Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 868: Kill the pig scroll! Break through 10th order!

In an instant, all the expressions on the stone man's face were all solidified. (

Before, its expression has been very calm, but the human-like expression is very vivid, it solidified at this time, really like a sculpture.

Yang Dingtian repeated it again: "The person who taught you to talk is called Nothing."

Finally, the stone man had an expression and nodded: "Yes, how do you know?"

And the demon glass, also directly looking at the sky.

Nothing is nowhere in the human kingdom. Almost no one has heard of it, but the most famous person in Xiaoxitian is a faithful name, almost synonymous with the savior. Although, he did not succeed in salvation.

"Because of your frustration, even tone, and tail, you are imitating him." Yangding Tiandao: "And, your face is also carved out by him. Although it has been blurred after years, I am already blurred. Still can be seen is his handwriting."

The stone man fell into silence. After a long time, he opened his mouth again: "Why do you know?"

The glass of the demon, also looked at the sun again.

Although the two questions are the same, the second meaning is, how do you know about everything about nothing?

"Because, I am almost his only sect." Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, the demon glass shook.

Yes, Xiao Xitian is very disoriented to human beings, because human beings are generally poor and a lot of nobles. However, this does not include the absence of vaginal ecstasy, because in many works of Xiao Xitian, vaginal ecstasy as a human has broken through the limits of the chaotic species philosophy and reached the semi-god level that only Naga can reach.

This level. In Xiaoxitian, it is definitely the highest mountain.

Yang Dingtian turned out to be his only successor.

Of course, whether it is the demon or the Buru, it is absolutely certain that Yangdingtian will not lie.

To some extent, Yangdingtian does not lie as if the demon does not lie. Although the two people are different in character, the character of two people. All can be worthy of complete trust.

"Oh, no wonder!" Stone said: "But it's a pity. Although he used to be my master, I hate him the most. So it's still useless. You still have to answer the question. You answered the wrong one. Still killing you."

Yang Dingtian is not surprised by this answer. The stone man feels that he has been abandoned, so naturally he hates it.

Yangding Tiandao: "Even if I answer it right. You must kill us."

The stone man nodded: "Yes, so no one can survive if I enter my trap."

Yangding Tiandao: "I won't answer."

"Then you will die too." The stone man slowly said: "However, I will definitely give you the whole body, because I can remember your face."

"I don't answer, we still have to leave here alive." Yangding Tiandao: "Because, I am going to find traces of vain. If I find it, I will ask you for help. Why did he abandon you?"

Suddenly, the stone man trembled.

"If I get the answer. Anyway, I will come back and tell you." Yang Dingtian continued: "You let us go out, I will help you find the abandoned answer, even if there is no answer, I will come back and tell You. This is our agreement."

The facial features of the entire vague face. Because the mood is too fluctuating, and a little broken, the gravel falls.

Then, its stone faces twitched, it was a stone man. So there will be no tears.

However, Yang Dingtian said that it is the most painful and most hateful thing in the heart, and the most unattainable thing.

Why did the owner abandon himself?

He gave himself wisdom, taught himself to speak, and changed himself from an ignorant life to a smart life that learned to be angry and sorrowful.

The stone man thought that it would continue like this.

Until one day, the master disappeared and left it alone in the dark world.

That feeling is completely incapable of being described in words.

Although the stone man is very powerful, he also has wisdom. However, its thinking is still the same as a pet.

Pets abandoned by their owners, especially those with wisdom, are the most painful.

And, it is left in this dark world of incomparable loneliness. So this pain afflicts it, making it dark and cruel, especially for hunting people. It is not even powerful, because it is not useful for a stone man.

Why does the owner want to abandon it?

This problem, even if he exhausted all the pain, he could not solve it. Moreover, it will continue to plague it.

If someone is willing to give it an answer, then it is willing to pay a lot of things to exchange, the life of six people in Yangdingtian is even more important.

"I believe in your promise, you, this person must do what you say." Stone Man slowly said: "I am waiting for you here."

