Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 689: Breakthrough! Demon purple steals incense!

This short two-month harvest completely exceeded the imagination of the demon and others.

It is really crazy!

It is often a year and a half to successfully kill an elemental creature, because in such an extremely dark situation, searching for elemental creatures is too difficult.

Yes, there are many elemental creatures in the dark realm. But basically it will not be discovered until the cave is opened. The time of existence of this cave is generally not long, and it will be completely submerged by magma during the day.

So often there is a cave in the place that has just been explored before an hour, but you will miss the opportunity forever.

And with Yangdingtian, it is completely different.

In a half-time, he will be able to search through every inch of the area within a hundred miles.

The countless grievances of the billion spirits are even more powerful than the most powerful radars.

In fact, Xiao Xitian has developed many similar energy probes, but no doubt has failed. Because all living energy fines cannot survive in the dark.

In the past two months, the team of the demon glass has gained every day. Not only was there a harvest at night, but with the sunglasses of Yangdingtian, it was also harvested during the day.

At the very least, one element can be hunted in one day. At the most, there are four.

In other words, when Yangdingtian just entered the dark field, even if there was a resentment detection, it would be enough for ten days and a half.

First of all, it was because he detected the error and did not find the cave, but thought that these elemental creatures would go upstream on the ground.

Second, there is the beginning of the second dark field. After countless years of hunting, elemental creatures have long been killed.

Here, it has already penetrated more than 20,000 in the second dark field, and the natural harvest has increased greatly.

In the past two months, the demon team has hunted a total of 129 elemental creatures, that is, a total of one hundred and twenty-nine energy essences.

The most advanced, eleventh-order eight.

The lowest level, the fifth order and the fifth.

Why the most advanced is only the eleventh order, they must have encountered a higher level of elemental creatures. However, it did not go to fight.

Because there is no need to risk that life, Yang Dingtian stealth to see, as long as more than twelve orders, all give up.

The twelve-order elemental creature is very, very, very powerful. The team at Yangdingtian is hard to eliminate, and there must be casualties.

In the past two months, more than a dozen or more elemental creatures have been abandoned.

Not only that, but also give up, there are more than fifty caves, because someone is already playing.

In the end, Yangding Tianzu was divided into fifty elemental essences.

The demon glass was divided into thirty, and the demon purple was divided into twenty. Burlu, divided into fifteen. The Avon Awu brothers were divided into fourteen.

That's right, it seems that this ratio is a bit wrong.

There is much more demon purple, and Burr has less points.

In fact, the division of the demon glass is already very generous. In the small western world, the rank is very strict.

As a vassal, Burrow, and Arvinawu, there is no power at all. How much to give depends entirely on the gift of the master.

Therefore, the proportion of these three people is already unprecedented.

And because of the existence of Yangdingtian, the harvest of Bailu and Awen, Awu, has completely surpassed those of the tribes who have dozens of people.

After two months of hunting and devouring.

The demon glass, from the eleventh-order five products, directly broke through to the eleventh-order eight products.

And Burlu, also from the eleventh-order three products, broke through to the eleventh-order five products.

The two brothers of Avon Awu also broke through to the nine-order nine products.

Demon purple, directly from the ninth-order elementary school, directly broke through to the ninth-order nine products, but also faced a breakthrough tenth.

As for Yangdingtian, I got fifty essences. Moreover, the demon glass also gave him a considerable part of the high energy essence.

Fifty can only be the essence, and he has synthesized five energy essences of eleventh-order nine products.

After devouring, Yangdingtian directly broke through the ten-order one product and broke through the ten-order seven products.

That's right, it seems that the breakthrough grade of Yangdingtian seems to be not as good as the demon purple. But there is no way, the more difficult it is to break through.

Moreover, the breakthrough in the dark field is already very bad. Directly devour the energy breakthrough, which is unimaginable in the human kingdom.

Now Yangding innocence is more and more skeptical. It is unreasonable to rely on what is the sublimation of this thing.

Now Yangdingtian has clearly felt that the infinite master is already the cultivation boundary of the human kingdom. Normal cultivation, it is impossible to break through again, and the semi-sanctification is impossible. Otherwise, Zhu Qingzhu will not leave the human kingdom and go to other places to seek a breakthrough.

Because the mysterious energy of the human kingdom has become increasingly thin.

