Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 821: Haixin compromised Yangdingtian! Desperate east!

"How is it possible?" East said, "I, I have been emptied of fire, and I have successfully created a dark fire."

Queen of the Sea said: "I know, I have already smelled the dark energy in your body, let me stir, and even the body begins to heat up."

East is happy from the face, said: "That, isn't that okay?"

Queen Haixin said: "But, that's it. Then I don't feel anything anymore. Even when you are close to me, when you kiss and kiss me, the feeling of incitement and body heat is completely It disappeared. Moreover, all parts of the body began to close and resist your approach."

East Road: "Or else, I will release a dark fire, let you feel the energy?"

Then, the East has summoned the Dark Xuan Fire from the sea.

Suddenly a dark flame burned in the palm of your hand.

The Queen of the Sea looked at this dark black fire, and the beauty suddenly fell into a blur, and the heart felt a burst of turmoil.

What a beautiful dark mysterious fire? It seems to be the most beautiful and most exciting thing in the world.

Suddenly, the Queen of the Sea Heart's breathing became rushed again, and the white-colored body was filled with a blush.

When you are away from the East, you have to hug the sea of ​​heart and temptation, and then kiss it.

But just getting close. The heart of the Queen of the Sea is hot and cold, and it instantly cools down. From the inside to the outside, extreme coldness and resistance emerge.

East is away from the heart, and whispered: "The Queen's Majesty, ordinary men and women are happy, but also need to kiss, after touching, will gradually become emotional. You, give me a chance. I will definitely make you emotional ""

Then, the east is lying on the bed, and the tears flow.

Haixin saw him like this, suddenly sighed and said: "Okay. I will give you only one chance."

"Thank you, Her Majesty, thank you, Her Majesty..."

When he climbed up from the bed, he would use his means to the extreme.

He was born specifically to engage in women, so the means are naturally at their best. In the past, almost no woman was faced with any disadvantage.

He first came to the Queen of the Sea Heart!

Holding her jade feet in crocodile skin jade boots, gently knead, and then gently blowing into the shoes.

Different women. There are different treatments.

In the face of the supreme Queen of the Sea, she started from the foot.

The Queen of the Sea Heart slowly closed the beautiful, as if looking for a wonderful feeling from the service of the East.

After the kneading, the East took off her delicate shoes devoutly, and then put on her lips, she would kiss the most sensitive part of her sole.


However, the hand from the east just touched the skin on her feet. Suddenly she let her tremble.

A kind of disgusting emotions rushed in an instant, as if a person had been stunned by a viper.

She can no longer afford it. Another foot, kicked out fiercely.

Suddenly, the East was kicked out directly.

Then, she got up straight and wiped the place where the foot was touched by the east, and put on the crocodile shoes again. Left the bed.

"Sorry to leave, I can't do it." Queen Haixin said faintly: "We snake people are different from you humans. You human women can make many men touch. And we snake people, unless they are estrus, they are touched. The feeling of fear and nausea after the encounter is completely unstoppable."

Taking a deep breath, Queen Haixin said: "Now, the dark mysterious fire can only make my heart sway, I can't make me estrus. The reason why Yangdingtian can make me estrus is because of other reasons, not Dark Xuanhuo. So, your efforts are in vain!"

After all, Queen Haixin turned around.

And the East is far from the whole person, as if it was struck by lightning, and fell to the ground directly!

If a person is hit too hard, then he will fall into a short numbness and completely lose any reaction!

At this time, the East has been hit by an unprecedented blow.

If it is a vacant fire that was robbed by Yangdingtian, then this blow will not be so great.

However, he clearly has been emptied of the flames, and it has clearly succeeded in the birth of the dark Xuanhuo. Why not? Why not?

Since the dark Xuanhuo can't make the snake human race estrus, why do you want him to succeed in the birth of the dark mysterious fire? What is the significance of all this?

God, is this playing with him? Is this playing him?

The mission of Nether's life is to deal with God's spokesperson Yang Dingtian, just to control the human kingdom.

The mission of the birth of the East is to control the snakes, just to make the snakes estrus.

After the defeat of the Nether and the Yangding Tian, ​​the Ming Ming was ten times as much as the Yangding Day, but still gave up all the hopes and directly died.

Even after giving him an evil spirit and letting him break through the semi-sanctification, he also lost any ambition and lost any goal. Every day he took the Lingwu tour to play with the mountains and tried every means to make Ling Dance change. Be strong and defeat the second-class evil spirits.

