Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 882: The last moment, the Great Day!

However, the good fortune of Yangdingtian really seems to be used up.

Another month passed, and the cultivation of the demon and the Burlu almost caught up with Yangdingtian, but he still had nothing to gain.

In this month, even a fourteenth-order elemental creature was not found.

The second dark field, after many years of hunting in the small West World, is really less and less advanced.

At this time, Yang Dingtian has a 15th-order limit energy essence in his hand, and there are three ordinary 14th-order energy, and of course there are fifteen-order energy essence.

The fifteenth-order energy essence is not available for the time being. If you want to break through the big order, you must basically use the synthetic limit energy essence to break through in an instant. The ordinary fifteen-order energy essence should exceed the total energy, but the density is poor. a lot of.

Yangdingtian wants to break through the fourteenth order, at least two of the fifteenth order, or at least three.

And now Yangding Tianqiang has one and a half.

He left the second dark field, only two months, one and a half of the fifteenth-order energy essence, but to hunt up about ten fourteenth-order elemental creatures.

It seems that unless a miracle happens, it is impossible.

Of course, if the Yangdingtian luck again bursts and directly discovers a 14th-order high-grade Hydra, then everything is solved.

However, at this time, Yangdingtian did not dare to make this extravagant hope.


Another month has passed.

Yangdingtian still has no gains, and this month, a total of 50 elemental creatures were hunted.

The demon glass has already broken through the thirteenth order and six products. Bolu also broke through the thirteenth order and five products, and the demon purple also reached the thirteenth order four products.

Even the Arvinawu brothers have reached the thirteenth order.

And Yangdingtian. Nothing at all.

At this time, Yangdingtian almost gave up the hope of breaking through the fourteenth order, and pinned the hope directly in the third dark field.

The advanced monsters in the second dark field are too rare, and their appearance has certain regularity. Either all of a sudden. Or not at all.

It’s been only a month since Yang Ding left the dark field.

Today's Yangdingtian, every day is only to help the other five people to break through the goal of cultivation, still hunted and explored every day.

As the date of departure approaches, the mood of the people has become increasingly low and heavy.

Although the leader of the six-person team is a glamour, everyone knows that their core has become a zenith. When Yangdingtian is still relatively weak. I started to protect the other five people and helped the other five people. After Yangdingtian became powerful, it became the absolute core and the foundation.

Now, Yangdingtian is leaving, it is definitely a fatal blow for five people.

Yes, the glass is a good leader, fair and just, willing to sacrifice. but. She still lacks a little bit, once Yangdingtian leaves. They completely lost their hearts.


It’s only twenty days before the day when Yangdingtian left.

Of course, he still has no gains. During this time, even the elemental creatures above the fourteenth order have not been seen.

Tonight, the team's harvest has dropped to a minimum, with only a thirteenth-order elemental creature.

The sky is about to light up, and the demon purple has been in a state of sorrow. Suddenly she said: "Sister, after Mr. Yang Dingtian left, what should we do? Is it like I used to find an elemental creature in a few months and a half, so I can't go on this day."

then. She snorted and said: "In any case, I don't want to fight now."

The demon did not yell at her, but continued to follow Yangdingtian and continued to explore further.

The sky soon turned on, and the two days took off, and the whole earth began to melt again.

Six people put on sunglasses and continued to explore.

During the whole day, the Yangdingtian team of six people still has only one harvest, and it is only a 12-order elemental creature.

Soon, the night is coming again.

After recovering the full battle, the six people shuttled through the darkness and went forward again to explore.

This night, Yangdingtian is of course still unrecognizable, and the entire team has only hunted an elemental creature, and it is a twelve-order that is no longer useful.

During the day, once again, the sky once again rose to the sky.

Demon purple put on sunglasses, suddenly spoiled: "Mr. Yang Dingtian, we, we should not go to fight. Anyway, nothing, you will soon leave here, it is better to dig a deep cave, still and Last time, getting four rooms, it’s not good to spend these twenty days quietly?”

She is a child's heart, and she sees no gains every day, and she is completely uninterested.

And in the dark field for too long, she misses the life of a house. In particular, she used to wear a dudou and **** to break into the room of Yang Dingtian.

Therefore, she just proposed this, and the demon immediately changed her face and glanced at her.

And Yangdingtian also slammed a chill, if it was once again, the demon purple was half naked and smashed into his room and then caught by the demon glass, it was too embarrassing.

