Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 857: Crazy practice! Great cool!

In the next time, Yangdingtian is not in a hurry, but wide-eyed, looking for the elemental creatures here.

Even, for the sake of safety, Yangdingtian began to stealth and carefully searched around.

I hope to be invisible in the dark, these elemental creatures can't see themselves.

Yangding Tianyi Road searched and found elemental creatures, really very rare. This road used to be hundreds of miles in the past, but did not find the second one.

It is as if the elemental creature just had an accidental general.

In this way, go all the way and move forward.

After five hours, Yangding genius discovered the second elemental creature. At this time, he said nothing, directly flashed in the past, a magical sky cracked lightning, and directly killed.

Then, once again harvested a large division of energy, and then swallowed in the first time, still brought a slight vibration of the sea, and then no response.

Yang Dingtian suddenly felt that he should not be swallowed like this. Instead, it should be accumulated, and then swallowed once, this effect may be better.

Yang Dingtian decided that the next time he hunted the essence of elemental energy, he must first accumulate it.


However, the harvest this evening is here.

Because the sky will soon light up and the sun will come out.

In an instant, the whole world became completely and completely bright, and it almost made people blink their eyes.

Yang Dingtian had to blindfold again, using the mysterious gas to release the cold energy and maintain the body temperature.

Then the sun once again melted the whole world.

The entire dark world became extremely bright, and then the entire ground began to melt again, turning into a hot stone.

but. This time, Yangdingtian did not stand in the same place, but began to move forward with difficulty.

Because this is not a taboo for the mainland illusion, and there is no anti-gravity, it is very simple to walk. Yangdingtian only needs to enter the bottom of the foot to enter the ice and cold, and then every step of the step will solidify the stone.

that's it. During the day, Yangdingtian also slowly advances to find elemental creatures.

It is said that there are elemental creatures in tens of thousands of nights, and there should be there during the day, at least there should be fire creatures,

Yangdingtian constantly advances and advances.

Although he can't open his eyes, he can release countless grievances. Feel everything around you.

Yes, sure enough!

Yang Dingtian only walked less than 30 miles, and felt the grievances fluctuate, then felt a fierce vibration, and finally heard a roar.

Here is the vacuum, so the sound waves should not be transmitted. However, Yangdingtian did hear the roar, perhaps this elemental creature. The sound is transmitted directly with energy.

Yang Dingtian carefully opened his eyes.

Suddenly seeing not far from the front, the magma is shining. Climb out a huge fire man.

Yes, all over the body, are burning stones, only two eyes, and waving arms, let people know that it is a life.

what is this. Fire stone man?

Yangdingtian knows that during the day, there is no elemental life, but they all devour energy in the potential magma, and they only appear when the enemy is close.

This fire is a stone man. It is more than a dozen meters in size.

It is directly toward the top of the sky.

After a roar, its huge body screamed and rolled.

Not close yet, Yangdingtian felt the incredible temperature, at least tens of thousands of degrees.

"Boom!" It smashed a huge fist and slammed into the sun.

"Hey..." Yangding quickly flashed and escaped its attack.

"Boom..." It rushed again, and then spit out the flames of the sky.

Yangding Tiandeng was stunned. More than a dozen meters of fire stone people even spit out a few kilometers of diameter flames, and the temperature at the edge actually reached tens of thousands of degrees.

This fire stone man, it seems that he has not been repaired to a semi-class level, and it is so powerful.

Can not wait and see, Yang Ding Tian Meng a fierce sky cracked lightning.

Magic Sky Lightning is not the most powerful for Yangdingtian, but it is the fastest, and it is completely second.

"Boom!" Huge lightning, squatting on the fire stone man.

It trembled fiercely. Then stopped in the same place, then shuddered and shuddered.

It's okay, it seems to be very, very cool.

Electric energy, ignoring any defense. However, this stone man is itself an insulator. Therefore, the magical sky crack of Yangdingtian is no longer useful.

After the refreshment, she roared again and rushed to the top of the sun.

Standing in the place does not understand, Yang Dingtian tried the flame knife mysterious skills, slammed away.

"Hey!" A sly flame energy blade slammed into the fire stone man.

As for this flame energy blade, even the nine masters and other great masters were killed by Yangding.


The fire stone man, violently opened his mouth, directly swallowed this mysterious skill.

Fire energy, it has no effect on it, attack with fire energy, it is equivalent to paying for fire.

"Understood!" Yang Dingtian smiled.

He reversed the yin and yang, a sword, and fiercely.

The ice energy, the incomparably powerful ice energy, instantly lingers on this fire stone man.

"Oh..." In an instant, this arrogant fire stone man was directly frozen.

The flame of the whole body was completely extinguished and turned into a blue ice cone.

Then, Yangdingtian flashed and rushed to the sword.

"Oh..." The frozen stone man suddenly broke his bones.

Then, a fiery red energy essence floats in the air.

Yang Dingtian immediately took it down and did not directly swallow it, but put it into the energy jade box and accumulate it.

Then, Yangdingtian continued to move forward.

Two hours later, I met another fire stone man.

Yangding is light and easy to use, with ice and swordsmanship, direct spike!

As a result, a master's energy essence was collected.