"Good." Yangding Tiandao: "So, you must first tell me, where did you and your host have been before coming to this second dark field?"

“Many, many, many, many places!” Stone said: “But my wisdom at the time was just enlightened, and I couldn’t remember too many things.”

"He has written a scroll in this second dark field, or what scroll left?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The stone man was lost in thought.

This thinking is a half hour.

"Very very sorry." Stone said: "I am not really a smart life. I don't have the brains of your human beings. I can't store a lot of information. I can only store limited information. And your so-called scroll, in my eyes, should be It's not important, so it's not stored. But the fuzzy feedback that memory gives me should be there. He did leave the scroll, but I can't remember where."

"In this second dark field?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"It shouldn't be." Stone said: "Because, after we came here, he was thinking almost all the time!"

"Thank you for your advice." Yangding Tiandao: "So, let go."

"Please!" Stone is humane.


In this way, Yang Dingtian and his party are six people. Returned to the ground.

This embarrassment is really a journey of fright.

It seems that every cave can't be chaotic. It's no wonder that every time you enter the dark field, nine of them will not go back.

It’s really dangerous for my wife!

Fortunately, this time it was the origin of Yangdingtian and Xuanfeifei, otherwise it would have died ten times eight times.

After coming out. Yang Dingtian couldn't help but ask: "The demon glass, this stone man, what is it?"

"I don't know." The demon glared at the head: "It's unfathomable, I can't see clearly."

Yangding Tianzhu tongue, even the demon glass can not see clearly, what is the cultivation, at least Yang Dingtian can not imagine the repair.

The demon glass said again: "And over the years, practicing in the dark field, into the cave of the stone man. There must be no shortage of holy power, and some teams, even more than one holy power. But they are all dead, from then on Presumed how strong this stone man is."

"Yangdingtian, this stone man is just so powerful as your chef's pet, then how powerful your master should be." Inside the demon purple beauty. It is full of little stars.

The demon smashed the demon purple, then opened the energy jade box. There are five energy essences in it, which is the result of the stone man who just killed a team of more than a dozen people.

The demon glass picks the biggest one and handed it to Yangding Tiandao: "This one should be the energy essence of the eleventh-order nine products, and it will be swallowed together with the eleventh-order inflammatory essence in your hand. It should definitely break through. Tenth order."

Yangdingtian took over.

Then, the demon glass left one, and gave the demon purple one, Bolu one, and Awen Awu together.

The glazed road said: "Don't devour here. It's too close to the cave, maybe someone will come. If the sky is not bright, find a place, everyone will swallow away the essence of energy."

"it is good!"

Suddenly, everyone continued to move north toward the north.

In a few moments, I suddenly saw more than a dozen figures!

Suddenly, Yangding Tianhui Glass and others, such as the enemy, the hair is erected, the sword is in hand, ready to fight.

Be aware that in the dark realm, everyone is a competitor. Even if you are an acquaintance in the small West World, you may be in the same place here.

The other party, a dozen people, found the demon glass and Yang Dingtian and other people, the first reaction is also violently pulled out the weapon.

Yangdingtian can only pray, not a cold person.

"Isn't this the Princess of the Golden Albanian Princess?" Suddenly, there was a enchanting and ironic voice across the street.

When the demon saw the arrival, suddenly the brow wrinkled, but the sword was sheathed.

"The banshee of the noble aristocrats of Yindu, the elders of her family have once served as the deputy speaker of Lord Yongshe."

Xiao Xitian’s deputy speaker, sometimes, sometimes. When a family contributes a lot to a speaker, when the speaker wants to hold on to many things in the family, he will choose a representative from the family as his deputy speaker.

Yangdingtian looked up and saw that the demon Luo was extremely enchanting, even in the dark field, it was very sexy. And a dozen people around her, all of them are males of the foxes, and they are obviously all the flower ambassadors.

Seeing Yangding Tianmuguang, the demon Luo hooked the hook: "This gentleman, don't follow the demon, come follow your sister, definitely have your sweetness."

