Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 862: Shocking sister flowers, great harvest!

This man is looking for death!

This human is dead! !

This is the only reaction of the demon and others!

The eleventh-order elemental monsters, their five talents barely beat down, this human cultivation is not as good as the demon, even one person to fight, not looking for death.

Suddenly, the purple-haired girl, looking at the demon glass with her big eyes, is sure to want her sister to save her life.

The demon glass was cold and turned away.

Anyway, this human help has been reported. Moreover, she has not gone up to kill this human being to take away the fire, it is already very kind.

"You listen, this human being is dead, we immediately rushed to kill this illusion." The glaze has a special sound wave, toward the other four humanities in the team.

The purple-haired woman changed her face and whispered: "Sister, how can you do this? He saved me, we can't see death, and you have to **** his fire, too shameless."

Her words have not been finished, and she was directly caught by the demon glass, and she could not move at once.

Demon glass cold and cold: "Fair purple, you remember to me, although you are the most talented family, I know that this father mainly wants you to make a breakthrough, but you don't forget. I am this team. The leader, I am twice as old as you, and put away your innocence and ignorance."

Demon purple struggled, but could not break free.

At this time, Yangdingtian was chased by the madman, and the lightning generally avoided the tentacles of the flaming demon. This is not terrible.

The key is the flame that the smoldering spurts, tens of thousands of degrees, hundreds of thousands of degrees of flame, flooding the entire cave, completely unable to escape, hard to rely on the cold and mysterious body. Unless you flash to the back of the flaming demon. But behind it is a rocky cliff, its body. Close to its extremely hot body, it is even more dead.

Therefore, the ambition of Yangdingtian is completely lost like the tide.

Yang Dingtian finally understood, in this second dark field. A person is completely inseparable, and the team of five people is at least a minimum. Only one person, the first to grab the blame is extremely disadvantageous, and even if you grab the elemental creature, a person can not fight at all.

In front of this flaming, although not half-level, but the ghost knows how powerful it is.

Yangdingtian has used all the methods, and it will not hurt its points.

Press it. The sorcerer must use the ice system to attack. Yangdingtian is also used, and the demon spirits are used to the end. The result is useless. There are countless magma below, which continuously provide energy to the inflammatory demon. The ice attack of Yangdingtian has just frozen it, and immediately the sorcerer recovers.

To sum up a sentence, it is that the amount of ice attack in Yangdingtian is not enough, and it is not enough to restore the inflammation once.

This way to fight. Yang Dingtian even if it is completely exhausted, it is useless.

The result is this time. Yang Dingtian found that someone came in, and suddenly he was shocked.

In the dark field, but naked killing, these demon fox masters came in and found the inflammation and Yangdingtian, to ensure that the first action is to kill people.

However, when you see them, they are relieved.

This cold and beautiful woman. At least not directly murder.

So, Yangding Tiandao: "You, let's kill together, kill this evil, everyone divides."

Who knows that the glass is cold and cold: "No need. After you are killed, this enchantment is completely for us!"

As soon as this was said, Yang Dingtian barely vomited blood.

My grandfather, your sultry woman, you are really direct.

I have saved your sister and helped you fight the Hydra.

Originally, Yang Dingtian really retired. Because it really can't beat, you knocked out its blood, not enough to restore it once. The magma underneath it gives it a steady stream of energy. Therefore, Yangdingtian can never cause actual damage to it. It is almost invincible for Yangdingtian.

At this point, Yangding innocent heart regrets, why not bring the magical demon mother. If you bring it, let your magma condense into ice in minutes, and freeze your fire. Even if this enchantment is powerful, it is not as good as the illusion of the tens of thousands of years. However, Yang Dingtian felt that in front of nature, he could not be too selfish, so he put the magical demon back.

Yangdingtian is like a killing Hydra, directly piercing the fire with a sword.

However, it is also necessary to have a body of inflammation.

This monster looks like a purely broken creature, and there is no substantial body at all. All over the body, there are black and red flames, even the whip is the flame energy, not the entity. You cut it with a sword and it didn't react at all.

