Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 924: The demon, the demon is dead! Come back home!

After entering the first dark field, everyone was completely safe.

Then, the six people once again dig deep into the cave, dug a four-bedroom and two-room, and rested in it, telling the story.

The situation in the second dark field is even more serious than the imagination of Yang Dingtian. Elemental creatures are not rare, but they do not appear at all.

The only thing that appears is the devil. But every time it appears, it means a disaster.

In the great fission, the only one that has not been affected is the devil. After the fission, many devils came to the ground to claim the king and kill countless.

The demon and other people also listened to Yang Dingtian's words completely. Although the devil was very enthusiastic to invite them to join after the end of the fission, the demon did not agree, but left firmly.

Three days after the end of the Great Fission, the team of demon and demon were not killed.

But after three days, the battle began.

However, the duration of this battle is not very long, because the two sides can be considered to be evenly matched. Of course, there is even more important thing, that is, the extinction of elemental creatures, this most serious fact is placed in front of us.

This means that hundreds of demon fox masters have to stay in the second dark field without air and no food for nearly two hundred years.

This is totally a nightmare. They are martial artists, not meditators, or artists, and it is difficult to pass this long and eternal time.

Later, both teams thought of Yangdingtian. I thought that he was a personal class, not from the Dark Portal, it must have been through the abyss border.

Therefore, the teams of both sides began to dispatch and look for Yangdingtian.

Although a few people in the demon glass tried to escape, but more than half a month ago. Still found traces, all were demonized by the demon, used as a hostage threatening Yang Dingtian.

For the New Naga Empire, Yang Dingtian did not tell the demon and others. But the demon thing, Yang Dingtian is completely finished.

The demon purple horrified: "He, he is so shameless?"

Both the demon and the burrow did not show horror. The glazed road: "Yangdingtian, the demon cold behavior is very very common in Xiaoxitian. We lived too long, so the heart is very cold, and everything is very thoroughly thought out. In order to benefit, in order to survive, basically everything can be done."

Then, the glamour said: "In fact, before I met Emperor Yang Dingtian, I always thought that I was the best leader. It was like my enchanting brother. And I can say that if I change the demon He became a demon brother, and he would perform even better in the Great Fission. But after the Great Fission, he would be more ruthless to Yang Dingtian."

Yang Dingtian hesitated for a moment, saying: "With regard to the ruthlessness of the enchanting lord, I, I have fully grasped it."

The demon glass did not care about Yang Dingtian first, and then said: "You. How do you know the demon brother? He, he entered the human kingdom? He. He once mentioned the human kingdom to me, as if It seems that the enchanting is successful in human cultivating, he is going to pick it up, and then greet the enchanting..."

Then, the glasses are wide-eyed. Dao: "The kind of enchanting borrowed, it should be that you are not your lord..."

Yangding Tian nodded and said: "Yes, the enchanting is my wife, we have a baby left. The baby of the demigod, Yang Yi."

Suddenly, the demon glass, the demon purple completely stunned.

And then, the beauty of the demon purple immediately lit up, and even looked directly at the squat of Yang Dingtian.

By the way, the look of this little girl is too direct, and it is completely tempting. Obviously she was very curious about the baby of the demigod, and she wanted to be born with Yangding.

But the demon has thought of another thing, saying: "That, then my enchanting brother, is it going to the human kingdom, stealing your wife, and children? Because, what he wants to do, there is no People can block it."

Yangding Tian nodded and said: "Yes, he went to my home, killed the enchanting, took away the enchanting, and Yang Yi."

The demon glass suddenly changed, and the demon purple was furious. "He, how can he do this? I have to break with him, Mr. Yang Dingtian, you can rest assured that after we return to Xiaoxitian, we must force him to take your wife. Go back with the child."

The demon glass is pale and colorless, and it is obvious that the demon is doing something, others can't persuade it, even she can't persuade it, let alone the purple.

"Yes, I am sorry." Li Lan said: "You, why didn't you say it before?"

Yangding Tiandao: "At the time, it was not the time to say. But now you have to follow me back to the human kingdom, so I have to make things clear."

