Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 831: The end of the soulless! Break through the half holy!

"Why, why?" Lingbi could not help but tremble: "Second-class evil spirits, why can't you give it to me?"

The peony looked at the coffin and said coldly: "We have given the second-class evil spirits to become the leader of the defensive army, and then to become the lords of the entire chaotic continent in the future, not to make your communiqué private."

Lingbi said: "That, then I don't publish private enemies. I am obeying your orders. I just don't want to keep my life and death in the hands of Yangdingtian and Wumozhi."

The peony still shook his head: "No, you have not qualified as the leader of the Destruction Army."

Lingbi tears poured out and cried: "I have, I am a heavenly master with no one in the hundreds of millions. As long as I break through the master, I have the potential to overcome the great master. As long as I break through the great master, I will destroy thousands. The power of the army, I am the one who is one of the billions."

Looking at the coffin, the peony shook his head and said: "Then you should continue to work hard to cultivate. After a few decades, when you are close to the semi-holy, there will almost be the power to destroy the land, and one can deny it. With millions of troops, you can turn things around."

Lingbi said: "But at that time, everything is over. I am more powerful and useful. I can't wait until then."

The peony looked at the coffin and never said anything.

For the ability of the celestial division, the peony is not exaggerated at all. Others even include Yangdingtian, and the power of the celestial division is underestimated. But the peony knows, and does not say semi-holy, even if it is a nine-star and nine-day celestial division, the fighting power is completely amazing.

You can summon all the energy of a few hundred miles and thousands of miles.

It means that with a wave of hand, there are hundreds of thousands of elements of the army.

An extremely powerful celestial spirit can completely dominate the entire battlefield.

The peony doesn't even know how the coffin might have the talent of the celestial spirit, in the words of the earth. She is like a bug. Of course, Peony does not understand the words of the earth.

In the post-martial civilization, there have also been people who have occasionally appeared in the talent of the heavenly master. but. At the end of his life, he is not high.

Like Lingbi, it’s just under twenty. It has arrived at the Wuzun class, which is still very rare.

It’s a pity that this girl has lost her patience and just thought about it.

In fact, for the coffin in front of you, the devil asked Tiantian already knows. The order to the peony is, don't give her evil spirits. Especially the higher evil spirits, this will strongly suppress her talent of the heavenly spirit.

Of course, she has now been planted in the body by Wu Mo to plant a fourth-class evil spirit, which will have an impact on the talent of the spiritual master, but the impact is not great, after all, the fourth-class evil spirit is dead.

Obviously, in the overall situation of the demon king asking the future to challenge the **** of chaos, the coffin must occupy a very important position.

Therefore, Peony once said to Yongshe, and asked if the spirits would be brought back to Xiaoxitian for protection.

Yongshe asked the day to say no. It is best for her to grow up. As long as she does not die, and Yang Dingtian continues to hate. It is the most important. Moreover, it is best not to be too strong now, otherwise the Yangding innocent will do everything possible to kill her.

Because, in this war of destruction, there is no room for the spirit to play. The temple of annihilation really needs to use the coffin, perhaps a long time later.

Only at this time, the coffin did not know that he was in the devil's mind, and he was resentful because of the peony's rejection.


The innocent is full of absolute uneasiness.

Peony, even to give the second-class evil spirits to the kind of innocent (grandfather's grandfather). How terrible is this?

He has no spirit, and he has finally killed this kind of parents. This species was abolished again. The reason why he did not kill is more of his kind of hatred and mischief.

then. This kind of father is the heir to the scorpion of the Lingbi Palace. What kind of scenery has it caused, and what kind of shadow has it caused to himself?

Now, let his son survive and die, and how happy it is.

However, at this time, the innocent regrets, why not kill this kind of cockroach?

In fact, when Ling Rabbit married Yang Dingtian, he thought about killing this species. But thinking, holding him in his hands is also a hostage. In case the spirit rabbit is favored, he wants to revenge the Lingbi Palace, because her grandfather is in her own hands, she will also vote for the rat.

