Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 938: The end of the battle, occupying Nanbanzhou!

Today's phoenix-class missiles, regardless of the content of x-spar, have been much higher than in the past. ⊙ And the wind system, the ratio of the formula of the fire system is changed, so the lethality has doubled.

Not only that, but there are still a large number of incendiary bombs inside, even if the black scorpion is stained a little, it is difficult to escape.

After the shocking explosion of thousands of phoenix missiles.

In an instant, in the middle of the dark bat army of the Snake Empire, a large piece was vacated directly.


Then, the second wave, the third wave of phoenix missiles quickly hit.

After only five waves of attacks, the bat army of the Snake Empire was less than half.

Under the command of the snakewoman, the remaining bats fly quickly and spread out.

Once the air targets are dispersed, it is no longer worthwhile to use the phoenix-level missiles, and the cost-effectiveness of the killing will become very low.

Thousands of Golden Eagle Legions immediately changed into a circle, which was rounded in the air at the fastest speed. Then, all the phoenix-class missile launchers were put down, and all of them were replaced with medium-sized spar.

After two years of development, the technology of small and medium-sized spar is also leaps and bounds. The biggest breakthrough is the group arrow launch, which can shoot ten corrosive poison arrows at a time, and is launched in a fan shape.

Not only that, but the interval between each archery is also shortened many times, and it can be fired five or more times per minute.

Thousands of golden eagle corps formed a round array and immediately swung in the sky, waiting for the Snakeman bat corps to approach.

There are more than 10,000 bat corps left, surrounded by the Golden Eagles from all directions, each with a tens of meters or more, and constantly changing direction.

It is getting closer and closer to the Thousand Golden Eagles.

At a distance of two or three kilometers.


Thousands of Golden Eagle Legion. Beginning to launch madly, each of the golden eagle's north has two to three medium-sized spar.

So every wave, there are tens of thousands of poison arrows shot crazy.

Moreover, and this kind of shooting does not have a standard aiming process, it is a whole act.

The entire circular array. Constantly changing direction.

Therefore, to ensure that in every direction, there are countless arrows, which is completely covered.

Suddenly, I saw only the air, a burst of poison arrows, like a storm.


Poisonous arrows torrential rain, mad stimuli.

Every arrow here is a poison arrow. now. The mysterious warlock team of the Bright Parliament has exceeded 10,000.

And poisonology is almost the most infiltrated by research. It can be said that in addition to the prohibition of deep sea mystery, other unknown poisons have been studied.

Moreover, each arrow of the poison arrow is coated with a layer of blood.

That's right. The current bright parliament is the local tyrant to this point. Even the arrow is plated with blood.

It sounds amazing, but in the giant mine in the far south. In addition to x spar, a large amount of blood is also produced.

Moreover, every poison arrow is plated with blood, and it sounds amazing. But in fact, a normal blood gold ore can be plated with a thousand poison arrows.

That's right. It is a thousand, just a thin layer outside.

In the past, this was simply impossible, because it was impossible to make the blood financialization, except for Xuanhuo. But the master of the bright council. You can't use the black fire to melt blood Wujin every day.

This is thanks to the Warlocks team of the Bright Council, who used x spar and various demons to create a large reaction array.

This reaction array can release the temperature as much as the fire generated by nature, or even higher.

As a result, the level of forging in the Bright Council has risen a few steps.

And how much blood is now in stock in the Bright Parliament? Although it is very rare, but the power of the entire human kingdom, now the inventory of blood Wujin, is completely astronomical.

Therefore, every samurai of the Konjac Legion and the Demon Dragon Corps used blood-plated Wujin sword and blood-plated Wujin armor, all of which became reality.

To the poisonous arrows of the Air Ace Legion, each arrow is plated with blood and gold, which has become a reality.

The arrow with blood-plated gold, which accounted for the poison of the Warlock team. Such a poisonous arrow, how powerful it is, can’t imagine it.

In a word, as long as you hit, you will basically die.

No matter where it is shot, even if it shoots the claws of the flying horse, it will basically die.

Therefore, the bat flying in the Snake Empire was completely devastated.

Although the poison arrow's hit rate is very low, the dark bat of the Snake Empire is completely like a raindrop.

Moreover, the closer you are, the greater the chance of being.

Just a quarter of an hour later, the bat army of the Snake Empire has suffered more than half of the casualties. At this time, it is only less than two kilometers away from the Golden Eagle Army.

The commander of the Golden Eagle Corps ordered the words: "Everyone broke."

Suddenly, the Golden Eagles slammed out and hurled them out in groups of five.

The bat army of the Snake Empire has sadly discovered that its combat power is completely no longer under the golden eagle, and even stronger, whether it is the speed of flight or the combat power, it must exceed the golden eagle.