Despite the breakthrough of Yangdingtian!

However, two months passed and he left the second dark field for ten months.

At this speed, it is absolutely impossible to break through the fifteenth order. Because the more you get to the back, the harder it is.

And in the same grade, the monster is stronger than the human, and the elemental creature is stronger than the monster.

Therefore, it is necessary to wait until the two people of the demon glass Burlu break through the 12th order, then they are likely to dare to play the 12th-order elemental creature.

At this rate, Yang Dingtian left the dark field and was able to break through the thirteenth order, which is considered to be against the sky.


This evening, six people have completely recovered their battles.

Then, set off again and hike the adventure. In the past two months, the six people have once again gone north for five thousand miles. At this time, they have penetrated into the second dark field for nearly 30,000 miles.

In two months, five thousand miles sounded very short. But this is not a run, but a detailed search, almost every inch is not missed. Five thousand miles north, it is equivalent to exploring 20 million square kilometers, equivalent to a Russian, even if Yangdingtian uses countless grievances to explore, this area is also very against the sky.

"I hope that today's luck will be better." Demon glass said: "Because the big taboo day is coming soon, all the hunting will stop, and we must all hide in the deep cave. ""

Big taboo day?

Yangdingtian could not help but say: "What is this?"

"After another half a month, it is a big taboo day. That night, the two months will appear in the dark world." The glazed road said: "At that time, countless grievances will climb out of the ground and absorb the energy of the two months."

"Is it a ghost and a dead soul?" Yang Dingtian asked.


Yangding Tiandao: "Is the undead of these elemental creatures?"

"No, these elemental creatures have no soul, so there is no undead." The glazed road said: "Innumerable years ago, the dark field was still alive and the mainland, and there were many powerful and monsters on it. Countless people and monsters die. Then, the grievances of these people and the monsters are entrenched in this dark field."

Yang Dingtian said with amazement: "So, is that at least 10,000 years ago?"

"Yes." Li Lan said: "The dark areas we are in, if not guessed wrong, should belong to the human kingdom 10,000 years ago."

Yangding Tiandeng said with a tongue: "At that time, the human kingdom, the martial art was very brilliant. Wouldn't it be there, there are many holy souls? Is there a billions of billions of undead?"

The glazed road said: "There is not so much. In fact, in the dark field, even the undead are hard to survive. So the relatively weak undead has been dying out. There are only powerful undead, and the undead that constantly devours other ghosts. ""

Yangding Tiandao: "I used to kill countless grievances in the ghostly land. You also know that my electric talent is very amazing. My Xuanhuo lightning can directly reach the attack power of fifteenth order and half holy. ""

The glazed smashed the railroad: "Do you want to hunt down the undead in the big taboo day?"

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao: "The big taboo day, the night of the ghosts, is extremely terrible for anyone else. Because the undead is not afraid of any harm, except for the electric system. But for us, indeed A huge opportunity."

"No." Demon glass said: "You can't imagine how many dead souls will swim, and you may encounter hundreds, thousands, or even more. The level of the undead here is unimaginable. Half Holy level, even holy level, may appear at any time. Once met, it will die. And your stealth is ineffective for the undead."

In the heart of Yangding, it is still eager to move.

Beads continued: "And the most important thing is that you have eliminated the undead, but there is no energy essence, no use."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian directly died down.

If there is no energy essence, then kill a fart.

Temporarily dropped this idea, Yang Dingtian and demon glass led six people, continue to explore elemental creatures, continue to hunt.

But luck seems to be normal this evening.

When it was almost dawn, only a wave of energy was discovered. After Yang Dingtian went in stealth, he found that it was a ten-order enchantress.

In fact, at this time, Yangdingtian can kill this illusion. But he still called all the other players together and destroyed the tenth-order fire.

In this way, everyone will have a full sense of participation and there will be no feeling of being gifted.

Then in the daytime, in the past every day, at least one harvest. During this day, Yangding Tian explored tens of thousands of square kilometers and found no energy fluctuations. No elemental creatures were found.

The faces of everyone, suddenly a little depressed. And only the devil purple, still in the joy. She doesn't seem to know what is unhappy.

There is no harvest during the day.

After the next night, even until dawn, there was no gain.

That's right, it's a zero gain.

