Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 937: I will kill you! Killing 0 million!

The top of this lonely peak is the homeless place, and it is the symbol of his supremacy in the Lingbi Palace. Even when there is no road to the top, there is still no deprivation of the status of the highest peak.

However, nowadays, Yang Dingtian actually cut the entire mountain peak by hundreds of feet with manpower. How amazing is this?

The whole body of the innocent is completely paralyzed.

He is more confident than no one. The reason why he did not fight is to fear the evil demon behind the innocent, and he feels that no road can live for a long time. Finally, the Lingbi Palace still has to fall into his own hands. But living and cutting a mountain to Baizhang, he really can't.

However, Yangdingtian did it!

So, how can he not be shocked? The remaining masters of the Lingbi Palace are completely two wars, and even have a feeling of faintness, as if they are faintly changing.

And the key to such a strong Yangdingtian is less than thirty years old. How much he will be strong after that, completely unimaginable.

Maybe, it really has to change.

Yang Dingtian showed a shocking attack and turned to the innocent child: "My army has surrounded the army of the Snake Empire in Nanbanzhou, and only waited for me to make an order. If you want your black-skinned army to be completely annihilated, stay here and don't move, otherwise you will go with me, bring the head of the innocent, and bring the black army back to the Lingbi Palace!"

After all, Yang Ding Tian Er did not say, flew to the east of Nan Manzhou.

This kind of person, who is not a spirit, is absolutely the one who takes the lead and does not leave.

After listening to Yang Dingtian’s words, he snorted. With a face in front of him, carrying a headless man, heading for the eastern part of Nanmanzhou.


On the eastern battlefield of Nanmanzhou, it has entered the most tense state.

The general of the Snake Empire, seeing the Guangming Parliamentary Corps completely dare not do it. Suddenly provoked more and more crazy.

In the beginning, it was only a verbal humiliation, followed by some male and half-humans, who took out the behemoth and peeed at the bright parliamentary army.

Then, use the most sinister words. Fuyang's top woman and family.

Finally, simply played role-playing.

Find out a few ugly female half-humans, put on women's clothes, and then write the names of Yangdingtian's wives.

Then, these ugly female half-humans. The wife who plays Yang Dingtian, on the wall of the city, confronts the bright parliamentary legion, decapitating, taking off his clothes and making countless unbearable moves. Then, let many male and half-humans take turns and they openly do the kind of inferior things.

Suddenly. The people of the Bright Parliamentary Legion really want to blow up their stomachs. Really can't wait, immediately rushed to crush these bones. Broken corpse.

However, Zhuo Qing ruled in the air and remained motionless.

As a result, the Bright Parliamentary Corps was completely murderous, but it did not move.

The Snake Empire saw the Bright Parliamentary Legion so tolerable, and the heart was even more contemptuous.

At last. I don’t know where a human being was recruited, and it’s similar to Yang Dingtian’s three or four points. After makeup, it looks more like a sun.

then. Dressed up like a clown, he was insulted on the wall.

The man who plays Yang Dingtian, crying desperately, desperately asking for mercy, shouting that I will give you my wife, I will give you the mother-in-law, I will give you your ass, don’t kill me, don’t kill me.

The Black Skull Legion of the Lingbi Palace, at the beginning, was also very awesome to the Guangding Parliamentary Corps.

However, seeing that the Guangming Parliamentary Corps was so humiliated, there was still no counterattack, and they immediately looked down on it, laughing at the jokes on the side, and even joined the camp of the humiliating Yang Dingtian.

When Yang Dingtian arrived,

The drama on the wall of the Queen of the Snake Empire was staged to the most *.

The twilight blouse, the imaginary false sun, was slammed by an axe.

Blood squirted, his head fell directly from the 100-meter wall, and his body was still insulted.

Then, the entire Snake Empire was completely mad, waving the sword in his hand and slamming the giant tough.

"Kill, kill, kill..."

The ignited snake empire army, no longer able to control, directly toward the fleet of the bright parliament, frantically shot the arrow.

Yangdingtian flew directly to the coastal wall of the Queen's New Town.

In an instant, countless arrows rushed toward him. Like a storm, it is like a black cloud.

Yang Dingtian’s palm slammed into a void, and suddenly tens of thousands of arrows rained, and instantly settled in the air, motionless.

