Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 863: Great fortune, half-energy essence!

Yang Dingtian did not think that he had killed such a powerful inflammation.

After the energy essence is removed, the Yangding Tianchao horror of the glamorous road: "Mrs. Glass, you also saw, I can not only find these elemental creatures very early, but also the combat power is very high, let me join your team. ,how is it?"

The reason why Yangdingtian still wants to join the team is that it is found that in the second dark field, it is really difficult to walk alone.

Moreover, he has a lot of questions and needs help answering.

Also, if you encounter a semi-class elemental creature, he can't do it alone, so it is safe to join the team.

After hearing the words of Yang Dingtian, the purple-haired girl suddenly became beautiful and looked towards her sister. I hope that the demon will quickly agree.

Who knows, the woman of the demon glass chilled the sun and looked at it, saying: "No need! Flirty, mad!"

Then she turned and left, saying: "Go, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, in the eyes of the purple-haired girl Yiyi, the five-person team of the demon glass left the road = top = point = novel. 23w cave.

The lungs of Yangdingtian really want to be blown up.

Day! I killed this singer alone, I joined your team, are you taking advantage of the big bargain? I can't easily bend my body, don't know your general knowledge, ask for the team, and the result is still a cold face.

Refused to give up, even said that he is frivolous, mad!

Yang Dingtian swears that even if she sees this woman being blasted next time, she will not look at her eyes and will never help.

After being angry, Yangdingtian immediately left the sacred cave.

Because every cave will attract many people. Once there are other teams coming in. They will kill.


After returning to the ground, Yangdingtian found a remote corner and began to devour the essence of energy in his hands.

The first thing that can be swallowed up is the essence of the Hydra, which is also the essence of the energy of an infinite master.

After swallowing, the sea of ​​Yangdingtian trembled and then began to swell. Swell...

It is a pity that after the energy is insufficient, it will suffocate after it has expanded to a certain extent.

Therefore, Yangdingtian began to devour the essence of this enchanting energy.

The sea of ​​air is expanding rapidly.


The whole body and the gods are caught in nothingness.

Yang Dingtian made the eighth breakthrough!

Then, he continues to devour the essence of this enchantment.

Incomparably rich energy, directly into the sea of ​​Yangdingtian. At this time, Yangdingtian found it.

The energy essence of this elemental creature can be regarded as pure and mysterious, but it is not counted. Because its richness is much greater, after entering the sea of ​​air, Xuanqi will be subjected to a huge squeeze and cohesion, and then join the construction of the entire sea of ​​the sea.

And this energy essence is directly into the sea of ​​air, and does not need to squeeze and condense at all. Its instinct is a very high concentration of energy. And the most valuable thing is that it can smoothly enter the sea through the mysterious vein. And not like Xuanqi, too much will burst into the mysterious veins.

Soon, the sea of ​​Yangdingtian expanded and expanded again. When it was inflated to the extreme, it suddenly felt a little weak.

Yang Ding Tianxin’s heart, this eleventh-order inflammatory energy essence. Sure enough, it is not enough to let myself make the ninth breakthrough.


As a result, the energy essence of this enchantment was finally rushed.

Actually, let the gas sea directly explode, and then the whole body and the gods, once again fall into nothingness.

Yang Dingtian successfully carried out the ninth breakthrough.

then. Yang Dingtian returned to the question again. After all, how many breakthroughs can he reach to reach the semi-holy?

Already the ninth time? He personally feels that there should be a qualitative change in the tenth time.


After the restoration of Yangdingtian.

The sky is almost bright!

At this point, it is almost the safest time. Because the noble foxes of the foxes will be cultivated in deep caves during the day, they will come out in the evening.

After the sun rises, the entire second dark field is like a fire, and the whole world is burning.

Yangdingtian did not stay, and quickly drilled a cave tens of meters deep, and then hid inside.

The earth has become softer and softer. Yangdingtian used a soul sword of the emperor to easily drill a cave tens of meters deep.

Then, the whole person is hiding inside, basically can avoid the heat.

Of course, the magma will stay slowly. But if it flows less than ten meters, it will solidify and then block the hole.

Even in the cave, it is getting hotter and hotter. At the highest time, it should be more than Baidu, but it is much more comfortable than the thousands of degrees of high temperature on the ground. It’s gone.

Yangdingtian contains medicinal herbs and closes his eyes.


He is between the gods.

Suddenly, I felt as if I was shaking, as if there was something in the hole.

Yang Dingtian was shocked and immediately pulled out the sword.


The sound of the digging is approaching quickly.

Is it that there are other teams, just to cut the cave to the vicinity, this is too inch, Yang Dingtian immediately disappeared in this cave with stealth and mysterious skills.

"Hey!" Suddenly, the rock under his feet slammed open.

Then, a huge, black scorpion fire rushed out.

It turned out that it was a cave.

Then, Yang Dingtian discovered that this fire was actually scarred and dying.

It, it is escaping, because it is only a small half of the body.

But even a small half, it is also a few tens of meters long, four or five meters thick, completely a huge thing.

It is a snake, but it is one level higher than a snake. It is a bit like a dragon, but it is definitely not a dragon.

It must have been beaten in the cave, and as a result, it was desperate to escape, and it was necessary to return to the ground and absorb the energy of the endless magma.

Yangdingtian hesitated, he, he wants it. Why are you coming down?

You know, this fire is very, very, very, at least stronger than the one you played.

However, it has been seriously injured and most of the body is gone. It’s a pity that it’s completely dying. It’s a shame not to take the opportunity to come.

