Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 856: Dark field! Breaking through the sky!

The abyss border in front of you can be said to be endless.

Moreover, it has an incomparably complex energy field. Yangdingtian caught an ice and snow and threw it directly at the abyssal border.

Suddenly, this piece of ice and snow disappeared instantly.

This disappearance is not to say where it went, but to say that it is gone.

Even a higher level than the gray smoke is completely transformed into the most primitive energy.

That is to say, after the person goes down, even the death is not counted, that is, it is directly decomposed into nothingness, and nothing will remain.

Moreover, if anything goes on, it will be completely broken down.

At this point, Yangdingtian is really afraid to take risks and jump directly.

Although at a crucial moment, he is absolutely not embarrassed. But jumping at this time is not brave, but brain damage.

This is the junction of the two worlds. It has the most powerful energy. If you jump, it will definitely be gone, and there will be no treatment for death.

Yangdingtian gradually calmed down and sat down directly.

It’s strange to say that it’s no longer cold, but it’s completely without any feelings, not cold, not hot.

Yangding Tian swallowed Xuan Dan and began to restore the battle.

After two quarters of an hour, Yangdingtian completely recovered.

The emptiness of the fissure, since it is the highest product of the abyss border, then look at the performance of the fissure.

Yang Dingtian runs the mysterious atmosphere and releases the hollow fire. Of course, it does not directly create a space door, but just use a small hollow fire to enter the abyss border to try.

A white emptiness fire was slowly released, and then under the control of Yangdingtian, it floated into the abyss border.

Sure enough, the fissure fire did not fly away.

Not only is there no smog, but it is still consuming energy. Crazy to devour the energy of the entire abyss border.

After the devour, this emptiness fire began to split.

A white flame. Split a black one.

Then continue to swallow. Continue to split.

One, two, four, eight, sixteen...

In the twinkling of an eye, the entire abyss border in front of Yangdingtian was completely filled with black and white fire. I don't know how many thousands of them.

Then, exactly the same as what I saw at the time, these hollow flames began to merge.

All the flames have become completely transparent.

Jade, the entire abyss border, has become a transparent glass crystal.

It looks so beautiful and beautiful.

However, what should I do now? Is the whole person jumping?

Yangdingtian still carefully squeezed a snow and throw it away.

this time. The ice and snow are not broken down, but are completely falling and falling. It fell and finally disappeared.

Yang Dingtian understands that another use of the Void Fire is that people can travel back and forth between the First World, the Second World, and the Third World, and can cross any abyss border.

Moreover, the emptiness of Yangdingtian is from the most powerful continent of death. So it is the highest level.

As soon as the Void Fires to the Abyss border, it will consume all the energy here. Then transform the incomparably powerful and powerful abyss border into nothingness. After any object enters, it will not be directly decomposed.

It seems that the fissure of the emptiness is really against the sky, and even it and the mysterious fire behind, even the ghosts and ghosts, have been completely distinguished.

This is a truly world-class energy product.

So what is the number one chaotic inflammation, I really don't know. Its degree of rebellion may have exceeded the scope that Yangdingtian can understand.

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and jumped directly toward the abyssal border of transparent crystal.


Sure enough, safe and sound.

The whole process is very strange.

It seems to fall into the tunnel of time, everything around it is the light and shadow of transparent crystal, nothing.

Yangdingtian seems to be constantly falling, as if it is constantly moving forward.

Because, the surroundings are completely nothing, so there is no such thing as before and after.

In short, Yangdingtian is constantly falling and falling.

Yang Dingtian does not wear a watch. If he wears a watch, he will find that the needle will not go at this time.

Because there is no time concept for the shuttle on this abyss border.

It seems to be an instant, and it seems to be a long, long, long time.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian directly crossed the entire near-infinite border and rushed into a completely strange world!

"Call!" Then, the crystal of the general hollow flame, began to quickly condense, condense, and condense.

In the end, it turned into a fissure, and it was transparent, and it was directly drilled into the sea of ​​Yangdingtian.

In an instant!

"Boom!" Yang Dingtian only felt that the sea of ​​air trembled fiercely, and the whole **** consciousness was completely immersed in nothingness.

His anger, once again trembled, broke through again.

Still from the infinite master, break through the higher infinite master.