It seems as if the movie has been suspended.

Then, Yang Dingtian’s palm slammed.

Tens of thousands of sharp arrows, in the air, instantly broken bones, turned into nothing.

Yangdingtian is back!

Seeing this scene, the millions of troops in the bright parliament, all the anger in the heart were swept away, and all the fears were wiped out.

Zhuo Qing ruler, long and long sigh of relief.

When Yang Dingtian is back, it means that he has won with the incompetent match!

Then, along with the flying, there are no spirits, and many masters of the Lingbi Palace.

Wu Lingzi saw his own two hundred thousand black squadrons, and suddenly felt a bit strong, and moved toward Yangding Tiandao: "Yangdingtian, you and I do not make river water. The snakeman empire in Nanmanzhou The garrison belongs to the internal affairs of my Lingbi Palace, and I will naturally interfere. Please retreat and leave!"

Yang Dingtian stared at him coldly, full of endless disdain and disdain, cold and cold: "Either roll, or die! Don't force me to be in front of everyone, put your old face completely under your feet, don't force I slaughtered your coffin palace and did not kill one person."

His voice was very loud and everyone heard it.

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes are looking at the innocent.

It’s a shame and shame. The ancestors of the Lingbi Palace were humiliated by such people. In the face of hundreds of thousands of black scorpions, it is absolutely shameful and shameful.

Innocent moments, the blood on the face is completely lost, I really can’t wait to order immediately. And Yangding Tian fights a fish to die.

However, he must have this **** nature. He had already broken the fish and died with the innocent, and the bones of Yangdingtian had already turned into gray.

This person loves his face very much, but he is extremely able to endure shame. It is a wonderful contradiction.


Then, Yang Dingtian came to the Queen's New Town and said loudly: "Who is the owner of the Queen's New Town?"

"It's me..." A woman's voice suddenly sounded.

It is also a strange snake-woman who has been a half-length adult and only has a snake tail.

A demon face with a deep scar on his face. Makes the original gorgeous face look embarrassing.

It is also an infinitely large-scale serpent-like family, and a snake-like family that forcibly breaks through evil methods.

However, Yangding Tianjian believes that there should be no second half of the Snake Empire. because. The Queen of the Sea Heart does not allow any snakes to be at the same level as her, unless she breaks through the Holy Order and will make her subordinates semi-holy.

Yangdingtian slowly said: "You are now carrying a half-human, and your family, under the supervision of my bright parliament, leaving Nanbanzhou, leaving the human kingdom and returning to the snakeman empire. Then everything is still too late, otherwise it will not Blame me for not reading the old feelings of the Queen of the Sea, killing you..."

"Oh... despicable humans!" Answer Yang Tiantian. It is a saliva like a sword, and it spits directly to the face of Yangdingtian.

The Yangdingtian finger gently flicked, and suddenly the poisonous poisonous snake mouth smoldered.

Then, he waved his hand and ordered: "Kill! Don't leave the Queen's New Town alone, one grass. One wood!"

"Yes, don't leave the Queen's New Town. One person, one grass. One wood!" The highest commander of the battle, Zhuo Qingji, repeated the command of Yangdingtian in one word and then slammed the command flag and snorted: " kill!"

"Booming and banging..."

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth are completely discolored.

The whole earth seems to be torn apart by the fierce flame.

Tens of thousands of guns were fired above thousands of warships.

This is not an adjective. It is a real gun.

Hundreds of large-scale short-range missiles screamed from the warships, with long tail flames, heading for the Queen's New Town.

In an instant, it is completely obscured by the sky.

The metal rainstorm formed by countless shells, the light of this day, is completely obscured.

Just less than a minute later.

Countless shells slammed on the huge wall.


In an instant, the incomparably strong wall, like a mountain wall, is like a child's toy, and it is completely torn.

Thousands of pounds, tens of thousands of pounds of boulders, were thrown into the sky.

The semi-human army on the wall, whether it is the werewolf or the leopard, no matter how agile or how powerful.


All the broken bones, do not say that there is no dead body, it is completely broken bones.

The Queen’s New Town, which is extremely incomparably huge, looks completely indestructible and is completely fragile like a flower under the storm.

Constantly torn, constantly crushed.