After all, she also had a winking eye at the top of the sun, and bent down to make her cleavage deeper. Presumably, she is using such a means, the network helper.

"Thank you." Yang Dingtian smiled, and then he ignored it.

The demon Luo asked for a boring, and suddenly snorted: "It is also a blind sly, and there are only the speaker in the eyes of the people. You can't be so embarrassed."

Then, with a dozen flower protectors, she went to the south and headed for the stone man's Dongfu.

The demon glass hesitated for a moment: "Demon Luo, although I hate you, but I must tell you, you don't want to go south again, there is danger ahead."

Demon Luo Meiyi turned and said: "It should be the opposite. There must be elemental creatures in front. You can't escape, but you don't want to be cheap, but I want to go, giggling..."

Then, the demon smiled and flew quickly toward the south.

These dozens of people will surely die, and they will become the prey of the Stone Man.

The demon glass shook his head, and then the six men put away the sword and continued to fly toward the north.


Find a relatively secluded place, the glazed road: "Yangdingtian, you devour the essence of energy, I and Buru give you a whistle."

Yang Dingtian did not have any feelings and nodded.

Then, he combines the eleventh-order inflammatory energy essence and the energy essence of an eleventh-order nine-piece product.

Suddenly, it became a light lavender great energy essence.

Then, the Yangding Tianpan sits on the ground, closing his eyes and beginning to devour the essence of energy in his hands.


Suddenly, this infinitely close to the energy essence of the 12th order, like a mountain, the ferociously poured into the zen of the sun, and poured into his sea of ​​air.

This energy is too overbearing.

When the sun was pouring into the top of the Yangding, Yangdingtian could hardly bear it. When there was no breakthrough, there was a golden glow in front of it, and it almost fainted in the blink of an eye.

Yangdingtian rushes into all the will, forcing himself to be awake and continue to devour the essence of energy.

Nearly twelve levels of energy essence, really strong.

From the nine-order nine products, breaking through the tenth order was originally very difficult because it involved the concept of order. Just like the breakthrough of the master from the Wu Xing and other Wu Zun, it is very difficult to break through the masters from the nine stars and nine masters.

Of course, the breakthrough of the tenth order from the nine-order nine products is absolutely not as difficult as breaking through the master. Because of the most difficult levels, on the ninth and fifteenth levels!

Just a quarter of an hour!

The sea of ​​Yangdingtian is completely filled, and then begins to expand and expand...

"Boom!" The whole air, blasted open.

Then the whole person fell into nothingness.

He broke through the tenth-order powerhouse very smoothly.

However, the engulfment of the essence of energy is not over yet. Endless energy continues to flow in and out.

Soon, the sea of ​​Yangdingtian was filled again.

"Boom!" Suddenly, Yangdingtian once again fell into a complete nothingness.

His cultivation, once again broke through, reached the tenth grade.

However, the engulfment of the essence of energy continues.

The demon on the side suddenly stayed a little! The sacred veins of Yangdingtian and the sea of ​​gas are so contrary to the sky, the utilization rate of the essence of energy is so high?

In this case, the high-level nobles of the demon fox, at most, the breakthrough of the tenth-order powerhouse, will exhaust the energy, and Yangdingtian can still break through once.

In the end, Yang Dingtian finally failed to break through the ten-order two products, only a little worse, but has already stunned everyone.

After the devour, Yang Dingtian felt his own cultivation!

Compared with the big masters such as Jiuxing and At this time, it is about seven or eight times.

The demon glazed at Yangding Tiandao: "You are really much more special than I thought. I am very much looking forward to it now. How long do you spend, you can break through the fifteenth and a half sacred."

Yangding Tiandao: "I can't break through how much time, I am here, I can only stay for at least one year, then I will go to another dark field. So, we have to race against time. I suggest that we should not hide and rest during the day. , continue to practice."

I thought about it for a while, and nodded suddenly.

After the sun rises, the six people in Yangdingtian did not rest in the crypt, but continued to explore and continue to hunt.


Time is like water, and it is passing fast.

Soon, two months passed. (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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