I don’t know what to say, I can only say it again and again: "Yes, sorry."

"I don't have to be sorry." Yangding Tiandao: "I have been to Xiaoxitian, brought back my wife, and children, and they have not suffered any harm."

"Ah..." Demon Purple said with amazement: "How is it possible? The enchanting is very powerful. You are not an opponent now. You are not enough for one finger at the time."

By the way, this girl is really direct.

Yang Dingtian silenced for a moment: "Many things are not entirely dependent on martial arts."

Then, Yangding Tianchao said: "There is something you need to be mentally prepared."

The demon looked up and said, "You, you said."

Yangding Tiandao: "The enchanting, the enchanting is dead..."

"What?" The body of the demon glass trembled as if it had been thundered in an instant, and suddenly lost any reaction.

After a long time, her beauty suddenly lost her focal length and said: "How is it possible? How is it possible? He, he is so powerful, how could he die? Who else can kill him in this world?"

It seems that the adoration of the enchanting glamour has been deeply imprinted into the bones.

Yangding Tiandao: "Speaking, his death and I have a great relationship."

He said: "Are you killing him?"

"No." Yangding Tiandao: "I don't have the ability, but he wants to kill me. It's completely easy. But his death is indirectly caused by me."

"You are going to say..." The demon slammed the arm of Yangdingtian and slammed it into the meat.

Yangding Tiandao: "I will be fifteen or ten. Very detailed, the whole process will be said, there will be no exaggeration, any processing. Of course, if you don't want to follow me to the human kingdom after listening, I can help. You, help you back to Xiaoxitian."

"No, I am determined to follow you." Devil Purple hurryed: "The enchanting is so shameless, completely dead."

It seems that the demon purple does not catch a cold on the enchanting.

The glass said: "Well, you said."

Yangding Tiandao: "This needs to start from me and the enchanting things..."

Then, Yangdingtian will come to the whole process.

From her knowledge of the enchanting, to let the enchanting pregnant. To the enchanting birth of Yang Yi, to the emergence and persecution of the enchanting. Go to the enchanting to kill the enchanting, and rob the enchanting and Yang Yi.

This section, Yang Dingtian said a little more concise.

However, from the top of the sun, the enchanting silver dragon blood essence, into the small West, into the non-language appearance, Yang Dingtian said incomparably detailed. Hardly miss any details.

"Wow, Mr. Yang Dingtian. You can actually become a non-language, then, then I love you more."

Suddenly, the devil gnawed his teeth and couldn’t wait for a slap to fan his sister.

Yang Dingtian continued to say down and said that he met with Ji Ya. Then meet with the enchanting, and then be worshipped by the great sage.

Then, how to be seen by the enchanting, how to be played by the enchanting in the applause.

Finally, I said that Yongshe asked the day to use the plan. How to kill the enchanting.

How do the enchanting deaths in front of themselves, a trace of everything, can be clearly stated.

Of course, regarding Yongshe was asked to win the day, Yang Dingtian did not say that it is not yet time.

Finally, Yang Dingtian ended: "You can say that you are right, no one can kill the glass, except for himself. At that time, he knew that there might be a trap, but he would still jump."

Then, Yangdingtian laughed and said: "In fact, I am the same. If I am replaced by him, I will jump. I am being ignored. I jumped and got a hollow fire. And he jumped, but it was gone. ""

After listening to the glass, there was no reaction.

After listening to the purple purple, all the stars in the beautiful are the stars. "The original enchanting is so powerful. I always thought that he was very stuffy and stupid. Mr. Yangdingtian, you are useless, not only being enchanted. Playing with the applause, I was also applauded by Ji Ya."

Yangding Tian smiled, this little girl said it was too direct.

Demon Purple Road: "Hey, I really regret it. I didn't realize that the enchanting is so good. I knew that he was so cool, maybe I would like him too."

Yang Dingtian is completely speechless.

Suddenly, Bolu said: "The enchanting speaker, of course, is the most outstanding leader and hero. But for people like us, Lord Yang Dingtian is the most worthy follower."

