Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 861: Anti-war, hedge your eyes!

For the demon glass, Yangding knows very little.

Because, in the small aristocrats of Xiaoxitian, the women also have inheritance rights. In the case of the demon, it is equivalent to transferring the inheritance right to the enchanting, hoping that the future enchanting can become the patriarch of the Golden Alban.

Of course, the so-called patriarch of the Kim ethnic group is actually not expecting much. Because this is a lifelong system, and the life of the demon fox is very long, I don't know how long it will take until the father of the demon dies. But as long as it is a family of lessers, it is equivalent to the second-in-command of this family, and in many cases can exercise the power equivalent to the patriarch.

Only the enchanting and unwilling to send people under the fence, decisively left the Jin A ethnic group, worship Yong Yongshe as a teacher. The result was successful and became the speaker of the entire Xiaoxitian. Therefore, the enchanting life is definitely a legendary life.

"Well, stranger, now you should tell your origins."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was caught in a tangled, do not know whether to tell the truth, or to tell lies.

In fact, the other side now thinks that Yangdingtian is one of the noble aristocrats of the demon fox, and is also one of the lists that entered the dark field, but only followed her with ulterior motives.

To tell the truth, there may be dangers, because humans and foxes are different races after all, and the foxes must think of this second dark field as a ban. When human beings enter, they will definitely be hostile or even eliminated.

Moreover, how Yang Dingtian entered the dark field, this question is not easy to answer.

If you tell lies, it is against the heart of Yangdingtian. He is not hypocritical to the point of not wanting to tell lies. But in front of this woman's demon glass is completely no sand in the eyes.

The most important thing is that there are obviously a lot of noble foxes in the second dark field, and there is no killing in it, and the elemental creatures here are very powerful. Yangdingtian may not be able to make a decision, so he wants to join this team. . Then. Being honest and treating becomes very important.

So Yang Dingtian decided to tell the truth!

If the other party hears that Yangdingtian is a human being and launches an attack, he can easily steal, flash, and leave.

Although not the opponent of the other side, but calmly leave, Yang Dingtian can still do it.

"Before I say my identity, I hope you don't ask me how I came." Yangding Tiandao.

This is the case. Suddenly a glimpse of the glass, then nodded.

"I am a human being, called Yangdingtian." Yangding Tiandao.

When the words came out, everyone suddenly changed face.

"How is it possible?" Li Lei sighed: "You, you have a silver dragon blood?"

"Yes, I also have silver dragon blood in my body." Yangding Tiandao: "In fact, it is more than this. The silver dragon blood in my body may be richer than you."

That's right. After the enchanting silver dragon blood entered the body of Yangdingtian, a different change occurred immediately. And under the catalysis of the black-green dragon. It seems to be sublimated. Therefore, when the darkness of the silver palace was crystallized, the body of Yangdingtian became the appearance of the fallen silver dragon in an instant.

"How did you come?" asked the demon, but after asking it, she immediately shut up, because Yangdingtian said. Don't ask him this question.

She suddenly stepped forward.

The other three also followed the previous step.

As long as the demon glass is ordered, the four people will work together to kill Yang Dingtian. After all, he is not the same kind.

"Why are you tracking us?" asked the demon.

Yangding Tiandao: "I didn't follow you. After I entered the dark field, I was looking for elemental creatures. After looking for a long time, I found this cave and I got in. I found that you are playing this Hydra, I don't want to. Excuse me, but when I saw that the purple girl was hurt, I couldn’t bear it, so I saved it."

"What are your attempts now?" asked the demon.

"I want to join you." Yangding Tiandao: "Obviously, this purple-haired girl is no longer suitable for fighting."

"Join us?" The glazed glass looked up and down at Yangding Tiandao: "You know, if you didn't tell the truth, have you become a corpse now? You are human, non-ethnic, and The heart will be different. I should have killed you in the first place, but see you save my sister's share and spare you a life!"

"Sister..." The purple **** the ground suddenly got up and said: "Sister, let him join. I was a drag, he is very strong. If you join us, our team will be more combative."

"No." Demon glass said: "You can't let the dissidents join. This is the principle. You don't want to see a small profit and lose the big picture."

"Glass Princess..." Suddenly, the dark-haired man opened his mouth and tried to persuade.

"No, I can't say it, it just won't work." The demon glasses chilled: "And, this person only takes up the agility, the sword in his hand. It is only useful to encounter the golden body of the Hydra. Other elemental creatures, he became vulnerable. His cultivation is at best the same as Avon Awu."

Awen Awu, referring to the two ordinary infinite masters. These two people should be her attendants.

"Sister, but he saved my life." The purple girl said.

The demon glass directly took out one of the nine energy essences floating, and handed it to Yangding Tiandao: "Our Jin Azu never owes humanity. This is how you saved my sister and helped us to get rid of the Hydra." Let's go! It is absolutely impossible to join us."

Yang Dingtian is speechless. The woman in front of her eyes has the same determined will as the enchanting, but she has no enchanting wisdom, so she is particularly screwed and inhuman.

Just looking at her looks can also be seen, the tall and straight body, although the face is extremely beautiful, but the lines of the five senses are sharp and angular.

The delicate curve is originally convex and slanted, but it is flat and hard.

On the contrary, the purple-haired woman rescued by Yangdingtian is a little younger, but her face is exquisite and beautiful, and her body is full and embossed, which is particularly moving.

Although Yang Dingtian wants to join her team, she sees the attitude of the demon. Do not force, directly holding the energy essence, turned and left.

"I'm sorry." When she passed by the purple girl, she said softly.

Yangdingtian shook his head and left the cave.


Next, Yangdingtian began another journey of swaying alone.

but. Still nothing.

Three days later, he found another violent energy fluctuation. After arriving, it was another cave.

