Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 848: Save Ji Ya! Against the sky baby!

Yangding Tian was shocked!

The enchanting cockroach has been pregnant for nearly two years, only to give birth to Yang Yi, and Ji Ya is only about nine months pregnant, but now it has to be produced, and even life is dying?

What is the reason for this?

Is this a strategy? It will be a plan to fool Yangdingtian to Xiaoxitian. . 23[wx]

However, Yang Dingtian quickly denied this possibility. Yang Dingtian is now a master of nine stars and nine, but whether it is owned by Yongshe or under the umbrella of Enchanted II, there are a lot of half. Strong people above the holy level, really want to do anything about Yangdingtian, and there is no need to lie.

Yang Dingtian asked the messenger: "Why is Ji Ya giving birth, why is there a danger to life?"

The messenger said: "When Mr. Jiang Shang went, he will know."

Yang Dingtian wants to say a word, what if I don't go? But he still can't say such a thing, although he and Ji Ya did not have any feelings before, but the children in her stomach, after all, is Yangdingtian.

Therefore, after a little hesitation, Yangdingtian decided to go to Xiaoxitian!


After a brief explanation, Yangdingtian followed the enemies of Enchanted II and went to the taboo of the mainland waters, passing through the head hall and going to Xiaoxitian!

After entering the Xiaoxitian plane, Yangdingtian’s body changed quickly again, from the appearance of human beings to the appearance of the non-language Jiang Shang.

Then, the gaze of the wrathful messenger was filled with infinite shock and admiration.

At this time, Yangdingtian suddenly grasped it. Perhaps in the eyes of this messenger, Mr. Jiang Shang is not a fake, but really not a language. On the contrary, Yang Dingtian’s identity is a singularity of the non-language Jiang Shang. This non-language is very powerful. Entering Xiaoxitian is not a language family and enters the human kingdom. It is the appearance of human beings.

Unlike the demon fox family, since Xi Xitian entered the human kingdom, it has been degraded.

Sitting on the gorgeous flying carriage, Yang Dingtian and others flew in the direction of Yindu.

Flying less than 10,000 miles, through the Shadows, a beautiful middle-aged woman appeared in front of Yangdingtian, and the beautiful face was full of anxiety.

"You. Are you Mr. Jiang Shang?" Middle-aged woman.

Yangding Tianyi, and then saw some shadows of Ji Ya and the enchanting on the face of this middle-aged beautiful woman, they know that this may be their cheap mother.

It’s just very strange. I’ve never seen her appear in Xiaoxitian.

"I am the mother of Ji Ya." The middle-aged beautiful woman said: "I have been practicing in Jingjing before, so Mr. Jiang Shang has not seen me."

Oh, no wonder!

In Jingjing Temple, it is a fashion in Xiaoxitian, and it is more like a higher aristocrat in philosophy. A gold plating in aesthetics. The equivalent of alternative meditation, originally the behavior of wise men and artists, was later highly regarded by many nobles and turned into a very flashy move.

However, no matter how flashy, this practice is very bitter.

The time of practice is basically in the form of several years and decades.

Basically, the longer it takes to practice hard inside. After this person came out, the more he was sought after by the nobility.

And this is his cheap mother-in-law. Obviously it took a long time to practice.

"Mr. Jiang Shang, Ji Ya can serve you, so I am very proud and proud." Cheap mother-in-law said: "Now, she has to give birth to your blood descendants, life is dying, I hope you can use the supreme wisdom. Save her life. Disciple, beg here."

Then, this cheap mother-in-law, actually paid for it.

Yangdingtian quickly assisted her.

This cheap mother-in-law seems to really not know her true identity. It is also like the other noble aristocrats, full of respect and fanaticism for the non-language. So even though she is a mother-in-law, she does not have a little elder attitude. Instead, she puts herself in a very low position and screams her disciples.

Such a person should be the fool of the enchanting and the singer, and the stupid aristocrat of the fox family, thoroughly washed away by art, aesthetics, philosophy, etc.

However, Yang Dingtian has a certain affection for her.

The brain is simple, always better than treacherous.


After flying for nearly 20,000 miles, Yangdingtian once again set foot on the land of Yindu.

In the first time, I saw the eager anger of the Second World.