Then, Bolu said: "The Princess of the Glass, I don't care what you decide, but in the year of Yang Diantian's life, I will follow him. So if you want to return to Xiaoxitian, please forgive me."

Awen, Awu nodded: "We are too."

For Buru, Avin, and Awu, the enchanting wisdom goes deep into the sea and they are not very attractive to them. It is terrible to follow such a leader. What they want is identity, equality, and trust.

Demon purple looked at Yangding for a long time, just in Yangdingtianzui, he was useless. And the enchanting is completely the protagonist, so smart, so powerful, so cool, completely idol-level figure. Yangdingtian was completely faintly set off, and the demon purple heart felt like Yangdingtian seemed to have no face feeling.

But I also think that it is not good to empathize with love.

Then, she has comforted herself, although Yangdingtian is not as enchanting as it is. But the second power should be ranked, and after the enchanting death, Yang Dingtian is regarded as a confidant. It can be seen that Yangdingtian is still very powerful.

Then, the demon purple suddenly said: "Mr. Yang Dingtian, after Ji Yasheng gave birth to a child, I really want to be with you."

In order to interrupt her unrealistic thoughts, Yang Dingtian nodded and admits: "Well, yes, although it was an enemy, Ji Ya is now my wife."

"Great." Demon Purple Road: "Ji Ya is the most outstanding woman in Xiaoxitian, a dream lover of several major tribes, and a enchanting fiancee. She is so powerful, so beautiful, so identifiable People will like you. It shows that you are still very good, like you are also very face."

Yangdingtian is absolutely out! The demon purple brain can't be measured by normal females. It is very similar to the second-generation **** the earth. The thinking has always been very wonderful.

Yangdingtian looked at the glazed road: "Well, you slowly digest this thing. We have a good night's sleep this evening, and we will start tomorrow. You can think about it and don't rush to make a decision."

The devil swayed his head and said: "Don't think about it! I am not a narrow woman. Don't say that the enchanting brother is not killing you. Even if you kill, I will not change my mind. There is no right or wrong between you. All are doing things in their own position. Moreover, he is actually sorry for you, not you are sorry for him."

Then, the demon glass desperately looked up and held back the tears that fell. He said: "This way, I can follow you wholeheartedly to complete your career. Perhaps your career is king, it is great. ""

Yangding Tiandao: "All reality, all life, is great. Therefore, saving reality is definitely a great thing."

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "Well, everyone sleeps, get up the road tomorrow morning."

Then, each of the six returned to their room.

The demon purple beauty turned, as if there was a different thought. But very quickly, she was directly carried by her sister's glass, and pulled into her room.

It seems that this night, the demon glass is definitely not taking a bath, even if it is to be washed, it is also washed with the demon purple. In short, it is absolutely impossible to let the demon purple leave the side of the half, otherwise she will definitely come to the room.


Early in the morning, although the entire first dark field was sunburned, the six people still got up, but they didn't want to be so desperate in the second dark field, because it was safe.

Of course, there are occasional encounters with elemental creatures, but there is no interest in hunting, because the elemental biology level here is really too low.

Three days and three nights later.

Six people rushed to the end of the first dark field, an abyss border, once again facing the front.

Passing through this abyssal border is the human kingdom.

Yangdingtian burst into a hollow fire, purifying the abyss border, and then six people jumped.

It seems that time and space shuttle six people crossed the abyss border.

When I opened my eyes again, it was full of ice and snow.

They returned to the human kingdom. Here is the abyss border of the north of the human kingdom!

Before, the cold of the abyss border almost made Yang Dingtian completely intolerable.

However, now that he has broken through the semi-sacred, this cold is not too serious for him. Even his Xuanhuo can heat other people.

After a few days and nights, six people walked out of the terrible coastal zone and then stepped on the snow.

Tens of thousands of miles southwest, it is Yunxiao City, it is home.

Yangdingtian took five people and couldn't wait to go home with the fastest speed! (To be continued.)


(Enlightenment Book Network)

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