However, if you take the opportunity to come back and die, you may have to kill yourself.

In the end, Yang Dingtian still did not hold back the heart that was ready to move.


Lightning, a sword, pierced the head of this fire.

moment. This fire escape stopped.

Then, completely solidified in the cave, looking at the eyes of the sun, the moment is like a fissure, like blood.

Then, its body slammed into the incomparable power.

This energy is better than the Hydra and the Fire. Add up, but also stronger. It’s still scary.

Is it half holy? Yangdingtian really didn't know!

In short, Yang Dingtian was stunned by this energy and found that the whole body could not move.

My life is resting?

Seeing this fire, it seems to be the eyes of people to choose, Yangding days all over the body cold.


Just when the fire is going to be mad, it's the small half of the body, including the head. It was completely smouldering and violently exploded.

It, it is so dead.

After showing the energy of crushing the sun, it seems to be able to tear the sun into pieces after an instant, and then blew himself to death.

The so-called strong end. Perhaps, maybe that's what it means.

This powerful, originally able to tear a rabbit into pieces easily, but when there is still a millimeter, it fell off.

Therefore, Yangding Tianzhu returned a small life.

Then, a huge energy essence floats in the air.

Actually, it turned out to be purple.

Before Yang Dingtian had many energy essences, green, blue, and flame-like orange-yellow.

However, there has never been a purple energy essence.

Yang Dingtian grabbed this energy essence and suddenly felt the energy that he had never seen before.

He didn't figure it out, but he didn't dare to swallow it. He quickly put it in the energy jade box and put it into the space ring.

Just at this time!

Suddenly, the sound of digging a hole was heard again.

So, isn't there an elemental monster? This time, this time, Yangdingtian can't take the opportunity to attack. Just lucky, the fire blew at the last moment, otherwise the Yangdingtian life is gone, this time Yangdingtian decided, even if it is strong and then dying element Biological, he also does not do anything, let it rush out of the ground.

Therefore, Yangdingtian once again quickly disappeared, and then did not move.

After a few minutes.

The rock in the cave splashed, and then it was full of twenty people, rushing out from the cave that was fired.

Twenty people, and there are several strong people in the semi-class level, there are only a few, the infinite master class.

This team, the absolute force is strong!

"Less Lord, the fire is dead, you see here are all the metal fragments of the fire." Suddenly, a semi-classic strongman.

And the demon fox nobleman in the yellow brocade should be the lord of a certain family. He crouched down and touched the fragments after the fire blew himself. The breath suddenly became rushed, saying: "So, what about the essence of energy? ”

"No, no, it should have been taken away." This semi-sacred strongman said.

"Ah..." This yellow brocade is less, and suddenly a roar of anger.

"Go and find, find everyone in the radius of a few hundred miles, all to find out for me, even if you hide in the ground, you have to dig it out." The yellow brocade is less angry with the Lord: "The fifteenth-order fire. We have been tracking for a year and a half, and five people have died. It is not easy to be killed. It falls into the hands of others, even if they kill them, they must regain the essence of the fire."

Yangdingtian is on the side and his heart is shaking.

This elemental creature that I missed is actually fifteenth order? Of course, for several orders and several orders, Yangdingtian does not understand much. But it knows that just letting you break through the ninth time after breaking through the eighth time, it is only the eleventh order.

And this dog's smashing, the leaking essence of this fire, turned out to be fifteenth order! How strong is that, how many times can you make yourself break through?

"Yes!" After hearing the order of the yellow robes and less masters, more than twenty masters, lightning generally rushed to the ground, began to search for carpets within a few hundred miles.

Yangdingtian is still invisible, motionless.

The yellow brocade is still in the cave, only two steps away from Yangdingtian.

He still trembled and whispered, muttering to himself: "15th, 15th, 20th, 30th, there is no elemental creature of fifteenth order. Who wants to steal my own essence? I killed his family!"

Then he gradually calmed himself down.

"One hundred and ninety years, and one hundred and ninety-eight years, as long as I broke through the king-level powerhouse, I will kill the enchanting and take away Ji Ya." Ya, you are mine. Enchanting, I will definitely break you down!"

At this point, the heart of Yangding was even more shocked.

I did not expect that this person in front of him was actually his own rival. Of course, he doesn't know his His imaginary enemy is still enchanting, of course he does not know, the enchanting is dead.

It seems that it is really a narrow road.

And the king of his mouth, in the small West, is the meaning of the Holy Power.

For almost a few hundred years, humans have never been a holy power. In Xiaoxitian, the Shengqiang is also the highest level of strength.

The whole small western world, the number is not too much.

In front of this yellow brocade is the master of the semi-class. It takes him two hundred years to break through the holy level.

Now Yang Dingtian finally knows why it is two hundred years to practice in the dark field.

Because tracking a high-level elemental creature takes a long, long time.

In the dark field for more than a year, the team of the demon glass has only played a Hydra. And the team of more than 20 people in this yellow brocade was only playing a fifteenth-order fire, and it failed.


Next, Yangdingtian desperately hopes that this half-level relative of the enemy (yellow brocade and less master) will quickly leave.

Once he discovers himself, he will definitely tear himself up.

However, this pursuer of Ji Ya seems to have no intention of leaving, and continues to drill holes.

Yang Dingtian carefully hides in the corner.

This rival, even opened a cave dozens of square meters, and then sat down and waited for the men to report.

"Well, you don't go, I am going!" Yangding Tianxinzhong.

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