Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 883: The glass vows! Great moment!

What is a big fission day?

The two days were covered, and the yin and yang energy were under each other. Throughout the darkness, it was ruined by living and tearing.

Moreover, the Great Fission Day is completely without any cycles and laws and can happen at any time. But every time it happens, it means that the dark field has taken another step towards complete death.

In more direct terms, the big fission is another collapse of the dark field, and then the material here will be more condensed, and the gravity here will be even greater.

Every major fission is a complete catastrophe for the elemental creatures in the dark field. For the elemental creatures is the catastrophe, the people who cultivate here are completely doomsday.

It seems that this is a huge chance of hunting. Because the elemental creatures that are not usually found, they rush out like tides. However, no one dares to hunt at this time, so it is completely looking for death.

Because, at this time, there are too many elemental creatures, and they are completely full of bloodthirsty aggression. Don't say that Yangdingtian is a level, that is, semi-sanctified, even holy-level powerhouses, all have only one dead end, and they are completely dead.

A few hundred years ago, there was a major fission in the second dark field. Then the ending is that all the fox masters who have cultivated in it are completely annihilated and die.

On the day of the big taboo, countless undeads were killed in the dark. But at that time, people can hide in the depths of the ground to escape.

At the time of the Great Day, the people in the dark field can say that there is absolutely no place for them. Because both the ground and the ground are full of elemental creatures. Moreover, every part of the earth is tearing, and it is turning upside down.


"Yang Dingtian, the great fission has come. You will be invisible, and there will be a magical fog coat flashing, you can escape alone. It is best to go to the third dark field now." The demon glass with sadness: " We are going to fulfill the law of great fission."

What is the law of large fission?

A few hundred years ago, the dark field was fissured. After all the fox fox masters were almost completely annihilated.

The Xiaoxitian United Parliament has painstakingly thought about it and began to summarize the mistakes. I believe that the reason why the whole army will be annihilated is entirely because of the disunity of the fox-family masters. At the time of the Great Day, they are still killing each other. If all the demon fox masters unite and build into a line of **** elements, they may survive.

Although, the number of demons is far less than that of elemental creatures. But when it is fission, almost all elemental creatures are in chaos. They do not deliberately attack humans and demons.

Therefore, the Joint Council has designated the law of large fission.

When there is a big fission in the dark field, all the demon foxes must put down their hatred and immediately unite to find the nearest demon fox, and begin to build a line of defense against the elemental tide.

Speaking more directly, even if the two teams were still killing each other in the past quarter of an hour. When the Great Fission came, the two teams immediately joined forces to become allies. And after the end of the big fission. They must not kill each other, and it will take three days before they can continue the previous fight.

After hearing the big fission rule of the demon glass. Yangding Tianzheng said: "I will join."

He said: "You don't have to, you are human, you don't need to participate in the law of big fission."

"But I am also one of the intelligent life. Before the catastrophe of the heavens and the earth, any intelligent life must participate in the battle." Yangding Tiandao.

The glazed road said: "But, that would be dead. You may not know, even if all the fox fox masters are united, there is more than the possibility of being over. If you are alone, you can escape successfully, but you join. We. The possibility of death is very, very large. You still have a very important mission to complete, and you have to save the human kingdom."

Yangding Tiandao: "If you can't even save your comrades in arms. That talk about saving the world, it becomes a hypocritical empty talk."

The demon glass looked at Yang Dingtian and looked solemnly: "Well, if we are fortunate enough to survive on the Great Day, then for the rest of your life, I will follow the cause of helping you to save the human kingdom. This is My vows, if there is a violation, will be destroyed."

"Thank you." Yang Dingtian reached out.

The demon glass also reached out and held it with him.

At this time, everything around the ground was completely turned upside down.

Countless earth has become a terrible abyss.

Countless elemental creatures, madly killing each other, as if the end of the world.


Yangdingtian held two people, tied with three people, and immediately approached the nearest Yaohu master, fulfilling the law of large fission.

Soon, Yangdingtian discovered the defense line of a demon fox master, with hundreds of people.

Yangding Tian Daxi, then quickly rushed toward the demon fox defense. But soon, Yang Dingtian’s face changed suddenly, because he saw that the leader of this demon fox’s defense line turned out to be the Moro’s demon cold. This is the deadly enemy of Yangdingtian and the demon glass. In case of encounter, absolutely I would like to have Yang Dingtian and others smashed the corpse.

At this time, the leader of the line of defense in the line of defense quickly found a group of people in Yangdingtian, suddenly suddenly changed dramatically. Then, he slammed his teeth and shouted: "The survivors of the team, the first team, the second team, immediately went forward and put them into the line of defense!"

