Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 298: Retrospective Memories

In theory, there is no problem in using pupil power as mental power.

But after all, this is the first time Rogge has done this, so he is not very sure what the final result will be.

But even if it fails, there will be no serious consequences. The big deal is to find another way.

Under the control of Rogge, the invisible pupil power began to slowly enter the black knife in front of him, just like entering a real living being.

When the pupil power of the Kaleidoscope Shaker Eye entered the black knife, Rogge finally found a hidden consciousness in the deepest hidden corner of the black knife.

"Got you!"

After discovering this hidden consciousness, Rogge did not hesitate, and immediately manipulated Tongli to wrap this consciousness heavily, and then pulled this consciousness into the consciousness space that he had already prepared.

In the consciousness space with the red moon, Rogge saw the consciousness inside the black knife, and saw the consciousness trying to influence the user.

Unlike the life he had seen before, the consciousness that appeared in front of him at this time was not the appearance of a living being, but a dark rectangular light door.

The black light door is two meters wide and five meters high, with an extremely smooth surface and a thickness like paper.

Looking at the black door of light floating off the ground, Rogge frowned again.

How is this going?

This thing doesn't look like life at all, does it?

How does it become conscious?

Can this thing really communicate?

Although his mind was full of doubts, Rogge slowly came to the door of black light, raised his arm, and placed his right hand on the door of black light.

This consciousness space was constructed by him. Even if there is any threat from the black light gate, he can release the consciousness space at any time to ensure the safety of his own consciousness.

When the right palm came into contact with the paper-thin black door of light, memories poured out from the black door of light and forced into Rogge's mind.

These memories flashed through his mind quickly like a movie played backwards.

When he saw the first picture of these memories being reversed, Rogge guessed the source of these memories.

The memories that are put upside down are the memories of those lord-level symbiotes.

Tossed into a mold, blocked by Kongo, Susanoo, saw Roger for the first time...

At this time, Rogge was browsing the memories of these lord-level symbiotes as if he were watching twenty reversed films at the same time.

Beginning with the experience in the mold, these inverted images continue until the moment these lord-level symbiotes are born.

Just when Rogge thought that the twenty inverted memories were going to return to nothingness, the memory picture in his mind suddenly changed, and the memories of the twenty lord-level symbiotes instantly merged into a more primitive memory, and then began to look back again. .

There is only one retrospective screen this time, and the retrospective time is much longer than the memory of these lord-level symbiotes.

Although Rogge didn't know how these memories appeared, one thing he was sure of was that what he was browsing now was the entire history of the symbiote family.

In the retrospective picture, Rogge saw the picture of the symbiote family fighting in the universe, saw the process of the formation of the symbiote planet, and saw the god of symbiotes who was imprisoned inside the symbiote planet...

The symbiote god Gnar was actually imprisoned on this planet, and the symbiote planet was the cell where Gnar was imprisoned.

Just when Rogge thought that the recalled memories were over, the picture changed again.

This time, the symbiotes that appeared in the retrospective screen had a unified form, a unified dragon form.

Under the leadership of Gnar, this army of symbiotic dragons fought in the universe and brought catastrophe to many planets.

Rogge was keenly aware that Gnar, the god of symbiosis, had lost the Black Death Sword during this period.

After the long river of memories of the symbiote giant dragon army was retraced, this strange retrospective scene finally came to the last memory.

In this memory, there is no symbiote, only an all-black sword, the Black Death Sword!

The memory of the Black Death Sword begins with the indigenous inhabitants of an unnamed planet, followed by Gnar's battle with the Black Death Sword against various enemies.

Among them, there are two retrospective clips that most attracted Rogge's idea. One is the picture of Gnar forging the Black Death Sword with the blood flame of the Celestial Group, and the other is the picture of Gnar using the Black Death Sword to cut off the head of the Celestial Group.

Especially the picture of Gnar cutting off the head of the god group with the black death sword, directly left an indelible impression in Rogge's heart.

The Battle of the God-Slaughter, this is the battle of the God-Slaughter in the true sense!

At the end of this memory recall that I don't know how long it lasted, it was the picture of Gnar, the god of symbiotes, taking out the Black Death Sword from the endless shadow of the void.

When Rogge reopened his eyes, what appeared in front of him was still the black door of light that was as black as ink, and his right hand was still placed on the black door of light.

Rogge didn't know how long the memory recall lasted, and he didn't feel any fatigue or discomfort.

The vast memory that poured into his mind, at this time, quietly stayed in a corner of his mind, waiting for him to read it again.

Um... Does this count as forcing users to watch ads?

Rogge murmured in his heart.

"I've finished reading my memory, should you show up too?"

After withdrawing his right hand and waiting for a few seconds, the incomparably flat surface of the black light gate rippled like water waves.

"Why do you have to come to me?"

The voice was a little childish, it sounded like a little boy.

"Why am I looking for you, and speaking of this, shouldn't you explain why you are trying to influence my sanity?"

Roger asked back.

If it wasn't for the black knife trying to influence his actions, he wouldn't come here on purpose.

"Attack the enemy's head to kill the enemy faster!"

The black light gate answered as a matter of course.

"Even if you can solve the enemy faster, it doesn't mean that you can affect my sanity, do you understand?

"By the way, what's your name?"

For some reason, Rogge suddenly felt like he was reasoning with kindergarten children.

"Name? I don't have a name. I've just been born and haven't given myself a name yet."

"Just born? You have such a long memory, you told me you were just born?"

Rogge rolled his eyes directly at the answer from the black light door.

If you convert the recalled memory into time, the time span in it is at least billions of years, or even tens of billions of years.

Under such circumstances, the black light door said that he was just born, and the ghost would believe it.

"Those are not my memories, and I don't know how they came to be, all I know is that they were there when I was born."

The tone of the black light door is very sincere, it doesn't sound like a lie, and Rogge suspects that the black light door that was just born may not know how to lie.

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