Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 849: Fu Jun, let's get together! Half holy road!

When I entered the mysterious energy in Yangdingtian, the magical thing happened. The baby who was constantly tossing in the moment was quiet. [

Then, the baby began to greedily absorb the energy input by Yangdingtian.

Ji Ya suddenly, out of the bitter sea!

Just when Yangding was bitterly feeling that his cultivation began to flow, the baby inside suddenly stopped.

Then, he began to calm down, and even Yang Dingtian could feel it. He erected his ears inside and felt everything outside.

Yang Dingtian carefully climbed down and put his ear on Ji Ya’s belly.

The baby inside, gently topped the top of Ai's belly.

Yang Dingtian reached out and gently stroked the position of the baby's top.

Then, the baby tops another one.

Yang Dingtian reached out and touched that place.

Next, the baby seems to be happy, and the same game as Yangdingtian, no more crazy to absorb the energy of Ji Ya.

And out of the pain of Ji Ya, suddenly felt like in heaven.

Watching Yangdingtian playing games with her belly and baby, her tears rushed out, and the feeling of heart and happiness almost instantly defeated everything.

At this time, Yangdingtian seems to be able to understand the idea of ​​this half-god baby in the belly.

He felt very safe and comfortable in his mother's stomach. There is no sense of security for the outside world, so he is not willing to come out.

In fact, in the era of the earth, every baby is like this. Everything must be done in the mother's stomach, and even resisted, such as letting her mother have a fever.

Only this is a baby of a demigod, so the resistance is much more intense and almost takes the life of the mother.

of course. He himself does not know much about this consequence. He just instincted to do so.

But now Yang Dingtian suddenly appeared, let him feel another breath of blood, and felt another sense of security.

It turns out that there is another person in the world who is connected to his own blood.

Maybe, leave your mother's stomach. Going to a new world is not so bad.

Yang Dingtian gently stroked the baby inside the stomach, and said softly: "Shu Bao, come out, come out to see Dad, don't toss your mother, okay?"

The baby inside the belly is always quiet, not even playing games with Yangdingtian.

After a while. Ji Ya suddenly smoked and shouted.

Yang Dingtian was shocked. Did the baby toss up and absorb her energy?

"Opened, opened..." The female elder of the demon fox family was pleasantly surprised.

Next, in the pain of Hiyah’s joy.

A baby who is nearly ten pounds full, gave birth smoothly.

The second half-day **** baby in the world was born in this world. Or, this child is younger than Yang. A more pure descendant of the demigod.

Yangdingtian held the baby in his arms and suddenly he was shocked.

This is a male baby, and it doesn't look like it was born, it is equal to someone else's one month old baby.

The most horrifying thing about Yangdingtian is that he has almost no characteristics of the demon fox. Instead, on the neck. On the lumbar vertebrae, there are a few more purple cute scales. The ear is the same as the Yangyi baby, with some sharp points and delicate golden scales.

Why is this happening? This half-god baby is not the same as Yang Yi.

"French. Let me hug, let me hug..." On the side, Ji Ya can't wait to soften.

Hearing the gentle and gentle voice of Ji Ya, Yang Tian’s innocent heart was very unaccustomed. He quickly handed the baby over.

Ji Ya holds this baby, beautiful but bloodshot eyes, carefully look at every corner of the baby, revealing the incomparable love, swearing: "Little bad guys, you can ruin your mother."

"Ah..." The baby yawned and lazily opened his eyes, as if looking at Yangdingtian, as if he didn't look again, as if he was watching the world carefully.

Then, Ji Ya put the baby on her chest and sent Mimi to the past.

The baby opens his mouth and instinctively **** it up, while sucking and snoring.

After eating for a quarter of an hour, the baby is full and falls asleep.

It is really strange to say that it is extremely overbearing in the stomach. It is extremely fascinating. After being born, in addition to some physical features, it is not much different from other babies.

The enchanting situation of communicating with Mom and Dad and even talking directly did not happen!

In this way, Yang Dingtian breathed a sigh of relief, and he really did not want to be different from other children.


And Ji Ya is not the female powerhouse of the demon fox family. She was just stunned by the baby. After she was born, she immediately resumed the upgrade.

The pale face has also become radiant.

"Da Xianshi adults, according to the rules of the demon fox family, after giving birth to a child, the husband is going to use his own essential oil for his wife to go to another room." A demon fox female elder.

"Good." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, the mother-in-law came to the warm water and poured the natural essential oil.

"Adult, please." The mother-in-law has restored her respect for the non-language.

Yangdingtian used a towel to carefully wipe every inch of Ji Ya’s body.

Then, help her put on her soft nightgown, and finally take her and the baby to another room!


This is a dreamy room, everything is blue.

Ji Ya prepared two rooms. If it is a girl, it is a pink room. If it is a boy, it is a blue room.

In this room, it seems to be in the ocean.

Putting Ji Ya and the baby on the big bed, there are only two people in the whole room, Ji Ya and Yang Ding Tian.

For a time, Yangdingtian should not be good.

"What should I call you? Lord?" Suddenly, Ji Ya said with a touch of sarcasm.

"Yang, Yangdingtian." Yangdingtian is not natural.

Ji Ya asked: "Do you know the demon speaker?"

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao: "There is also the chairman of Yongshe, your father, the demon patriarch, all know."

Ji Ya sighed softly. Did not say anything, gently rely on the soft body to enter the top of the sky, gently rub his chest with his hair.

"It's Yangdingtian, it's better than the non-language Jiang Shang." Ji Ya suddenly said: "I have always been disgusted with the deadly negative of the language. But you humans. For us, it is too lively. ""

Yangdingtian did not speak.

In this way, Ji Ya quietly lying in the Yangdingtianhuai, gently breathing.

