Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 822: Turning away the demon! See the sea heart!

"Master..." Yunjun slave shouted.

At this time, the Queen of the Sea Heart, has completely disappeared from the glamorous before, but wearing a plain robes, introverted and solemn.

Of course, the beautiful face can not be concealed, but it restored the taste of the former Virgin Mary.

"Nur..." Haixin reached out and touched the face of Yunjun slave. He said softly: "It seems that you are very happy."

"Yeah." Yunjun slave is embarrassed to smile, said: "Master, are you coming to me? Or come to talk about business?"

Haixin said with a slight sigh: "What is the difference?"

Yunjun slave said: "If you are coming to me, then I will take you to my room to talk privately. If you are coming to talk about business, I can only ask the Oriental Sovereign or Qincheng Lord to receive you."

Haixin said: "No, I came here this time, specifically to see you."

Then, Yunjunnu came to his bedroom with the heart of the sea and gave her tea.

In fact, the mood of Yunjun slave is very complicated at this time. There is a saying that is good, buttocks decide the head.

He is a female officer of Yangdingtian, and he will definitely think about the problem from the standpoint of the Guangming Parliament. Therefore, she knew in her heart that the master at this time was the queen of the Snake Empire, and it was already an enemy.

Moreover, she vaguely guessed what the master had done to her.

Looking at Yunjun slaves when cooking tea, the graceful waist, and the clamped legs, Haixin suddenly said: "Nur, have you not yet happy in Yangdingtian?"

Yun Jun slave's face is slightly red.

"What? Does he accept you?" Hai Xindao.

Yunjun slave shook his head and said: "I think it is so good now."

Haixin was silent for a moment, watching Yunjun slaves finish the tea, and poured a cup for her. She gave a soft drink and said: "Slaves, the master gives you a backing. Let you marry Yangdingtian, also Going into the valley of Yunxiaocheng, okay?"

Yunjun slave stopped, then shook his head: "Master, I thought about the present day, do not want to marry into the valley of Yunxiao City. At least not now."

Hai Xindao: "Why?"

Yunjun slave: "Because, I don't want to be restrained. And my days are very happy and fulfilling, I don't want to change, I am afraid to change."

The sea brow is slightly wrinkled.

Then, Haixin smiled slightly: "Nu, you said that the Snake Empire and the Bright Parliament are allied together to resist the evil demon, is it good?"

Yunjun slaves jumped in the heart.

She is very aware of Yang Dingtian's attitude towards the Snake Empire, full of alert and even hostile. I also know that my master is completely ambitious. Even trying to imprison the sun.

Now, what does the teacher say when she says this sentence?

Suddenly, Yunjun slave could not help but be alert. He said: "Master, I am only a female official. I am not qualified to make any opinions about such a big event. You need to talk to Yang Dingtian personally."

The Queen of the Sea Hearts flashed the meaning of the haze. Then smile a little and concentrate on drinking tea. Nothing to say anymore.

Then, the room suddenly fell into a shackle.

Haixin wants to come to Yangdingtian negotiations, instinctively looking for Yunjun slaves, I hope to have a boost. It seems now that Yunjun slave is full of vigilance and timidity to his master. It is impossible to help.


at this time. In the hall of the skull, the demon spirit is waiting to open after the green gate.

And Yangdingtian is still behind in the back, quietly waiting for the opening of the human kingdom gate.

He has been here for a few days, and there is never a human being in the hall, so the door has never been opened.

The demon spirit has long been waiting impatiently. Not willing to give up, so I lay on the ground and slumbered.

When she slept, she was completely swayed, so short skirts, and the top of the sky could only be hung down, not to look at it.

Just when Yangdingtian and the demon are completely unprepared.

Suddenly, the green door of the human kingdom was suddenly opened.

A familiar figure slammed into the head hall.

It’s east, and Yang Dingtian sees it at a glance. He is still alive, and he has just come from the human kingdom, as if he is going to enter the West.

The demon spirit who was sleeping was waking up awkwardly. When he saw the door open, he immediately became overjoyed. Even before he woke up, he rushed out.

The door of the human kingdom will be closed soon after it is opened.

Therefore, Yangdingtian hesitated a little, and lightning also rushed out.

