Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 832: Emperor's release, etc., repaired into madness! No way to meet!

What is evil spirit?

This is a very, very important issue for Yangdingtian.

At present, the evil spirit energy has two main characteristics.

The first feature can be a mad breakthrough in the short-term.

The second characteristic is that it is a complete life with a near-perverted vitality.

Moreover, according to the analysis of the situation in which many people activate evil spirits to become powerful.

First of all, it is not the evil spirits that carry such tremendous energy that Wu Ningming can break through the semi-sanctification from the great masters of Jiuxing and Jiu, and can let Leng Ao break through from the lower masters to the nine-star and nine-class masters. But in the moment when the evil spirits are parasitic in the body, they madly devour all the energy around them. In a short and short time, they devour the astronomical energy of the astronomical numbers, build the whole sea of ​​gas, and in a short time, carry out amazing Repair as a breakthrough.

So, go deeper and analyze. The two characteristics of evil spirits are that they are almost immortal and have powerful phagocytic power.

And what is certain is that before the last World War, it seems that there is no evil spirit energy. At that time, the soul of the soul is the most evil high energy of the entire demon road.

Until recently, the energy of evil spirits has flooded the world.

So can you speculate that the devil is the first owner of this evil spirit? Moreover, he regards the evil spirit energy as the killer of the **** of chaos. For this reason, he even lost his battle in the end of the world war?

Yang Dingtian clearly knows that he wants to defeat the devil to ask the sky and want to completely destroy the entire demon road.

Understanding the mastery of evil spirits and ultimately destroying evil spirits is the key.


In the Lingbi Palace, the second half of the Holy Power appeared.

However, the Lingbi Palace did not have a bit of joy, but fell into extreme uneasiness.

The innocent seems to have become a tortoise. I stayed in my own grass, did not say anything, did not do anything, and did not say anything to the princess peony.

The same is true for the coffin, who stays in his room all the time. No one step.

All the masters of the entire Lingbi Palace are in a state of uneasiness.

Everyone is watching, everyone does not dare to act rashly, and even dare not speak loudly.

There is no more than two hundred years old, and Jiwei has been around for a long time. And now all the masters of the innocent, all the disciples, all born in the age of innocence.

Therefore, I know something about the innocent niche. But it doesn't feel anything.

Although it is known that the innocent represents the energy of the Lingbi Palace, everyone in the Lingbi Palace has no special feelings for him.

The only thing that is there is the complex emotions of the Lingbi Palace to the innocent. Of course, this complex emotion is more of fear and dissatisfaction.

After the no-brain broke through the semi-sanctification, there was no move, and there was no direct search for revenge for the innocent, and no one who had plucked the Lingbi Palace. It seems to be still transparent.

However, it is no longer imprisoned in the cave as before. Living a life that is not as good as death.

Today, no matter where he walks in the Lingbi Palace, almost everyone is retreating, fearful and respectful!

In any case, no word at this time has directly become the second person of the Lingbi Palace, second only to the innocent. and. It is very possible to go straight back and recapture his own position.


"His Royal Highness, what should I do now?" No way.

Peony said: "You don't need to do anything now. When you want to do something, you will tell you."

No way to swear: "Yes. Her Royal Highness."

Peony slightly sideways: "So, I am leaving."

"Congratulations to His Royal Highness Princess." No way.

The peony took the cold and proud and left the Lingbi Palace.

Leng Ao asked: "This third second-class evil spirit, who do we give?"

Peony said: "You will know when you see it."


Five days later, Yangdingtian took a konjac and returned to the head hall of the mainland.

Because in a few days, the Guangming Parliamentary Training Group ended the first level of cultivation, and in the floating temple at the end of the First World, everyone will face a powerful breakthrough.

In fact, the first hard rock continent is the simplest, but the breakthrough is almost the biggest.

One day and two nights, Yangdingtian appeared in the head hall.

At this time, the forty members of the bright parliamentary powerhouse who are suffering in the hall are still in good condition. Although they are already tired to the extreme, almost everyone has lost weight, and everyone’s face is extremely Tired, even desperate.

But at least no one has fallen into the deep space in the illusion.

Four days later!

Sure enough, this group of the emperor's interpretation, Ling Wu, Wu Mozhi, took the lead to reach the end of the first world.

Because, Yang Dingtian saw an expression of incomparable enjoyment in them, the feeling of being baptized with incomparable richness.

At the same time, in reality, the dome of the skull hall suddenly shot several powerful energy beams directly into the body of three people.

This should be the secret of the floating mysterious atmosphere in the illusion.