In this way, Yang Dingtian stared at the scorching sun, until the dark. Fully hunted five major division-level fire stone people and collected five large division-level energy essences.

He decided to wait until he collected ten and then swallowed it together.

After entering the night, Yangdingtian did not have the first time to look for elemental creatures to hunt, but began to make sunglasses.

That's right. Make sunglasses! Because there are more elemental creatures in the daytime, the results are more abundant, but the sun is bright, and Yangdingtian is very inconvenient and dangerous to close the eyes to kill the elemental monsters. If there is sunglasses, it will be much better.

There are many spar in his space ring. Many of them are colored transparent spar, as long as the two lenses are ground, it will be fine.

Soon, he found two brown-brown spar.

Of course, this spar is very, very hard and generally cannot be polished.

However, Yangdingtian has a soul sword of the emperor, and uses it to cut spar. Probably no different from cutting wood.

Easily, Yangdingtian cut two ink lenses with a sword. Put it in front of you. It turned out that there was no way to look at it. It was a completely distorted picture.

Although Yangdingtian cuts very smooth and complete on the surface of the lens, the interior of the spar is still very strange and incomparably complicated. I don't know how many faces. Therefore, it is impossible to transmit light in parallel.

Yangding Tian turned to find other spar, each one is the same. Whether it is a demon nucleus or a spar, the interior is very complicated.

However, Yangdingtian still has a way.

He floated the cut two lenses in the air. Then use the Yiling demon fire to burn directly.

However, to control the temperature, you can't directly let it burn, but you can't just smother it, but let it melt into a liquid.

Yangdingtian carefully controls the temperature, from one thousand degrees to two thousand degrees, three thousand degrees, this spar remains motionless.

When it came to 5,000 Baidu, it began to gradually change shape.

Yangdingtian carefully increased the temperature, and finally when there was no money for 395 degrees.

The two spar lenses were completely melted and floated in the air by the sun.

Then, Yangdingtian used the upper and lower sighs to blast it, and directly let the melted spar become the shape of the lens again.

Finally, with the cold and mysterious, violently bombarded.

Instantly, the molten spar is directly solidified.

Yangding Tian took it in his hand and saw two lenses.

perfect! Extremely perfect! Absolutely first-class light transmission, no distortion, because it is a complete vacuum, not even a little dust.

Finally, Yangdingtian melted a **** gold, made a frame, and then mounted the lens on the frame.

A perfect sunglasses is made.

Use the scoring stone to make the lens, and the blood black gold to make the eyeglass frame. Such a pair of sunglasses, placed on the earth, it is definitely a high price, millions of not only.

Yang Dingtian wore it up, then lit the darkness with a mysterious fire and took out a mirror.


Ghosts make the difference, Yang Dingtian did not even close. Instead, use the remaining spar to continue to make sunglasses.

In the end, a total of ten pairs were created.

I made a pair for every wife in Yunxiao City, and then I gave each baby a pair.

Before Yangdingtian went out to the door every time, he never brought a gift.

This time, when I came to the dark field, I finally came across a vacuum and gave me a cool gift.

After wearing it for a while, Yangdingtian reluctantly took it off and put it into the space ring.

Then, continue to look for elemental life in the dark realm of the night.


In this way, Yangdingtian fumbled and searched in the darkness.

For five hours, there was no gain.

It seems that in the dark nights, there are very few elemental creatures.

Last night, there were two gains in Yangdingtian. Even today, there was nothing to gain.

Seeing, the sky is going to light up.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

At this time, Yangdingtian suddenly felt the ground tremble.

However, but there are no fingers around, and there is no way to see where the elemental creatures are.

Yang Dingtian immediately stood in the same place, motionless.

Then, the ground is still shaking, this is the footsteps of an elemental life.

This elemental creature must be very, very large.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The vibration on the ground is getting stronger and stronger.

That huge creature is getting closer and closer to Yangdingtian.

But Yangdingtian still can't see it! Because it is all black, and the whole dark field is completely integrated.

Unless it opens your eyes, Yangdingtian has never been able to see it. Of course, Yangdingtian is illuminated with a black-and-white fire. It is also possible.

However, this time with a mysterious fire to illuminate, it is undoubtedly a kind of death-seeking behavior.

Getting closer and closer.

Yangdingtian has been able to feel its incomparably powerful atmosphere.

Because, when it came over, the pressure of the gas field was like the pressure of Mount Tai.

Half holy level! It is definitely an elemental creature above the semi-class level.

Yangding Tianda headache!

It turned out that there was no gain tonight, it was because of this thing.

Either you haven't harvested it, or you come directly to such a huge one.

Perhaps it is the hegemon of the surrounding realm, and as soon as it appears, all elemental creatures are afraid to show up.

If you successfully hunt it and get its energy essence, it may bring a huge breakthrough However, **** it is the most crucial thing.

Infinite Master, who meets the semi-sacred and above, only the spiked material!

Just at this time.

Suddenly, the elemental creature suddenly opened his eyes.


One eye alone is bigger than the body of Yangdingtian.

Moreover, these eyes are staring at Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian shuddered.


Note: Brothers, please ask for a few tickets! (To be continued.)



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