Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 855: At the end of the world, cultivation is broken!

"Yangdingtian, I think I still can't go." The emperor suddenly said.

“Why?” Yangding Tianyi is different.

The emperor said: "I think that I will go, not only will not help you, but will become cumbersome."

Yangding Tiandao: "But it is also important that you break through the semi-sanctification."

"Then I will use my way to cultivate it, and I think you hope that I will break through the semi-sanctification in a short time. It should be impossible." The emperor said: "I thought about it, at the abyss border, you are alone. You can barely protect yourself, but if you want to protect me, it will definitely bring you danger."

"Is it Mo Zhi and what did you say?" Yangding Tiandao.

The emperor silenced and said: "This is not important! What is important is that I have already decided. It is more advantageous to go alone."

"Are you sure?" asked Yangdingtian.

"I am sure." The emperor said: "I will practice while staying behind and protect the people in Yunxiao."

Yang Dingtian sighed deeply and nodded.

Then, he flew directly toward the north of the novel m.3w.


The so-called abyss border is at the end of the world.

In the southeast and northwest, the world has its end.

At the end of the South China Sea, it was once explored by the Demon Road.

Yangdingtian still has many choices, but there is always only one choice in his mind.

That is the north, the northern part of the ice in the snow!

Why did you choose there?

Because the master of the East Nirvana in order to explore the final secrets of the world, constantly north and north and north, and then some people are afraid of what he found, so he destroyed his cultivation, and imprisoned him under the ice and snow for more than ten years.

Why the master was imprisoned, it must have been what he almost found.

Who is imprisoning him? It is a demon road. Still the so-called **** of chaos?

No matter who it is, there must be a secret at the end of the ice in the north.

Therefore, Yangdingtian did not choose several known abyss borders, but went straight north.

Returning to the ice and snow, this idea has been around for a long, long time.

then. When the master of the Eastern Nirvana was imprisoned, the repair should be about nine masters.

Because at that time, in the human kingdom, in addition to completely escaping from the world, it was his highest, so he was crowned the number one in the world.

As for whether or not he has arrived at Jiuxing and Jiuji, Yang Dingtian does not know, and the master has never said it.

But maybe not, but at that time. The master has cultivated the sword spirit.

Nowadays, the cultivation of Yangdingtian is an infinite master, but there is no cultivation of the sword.

Because the master had known the Xuan mai in the Yin Yang mirror, but has been taken away by the peony.

And in these years, he has been in a very busy schedule, and there is no time to find the essence of Xuanmai, and there is no time to practice the soul of the sword.

At this time, the cultivation of Yangdingtian should be similar to the Eastern Nirvana when the sword spirit was in its heyday. Maybe be a little stronger.

At that time, the master went to explore the top secrets of the North and was abolished. Then imprisoned under the ice and snow.

What about Yang Tianding? Will it repeat the same mistakes?


Yangdingtian rides the konjac king's claws and keeps going north, north, and north.

It took only five hours to reach the edge of the ice and snow.

Yangdingtian patted the claws and said: "Well, you can go back to the claws! Remember. Don't go crazy with the baby every day in Yunxiao City. Do you always go to Beijing to perform official duties? Also, there are many demons now. I have practiced in the taboo of the mainland, and many female konjac have become very powerful. I am worthy of you. When I come back. If you haven’t found a partner yet It doesn't help to keep it."

The konjac king's claws were really sad and reluctant. When they heard the last words of Yangdingtian, they immediately shuddered and the whole body slammed.

Get rid of it, that's too scary.

Otherwise, simply close your eyes and find a mother's make-up. Anyway, at night, when the eyes are closed, the lights are off, and all the mothers are similar.

"Okay, go back." Yang Dingtian touched his neck.

A claw smothered on him, then flew in the direction of Yunxiaocheng.

Yangding Tiangang said that it would not go back to Yunxiao City and the babies were crazy, and as a result, it turned to Yunxiaocheng instead of Zhongjing.

After the claws left, Yangdingtian landed on the ice and snow.

In front, there is endless ice and snow, and behind it is the cold forest.

When Yangdingtian left the ice and snow, it almost collapsed. It was only when he saw this big forest that he rekindled his will.

In front of the ice and snow, it is still a piece of white, seemingly endless, as if it had been 10,000 years, it has not changed.

Yangdingtian did not fly in the air, but walked on the ground.

And the first goal was the glacier cave that he crossed at the time.