Therefore, the grandfather of Ling Rabbit was alive from the ghost gate.

Now, the innocent is really very regrettable, why not kill that kind of cockroach.

He rushed to meet the peony, and hoarsely said: "I am going up and down the palace, and all of them are going to the devil, why the princess will give the second-class evil spirit to the traitor."

The peony slowly said: "Because in our hearts, he is the true heir to the Lingbi Palace, and you are only the villain who rebelled against the evil demon at the crucial moment of the World War."

The face of Wu Lingzi violently twitched and groaned: "But, but now the person who masters the Lingbi Palace is me. Is the Princess doing this, isn’t he afraid to push me to the side of Yangdingtian?"

Peony looked at the innocent, sneer: "The power of your Lingbi Palace is not worth mentioning in our eyes. You don't even know how powerful our corps is. You don't know the strongest of the world. The big planes have fallen into our palms, and you are not in your eyes."

Then, Peony continued: "And, in our eyes, you are not a qualified commander at all. You are as timid as a mouse, greedy and fearful of death. In the face of Yangdingtian, it is so weak. You said that the Lingbi Palace is in you. In the hands, as long as we give the second-class evil spirits a pathless, and then kill you, no way can become the new spiritual palace, isn't it? I think your reputation in the Lingbi Palace is not good. ”

The innocent face suddenly changed.

Peony suddenly said the most terrible scene in his heart, his red face was instantly pale.

Then, his eyes changed brightly, and finally he said coldly: "The princess is now in our coffin palace, you are so persecuted, not afraid of the dog rushing to the wall, and hurting it?"

Peony smiled and said: "You mean, kill me?"

No spirits tremble: "I didn't say that."

The beautiful face of the peony reveals a very beautiful smile, saying: "You mean. Kill me, then cooperate with Yangdingtian?"

The ignorant lips tremble constantly, saying: "I didn't say that. But don't force a person to the road."

The peony looks cold. Cold: "You, can you kill me? You can't kill me with everyone in the Lingbi Palace. Instead, we want to kill you, it's easy!"

The innocent trembled fiercely, and the whole person seemed to have been pulled out of the skeleton and almost fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the innocent slammed down and bowed: "Please ask the princess to look at my dizziness. Forgive my disrespectful sin. Two hundred years ago, I was confused and made a rebellion. The demon road is a matter. Please spare me a life, spare me a life, do cows and horses in the future, and devote all loyalty to the demon king, please spare me a life!"

Then, the innocent man desperately hoes, the white fat forehead, instant bleeding. The fairy charm of the crane hair. Completely disappeared.

Peony looked at him coldly and said: "Reassured, we will not kill you. You can make you sin."

The innocent crying desperately, trembled: "Thank you, thank you Princess, thank you Devil!"

Peony's heart is also really greatly admired. There are even so many wonderful things in this world. One and a half of the holy powers, one of the five and half holy powers in the human kingdom, is so guilty and so greedy. Reality is rare in the world.

The peony looked at the innocent man lying on the ground and mocked him. Turned away and left.

Without the spirit, he fell to the ground directly. There is a word in my mouth: "What should I do? What should I do?"


In a cave, the peony saw the true heir of the Lingbi Palace.

The people of Lingbi Palace are surnamed spirits, but every generation of the lord of the palace is rumored to have no surname. Only after the innocently seized the position of the palace, the tradition was broken, so although the position of the palace owner gave the Lingchuzi, the Lingchuzi still surnamed the spirit.

The innocent is also hesitating, when there is no such surname, whether or not to pass to the coffin.

It has been more than half a year since Lingshan was married.

Nothing is still alive, his sea is abolished, and the veins are also abolished. It seems that he will die at any time, but he has such a strong vitality.

He is only a younger generation than the innocent, and this year is also a hundred and a hundred years old, and he was imprisoned for several decades. It’s a miracle that I haven’t died yet.

At that time, after the innocent position, there was no immediate killing of the innocent parents. But gradually waited until the power was stable, and then lifted the butcher knife, and continued, killing almost all the rumors of the Lingbi Palace.