In the taboo mainland illusion, those floating temples have a pure and mysterious concentration. In fact, in reality, there is such an amazing sigh of temperament, providing a breakthrough for everyone.

However, it is amazing that these mysterious spirits are so accurately injected into everyone's body.

Soon after, the group where the Eastern Nirvana was located also entered the floating temple.

Next, the third group, the fourth group, the fifth group...

Eventually, on the twenty-fifth day of entering the taboo of the mainland, the final group also reached the end.

Now Yangdingtian can be sure that there will be floating temples at the end of the northern part of the hard rock continent. There is definitely more than one.

While they swallowed Xuan in the floating temple, Yangdingtian stared at everyone's reaction and calculated the number of times they broke.

The first is the emperor's release. When he leaves the ghostly land, he is a seven-star and eight-class master. At this time, it has been more than a year since the cultivation of the Netherland, before the taboo of the mainland. Her cultivation is already a nine-star first-class master.

Yang Dingtian noticed that this time the taboo of the mainland's first hard rock plain, she broke through twice, so at this time she is already a nine-star third-class master.

Wu Mozhi, when he left the Netherland, was a seven-star master, and he was forbidden before the illusion of the mainland. It is an eight-star and eight-class master.

After the end of Hard Rock, he broke through four times, so this time he is already a nine-star second-class master.

Before Ling Wu came to taboo the mainland illusion, she was an eight-star and nine-class master. She also broke through four times, so it was already a nine-star third-class master.

There is also the master of the East, when the body is cold and dusty, it is only a junior master.

In these years, his business was extremely busy, and his time spent on cultivation was very small. But from his resurrection. Almost three years have elapsed. Before he came to the taboo of the mainland, his cultivation was a five-time master of Samsung.

The first practice of hard rock mainland, he made him break through twice and became a five-star first-class master.

Of course, there is also good news, that is, the Qiu Wan robbery has already broken through the nine-star and nine masters, only half a step away from the big master, probably after leaving the taboo mainland fantasy. Yangdingtian can directly let him break through to become a master.

As for the others, after the first round of hard rock continent cultivation. All have a huge breakthrough.

I believe that after the end of the four-level cultivation of the taboos, the entire Guangming Parliament will have several major division-level powerhouses.


After everyone had broken through, they had a long illusion of fantasy and then entered the second world, the magma plain, a magma plain with hundreds of thousands of miles.

This is the level. It should be the most difficult one. And the ice master has played a vital role in this.

Of course, only half of the ice-powered strongmen in the high-ranking parliament are not there. Therefore, the second level of cultivation. It is impossible to completely rely on the solidified magma of the ice master to make roads, and the fire system can not lose the opportunity to cultivate.

Therefore, the Bright Council spent nearly astronomical figures on the Sky Magic City and purchased many ice-based metaphors.

Although there is no such thing as the electric system, the price of each ice system is also astronomical. Moreover, the utilization rate of Xuanqi is quite quite low. In order to ensure the success of the second pass, Yangdingtian had to prepare a lot of non-freezing water for the firepower.

Then, the energy of the ice-based metaphor is used to maintain the temperature of the unfrozen water, and then the non-freezing water is used to infiltrate the solidified magma.

The whole process, the mysteriousness of the talents of the fire system, is a huge waste.

But this is cultivation and not afraid of waste.

At the beginning of the magma plain, Yangdingtian clearly saw the pain and hardship of all people.

At the beginning, it was completely sweaty, and then there was no sweat at all. It is not timely to supplement the medicinal herbs, not to run the mysterious gas to resist the terrible high temperature, they will almost dehydrate and die soon.

It was only prepared very well after all, so it looked very amazing, but after all, there was no danger.

And after three days, almost a dozen groups of cultivation have fallen into a steady progress.

The three days at this time are equivalent to one month.

The emperor's interpretation, Wu Mozhi and Ling Wu three, is the best situation, and others have lost a lot.

The second off the magma plain full hundreds of thousands of miles. At that time, Yang Dingtian, the team of Konjac King and Lingbi, walked for a year in the taboo of the mainland, but in reality, it was also about a month.

Obviously, these dozens of groups are probably this time, maybe earlier.

Yang Dingtian stayed in the head hall for three or four days. Seeing that more than a dozen groups were still in a state of steady cultivation, Yang Dingtian once again left the head hall and returned to Zhongjing!

Two days and one night later, Yang Dingtian just arrived in Zhongjing soon, and he saw a handsome middle-aged man.

"Lord Yang Dingtian, there is no way in the Lingbi Palace, come to visit!"


At the same time, Peony found the third evil spirit giver.


Note: Next, tomorrow noon, thank you all! Please ask for a monthly pass! (To be continued...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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