Demon Purple saw her exaggerated reaction, and suddenly red ears equator: "Sister, what do you think? I am not trying to get into the room of Mr. Yang Dingtian? And, I have not been so eager and urgent about him before."

When I heard this sentence, the five people were completely speechless.

I also know the meaning of the demon purple words very much. The little girl’s unrequited love is coming quickly. The feeling of electric shock, the time of maintaining it is not long. If Yangdingtian is willing to have a closer relationship with her before, then this feeling of electric shock may become a strong love of men and women, and ferment and qualitative change.

However, Yangdingtian has been rejecting. Therefore, the demon purple can not get further emotional gains, the feeling of electric shock naturally faded the tip of the sword, and turned into a thick trust and dependence.

Of course, if Yangdingtian is going to have a close relationship with her, she will not refuse, and she is very willing. However, her own close relationship with Yang Dingtian is not so urgent.

and so. The feelings of the little girl are not about love.

When I heard that the purple is full of childishness, Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "There is still a full 20 days, how can you give up? Maybe there is good luck, maybe?"

The child has no human rights, and the demon purple mouth is flat and flat. Then six people stared at the hot sun and continued to search for exploration.

Demon purple is absent-minded, angrily said: "Hey, I have intuition and hunch, there must be no gains today."

When I heard her, others ignored it and just smiled.

As if to deal with the demon purple, the sky suddenly suddenly darkened.

The demon and other people were shocked, what happened. It’s just less than half an hour before dawn, how can it be darkened?

You know, in the dark field, but there is no dark cloud, the day is the sun, only to wait until the night will be dark.

At this time, the countless grievances of Yangdingtian suddenly had extremely strong fluctuations.

Yangdingtian surprise. Road: "Northwest, thirty-eight miles! And the fluctuations are very strong. It should be a high-level elemental creature."

Suddenly, everyone couldn’t take care of why it was suddenly dark, and immediately rushed to the northwest 38 miles.

Just as everyone was racing towards the destination, the sky was getting darker and darker, and finally it was almost as dark as it was, but it was not completely dark. There is still a little bit of light.

Moreover, the magma that has just melted soon starts to solidify again, and the surrounding temperature also drops rapidly.

Yang Dingtian could not help but look up and see that there are only two rings left in the two days.

Is it an eclipse? However, according to estimates, there should be no eclipse at this time.

Temporarily throwing this thought aside, six people continue to head northwest.

Soon, I arrived at my destination.

Then, Yang Dingtian only glanced at it and immediately exclaimed: "Run fast, run fast..."

It is an elemental creature that I don't know. Even Yangdingtian hasn't seen it clearly. Only the golden light is seen.

Half-level, the absolute elemental creature above the semi-class level, looks like a scorpion, the whole body seems to have a burning pattern.

Moreover, it is now swaying.

Soon, this semi-classical strange elemental creature discovered the six people of Yangdingtian, and then quickly rushed to the top of the sun.

Six people in Yangdingtian, quickly fled.

Luck is really good, I found a high-level elemental creature, but it is too advanced, half-level above, Yang Dingtian's team is simply looking for death.

Fortunately, this strange elemental creature is not fast, and can't catch up with six people for the time being.

Just when Yangding was lucky, suddenly...

This semi-class level elemental creature, violently gold-colored clothes, began to split rapidly, becoming two, four, eight, sixteen, madly rushing over the top six people.

The six people in Yangdingtian escaped even more desperately.

Soon, he felt that the whole ground was shaking, and it was getting more and more intense and more and more intense.

Looking up, the six people were completely shocked.

Because the entire ground is cracking fast.

There are countless elemental creatures in front, bursting out from the cracks in the ground, and countless.

Look again, left, right, back.

More and more elemental creatures are surging.

Countless elemental creatures, starting to rush, rushing like a tidal wave, around the front, left and right, everywhere in all directions.

From the ninth to the thirteenth order, the fourteenth order even the fifteenth order, even higher elemental creatures.

It is completely dense.

At the same time, the entire land continues to frantically tear, frantically falling apart.

Countless elemental creatures, all come out.

At the same time, many of the small West Heaven's demon fox masters also rushed out.

Demon glass and other people change color.

Because the most terrible big fission day in the dark field is coming!


Note: Brothers, Happy New Year's Eve.

I have been very busy today, because this chapter is completely out of the air. (To be continued.)



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