Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 847: Ling dance kiss! Ji Ya gave birth!

In the second half of the cultivation.

Among the 39 high-level parliamentary high-level leaders headed by Qin Wanqiu, Duan Yi, Shi Niang, and Zhu Hongxue, there are a total of seven high-level leaders who broke through the Grand Master.

Although not as big as the above one, it is also expected within Yangdingtian.

In this great practice, Qin Wanqiu broke through the seven-star Grand Master from the Seven Star Grand Master and once again replaced the Eastern Nirvana and became the third master of the Bright Parliament.

Ning is not a dead elder, but from the five-star and nine major masters, broke through the eight-star master! It may be because the age is too big, and the strength is not strong, so the total breakthrough is not big.

Duan Yi, originally a master of nine stars and nine, her personality is extremely tough, and her heart is extremely strong, plus the addition of evil spirits.

This time, she directly broke through the masters of Jiuxing and Jiu, and went straight to the six stars and nine great masters! The level of breakthrough is completely staggering, and it is one of the most outstanding people in the second half of cultivation. The characters close to her, such as Yuncai Lin, were originally the masters. In the first half of the cultivation, they only broke through the four-star and five-level masters, but they were behind the Duan.

Another surprise is to wish red snow.

Although he lost an arm, it seems to be the beginning of his rebirth.

Before he came to the taboo of the mainland, he was already a four-star master. After the cultivation here, he directly rose to the nine-star and four-class masters. I believe that in the near future, the Guangming Parliament will have one more master.

In this cultivation, there is still a surprise, it is actually a teacher.

Shi Niang was originally the standard of the five-star master. Perhaps she saw the baby Yang Yi being robbed, so once she started to taboo the mainland, she would work hard. Power yourself, for the sake of protecting the babies of Yangdingtian in the future.

Therefore, after the end of the cultivation, she went directly to the Jiuxing and Sixth Masters, and is not far from the Grand Master.

Another important person is the cloud pool. The current owner of Yuntiange, the master of Yun Cailin.

She was originally a master of nine stars and eight, and this time she broke directly into the first class of Samsung.

Kwai Ching of the City of the Earth, the results of this cultivation are somewhat unsatisfactory.

Originally a star and eight masters, and after the end of cultivation, it was a five-star and six-class master. Perhaps her original initiative is not big.

Instead, it is the mother of Kwai Ning. The wife of Kwai Si, who was once a stalker of the demon road.

She seems to be sighing with a sigh of relief, and she has soared directly from the masters of one star and nine to the masters of Qixingjiu.

There is another important person, Song Wei!

He lost a leg, this time with a fake leg into the taboo of the mainland fantasy cultivation.

Before the cultivation, he was a two-star and five-class master! He also sighed with anger and was strong. I personally reported to Tiemu Pear a one-legged revenge.

However, perhaps he is too embarrassed. Too much to win.

Therefore, his cultivation achievements can only be regarded as general. From the two stars and five major masters, they broke through to the five-star first-class master.


In short, after this great practice, the Guangming Parliament has a total of 20 major masters. There are also seven or eight quasi-masters.

So now the Bright Council, the number of masters is more than 30 people. In the future in a few years, the number of big masters in the Bright Council will exceed 40.

In the human kingdom. In the number of top players, it has already surpassed the Nether Sea and the Lingbi Palace.

Now, Yang Dingtian finally understands why there are more than 20 masters in the Netherland, because before it was completely a cultivation resource that monopolized the entire taboo of the mainland.

In the coming year, I finally accumulated more than 20 masters.

But after all, it is only the power of the one-sided side. On the basis of the huge base, it is still not as good as the Bright Parliament.

Therefore, the Guangming Parliament has only one major practice, and there are 20 more masters.

Now, the Bright Council is only a semi-classical superpower than the Lingbi Palace, the Snake Empire, and the Nether Sea.

At present, this hope falls on the top of the Yangding Tian and the emperor. Both of them have hope to break through the semi-sacred in a short time!

Once Yang Ding Tian and Emperor Shibian have broken through the semi-holy!

Then, the Bright Council will take an aggressive attack directly before the World War!

The Lingbi Palace, the Snake Empire and the Nether Sea were all taken down.

In the end, the power of the whole world will be completely unified, and the demon king will be confronted with the destruction of the world.


The entire major cultivation lasted for nearly half a year.

And Wu Ningming, the time of Ling Dance, is finally coming.

Obviously, Wu Youming has long avoided this so-called farewell. When Yangdingtian flew out of the head hall, he has disappeared!

Yangding Tianchao Ling Dance said: "Now, you can help you break through the Grand Master."

Ling dance nodded.

Before, Yangdingtian wanted to use the Xuanhuo lightning to help Ling Dance truly break through the Grand Master. She refused, saying that she would wait until the cultivation is over and it is time to separate.

Now, it is time to separate.

For Xuanhuo lightning to bombard the sea of ​​force, forcibly let the sea rise, break through the big master, Yangdingtian has been fully familiar with it.