At this time, Yang Dingtian’s concept of martial arts and the concept of breakthrough were completely subverted.

In such a short period of time, he has broken through three times. But it is still an infinite master. How many times to break through, in order to break through the semi-san, only the ghost knows.

Now, the Yangding innocence is very curious, the innocence of the goods, really how to break through the semi-sacred?

Not scientific! Nowadays, the objective conditions of the chaotic world are very difficult to break through.

It is no wonder that the infinite master is not a nirvana, basically in the infinite master, constantly infinite.


Open your eyes again, Yangding genius has the opportunity to see this new world.

Is this the second world or the third world? do not know!

In short, here is the world that is dying, perhaps the third world, because it is bordering the human kingdom.

Well, according to the truth, the ruins of the Naga Empire, the ancient martial arts civilization, should be in this world.

Yang Dingtian carefully explores the world, this kind of exploration is very difficult!

Because, it is almost a darkness. Even with the repair of Yangdingtian, the range that can be seen is no more than ten meters.

At least now I see it. It is a pile of stones, and it is still a black stone.

of course. There is no air in the air, let alone oxygen.

Moreover, there is no sigh of temperament, and there is no sinister energy.

In other words, here is the rest of the world.

Then, if you want to go deep into this world, you can only rely on medicinal herbs, almost endless remedies.

And Yangdingtian. It brings almost endless remedies. Now, he is the supreme leader of mankind, and even if it is the highest level of medicinal herbs, he can not use it inexhaustible.

Yangdingtian contains an aura in his mouth, and then slowly penetrates into the world.

After walking a few hundred meters, nothing was found.

There are no mountains, no houses, only endless stones, and even no soil.

Then, Yangdingtian noticed. The gravity field here is slightly different. Although the gravity multiplier is not high, it is definitely different from the human kingdom.

and. There is no life, no plants, no water.

As for the sky, it is completely dark, and there is not even a little extra color.

Yang Dingtian understands why this place will be called the dark field.

Because it has only one color, it is eternal black. The third world is already so dark. Then the second world, the first world is no doubt more dark.

Yangdingtian tried to fly the mystery.

No. Can't fly. Because there is no air in this world.

of course. Yangdingtian wants to fly, it is still possible, directly after the Xuanhuo spray, in a completely vacuum environment, the speed of flight will be incredible. However, in that case, the consumption of Xuanqi will be extremely amazing.

In this completely unfamiliar world, Yang Dingtian feels that it is still carefully explored, retaining mysteriousness and being safer.

In this way, Yangdingtian has been deep, deep, and deep...

Stones, stones, stones, stones, black stones.

There is almost only one thing in this world, that is, stone, and it is completely black.

However, according to Enchanted II, the dark field is a must-see for the cultivation of the small West Heavenly High Warriors, and it is the only place to break through the Holy Saints and break through the Holy Order.

But what is it like here, where is it like a place to practice?

There is no mystery, no monsters, no life.

Yangdingtian went on like this all the time and went on.

Just when he thought that he would endlessly go on like this.

Suddenly, the sky turned on and the sun rose.

Yangding is a big day, it turns out that there is a sun.

In the dark field, there is a sun. It is not a complete darkness. It is really strange.

After the sun rises, the whole world is bright.

At this time, Yangdingtian sees clearly. This is an almost solid world. There are endless stones everywhere, when it is black.

Under the illumination of the sun, these black stones also reflect the glare.

Although it is a bit dazzling, it is better than the evening.

Just a few hundred miles from the naked eye, I really can't find any mountains, any life, even a little protruding.

Then, Yangdingtian felt bad.

Because, it is getting brighter, brighter and brighter!

Finally, almost completely blind!

Because, later, the light has exceeded ten times, one hundred times, and even more than the normal sun.

So, the world is invisible, only a bright man.

Even when it is dark, you can't see anything.

It’s a kind of irony, it’s the ultimate, even blinder than the dark.

Yang Dingtian has not dared to blink his eyes, even if he has closed his eyes directly, he can’t stand it, and he has to wear thick eye masks.

However, the bad situation is not over yet.

Because the surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher, getting higher and higher, and getting higher and higher.

It was so high that Yang Dingtian could not bear it.

One Baidu, two Baidu, three Baidu, four Baidu, five Baidu...