At this point, his swindlers have all disappeared, and all his faces are worried about fear. When he sees Yang Dingtian, he grabs his arm and drags it into the silver palace.

His wife was nervous in the back: "French, husband, let go, let go, don't disrespect Mr. Jiang Shang!"

Enchanted II glanced at her, then directly pulled Yangdingtian into his carriage, and then quickly flew toward the silver palace.

"I will say a word, if you can't save the lively, you will die in the silver palace and be buried with Ji Ya." Enchanted II directly smashed the railroad.

Yangding Tiandao: "I am not sure, even I don't know what is going on, I don't know how to save it?"

"I don't care." Enchanted II screamed: "In any case, Ji Ya is dead, and you are following death. If it weren't for you, how could she die?"

In fact, Yangding genius is the one who is forced to push. However, at this time Yang Dingtian did not say such a thing.

Moreover, at this time, when he saw the anger and anger, he felt a little more affection for him.

Above this interest, the sinister sinister politician, only at this time, has some human taste.

"I will do my best." Yangding Tiandao: "Although, I don't know what to do."


Soon, Yangdingtian once again entered the silver palace.

I saw the eternal question.

"You have finally arrived, and finally came." Yongshe asked Heaven: "It doesn't matter if it is useful, you finally haven't come late."

Yangdingtian is going to salute, and Yongshe waved his hand and said: "Go in, go in."

Enchanted II, without saying anything, directly dragged Yangdingtian to the red leaf palace.

Just approaching, Yangdingtian heard the screams of incomparable pain.

It was the scream of Ji Ya, and it was full of desperation and painful screams.

It’s a frightening war.

After the Enraged II heard it. The muscles of the entire face are twitching, and they slammed the inside of Yangding Tianwang: "You save her, or you die."

Then he left quickly.

It seems that every scream of Ji Ya is unbeatable to him.

Listening to the screams of screaming exhaustion. Yangdingtian walked into the red palace.

The cheap mother-in-law behind her also rushed over.

But when it was about to surpass Yang Dingtian, she immediately stopped, letting one side, bending over and let Yangdingtian go first.

This woman is really brainwashed.

Yangdingtian also had no time to sigh, three steps and two steps, rushed into the palace.


Very beautiful and comfortable in the palace. Above the soft bed, Ji Ya, who is covered in a big belly, is suffering from tremendous pain.

On the edge of the big bed, there are more than a dozen maids standing.

On the bedside, four white-haired demon fox female elders, they are the best female doctors of the entire demon fox family.

But in the face of the situation, they have nothing to do.

because. All the foxes have been at least a few hundred years old when they are waiting for their offspring. The repairs are all very high. There will be no dystocia, or a dangerous situation.

Therefore, the situation that Ji Ya faced at this time was something they had never seen before.

After seeing the horror of Ji Ya, the cheap mother-in-law finally forgot the enthusiasm for the non-language Jiang Shang and rushed over. Tightly grasping the hand of Ji Ya, crying: "My baby, my baby, what's wrong with you, don't scare me. Don't scare me..."

At this time, the beautiful face of Ji Ya has been so pale that there is no trace of blood.

At the corner of the eye, even a slight crack has appeared, and the corners of the mouth are constantly overflowing with blood.

Her pain at this time is completely unbearable. The eyeballs are also full of bloodshot eyes, and the whole person has been tortured to the limit.

After seeing Yangdingtian, she had already suffered from the extreme eyelids. There was a hopeful light, and she cried: "French, save me, save me... it hurts, it hurts..."

For the first time, she was called Yangdingtian. For the first time, she was full of weakness and full of dependence and emotion.

Yang Dingtian also put aside her framed and ruthlessness. She grabbed her hand and asked the female elder: "What happened?"

"The wife has been hurt for nine days and nine nights, and she can't live." The female elder is extremely weak.

Nine days and nine nights? Yangding Tiantian shudders, if it is replaced by humans, it has long been completely dead.

"Why can't you live?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"I don't know." The female elder cried: "We really don't know, please Daxian Shi forgiveness."

Yangding Tiandao: "There is a caesarean section, open the stomach directly, and take it out from inside."

