don't you completely imprison him?"

Yongshe said: "The gloom lost, Yangdingtian has become very important. And, you have always had a misunderstanding, a sheep, you put it inside the sheepfold and inside the yard, what is the difference? What? If you want, you can grab it at any time, right?"

"Who can have you smart, except for your cheap apprentice." Nothing said: "At the time, you not only snatched the emptiness of Yongshe, but also let one of your souls take his body, enchanting. Didn't he find any abnormality? Didn't he find his teacher Yongshe at all, was it changed to another soul two hundred years ago?"

Yongshe said: "No, because I did not destroy the soul of Yongshe, so I inherited all his memories. But this person's mind is really too deep, I originally recommended him to become the new speaker, that is, want to pass He continued to indirectly control the demon fox family, who could think of him as killing and decisive, and directly imprisoned me. This person is really the talent of Wang Ba, I saw it in my life. Fortunately, I still used his greatest strengths. It is also the biggest drawback, and finally let him die. Otherwise, whoever deer is dead is really unknown."

Innocent looked up and said, "Can you tell me, what is the treasure of the Naga Empire?"

Yongshe pinched her face: "A What is the treasure of the Naga Empire? It’s just a rumor that I deliberately spread. Not so, the enchanting will not be obsessed with the emptiness, I It’s not that easy to kill him. After all, I’ve won this body’s cultivation, which is quite weak.”

Nothing said: "Now the earth man asks the soul of the sky, has already controlled the Nether Empire. Your soul has mastered the small West Heaven. East is also about to swallow the real void fire, and then let the Queen of the Sea estrus, will soon master The Snake Empire. We already have the three strongest planes in the chaotic world. Can we defeat the **** of chaos?"

Yongshe shook his head and sighed: "Baby, I don't know. But what I can know is that the enchanting can bet, I can also gamble. I would rather die with it, would rather destroy the world, but also fight to the end!"

Yes, this eternal house is the other soul of the demon king who asks the heavens, the one who is not the earth.


Note: The first one is sent! Today is another day outside, so tired! I only slept for four hours yesterday. I went to bed first. The second one is still going to be written tomorrow morning. Please ask for the monthly ticket. Thank you! (to be continued

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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