He goes faster and faster, and goes faster and faster. In the end, it is completely wind and power.

At this time, the sky is shining.

The sun shines on the ice and snow, which is extremely glaring.

After two hours.

Yangdingtian ran for more than two thousand miles.

Suddenly, the dark clouds were pressed, the wind whistled, and the big snowflakes of the fists slammed down.

Yang Dingtian, nearly six years ago, encountered such a big storm, but he had to dig a deep cave to hide.

Nowadays, this violent storm is not even ticking for Yangdingtian.

Welcome to Blizzard.

Five more hours passed.

The sky cleared again and it was sunny again.

It took another five hours.

Finally, Yang Dingtian returned to the place where he came to the world.

Of course, this is just a very, very approximate location.

The reason why Yangdingtian did not fly, but walked, was to follow the route six years ago.

Of course, at that time, Yangdingtian was definitely unable to walk out of an absolute straight line, and there was endless snow and ice everywhere. There was no reference object and no features. Therefore, Yangdingtian can only be roughly determined. It is around this piece. .

range. It’s about a hundred miles, maybe the error is bigger.

Yangding flies in the air, trying to find the cave after the crossing.

But it is too difficult. After six years of snow and ice, the wind has blown away and all the traces have been buried.

but. There may still be some traces.

Because the master of the East was destroyed, it was detonated at the time, and under a few kilometers, a large cave was blown up. Although this cave will be buried by snow, it is not a glacier after all, it is not so strong.

Jade, Yang Dingtian pulled out the soul sword of the emperor, and suddenly inserted it under the snow.

The energy of the infinite masters burst forth.


Suddenly. The glaciers in the radius of dozens of miles seem to have been shaken by the earthquake, and then there are numerous cracks.

However, there is no collapse.

Visible, not here.

Yang Dingtian flew for a few dozen miles, and he also inserted the sword of the emperor's soul and made a mysterious look.

Suddenly. All the ice boats in dozens of miles have once again received a powerful shock.

Still not!

The fifth time!

When Yangdingtian detonated the ice ship earthquake. Numerous cracks were torn open, and then rumbling, a dozen miles west of the place, collapsed a huge cave.

Yangdingtian immediately flew past.

That's right, it's here!

Because, Yangdingtian glances. I saw a rag.

I don't know if it is Yangdingtian, or the master is gone.

The cave where the master was imprisoned was here.

And the place where Yangdingtian crosses is also here!

Yangdingtian jumped into the depths of the cave.

"Boom, bang. Boom..."

With the terrible high temperature of the billion spirits, the snow inside is completely evaporated.

Suddenly, the original appearance was completely restored.

It was almost exactly the same time as the Yangdingtian crossing, and the master’s oriental nigda detonated the sea, and did not destroy the shape of the cave.

This, is this impossible? Or is it reverting to this look again?

Yang Dingtian tried to find the master's cheekbones and then took them away.

However, it was obviously impossible. The master at that time was completely broken and could not find any trace.

The only thing that can be found is that there are many broken clothes and a dozen hairs.

Yang Dingtian collected these things and placed them in the space ring.

Then, explore this cave carefully to see if there is any energy fluctuation.

No, it is a very normal ice cave.

Yangdingtian directly digs down with a sword, easily crushes the ice and digs deep into the depths.

One hundred meters, five hundred meters, kilometers.

All are ice, nothing special.


Finally, I glanced at the ice cave that passed through, and then the sun top flew out, heading north, flying fast.

Next, he always used flying mystery instead of running on land.

Heading north, flying all the way, flying all the way, flying all the way.

Continue to fly 10,000 miles, 20,000 miles, 30,000 miles, 40,000 miles...

Still, there is nowhere to be in the snow and ice, nothing else.

As if, it is so endless.

Yangdingtian, has been flying for a few days and nights.

Halfway through, stop twice and restore my mystery.

Because, the more you go to the north, the lower the temperature, and the temperature is not equal to the temperature of the non-freezing water.

Here, it has not snowed, and there is no wind.

After Yang Dingtian, he could not fly, and he could only land.

Because, the temperature here has dropped more than no frozen water.

The air here is even liquid.

Liquid nitrogen, liquid oxygen, etc.

At this time, Yangdingtian has had to use a lot of mysterious gas to maintain the temperature in the body.

And he can only maintain the speed of running.

This is not a big deal.

Going north, the temperature is still falling.