Despite this plane, there is no anti-inflammatory needle and no antibiotics. However, the yangding days are hard, and with the repair of Ji Ya, the absolute problem of caesarean section is not big. After the operation, she will be given a holy water medicine.

Yangdingtian did not hesitate to take out the sword directly and prepare for caesarean section.

At this time, a minute of delay is dangerous.

Because, Ji Yamei's vitality has become weaker and weaker.

“No, no...” Ji Ya cried: “It’s a baby, the baby is not willing to come out. Every time I want to live, he will try to toss in his stomach. You, if you have a laparotomy, he will toss me away. Life..."

Sure enough, the sword of Yangdingtian has just been pulled out.

In the stomach of Ji Ya, suddenly there was a fierce surge.

The baby is inside and has made a fierce resistance.

"Ah...ah..." Ji Ya made a very screaming scream, and a blood came out directly.

The vitality in the eyelids, like a flame, is so fast that it is about to disappear.

Yangdingtian was shocked!

It’s really the baby’s rebellion, and it’s clear that it’s ripe, but it’s not willing to come out.

Moreover, he can still feel the world outside, when Yang Dingtian pulled out the sword to cut abdomen, he actually made the most intense reaction.

Yangding Tiandun looked at Ji Yawang for an incredible look.

Semi-God descendants? Actually, it turned out to be so bad!

The baby inside this belly is even more demon than the performance of the baby.

Ji Ya suddenly looked at Yang Dingtian in a complicated way, and smiled: "Maybe, perhaps only if I die, he will be forced to come out."

Leave the baby, sacrifice Ji Ya?

This is actually the most favorable for Yangdingtian, but at this time he definitely does not want to see this situation, even if Ji Ya and him are more like enemies than lovers.

At this time, his heart was instinctively pity for this woman who had given birth.

"He, he is constantly consuming my energy, constantly devours..." Ji Yaqi said: "Before, it was only a slight swallow. When it was time to produce, he had already swallowed up my energy. ”

Yang Dingtian immediately went to feel the air of Ji Ya, and it was clearly felt that the repair of Ji Ya was flying fast, and the stream continued to flow to the baby in the abdomen.

Before Ji Ya is very strong, half-san.

Nowadays, her cultivation is not as good as Yangdingtian.

And the key, the baby in the abdomen devours energy, not for the so-called cultivation, but for the instinct of survival. Because, at this time, he is actually out of the mother, but he is not willing to come out of his mother's stomach.

In this way, Ji Ya really will die.

Because, there is no way to stop the baby in the abdomen.

"Let others input energy, maintain the baby's devouring..." Yangding Tiandao, this will allow Ji Ya to survive temporarily.

Otherwise, at this rate, no more than half a day, Ji Ya will be cut off.

"No, no.... Someone has done it, and the baby only swallows my energy." Ji Yayi said: "The energy of anyone else, he does not care."

Yangding Tiandun was silent.

Perhaps, the baby is also willing to devour his own energy. Because, he has a general blood in his body, from himself.

However, Yangdingtian is a great master of nine stars and nine, and in a short period of time, it must break through the semi-sacred.

If the baby is swallowed up by his own energy, then the repair is like a running back, and the consequences are fatal.

Moreover, paying such a huge price is just a matter of saving Ji Ya. This woman can be regarded as her own enemy is more than a lover.

Therefore, if you are sensible, Yangdingtian must not let this half-descent baby devour his energy and maintain his survival in his stomach.

However, Yangdingtian is usually irrational.

Although Ji Ya is an enemy, but also framed himself. However, let her eyes die in front of her, and there are still their own children in the stomach, Yang Dingtian can not do.

Take a deep breath, Yang Dingtian put his hand on Ji Ya's big belly, slowly input a mysterious energy.

During the time, Ji Yamei showed an unbelievable light.

Her heart is very clear, in front of this Jiang Shang, hate himself into the bones, more than once, twice hurt him. Of course, he is not Jiang Shang, it is hard to say.

Suddenly, Ji Ya’s heart seemed to be hit by some special soft energy.

Then, when I entered the mysterious energy in Yangdingtian, the magical thing happened, and the baby who was constantly tossing in the moment was quiet.


Note: Boss, please pay attention to the monthly ticket, please! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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