What about the east?

This failure basically means a complete failure.

It means that the mission of the East from this life has completely failed.

It means that his birth has lost any meaning, which means that he has nothing to do.

Then, what does it mean to live?

Suddenly, Dong Li completely understood, why the Nether would be bent on death.

Once you find that your existence has no meaning, then anyone can lose the motivation to survive.


A stream of blood spurted out.

Lying on the ground from the east, looking at the magnificent dome.

How should I do? What should I do?

Like Nether, do you want to die?

no no! God, why are you doing this to me? Why is this for me?

Why does Yangdingtian get all your care? Why are all the good things that are his?

No matter what you want or what you don't want, you have all given Yangdingtian.

Why I have been fighting for the goal of my life, Yang Dingtian is at your fingertips, and I am abandoning it.

I am not willing, I am not willing. I can not be reconciled!

I will never be as stunned as Nether! I will never bow to fate.

Yangdingtian, you are waiting for me, you are waiting for me, I must let you survive, can't die!

I can't let Haixin estrus, but I can always **** your wife.

Your Wu Mo weaving. Your Ximen Flame, your Ningrouer, all your women, I will be all insulted.

I must let you taste this unpleasant taste.

Next, my mission, I think about it.

It is revenge, all efforts to retaliate against you, Yangdingtian!


In fact, the Queen of the Sea is also very sad!

If the East fails, is it destined? Is there really only a man in the world who can make himself estrus and let the snakes estrus?

Is it destined to go to heaven, can you only choose Yangdingtian?

Is it destined to go to heaven, is Yangdingtian his own nemesis?

She is really not reconciled!

"His priest? What should I do?" Queen Haixin said: "The facts prove that Yangdingtian is the only man in the world, the only man who can make us the empire of the snake empire, without him, our The Snake Empire will die for a generation."

The Queen of the Sea is not wrong.

Between the male and female of the snake family. Of course, you can mate and give birth to future generations.

However, it is necessary when the females of the snakes have not yet seen human figures. It is also the time of the snake.

The snake people at that time were the least intelligent and the weakest. The descendants born in this way have become the most common sea snakes, and the sea snakes on the land have never had a future.

The snake female has more than two or three hundred years old. When you start to be wise, and when there are some humanoid features, you will never mate with the male snake.

That means if there is no Yangdingtian.

As a wise race, the Snake Empire will completely disappear. because. After all, it is not a submarine empire. They are the last bloodline left by the ancient times.

Of course, the life of the snakes is very long and long, but as long as it does not become a naga, perhaps three thousand years, perhaps five thousand years, there will always be one day to die.

By that time, the Snake Empire was completely destroyed.

The snake empire that died in a generation, even if it is powerful and meaningful, even if it rules the world, what is the point?

Before, Haixin could also pin his hopes on the East At this time, this hope was completely shattered.

"His priest, what should I do?" Queen of the Seas said.

The priest of the Snake Empire was silent for a moment, slowly saying: "Your Majesty, you can actually negotiate with Yangdingtian. Help him fight against the evil demon and help him to promise the battle of destruction. In return, he helps you and the snake. The human race breeds enough offspring."

Queen Haixin said: "Does that mean, is our compromise? I am not willing to compromise, especially not willing to compromise with him?"

The Great Sacrifice said: "Her Majesty, there is one thing you forgot. We can live a few thousand years old, and the Yangding Zenith is more than two hundred years old. After he died, is his opinion important? After he can't die, still control our snakeman empire."

Queen of the Sea Heart!

That's right, Yangdingtian can only live two hundred years old. This important point has been forgotten by him.

No matter what he promised him, no matter what he had mastered during his lifetime, as long as he died, everything has vanished. What else can you restrict yourself?

Two hundred years may be a long time for humans, but for yourself, it is just a small piece!

Without further ado, Haixin decided to go to the human kingdom immediately, negotiate with Yangdingtian, or conduct a borrowing trip.

After bidding farewell to the great priest, Queen Haixin did not say anything to anyone, leaving the snakeman empire directly.

She did not go to Yunxiao City, but the first to go to Zhongjing, in the face of the rose teacher too, appeared in front of the Guangming Parliament headquarters.

When Yun Junnu saw this familiar face, he was shocked! (To be continued...)

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