Therefore, Yangdingtian saw the wonders of the ages.

He saw the whole solid world.

The air in the whole air is solidified into solid state.

At this time, it should already be minus two hundred degrees.

Normal nine-star and nine-time masters can't afford it.

Yangdingtian has Xuanhuo, Jiuyang Xuanmai, and the infinity master's cultivation, can barely survive in this extreme environment.

So, next Yang Dingtian took a sword and continued to break the ice. Go forward and move forward.

Every eight hundred miles, we must stop to restore my mystery.

However, there is good news. The mysterious energy here is very very rich.

It seems that the mysteriousness of the years has been. They are all solidified into the air.

In this way, Yangdingtian continued to go north and constantly break the ice.

The temperature is getting lower and lower and getting lower and lower.

In the end, Yangdingtian has already spent a lot of mysterious energy to maintain the temperature of the whole body. Moreover, the loss of the drug is like running water.

The speed of travel is from eight hundred miles per day. To five hundred miles, to three hundred miles, to two hundred miles, to one hundred miles!

In this way, Yangdingtian constantly advances and advances.

The temperature is constantly decreasing.

In the end, the terrible cold, and even directly solidified the mind of Yang Dingtian.

Let him completely forget the time. It can only continue to break the ice north.

Until suddenly one day!

His breath of sea trembled, the whole body. Into a short void.

Then, Queen of Poisons woke up desperately, otherwise he really had to die in the extreme cold.

He even broke through, from the infinite master to the higher infinite master.

In this way, the ice is constantly breaking north. It broke through.

After the breakthrough, Yangdingtian was slightly excited and continued to break the ice.


One day, two days, three days. Four days...

I don't know how long it has been.

Later, the temperature has reached the point where Yangdingtian can't bear it. His daily speed is no more than five miles.

The mysterious body of the body has become very reluctant to maintain its own life.

If you can't find an exit in front, there are only two ways for Yangdingtian.

The first way, fold back and give up this direction.

The second way is to wake up Naga Frost, warm up with her and continue north.

Yangdingtian continues northward, northward, northward, northward...

Halfway through, his qihai repairs and broke through twice.

Still moving from the infinite master to the higher infinite master.

However, it is only God who knows how many times to break through.

But now, Yangdingtian is really understanding the meaning of the infinite master.

Although they are all nine-star and nine-time masters, the current Yangdingtian is much stronger than the previous Yangdingtian.

Perhaps, Wu Youming was in this infinite master.


The tipping point of Yangdingtian is coming soon.

Because his mysteriousness has been difficult to maintain his life, and he has been unable to support him to move on.

Going forward, you will directly use the danger of life.

Now, either turn around and go back.

Or, wake up Naga Frost.

However, Yangdingtian does not want to choose one.

Because, he thinks that perhaps there are a pair of eyes staring at himself. If the Naga frost is awakened, then his biggest secret is exposed, which will lead to unpredictable consequences.

However, turning back, he is really unwilling.

Fight one by one, risk your life and fight.

Therefore, Yangdingtian bites his teeth.

Directly summon the Xuanhuo, use the terrible heat to maintain the warmth of the body and continue to break the ice.

This time, the speed is very fast.

However, the consumption of mysterious gas is extremely extreme.

This is really taking life in gambling ~ ~ Yangding Tianfei quickly north, and quickly advance.

Mysterious energy is consumed madly.

If you don't succeed, you will be married.


Finally, the mysterious spirit is going to run out, and the black fire is going to go out.

In front, there is still no end.

If you are trapped here, then you will die, and now you can't even turn around and go back.

Xuanqi can't support it.

So, the only way is to wake up Naga?

No, Yangdingtian is not willing. He firmly believes that there must be a pair of eyes staring at himself at this time.

Either die or succeed!

Yang Dingtian used up the last bit of mysteriousness and jerked forward.


After the smoldering of the mysterious gas, it is completely extinguished.

The ambition of Yangdingtian is completely exhausted.

Then, as if he had broken away from the beast of the cage, he was desperate.

He succeeded!

Here is the end of the northern world, the real end.

Behind it is the world of wonders, the whole world that has been completely frozen and frozen.

And in front, it is a strange, mysterious abyss border!

Nothing at all!

There is only a group of light and shadow, twisted light and shadow.

It seems to be an infinite galaxy, and it seems to be a twisted hell.

Countless lightnings are seen in the light and shadow.

This is the abyss border, the end of the whole world.

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