This is the first time since the team was formed.

Before, there was at least one night, sometimes two or even three. Never had zero gains.

Soon the next day, it is still a zero gain.

It’s evening, it’s still a harvest!

In this way, time passes by day by day.

Actually, every day is a zero gain. As if all the elemental creatures were completely crouched in the depths of the cave, they did not dig into the caves, and did not come to the ground.

Of course, until now, Yangdingtian can't understand why these elemental creatures have to dig holes to the ground.

After the eighth day, the demon glass said: "Forget it, the next seven days, no need to explore, there will be no gains."

Everyone nodded.

The reason is very clear.

Because almost all of the elemental creatures that are hunted in the dark field are positive, although many seem to be neutral, they are still positive. As for the water system, the elemental creatures of the ice system have not been encountered by Yang Dingtian.

First of all, water as a source of life is absolutely non-existent in the dark realm. The ice system, although negative, is often inseparable from water, so there are no ice elemental creatures in the dark.

The big taboo day is coming soon, and the two months will be in the dark field, and the yin energy will cover the entire dark field.

Therefore, all the positive elemental creatures are too late to escape. How can they dig into the cave and let the yin energy penetrate? And in case, by the time, there is a dead soul who is not sensible and has entered the cave house, and there is a fight. And elemental creatures are basically going to lose, because the undead is only sensitive to electric attacks, and all other attacks are immune.

"Start digging the cave, waiting to escape the big taboo day." The glazed road said: "At the time, it will be very very cold."

Then, six people gave up the hunt directly, directly picking a relatively remote place and began to dig the cave.

Hunting the monster, Yangdingtian is the absolute main force.

While digging a cave, Yangdingtian is the main force in the main force. You know, the ground in this second dark field can be almost like a metal, almost invulnerable.

Although the weapons of the other five people are good, they are more difficult to dig. Only the Yangditian's near-Emperor soul sword, digging the ground here, is no different from digging the soil.


In just a few hours, six people dug a cave tens of meters deep, which is not enough.

It took another day to dig the depth of the cave to 200 meters.

Then at night, I began to expand the cave and dug a room of several tens of square meters.

Anyway, idle is also idle, Yang Dingtian even dug out a four-bedroom, one-bedroom and two-guard layout.

One in Yangding, one in the glass, one in Burlu, one in the Avon Awu brothers.

Moreover, the bathroom and bathroom are divided into men and women. Even in the women's bathroom, Yangdingtian gave a big bathtub.

Suddenly, I was happy with the demon purple. Very luxuriously filled the bathtub with condensate Dan, and then let Yangdingtian use the Xuanhuo to heat it into warm water, and she began to take a bath in luxury.

Not only that, Yang Dingtian also started cooking. Take out fresh fruits and fresh meat, and even season.

So, in the next few days, six people lived the most leisurely ordinary days. Eat, talk, sleep, or even take a shower.

In this way, wait for the arrival and end of the big taboo day.


Then, suddenly one night, Yangdingtian was lying in bed and sleeping. The ghost of the ghost in the ring of the soul suddenly spoke up. "Yangdingtian, let's make a deal. On the big taboo day, you go up and kill the undead." Devouring. I help you to turn the undead **** magic crystal into refining energy, how?"

Yangdingtian horrified: "The magic crystal of the undead can be refining into the essence of energy?"

The Nether Ghost Emperor said: "Of course, the undead is strictly an elemental creature. Its **** crystal is full of dead air, so the living can't swallow but as a ghost The emperor's me can easily absorb the dead air inside, and the energy essence is left for you to devour."

In the top of the sun, the heart trembled, and there were countless powerful undead on the ground.

The result of a hunt will probably be extremely high.

"Why didn't you say that before?" Yang Dingtian suddenly asked.

The Nether Ghost Emperor laughed and did not speak. Of course, it will not be said, because after talking, Yangdingtian will divide the energy of the undead to be swallowed up, and the ghosts of the Nether will not be swallowed up.

This time, because there is no way, the Nether Ghost Emperor will tell this secret.

"Yangdingtian, this is our feast. Don't miss it. After you miss it, there will be no more chances."

Yang Dingtian has not answered yet, and suddenly a ghostly general figure has come in.

It is a purple purple, very thin dress, only apron and small pants, this girl is too bold! R1152

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