Peony looked at his incomparably old and weak figure and asked, "Why are you able to live to the present?"

No way to cough, like a lung to cough up, exhausted all efforts: "Because, because the Wuzizi gave me a life-saving Dan every year, using the living man to make the drug, he, he is not willing I am dying, I have torturing me all the time."

Peony said: "What was it before you were repaired and destroyed?"

No way to fierce coughing: "At the time... when my parents were killed, they killed me and escaped from the Lingbi Palace. Then I practiced outside and gave birth to children outside. I tried hard to cultivate myself. Powerful is to revenge, in order to regain the position of the Lingbi Palace, when my children and grandchildren are full, when I am over a hundred years old, I am also a master of nine stars and nine, and I am afraid of the innocent. Even though I am anonymous, he still found it. I almost killed my full door, abolished my cultivation, and took my remaining bloodline, and took it back to the Lingbi Palace. I was killed in the face of my face and killed by the most cruel means. For decades, I have only left me and my poor little granddaughter rabbit."

The nine-star and nine-time masters are only one step away from the semi-sheng, which is equivalent to the cultivation of Zhu Qing.

It is no wonder that the innocent can't sit still, and he never leaves the Lingbi Palace, and he has gone tens of thousands of miles to remove the innocent.

Peony said: "I am the princess peony of the Demon Temple. If I let you recover, you will be rescued from hell. Are you willing to be loyal to me and loyal to the Temple of Destruction?

The old man has no way, and he coughs desperately: "I, my sacred palace is a vein, and I am loyal to the temple of annihilation. I am not willing to say it."

"That's good, please remember, once I give you the second-class evil spirit energy, your life and death are all in my hands." Peony Road.

The old man has no way to say: "If there is hate in the heart, life and death have long been set aside."

"Okay, I hope you can remember this." Peony Road.

Then, a green tree of first-class evil spirits slowly grows from the palm of your hand.

On the first branch, there is already a face, which is cold and proud, and the remaining four branches are all empty.

The peony pulled the second branch of the evil spirits and gently dragged it.

In an instant, this second-class evil spirit is suddenly stretched.

"Oh..." The branches of the second-class evil spirits were thrown into the head of the innocent.

In an instant, the second-class evil spirits are inextricably swayed into the innocent head.

His entire old head is unrecognizable, releasing a ray of light.

Then, his face is changing, the old wrinkles like bark are gone, and the smooth and compact skin and muscles grow out quickly.

The old, withered white hair quickly became black and shiny.

The incomparably old, almost invisible face, instantly became rich and handsome, young and infinite.

The teeth that have already been lost, one by one, all grow out.

Then, countless second-class evil spirits rushed to his body.

Dry and dry like a tree, quickly become strong and full.

The ruined mysterious vein was repaired in an inch.

The ruined sea of ​​gas was filled one by one.

"Boom, bang, bang..."

Then, the giant mountain where he is located began to completely collapse.

The giant mountain of a few kilometers has disappeared instantly.

Then, the entire Lingbi Palace, and even the entire Nanbanzhou, began to tremble fiercely.

On the surrounding sea, there was a tsunami in the sky.

Countless black scorpions, as if they were terribly scared, like a black cloud, ran wildly.

The seabed around Nanmanzhou was inherently fragile. At this time, it caused even a huge seabed earthquake. The terrible tsunami frantically went in all directions.

At the same time, all the mysterious energy within a few hundred miles, frantically poured into the innocent dry body.

At this time, no heaven and earth devour the second-class evil spirits, which is ten times and a hundred times more cold and arrogant.

Because his original body was repaired as a nine-star and nine-time master, it is a hundred times and a thousand times cold and arrogant.

Not far from the foothills of the mountains, watching the thousands of mountains collapsed completely. His face is completely desperate.

After the entire mountain collapsed completely, it became a flat place.

One man and one woman stand among them.

The woman is a peony.

The male, the rich and beautiful, the awe-inspiring, is the true rumored heir to the Lingbi Palace, no way.

A new half-sacred, born from now! (To be continued) r655()

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