Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 923: Leave, 1 back to the human kingdom!

Of course, the best and best way is to steal the glass from the demon's hand when you are crossing the abyssal border.

However, no one can do this, because when crossing the abyssal border, the whole person is caught in a very strange state, just like the shuttle in time and space, completely unable to move.

Yang Dingtian’s plan is to enter the third dark field momentarily, because it is just in the daytime, and it is full of dense fog everywhere.

When the demon is over, the energy of the whole body will be swallowed up by madness. In a flash, the reaction of the person is self-protection. At that time, he could not care about the glass. And more than a dozen semi-class-level powerhouses who have been surrounded by themselves have never been able to take care of themselves. At this moment, Yangdingtian immediately shot, flashing away the glass, and then flashing away.

As for the demon, there are more than a dozen and a half-level powerhouses, and stay in the third dark field.

There is a saying that is good, if you don't die, you won't die.


When crossing the abyssal border, time seems to stop, so there is basically no time concept. The first time I feel very long and long.

And Yangdingtian will have a general feeling, and also know when it is time to finish the shuttle.

When the shuttle is over, Yang Dingtian is silent in his heart.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six... one, zero!


Yangding rushed out of the abyss border and came to the third dark field.

At this time, there is a thick fog everywhere, and under the illumination of the sun, the whole world is golden, and it is completely invisible.

Yangding Tianping lived in the breath, immediately shrouded the whole body with a hollow flame, purifying the surrounding illusion.

Instant work!

"Oh..." The demon slammed the hand of the demon glass and rushed out of the abyssal border, suddenly appearing in this field of vision.

The first time I entered the third dark field. First, it was a short sigh, because there was no reaction, and the feeling of time and space stopped. Then I feel that my body is swallowed and continually falls, and I will fall into extreme fear.

Almost everyone is no exception, because of something unknown. Most people's reactions are similar.

Sure enough, after coming over, the demon appeared for a short while. Then I felt the energy of the whole body, madly swallowed, and the anger was a burst of exclamation, and I was desperately trying to protect myself.

Hands-on, now.

"Hey!" Yangding sky flashed in the past, lightning, and directly grabbed the glass. Then with the flashing technique, it disappeared instantly without a trace.

At the same time, the dozens and a half of the holy powers around the demon singer also rushed into the third dark field.

At this point, the border of the abyss began to condense rapidly, and it was necessary to return to a fissure.

The demon felt that his energy was swallowed up, and the demon glass in his hand disappeared, and he immediately knew that he had counted it. Was played by Yang Dingtian, and suddenly became very angry.

If they come to chase the sun. So soon it will be dead. Want to catch up with Yangdingtian, and in the third dark field, is completely dreaming.

Of course, if they don't chase the sun, they will die, it's just a matter of time.

In short. They are dead, because they don't have a hollow fire, no energy cover, and after their energy is swallowed up, they are their death.

At this time, Yangdingtian disappeared without a trace.

But... Yangdingtian doesn’t know!

The demon did not catch up. He did not sit still, he made a totally unexpected reaction.

"Hey!" He jumped directly into the abyss border.

Yes, he jumped back. At this time, the transparent void of the Abyss border is rapidly shrinking and cohesive.

When he does this, it is very likely that it will be wiped out.

After seeing the action of the demon, the remaining dozens of semi-class strong, also quickly jumped directly to the abyss border, trying to return to the second dark field.


The demon was successful. After the fissure of the void was completely condensed, and the abyssal border was completely restored, it successfully returned to the second dark field, which was completely a life of nine deaths.

However, he is not so lucky after a dozen or so holy people around him. There are only four people returning to the second dark field. There are still four people who are already incomplete. The rest of the small half, completely smouldering, and no dead body.

The demon suddenly bites his teeth and screams, and sighs: "Yangdingtian, Yangdingtian... I will definitely smash your corpse, demon glass, demon purple, I will definitely smash your corpse, corpse corpse!"

He has been confident and treacherous, but he did not expect that he would be in the middle of the road. The third dark field is gone, but the effort to stay less than half a fart will come, and the half-level powerhouse around him will lose more than half.

This time, his battle with the demon is about to fall completely.

The demon gnawed his teeth and thought for a while, saying: "Yangdingtian will definitely return to the second dark field. We will patrol around the abyss border and must catch them."

One and a half of the strong people around me hate: "The Lord, we are not going to Devil Purple and Burlu, they certainly have not gone far."

The demon said: "Are you stupid? As far as it is concerned, it is easier to catch Yangding than to catch Bolu and the demon Ziren!"