"Yes!" Suddenly, the two teams rushed out of the line of defense to meet the Yangding Tianhui glass team.

During the time, Yang Dingtian’s body jerked and felt a fever.

Demon cold is definitely a despicable and shameless person, but in the midst of a fission, it is able to disregard the suspicion and resolutely implement the law of large fission, which makes people feel shocked.

Soon, under the support of the two teams, six people, including Yangding Tianhuili, entered the line of defense very smoothly.

This is a simple round line!

The demon is cold and loud: "fourteenth order or more, at the outermost periphery. Thirteenth order or more, on the second floor."

Yang Dingtian six people, all broke through the thirteenth order, and immediately joined the second layer of defense.

Then, the entire line of defense is like a whole, letting the earth madly tear and nail it firmly on the ground.

The elemental creatures in this area are not many, only a hundred, and they are killing each other. For the time being, they have not yet taken care of the line of defense.

Occasionally there are two elemental creatures. Will be impacted against the defense line, all killed by fifteen or more masters in the defense line.

Then, a lot of energy essence floated in the air. But no one is going to take it.

In the law of large fission, life is first. Even if you kill the elemental creature, you can't take the energy essence, you can only let it float in the air.

Of course, if the line of defense moves normally to the vicinity of the energy essence, it can be taken, but only the leader of the line of defense can take it. After the end of the big fission, a fair distribution is made.

Then. Who is the leader of the big fission?

very simple! Whoever builds this defense first, who is the leader, even if his cultivation is lower, is also the leader.

And if the two defense lines meet and merge, then the leader of the defense line with a large number of people becomes the leader of the combined defense line.


The fission of the earth continues.

The surrounding ground is still madly torn and madly collapsed.

and so. The line of defense cannot be motionless, and it must be kept moving at all times to ensure that it does not fall into the abyss.


suddenly. There was a very intense vibration on the ground.

A hundred miles away, a large group of elemental creatures are rushing over, with more than a thousand.

The leader of the line of defense is cold and immediately loudly: "The whole move, moving toward the northwest, avoiding the elemental tide!"

Then, the entire direction begins to move quickly, heading west.

At the same time, more and more elemental creatures. Start impacting the line of defense.

"Oh..." The outermost layer of the defense line began to attack.

Suddenly. One element after another, the creature died in a distance of 100 meters.

Currently. No elemental creature can rush into a hundred meters.

In this way, the line of defense moves quickly while killing the elemental creature of the impact.

At this time, Yangdingtian is clear. The whole line of defense is a total of one hundred and twenty-three. Among them, fifteenth-order and half-san are more than fifteen, a total of fifteen, fourteen or more, and a total of thirty-eight. Eighty-eight of the order, and a total of forty-five people of less than thirteen.

So far, there have been no casualties on the line of defense.

Suddenly, the demon yelled and shouted: "Attention, note that a sixteenth-order Scorpio is approaching. The first layer of masters, killing with all strength. The second layer of warriors pay attention, you are responsible for killing the elemental creatures of the scattered impact line. ”


Suddenly, the outermost master, killing the 16th-order Scorpio. On the second floor of Yangdingtian, it began to kill the scattered elemental creatures that came to attack the line of defense.

Yang Dingtian holds the soul sword of the emperor, and the spirit of the spirit is constantly bombarded.

Dozens of thirteenth-level masters, full bombardment.

One elemental creature has fallen down 50 meters.

Yes, it is fifty meters.

The first layer of masters can kill elemental creatures 100 meters away, while the thirteenth order of the second layer can only be killed 50 meters away.

In this way, after a while, the 16th-order Scorpio was killed by all the 14th-order masters in a dozen meters. This is a very dangerous distance. If you come back to a 17th-order, 18th-order elemental creature, it is extremely dangerous.

What is the most dangerous situation? It is the shadow magic!

Once you encounter the Shadow Demon even if it is the thirteenth and fourth steps, it basically means destroying the group.

Because the Shadow Magic (Magic) is teleported, and which person's eyes it looks at, that person immediately loses even madness.

Therefore, the entire team can only pray, do not encounter the shadow magic (magic spirit), otherwise it is destined to be destroyed by the whole army.

but! The luck of the demon cold defense line is obviously worse than the extreme.

Most afraid of what happened, what is coming.

"Shadow, Shadow Magic..." The demon screamed: "A dozen miles away, a 16th-order Shadow Magic."

Suddenly, everyone changed dramatically, just like the end of the day!


Note: Everyone is happy in the new year, and you are well-being! (To be continued) r655



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