Although he wants to kill the East, and the opportunity is also very good, because after entering the head hall, it will fall into the spiritual fantasy of the taboo of the mainland, so it is impossible to see the Yangdingtian, he can just shoot.

However, the repair of the East is equal to him, even if it is a sneak attack, it is difficult to strike a fatal. Because, almost at the moment of the sneak attack, the East will wake up immediately.

At that time, the door of the human kingdom was closed.

For the time being, it is important to leave here.

After entering the head hall in the east, he almost woke up in the spirit of the magical territory for almost half a second.

Obviously, he is fully aware of the key points of the taboo of the mainland, and each time he can get out of the illusion in the shortest possible time.

Only at this time, Yangdingtian and the demon spirit have already gone out, and the green gate of the human kingdom has also been closed.


After the demon spirit rushed out, he flew in the direction of the east.

Yangdingtian is still invisible, followed closely.

Soon, the demon spirit met two great masters of the Netherland.

Then, this simple-minded fox woman glimpsed, but instead of avoiding it, she rushed forward to the front: "Hey, are you under the head of Yangdingtian, do you know where he is? How do you go?"

Yang Dingtian is completely speechless. This girl, does not think that any human being is his own hand.

The two secluded sea masters changed their face!

Then, one of them said: "Who is the girl?"

Demon Lingdao: "I am the daughter of Xiaoxitian World, the silver moon patriarch."

The Master of the Netherland laughed and said: "Yes, we are the men of Yangdingtian, and are ordered to guard the entrance to the mainland waters."

Demon spirit said: "That's great, you tell me, how should Yangdingtian's home go? Right, do you know anything?"

The Master of the Netherland: "The shadowless adult of Yin and Yangzong? We know. Is this okay? I will take you to find Yang Dingtian, how?"

"Okay." The demon spirit said: "That would thank you."

In this way, the daughter of the silver moon patriarch, the first time to enter the human continent, will be trafficked.

Yangding is really speechless.

The enchanting is a rib, but at least there is IQ.

He is this sister. It’s completely sold, and I have to help with the money.

In this way, Yangdingtian looked at the master of the Nether Sea and took away the demon spirit directly. While taboo at the entrance to the mainland, there is a guardian of the Master of the Nether.

Wait until the demon spirit and the master of the Netherland go away.

Yangdingtian fingers gently flicked.

"Hey..." A magical sky splits the lightning and directly hits the head of the Master of the Nether.

There is no power to fight back. This master of the Netherland is not directly educated, and life and death are unknown.

Yang Dingtian grabbed him directly, and quickly chased away the secluded sea master who had gone to the demon spirit.


It is almost six hundred miles away. Yangdingtian caught up with the master of the Netherland who had turned away the demon spirit.

He has already succeeded! Because the demon spirit has been fainted, directly resisted by his shoulders, flying in the direction of the Nether Sea.

For this elementary master, Yang Dingtian is completely a killer.

Immediately flashed behind him, a palm shot down his head.

The other party has just reacted and will fight back, and it has already been hit hard. Direct personnel are not saved.

Yangding Tianqi has two masters of the Nether Sea, and the other hand carries the demon spirit. Fly directly to the northwestern continent.

As a result, it was discovered that the demon spirit was wide-eyed at this time, showing a horrified look.

It turned out that she didn't faint, but she couldn't move.

At this time, in her heart. The human kingdom has changed from a beautiful place in imagination to a sinister evil.

The people here are too sinister! More sinister than the people of Xiaoxitian.

The two middle-aged people have been bad enough. Now the young man has killed both middle-aged people and snatched himself. Obviously even worse.

I am in his hands, I don’t know what will happen?

Suddenly, the demon spirit is even more shocked.

In Xiaoxitian, she was not afraid of the whole day, and she was not afraid of it.

But after entering the human continent, I don’t know why, she instinctively felt a feeling of weakness and the feeling of uneasiness entering a strange environment.

She is not afraid of death, but what if the dangerous man wants to dance himself?

Of course, he has forgotten at this time, human beings can't let the demon foxes estrus.


Have not yet flown into the northwestern continent, on the familiar route, Yangdingtian met the konjac king.

During this time, it did not dare to approach the taboo of the mainland, so every day it would hover around the sea and wait for the sun.

After seeing it, it flew happily and desperately grinded the face of Yang Tiantian.