So he sneaked in stealth.

After tens of thousands of meters, there is a very very very powerful elemental monster.

It is an enchantress, absolutely half-level above the monster.


There are twenty high-level aristocrats who are attacking, and among the twenty, the semi-san is stronger. There are as many as five people.

Not only that, but there are also three masters who guard the entrance to the deep hole and prevent anyone from entering.

Just at the entrance to the cave, Yangdingtian saw two bodies, all of which were demon foxes.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian was almost the first time, and the stealth flashed away.

This team. The soldiers are strong and strong, so to speak. As long as he shows up, he will die. The other party will not even listen to the explanation, and directly kill the killer.

Because, inside is the most crucial battle, any outsider coming in and destroying, may lead to the destruction of the whole army.

This is not a game. After the group is destroyed, you can come back again. When the group is destroyed, it will be completely dead.


In the next few days, Yangdingtian was alone in the second dark field and still had nothing to gain.

and. He has fully felt the danger in it.

He has entered the cave four times and has encountered different teams, killing elemental creatures inside. At the entrance to every cave, there are dead bodies. There are two or three, and some are more than a dozen.

Obviously, the elemental monsters in the second dark field live in deep underground. It was only by chance that for some reason they would dig a deep cave and come to the ground. Therefore, every cave means an elemental creature, which means invaluable energy essence.

And the same cave, there will often be several teams to discover together. At this time, if you can discuss it, you can play it together. If you can't discuss it, you can either retire or kill.

At this time, killing is the most popular choice.

So, at the entrance to every cave, there are dead bodies.

It is no wonder that thousands of high-ranking aristocrats entered the dark field of cultivation. After two hundred years, they were able to go out or less than one hundred.

Because, here is the naked fight and killing.


Yangdingtian continues to search everywhere.

Compared to other people, Yangdingtian definitely has a very natural advantage, that is, Yiling demon fire to detect energy fluctuations.

Others are looking for one place, and Yangdingtian can find dozens of miles at once.

Moreover, Yangdingtian found that even if there are deep caves, it will not last long, because during the day, the whole earth will melt, and when the magma will flow into the cave, the whole cave will be blocked.

In this way, carefully avoiding other teams, Yangdingtian continued to explore everywhere.

This second dark field is really much bigger than the first field.

Finally, one day, Yangdingtian has gained, and this day may be the lucky day of Yangdingtian.

This is a brand new cave!

Yangdingtian holds huge hopes and surprises and stealth into this cave.

Always deep, deep, and in-depth.

After nearly 20,000 meters.

I saw a huge magma abyss, and there was a dark magical smoldering fire that was smashing upstream of the magma.

And, the best part is that this dark sorcerer has not been repaired to a semi-level (can be seen from the head).

Then Yang Dingtian is a person, you can try to hit it. If it is half-level, then Yangdingtian can only escape the road.


Yangdingtian fell into a little hesitation.

Although this sorcerer did not reach the half-sacred cultivation, it is obviously very close to the semi-holy. It’s really an unknown number of people who can kill it alone.

Once you start playing, you may even be in danger.

However, Yang Dingtian looked for so long, and finally found an enchantment, how could he give up.

hit! If you can't beat it, you can't run it!

So, Yang Dingtian decided to start playing!

There is only one style of play against the fire, and that is the ice attack.

Any other attack is invalid.

Yang Dingtian pulled out the soul sword of the emperor and slammed out an icy sword.

"Oh..." The ice-cold swordsman of the Infinite Masters directly killed the head of this sinister.

"Oh..." In an instant, the sorcerer flashed abruptly, and this icy coldness only hit its tail.

In an instant, its entire tail, all solidified, then ruptured violently.

"Oh..." The sorcerer was furious and sent out a roar of heaven.

Suddenly, the entire cave, shaking the sky.

Countless magma, spewing up.


Inflamed countless tentacles whip, madly rising in the sun.

There are dozens of tentacles, each with tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature, being pumped in, and the smoke is gone.

Every force has more than a million pounds.


Suddenly, the entire cave was violently blown up and smashed.

Yangdingtian uses the magical fog coat to madly dodge this countless flame whip.

"Oh..." At the same time, the sorcerer spurts out the flames of the sky, and wants to completely devour Yangdingtian!


at the same time.

In the distance of dozens of miles, the demon glass suddenly squatted down and put the ear on the ground, and suddenly felt a strong vibration.

"Thirty miles ahead, there are elemental creatures."

Suddenly, everyone was pleasantly surprised! Before, for a full year, I found an elemental creature without the Lord.

This time, only a half-month apart, I found one, of course, there is no Lord, I don’t know.

So five people marched fast.

Soon, I saw this cave of the fire.

"This is a new cave. It should have been discovered by no one, and the size of the cave should be the eleventh-order sorcerer. Under the fierce battle of five of us, we should be able to kill it." Others have not found it, and strive to solve the battle within half a day!"

"Yes!" The remaining four answered.

Then, the demon led the team, and five people quickly rushed into the cave.

But before I reached the bottom of the cave, I heard a fierce battle.

Several people looked at each other and saw a new cave. They even had the Lord.

How to do? Everyone suddenly looked at the demon glass there is the abyss cave of the Lord, if you rush in, it means offense, it means killing.

However, do not rush in, the devil is really not willing.

"Go in, here is the weak meat, not to blame us." The demon glass cold road, and then directly rushed in.

After entering the huge abyss cave, they were shocked!

That human being, even turned out to be alone in the eleventh order of the evil spirits, is this crazy?

This eleventh-order sorcerer, although comparable to the Hydra, is somewhat more terrible.

Five of them, because there are two ice masters, they feel that they can fight. And this human cultivation is not as good as the demon, even dare to kill alone.

Demon and others, really want to be stabbed! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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