She didn't say anything in her mouth, but she laughed at herself in her heart.

She feels that she is strong and she will never think of ordinary people as vulgar. What is the path to the woman's heart is between the legs. It is purely absurd.

Her Ai Ji can go to bed with a man and then turn to the man to die. Never put any emotions into it.

However, when a man keeps sleeping, you give birth to a child for him. Then, what is strong and what is ruthless is talked about.

He naturally becomes the most important person for you.

Especially when there are children, the three become a whole. Even two unrelated men and women seem to be carrying the same blood.

World. As if there is no more intimate relationship than this.

Suddenly, Ji Ya looked up and looked at Yang Dingtian, and said: "Fu Jun, let's get together."

"Okay, we are well." Yangding Tian smiled.


Yangdingtian once again went to see Yongshe. Talk about what happened in the human kingdom during this time.

Of course, he did not hide some of the fears and suspicions of Yongshe, so the conversation became a little oyster.

In the face of Enchanted II, he became very natural.

Because of the birth of a new baby, and is a true demigod. The alliance between Enchanted II and Yangdingtian has become even closer.

"His patriarch, my only goal in the next time is to break through the semi-holy, and it is best to complete it within half a year." Yangding Tiandao.

"Half-year?" Enchanted Second World: "According to your humanity, you are now a nine-star and nine-time master. Do you know the energy needed to break through the semi-sanctification?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I know that there is far more energy than a big master to a big master of nine stars and nine."

"No, it's much more." Enchanted Second World: "I have seen your human records. Those top powers from the Enlighteners to the nine-star and nine great masters will take forty-five years. From the nine stars and nine great masters. In the semi-sacred, the shortest and shortest will take fifteen years. Even fifty years, or even one hundred years."

"I know." Yangding Tiandao: "I understand the huge energy needed to break through the holy, but the key is energy, not time!"

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "The demon lord, do you know the human savior of the ancient times, is there nothing wrong?"

Enchanting nodded and said: "Of course I know that he can be said to be the greatest man of humanity, almost the only human being we admire. Moreover, he has been to our little West, or he found the last big Nieqi, Xiaoxitianhui is a very special place, so he left footprints in almost every inch of Xiaoxitian. In order to commemorate the place he has been there, some caves and mountains are named after him. ""

Yangding Tiandao: "Then I am in the library of the Silver Palace, why didn't I see any books about nothingness?"

Enchanted II: "I am not the speaker, I have no right to refer to the library of the Silver Palace. But I think, nothing, almost one of the most important people. There should be many books about him, even for hundreds of years. Before, many of the parliamentarians set up special organizations to study the emptiness of the vain and explore every place he had been to. These organizations were completely banned until the chairman of the ruling room, because he wanted to reverse the direction and turn the fox civilization to art and philosophy. ""

Yang Dingtian understands that the books on the illusory and devastating history have all been destroyed, or they have been hidden, and they have been completely blocked. The executor, no doubt, is always asking questions.

Because there are many important secrets in it, I don’t want to let people know.

Yangding Tiandao: "So how much do you know about the patriarch?"

Enchanted II shook his head and said: "I certainly know that you are not as good as you, because the Speaker of the House of Representatives is extremely valued for these exclusive secrets. And our patriarchs do not care about these distant secrets."

Yangding Tiandao: "Then, the enchanting lord knows how much the virtual border is, that is, there is a void beast, a night beast, and a virtual border of the devil!"

Enchanted Second World: "First, correct your concept. The virtual border does not mean a certain place. There are many virtual borders in the entire chaotic world. You also have human kingdoms. Moreover, the void beast, the night beast, the devil is not On the same virtual border. A void border, there is only one overlord. Every void border is an independent world, but connected by a special space door. In you, it is a virtual border, but in us, it is Become a dark field."

What is the darkness of the sun?

Is the enchanting for the sake of strength, and has cultivated many dark areas for many years?

"The so-called void border, or the dark field." Enchanted Second World: "In fact, it is the first world, the second world, the intersection of the third world, some overlapping places, turned into a void border. You go After the taboo of the mainland illusion, I believe you also know that the chaotic world has been destroyed many times. So the world is divided into several parts."

"The first world means the world that has completely and completely died. It has become a dark continent. It has all collapsed. There is no life, and even energy life cannot survive."

"The second world is the world that is about to die. There is only pure elemental life and energy life to survive."

"The third world is the last world that was destroyed and destroyed. Most of the creatures are no longer able to survive, but a few extremely powerful creatures can survive. For example, the site of the Naga Empire belongs to the Three worlds."

"The fourth world is Xiaoxitian! In the last big annihilation, the continent of Xiaoxitian has been torn and become fragmented. However, the chaotic world has protected him in a special way and turned it into a Now this scarred little West."

Yang Dingtian interjected at this time: "So, our human kingdom, including the East from the grasslands, is the fifth world, right?"

" You are not called the Fifth World." Enchanted Second World: "It is called, surviving the world, and becoming the last world!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Because Xiaoxitian is worse than the human country environment, Xiaoxitian's monster fox race is relatively strong?"

Enchanted Second World: "This is one of the reasons, of course, there is another reason, that is, Xiaoxitian is the surviving world before the Great Nirvana, so its energy level is also 10,000 years ago. The human kingdom The gas energy is after the big Nirvana, so it is thin."

Yangding Tiandao: "So, if you want to break through the semi-sheng in a short time, there is only one way, then you will lose to the dark field?"

"Yes!" Enchanted Second World: "Not only human beings, but even our demon foxes, want to be strong, but also go to the dark field to practice, whether it is to break through the so-called semi-holy, or holy, to practice in the dark field, is the only way .


Note: Brothers, please pay the guaranteed monthly ticket! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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