Then, the demon sings with the remaining half-level powerhouses, patrolling along the abyss border quickly, must meet the Yangdingtian, and then seize the lively death.


Of course, the idea of ​​demon is a dream!

After the fissure of the abyss on the abyss was completely condensed, it flew hundreds of miles and re-drilled into the body of Yangdingtian.

And Yangdingtian completely ignores the mysteriousness, holding the demon glass, and constantly flashing toward the south.

After a moment of interruption, it flashed a thousand or two miles.

The emptiness of the flames wrapped the two men, and wherever they passed, purifying any devour of dense fog, both of them were safe and sound.

The demon glass was held by Yang Dingtian, as if it looked awkward, but she still stared at the face of Yangdingtian.

I haven’t seen it for more than half a year. Once again, I was rescued. This feeling is really very strange.

Soon, Yangdingtian came to the abyss border two thousand miles south.

He once again released the hollow flame to the abyss border.

Suddenly, the fissure fire split again and split into countless black and white fires, and then began to condense into a transparent fire.

The entire abyss border became a transparent crystal that was completely purified.

Yang Dingtian took the hand of the demon glass and jumped into the abyss border.

A moment later, Yangdingtian jumped out of the abyss border and returned to the second dark field.

Then, he did not stop at all, and flew directly toward the southern part of the second dark field.

Because, just now, Yang Dingtian asked Burlu and others to hurry, just let them meet with the place where they met for the first time. Yangdingtian used the mouth type, demon purple and Awen, and Awu did not notice. But Bolu apparently noticed, immediately led the three, and flew away to that place!


Yangdingtian took the demon glass and flashed quickly, heading towards the agreed place.

His speed is really coming to the sky! And completely do not count the consumption of mysterious gas, all with the magic of the magical fog coat.

When the mysterious gas was exhausted, I immediately sat down and resumed with Ju Xuan Dan. The demon glass was on the side to protect the law.

In this way, just a few hours later, Yangdingtian actually caught up with Burlu, demon purple. Far from the meeting place, I even caught up.

Of course, this is not an accident. In the dark field, the probability of encounter is almost zero. It is Yangdingtian's calculation of their route, probably knowing their position, so they are chasing up.

After the encounter, the demon purple shouted, the first time will rush into the arms of Yangdingtian. I completely ignore the harsh eyes of the glass.

Yang Dingtian let her hold for two seconds, then directly pulled her arm, without any chills, quickly flew south to the south, no pause.

Now that the second dark field is too messy and complicated, Yangdingtian has become the biggest enemy of the two camps at the same time. The sooner you have to leave, the better.

In the unlikely event of a large-scale master of the two camps, although Yangdingtian can escape, but want to escape with five people, there is no such agreement!

So, after the encounter, just nodded, and then continued to run south towards the south.

While running wildly, Yangdingtian releases countless resentment detections. If there is energy fluctuation, it will immediately change the route to avoid, because this is basically not an elemental creature, but a demon fox master of the two camps.


After a few days and nights, the five people did not sleep, and finally ran for tens of thousands of miles, came to the end of the second dark field, at the end of an abyss border, here and now. Traveling through this abyssal border is the first dark field.

Yang Dingtian and Demon Glass Buru looked at each other, then turned his head and looked at the second dark field behind him. He smiled and said: "Now, even if you don't go back to the human country with me, the second dark field will become a pot of porridge. It is."

"Of course we go with you." Deer Purple clung to the arms of Yangdingtian: "I will follow you forever, and during the days when you are not there, I am completely in the same age, so I have already confirmed my feelings."

The brain of Yangdingtian automatically filters the words of the child behind the demon purple. Her days are not because the sun is not in the sky, but the second dark field has been ruined, and everyone is on the same day.

Demon glass said: "We have vowed before, in your life, we always follow fight side by side. Unfortunately, we have not broken through the semi-sanctity!"

Yangdingtian sighed: "In the future, it may be very, very difficult to break through the semi-sacred."

Then, Yang Dingtian released a fissure fire and entered the abyss border.

The fissure fire quickly splits and splits, and finally begins to condense into a transparent fire.

Suddenly, this abyssal border was purified, like crystal.

"Ready? Follow me home, go back to my home." Yangding Tiandao.

"Your home is my home."

Yangdingtian automatically filtered again and then jumped into the abyss border.

Demon glass, demon purple, Burlu and others also jumped into the abyss border, followed by Yangdingtian to return to the human kingdom. (To be continued.)


(Enlightenment Book Network)

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