Ling dance is beautiful and unparalleled in the air.

"Ready." Yang Dingtian asked.

"Ready." Ling dance.

Yangding Tianzhu brews enough Xuanhuo energy.

The left hand, the chaotic property of the billion spirits fluttering out, the right hand, the chaotic nature of the demon spirits fluttering out.

Two mysterious fires slammed into the sky above the head of Ling Dance and gently hit them together.

Suddenly, a huge bolt of lightning slammed down from the top of Ling Dance.

In an instant, a burst of brilliance, the entire sea, bright as white.

After a while, the light dissipated.

Ling Dance is safe and sound, not to mention physical injury, even a hair is not burning.

Then the whole person is completely immersed in the enormous energy.

The sea of ​​air is constantly expanding, exploding, and nothingness.

In the end, Ling Wu Xiu was directly fixed on the two stars and five major masters.

In the past three years, she was unable to break through the Grand Master. In less than half a year, she broke through to the two stars and five great masters.

In this big practice. The number one in the results should be her. The second-class evil spirits are really against the sky.


“How are you feeling?” Yang Dingtian asked.

Ling dance face slightly reddish, said: "Before, suffered from the second-class evil spirits, this time directly broke through the Grand Master. Instantly filled all the evil spirits. Feeling incomparable satisfaction, incomparable happiness. Even in During this time, I can't feel the existence of evil spirits."

Yangding Tian smiled: "It may be full, so I fell asleep."

Ling Wu said: "Probably, I hope it will wake up later. In the next few years, there will be no black fire. I can't feed it."

Yangding Tiandao: "Next, where are you going?"

Ling Wu said: "Big brother said, I want to take me to some secrets! Yes, after I have been to those secrets, I will tell you the methods of cultivation and the location of the secret, you also organize the masters of the bright parliament to try. ”

Yangding Tiandao: "That is good."

Ling Wu said: "Then, the older brother said that he would take me to the edge of the chaotic world, where almost all humans have not been to."

Yangding nodded.

Two people suddenly fell silent.

Yangding Tiandao: "That's good. Go! The Nether Brother should wait impatiently."

Ling Wu stood in the same place, raised his eyes and smiled: "Yang Zongzhu. You don't try to invite me to stay? Bright Parliament, now very lacking."

Yangding Tiandao: "I will let you stay, you will not stay. Moreover, Wu Youming should need you more."

Ling dance smiled and then said to himself: "When you are strong, you will find out how ridiculous you are in the past. Sometimes you have a low self-esteem. It will really destroy a person."

This sentence is the truth that has been verified countless times.

Even in the real world, whether it is a man or a woman, when he fails, all negative emotions will come up. Because of inferiority, it leads to extreme sensitivity and narrowness, even to the persecutors, as well as extreme self-respect and so on.

And once this person is successful and confident, then all these negative things will vanish.

In fact, such an emotion can not be avoided even in Yang Tianding. When he was driven out of the Yinyangzong by the Oriental Ice Ling, he was also bullied by Yunxiao City. His heart was filled with negative emotions. If it wasn’t because Ximen Ningning used gentleness and inclusiveness to protect him for that period of time, at least that time’s Yangdingtian also It will be narrow and extreme.

"Okay, you close your eyes." Ling dance.

"This, this is not good." Yangding Tiandao.

"You are such annoying, do you know?" Ling dance.

Yangdingtian closed his eyes awkwardly.

A scent is approaching, Ling Dance's unique direction, swaying the nose.

"After I really find myself, I will prove my value to you." Ling dance is in the top of the sky, one word at a time.

Then, the bright and soft lips of Hongyan, printed a sip on the cheek of Yangdingtian, and kissed the water.

Then she drifted away quickly.

Yangding Tianyi opened her eyes and she has disappeared into the field of vision.


Yangdingtian wants to lead everyone back to Zhongjing.

And without shadow and demon spirit, we must officially leave the head hall.

It is not that Yang Dingtian does not want to occupy this skull hall, but the strength is not enough now.


After returning to Zhongjing!

Yangding Tian first used Xuanhuo Lightning to help seven people in the second half of the practice break through the Grand Master.

Then, completely hand over all the affairs of the Guangming Parliament to many high-level In the next time, he and the emperor and the two sides, they must try their best to break through the semi-sanctification.

The most direct way is to find the fifth stage of killing the sword!

So next, Yang Dingtian and Emperor Shibian, are going to the mysterious and dangerous void borders of this world!

It is the place where Ning Wuming and others are hunting the magic spirit!

There, while practicing, while looking for the trajectory of the vain.

Just when Yangdingtian was about to depart, the messenger from the Xiaoxitian Shadow Ge family and the demon patriarch appeared in front of Yangdingtian.

"Ji Ya is about to produce in the pot, life is dangerous, please go to Mr. Jiang Shang!"


Note: Brothers, please pay attention to the monthly guarantee ticket in your hands, thank you! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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