However, it is simply not close to the golden eagle.

On each gold carving, there are three medium-sized spans that are strong and strong, and they are completely stop, and the poison arrows are followed by waves.

Basically, there is no problem with one enemy, two enemy, even enemy five.


The dark bat army in the air is constantly screaming and falling.

Finally, in just two quarters of an hour, no bat army has ever been seen in the air.

Thousands of gold-carved corps armed with teeth, tens of thousands of powerful bats, were slaughtered and completely zero casualties.

Of course, the poison arrow that the Golden Eagle Army shot out is completely calculated in millions. However, most of these poison arrows can be recovered from the battlefield and reused.

In this battle, the Bright Parliament was completely called to the Lingbi Palace.

This is just a Golden Eagle Army. Not the konjac army. The ace of the bright parliament, the konjac army, the fighting power is more than several times the Golden Eagle Legion.

Today, the Bright Council has a full four thousand konjac corps, and the Golden Eagle Army has over 10,000. The rest of the flying horses, the first line of air corps added together. More than 100,000.

If you add a second-line, three-line gryphon and other flying rides, the air regiment mastered by the Bright Parliament can exceed one million when necessary.

It can be said that the Guangming Parliament under the leadership of Yang Dingtian has been several times more than the Tiandao League two hundred years ago.

If we say that this war of extinction is the same level as the war of extinction two hundred years ago. Well, it can be said that the squadron will not be able to penetrate the five hundred miles of the northwestern mainland.

even. The greater possibility is that the World Corps can't even land.

Equipped with a phoenix-class missile and a medium-sized spar group, the Golden Eagle Legion can kill tens of thousands.

So how many do you need to destroy the hundreds of thousands of black scorpions in the Lingbi Palace? 20,000? 30,000?

And how many of the first-line air regiments equipped with a group of powerful squadrons and small launchers? It is 100,000.

Therefore, now the Bright Parliament is completely fearless to the Black Squad, but it is reluctant to destroy everything. Because of the tens of thousands of black scorpions, the number of ace of the bright parliament. Can instantly skyrocket ten times.

The way of war is completely different.


The owner of the Queen's New Town. This sly snakewoman, looking at half of the city that has become a ruin, there are countless half-human army that can't even be found in the body, and the body of the dark bat army, all of which angered and said: "Yangdingtian You are a despicable villain. Shooting in the air, firing at the sea, what is the skill? The hidden head is not the hero. You have the ability to put the army on the ground. Everyone rushes face to face, let you see the snake empire Power, let your army be broken."

In the face of such stupid words, Yangding Tian even refuted disdain.

At this time, the army of the Snake Empire in Nanbanzhou has been destroyed more than eight.

The remaining 20%, all behind the city, are all in a place where gunfire is out of reach. Moreover, most of them are cavalry, mainly the wolf cavalry, the blood leopard cavalry, and the barbarian army that has become a heavy-duty crusher.

These hundreds of thousands of cavalry, the Snake Empire originally wanted to be the last slaughter machine, waiting for the bright parliamentary army to land, and then to win the battle.

As a result, the way of fighting in the Bright Parliament is simply incomprehensible by the Snake Empire.

If you have not landed yet, the city will be completely destroyed. With a million pieces of amazing shells and incendiary bombs, hundreds of thousands of powerful half-human corps were wiped out of the ground.

Today, the Snake Empire, only the last trump card, more than ten thousand monster beasts.

The commander of the battlefield, Zhuo Qing, slammed the slogan.

With his order.


One by one, black spots rushed from the warship to the sky, and a full 10,000 gold eagle rushed into the sky, rushing toward the monster beasts of the Snake Empire behind the city.

Suddenly, the entire sky was densely packed and all were filled with the Golden Eagles.

These golden eagle corps, each with only one warrior, left all the square and square things.

All of them are incendiary bombs, and they are poisonous fire bombs.

When it burns, it can not only be extinguished, but also emits toxic fumes.

Therefore, the 10,000 gold squadrons and warriors will wear special gas masks.

Ten thousand golden eagle owls quickly flew over the monster army of the Snake Empire.

Tens of thousands of heavy cavalry are completely overwhelming, and the birds are difficult to cross, and they are dozens of miles apart.

Therefore, basically no need to aim.


Countless poisonous fire bombs, suddenly like raindrops, sprinkled from the back of the 10,000 Golden Eagles.

The monster beasts of the Snake Empire in the ground saw it, and suddenly they were shocked and immediately fled.

But... useless!

After countless poisonous fire bombs landed.


Explode violently, then within a few tens of meters, instantly swallowed by the green flame.