Riding the konjac king's claws, Yang Dingtian puts two Nether Sea masters aside.

Then, he reached out and touched the wrist of the demon, and entered a mysterious spirit. It was discovered that she had a poison, a neurotoxin-like feeling, which closed the veins and the whole body, but there was no danger of life.

Yangdingtian does not have a solution to detoxification, but it can forcibly disintegrate this energy to block the hersterious veins.

Directly enter the mysterious gas, and all her imprisonment will be broken.

After recovering the moving bullet, the demon spirit screamed and screamed desperately, "I warn you, I am the daughter of the silver moon patriarch, your human Wang Yang is heaven, it is my good friend, you don't want Touch me."

Yangdingtian was speechless, and after the konjac king’s claws heard it, he suddenly screamed.

"The demon girl, I... is your friend Yang Dingtian."

After the demon spirit heard the words of Yang Dingtian, he was shocked and said: "Really?"

"Really." Yangding Tiandao.

"Too good." The demon spirit rushed straight up and hugged the neck of Yangdingtian: "Is it right if you are not right? You take me to see him, okay?"

"Good." Yangding Tiandao: "However, in the human kingdom, men and women don't give each other. It's my elders. It's not good for you to hold me like this."

The demon spirit spit out a small tongue, released Yang Dingtian, then widened his eyes and looked at him curiously: "How do I feel that your tone of voice is very familiar."

"Many people say this." Yangding Tiandao.

"Oh." Demon.

Yangding Tiandao: "The demon girl, as far as I know, once you enter the human kingdom, you will quickly become a fox-shaped shape. It is difficult to stabilize the human shape for a long time?"

"Well, I know." The demon spirit said: "But that doesn't matter. But the human kingdom is really not a good place. After I came in, the cultivation has been falling."

In the heart of Yangding Tianqing, this may be the protection of the human kingdom by the **** of chaos. The small fox family of Xiaoxitian cannot stay in the human kingdom for a long time. Otherwise, I am afraid that they have really invaded.

Yang Dingtian touched the neck of the claw and said: "Have you told Yan Yan that they have gone out to do things, let them not worry."

The konjac king's claws nodded.

Yangding Tiandao: "What do you say, you can't talk."

The konjac king claws wave his paw and writes in the air.

Yangding Tiandun admits in the heart, as a flying mount, A claw really has an ideal, not only learn to understand the Chaos language, Chinese, and a small amount of English, now even write will be, no.

"Wow, this bird is so powerful, you can understand people, give me a good time?" The demon shouted.

Yangdingtian was speechless, and the konjac king's claws turned a blind eye and endured the urge to throw her down the sea.

Please, I am a konjac, not a bird.

Also, the IQ of your stupid woman is not necessarily high, I want to be my master, and be your spring and autumn dream!


Yangdingtian landed in Yunxiao City, but it could only be a short stay. Because of the secret report, the Queen of the Sea Heart was in Zhongjing. At this time, although it was with Yunjun, the goal seemed to be Yangdingtian.

The news that Queen Haixin entered the human kingdom completely aroused the shock of the entire Bright Parliament.

Almost all the masters of the bright parliament have come out of their nests, and the outer pines are tight and guarding the vital points.

And the solitary, it has been hidden and guarded in the vicinity of Yunxiao City.

Yang Dingtian is also horrified. As the queen of the snakeman empire, Haixin never left his own Kyoto. What is the reason that she came to the human kingdom.

So, Yang Dingtian, the first time, with the demon spirit, riding the konjac king, flying to the center with the fastest speed, I do not know, is the shadow in Zhongjing, or in Dongzhou?

After six Yangdingtian landed in Beijing, at this time the entire Bright Parliament headquarters was completely enemies.

When the Eastern Nirvana saw the demon spirit, he couldn’t help but see what was important. Yang Dingtian actually took it with him.

"Master, no shadow master?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"In the Yin and Yang dynasty."

Yangding Tiandao: "Go and ask him to come to Zhongjing as soon as possible. The woman around me, if there is no accident, it should be... the lover of the shadowless master."

Suddenly, the Eastern Nirvana is almost woodized.

After half an hour, Yang Dingtian was in the room and secretly met the Queen of the Sea.


Note: The next one is still tomorrow morning, thank you, by the way, please ask for two monthly passes. (To be continued.) ()

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