And its surface temperature, full of hundreds of thousands of degrees, Yang Dingtian even if there is a demon spirit, but also dare not approach.

Yangding is innocent and poor.

Whether it is the magic sky cracking lightning, or the billion spirit demon fire, or the magic spirit demon fire, Yang Dingtian tried all over, completely completely helpless.

Of course, he has a killer in the sky, black and green Xuanhuo (or black-green dragon), but this uncle is crouching deep in the sea, Yangdingtian is not dead, it is lazy to get his hand. Moreover, basically it is only responsible for protecting life and not responsible for killing the enemy.

Well, there is only one way to destroy this inflammation.

That is, the damage of the ice system exceeds a certain level, and the amount of energy that the magma recovers to the enchantment can be destroyed.

And five of them, three of them are ice-based, plus they are definitely ok, ice damage is certainly enough.

However, this **** girl, even seeing death, can wait for Yangdingtian to die, then take the profit. This girl, but the enchanting indifference and poison, learned a full ten.

At this point, the attack of the flaming demon is getting more and more crazy. Hundreds of flame whips are madly beaten. Even if there is a magical fog coat in Yangdingtian, it is getting more and more difficult. It has been smashed several times. Fortunately, there are magic spirit black armor and magic spirit demon fire energy cover, otherwise it will be a long time ago.

Moreover, the flames emitted by the inflammatory magic are getting higher and higher, and the Yangdingtian has been somewhat unsupported.

However, any method has been thought of, and it is impossible to move.

Therefore, there is no way for Yangdingtian. Can only give up and give up, so although there is no face, but at least can save lives.

"Everyone notices that this human being is going to die, to get to the first time, to eliminate the evil spirits. Do not let it sink into the magma abyss."

Hearing this sentence, Yang Ding, who is desperately trying to escape, is really going to vomit a blood.

"I am, you have to fall into the hands of the uncle, I promise to **** you a hundred times." Yangding Tiandeng can not bear.

Originally, he wanted to flash at this time, but after hearing the words of the girls, it was really unwilling.

If you give up your escape, you will be cheaper than the evil girl.

Last time, last time!

Yangding has made up his mind. The last attack, if it was still ineffective, immediately fled and fled, and couldn’t take care of the cheap girl.

The last attack, what is the use of Yangdingtian?

Void fire! This has never been used to attack the mysterious fire.

Because the Void Fire has not shown any attack attributes. Its anti-day effect seems to be to open a space door to the dark world, as well as to shuttle the abyss border. In short, it seems that it is not used to fight at all.

Now, the dead horse is treated as a living horse. You can only try to destroy this smolder with a hollow fire.

"Call!" Yang Dingtian summoned a transparent hollow fire, input enough energy, and then blasted away.

"Hey!" The emptiness of the fire, directly shot the fire.


Then there is no more then.

Nothing happens.

Yang Dingtian is completely speechless, using the magic sky to split the lightning. At least the fire magic also shook a bit, stayed a bit. With the Yiling demon fire, the enchantress is still engulfed at least with excitement, and with the demon spirits, at least temporarily brought damage to the genie. Although it was restored immediately.

However, hitting the flame with a fissure fire, there was no reaction at all.

Even the sorcerer did not know that he was beaten.

It seems that the Void Fire is not used for combat, and there is no combat attribute.

It seems that I really have to give up, to escape, and to be a cheap and glamorous girl.

Really unwilling, it is a loss of face.

But there is no way, so that it will be consumed, and when the mysteriousness is exhausted, it is a dead end.

Can only give up the escape.

But Yang Dingtian was still not reconciled, so suddenly there was a thought in his mind.

Use the hollow fire to crack, add magic to the demon fire, do not know if you can. The demon spirit is the ice system, the void is splitting fire, can it make it qualitative change?

As a result, the Yangding Tiannao Cave opened wide.

The left hand summons the demon spirit, and the right hand summons the hollow fire.

Then, blend them together.