An incendiary bomb is a huge wall of fire.

Tens of thousands of poisonous firebombs exploded at the same time.

Suddenly, within a few tens of miles, all became a sea of ​​fire.

These poisonous fires are very terrible, and as long as they are touched, they cannot be extinguished. Will continue to burn. Even wearing armor, it is directly burned through.

Even if only the palm-sized flame can't be extinguished, it will burn directly into the flesh and burn into the body.


The Golden Eagle Legion constantly hovered in the air.

Countless incendiary bombs. It is completely like a raindrop, and it is constantly falling.

Yang Dingtian can be sure that the attack of the Golden Eagles of the Guangming Parliament and the incendiary bombs cast far exceed the scale of World War II. The size of the US Air Force air strikes in Tokyo is not only dozens of times, but also hundreds of times.

With such an amazing scale, it is an air raid that is dozens of miles away.

That... It can be said that it is not a grass.

The monster beast of the Snake Empire. Even if it is strong, it is impossible to escape.

It's fast, it's not too fast. Moreover, a poisonous fire incendiary bombs, all within a few tens of meters is a flame. Within a few hundred meters, all are poisonous cigarettes.

Every golden eagle is thrown down, not one or two, but dozens.

So fight to the back. I can't see any movement on the battlefield at all.

Because on the ground for dozens of miles, it has all been covered by flames. All within a few hundred miles were covered by thick smoke.

Under the attack of this kind of carpet-type poisonous fire, it is impossible for any Winged Legion to survive.

Ten thousand gold carvings, in two quarters of an hour, thrown more than 500,000 poisonous fire bombs, full tens of thousands of tons.

Then, with the order of the Zhuo Qing ruler.

All the Golden Eagle Legion. All turned in the direction, whistling back, one only order, landed on each large warship.

That's right, Yang Dingtian's chaotic world version of the aircraft carrier battle group. It has completely become a military. In terms of size and quantity, the US aircraft carrier battle group was completely killed. Even the earth plane and all the aircraft carriers were added up, and there were not many light councils.

After the withdrawal of the Golden Eagle Army.

Song Chunhua flew to the sky, and then whistling in his mouth.

Then, from a special warship, a beautiful living phoenix flew out, full of tens of meters of skyfire monsters.

This thing, in the cracks of the northwestern continent, swallowed up a few years of magma.

The magma in the cracks of thousands of miles of the northwestern continent has been swallowed up by it, and it has now become a giant.

It whistling, flew over the battlefield and slammed into the raging fire.

It is not to kill, but to clean up the battlefield.

Devouring, madly swallowing...

Wherever it goes, all the green poisonous fires are swallowed up.

Although the flame is poisonous, it is completely unrequited.

The flames that could not be extinguished, after being swallowed by it, completely disappeared, and even the ground was cold.

Just a quarter of an hour later, the poisonous flames on the ground for dozens of miles were all swallowed up by it, only to see its body, from the fire red, infiltrated a little green. And its body has also changed from tens of meters to hundreds of meters.

After the devouring, it returned to the bright parliament army, getting smaller and smaller, and finally it was less than a meter, falling on Song Chunhua’s shoulder.

At this point, the Battle of Nanbanzhou ended, and the millions of troops of the Snake Empire in Nanmanzhou were all slaughtered.

This is the real annihilation of the whole army.

The entire campaign process, which was less than half a day, was completely over.

The millions of troops in the Guangming Parliament, the troops that were dispatched, were only more than 10,000. Except for the crazy shelling at the beginning, only the air force was dispatched, and the ground army was not dispatched at all.

Not only that, but all the ace legions have not been dispatched.

But even so, the Bright Council still played a battle of nearly zero casualties.

In fact, this battle still has the feeling of a cannon playing mosquitoes, and it is not necessary to use such a large force.

But Yang Dingtian regards this war as a live-fire exercise, and it is getting closer and closer to the war.

This is an invaluable live-fire exercise. It turns out that the new warfare mode of the Bright Parliament, the air-to-air tactics proposed by Yang Dingtian, and the artillery coverage tactics are very effective. Especially in large-scale battles, in the super-large battles, the power is endless.

This proves that in the new era of warfare, the Bright Parliamentary Legion has an earth-shattering combat capability.

In the end, Yu Wei, who was shocked and victorious. Yangdingtian directly ordered that the battleship was close to Nanbanzhou, and the army landed!

Suddenly, in the eyes of the people in the Lingbi Palace, the millions of bright parliamentary regiments landed in Nanbanzhou.

From now on, the last piece of land in the human kingdom is completely engulfed by the Bright Parliament!


Note: Please ask for a ticket! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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