Finally, the rock under the foot of Yangding became thick and melted.

Thus, the whole world has become a boiling quagmire. The magma has not yet reached the point, but these stones have begun to melt.

No wonder, this world can't see anything. Not even the soil.

Because everything is baked by the sun.

Why is the sun here? It was such a terrible high temperature. Of course, the atmosphere is lost. If it is shot directly by the sun, the temperature will undoubtedly be high.

But on the earth, even if there is no atmosphere, the temperature will not rise to nearly a thousand degrees.

For this kind of bad situation, Yangdingtian is prepared. He is wearing a magical black armor, a magical fog coat, and shoes worn on his feet. It is specially made of special energy nephrite, which has the celestial silk.

This kind of energy nephrite, for the time being, can still withstand the high temperature of nearly a thousand degrees.

However, Yang Dingtian’s body has completely relied on releasing the cold and cold air to cool down and maintain life.

It is a bit like the second world of the taboo mainland illusion, but it is not very similar. And the most fundamental difference is that this is completely true.

Therefore, when the sun was mad, Yangdingtian did nothing. Because there is no anti-gravity here. No one is forced to cross the border, Yang Dingtian is standing in the same place, using the mysterious gas to resist the heat.

that's it. After the sun was almost illuminated for a dozen hours, it fell.

The whole world has completely darkened.

The temperature is almost a sharp drop. Soon, these melted stones began to solidify into stones quickly.

The temperature has been falling, falling, falling!

Finally, the freeze is fixed at around 80 degrees.

This temperature is for others. Perhaps unbearable, but for Yangdingtian. Nothing feels.

He hurryed down and took down Ju Xuan Dan. Start to restore mysterious.

Yangdingtian understands that the world is at night and rests during the day.

After two quarters of an hour, Yangdingtian was full of battles. Then, with an aura, continue to hurry.

Here, a horse Pingchuan, without any hindrance, and no life, so there is almost no danger, Yangdingtian is constantly on the road, is it.

However, many times it is thought to be truth, but it is not necessarily the truth.


In the first few dozens, one thing slowly climbed out of the ground.

The whole body is completely black, so you can't see the shape clearly. The only thing I can see is a pair of eyes, blood red eyes.

It is about one meter high. After climbing out, it starts to move constantly and moves aimlessly.


It moves very fast, but not as fast as the devil.

Is this the life in the dark realm? It was the first life that Yangdingtian saw.

Sure enough, it is not a normal life, but an energy life, elemental life!


This element of life discovered the existence of Yangdingtian, and then rushed over like lightning.

A few dozen miles away, in a blink of an eye.

Then, it opened its mouth and rushed over.

There is almost no reaction time in Yangdingtian, and a direct lightning storm hits the past.

"Hey!" Suddenly, this element of life, instantly broken bones.

Probably, it is probably the level of the first-class master.

After the death of this element, it suddenly disappeared into the air, condensed into a green light, and then quickly dissipated.

In the process of scattering, Yangdingtian felt a very rich energy.

Yangdingtian immediately grabbed it! This turned out to be an extremely rich energy, which is actually the energy that can be directly swallowed up?

Yang Dingtian tried to open the entrance of Xuanmai and devour this energy!

Without any obstacles, all of them poured into the mysterious veins of Yangdingtian, and finally poured into the sea of ​​gas.

It, though not pure, is mysterious energy. But as if, this energy level is higher.

Xuanqi energy, but also pick and choose, but also continue to refine.

And the energy that this element condenses after life dies, it is directly swallowed, and there will be no loss.

This, this is too cow, too bad.

There is no such energy body in the human kingdom

Now, Yang Dingtian finally understands how to cultivate in the dark field.

It is completely * naked to kill elemental creatures, and then directly devour its energy is.

No wonder, this is the only way to break through the semi-sacred.

It has been swallowed like this, as long as there is enough elemental life, it can really be swallowed up and upgraded to a semi-holy!

However, in this way, there is no difference between the cultivation of the Naga people.

At this point, Frost is completely upgraded by consuming other people's energy. Only she is more anti-day, can directly devour any life.

However, in this way, a fast-cultivating avenue appears in front of Yangdingtian.

Find the elemental creature, kill it, then swallow it!

There is no more direct means of cultivation than this! (To be continued)

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