As a result, it was found that these two black fires could not be blended, and they were completely different. Even if they are forced to be in one position, they will burn themselves and will not react to each other.

As a result, the Yangding Tiannao Cave opened up a bit more.

Directly transforming the demon spirit into a chaotic attribute, and transforming the fission fire into a chaotic attribute. It turns out that under the transparent state of the fissure and fissure, it is originally a chaotic attribute, and there is no need to change. (Void cracking fire comes with yin and yang properties, white flame is yang, black flame is yin, fusion transparent flame, chaotic property)

Then, combine the two chaotic attributes of the demon spirit and the virtual fire.

Actually, it really can.

The two black fires together turned directly into a flame that seemed to be green and blue. It is not a new black fire, but at least it is a brand new flame.

Then, Yang Ding violently fired out and shot at the chest of the fire.

Hey! It is as fast as lightning.

In an instant, this Xuanhu fusion merged into the fire.

This fusion of the mysterious fire, slammed into the body of the fire.

"Oh..." The sorcerer suddenly made a terrible horror, then struggled desperately and struck hard.

The entire abyss cave is constantly shattered.

Countless magma, skyrocketing.

I saw that the place where the fire magic was attacked on the chest was eroded out of a huge hole and could not be recovered.

Yang Ding was ecstatic for the moment, and then flashed to avoid, while releasing the demon spirit and the hollow flame, turning into chaotic attributes, and then blasting out.

"Oh..." The sorcerer was in the middle of it, and there was a terrible black hole in his chest.

Although the magma can recover this black hole, it is extremely extremely slow, almost the same as no recovery.

The savage under the wrath, completely lost his senses, suddenly rushed out of the magma abyss, madly rushing to the sun.


Countless flame whips, crazy whipping. .

Terrible flames, mad spouting.

Suddenly, the entire huge abyss cave collapsed wildly.

The terrible flames burned and melted all the rocks in the cave.

The destructive power of this flaming demon is really amazing.

But for Yangdingtian, it is not a problem, because he has the magical fog coat and the magical black armor, as well as the magic spirit demon fire energy cover.

Moreover, after the flaming demon left the abyss of the magma that he came to rely on, the energy was quickly lost, and the wound was not replenished with any fire energy, plus it was madly smoldering and madly whipping.

Therefore, its fire energy is exactly like the flood of the gate, and the madness is not limited.

And Yangding Tianfei flashed to avoid, and the count of chaotic attributes of the demon spirits and the hollow-fired fire fusion burst out.

In a short while, the tens of meters of high-inflammation, the body has been riddled with holes.

The flames in most parts of the body have been extinguished and turned into black holes one after another.

However, it still does not give up at all, desperately trying to kill Yang Tiantian, and more frantically counterattack.

"Booming and banging..."

The anti-fighting of the sorcerer is incredibly amazing. As long as Yangdingtian is in the middle of it, it is necessary to remove half of his life. However, Yangding is flying fast and will always attack behind the fire. Never dared to be hit by its flame front.

forty nine!


Yang Dingtian shot fifty times of the black fire fusion.




The sorcerer made a terrible noise.

Then, the whole body consumes too much energy and is eroded too much.

Finally, I couldn’t stand it, blasted it up, it’s gone, it’s completely dead.

Then, an energy essence that is bigger than ever, floats slowly in the air.

Yang Dingtian succeeded When he almost gave up hope, he tried to use the Void Fire to fuse the demon spirit, and the result gave him a huge surprise.

It seems that the sky of the fissure of the flames has been discovered by him.

Yangdingtian is very small and directly puts this energy essence down. This is only a lot bigger than the Hydra, and it will definitely bring a big breakthrough.

After the essence of energy was put into the arms, the eyes of Yangdingtian suddenly looked toward the demon.

And the demon and other people, really completely stunned.

Is this still a person? It turned out to be a person, killing a 12-order sorcerer, and still unscathed.

This is also a slap in the face!


Note: Please ask for a ticket! (to be continued


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