And this kind of cannon is not once, twice, not ten times eight times.

Never stop!

One round after another, one round after another.

It is the most thorough and the most insane metal frenzy, and it is the most thorough destruction storm.

Before the arrogance, the incomparably crazy half-human army, do not say counterattack, and even the shadow can not see.

The extremely scary giants on the head of the city, do not say counterattack, the first time it was shattered.

A round of tens of thousands of shells, tens of thousands of rounds.

That's it, like a rainstorm, crazy on the Queen's New Town.

In the beginning, a phoenix-class projectile with x spar was used, and then a projectile containing ordinary spar was used.

Finally, use powerful gunpowder shells, as well as solidified oil and white phosphorus shells.

Completely, it is completely devastating.

It was completely carpet-like bombing.

The innocent son of the Lingbi Palace, as well as hundreds of thousands of black scorpions, was completely stunned.

Even if it is incomparably fierce, I don’t know what a black scream is called, and I am constantly shuddering.

Hundreds of thousands of hair, millions of shells bombarded scenes, explosion scenes.

Whoever sees it, even if the Naga people see it, they will be shuddering.

This is the first and most grand performance of the science industry and the spar occult.

In this war, the power of Yang Dingtian’s hands is more than a thousand times that of Yunqicheng’s battle against Qin Qiqi. It is more than a hundred times more than when I was in the sea.

This incredible carpet-like bombing is just a fraction of the productivity of the entire Bright Parliamentary war machine over the past few years.

The Bright Council has hundreds of secret arsenals, and with full force, it can produce tens of thousands of shells in a few days.

There is no spirit, and all the masters of the Lingbi Palace, see this scene.

It was completely two trembles. On the ground of hundreds of miles, it instantly turned into nothing, and instantly broke the bones.

At this point, there is only one sentence in the heart of the innocent.

"The times have changed, the times have really changed, we are going to fall behind."

At least in the form of war, it has been completely subverted.

The only thing that Yangdingtian has not yet subverted is the power of the martial arts. But it should be fast too. He was only less than 30 years old, he killed a semi-classic powerhouse, and he was a semi-classic powerhouse with evil spirits.

Suddenly, the innocent first surged some strange thoughts.

Perhaps, perhaps the Yangding innocent can defeat the demon road, defeat the temple of annihilation, and even defeat the devil to ask heaven?


Finally, the deafening bombing is over.

The crazy shelling is over, and the carpet-like devastating blow is over.

Wait until the smoke gradually dissipated.

Everyone saw that the huge and magnificent walls had disappeared without a trace.

On the ground hundreds of miles, it seems to have been completely plowed by the devil.

Everywhere, it is distorted.

Even the stones and the soil were completely burned.

Everywhere, there are distortions that have been burned.

Because the Bright Parliamentary Corps has dropped hundreds of thousands of large-scale solidified incendiary bombs on this land.

As for the densely-armed semi-human army, those who are crazy and screaming, seemingly powerful and powerful semi-human army.

I haven't seen any shadows for a long time, and even the bodies are not big enough, and they are completely broken.

At this time, suddenly from the rear of the formation of the Queen, suddenly flew up a black shadow!

It is the main force of the Air Force of the Snake Empire, a dark bat.

Tens of thousands of people, vacated from the hundred miles, rushed toward the bright parliamentary army.

Zhuo Qing ruled a smile and made the flag wave.

Suddenly, a golden eagle corps of less than a thousand, riding out and rushing to the surface.

Seeing that the Guangming Parliament had only dispatched thousands of golden eagle to fight, the bat army of the Snake Empire suddenly screamed and screamed, and the people of the Lingbi Palace also showed amazement.

This, this bright parliament is too arrogant.

Even if you have a small missile a thousand gold carvings rushed up, completely looking for death.

You know, these dark bats are second only to the Black Scorpion, and they can also spray venom.

However, there are still four or fifty miles in the interval.

A thousand warriors from the north of the golden eagle, all set up small launchers.


A thousand of the latest phoenix-sized missiles with x-stones slammed out.

Speed, even lightning fast, the naked eye can not see clearly, directly whizzing away!

Just a few tens of seconds later.

A thousand phoenix-class missiles slammed into countless dark bat regiments.


In an instant, the entire sky is violently torn. (To be continued)

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