Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 299 Sword Name Bei Liang

Although the black light door sounds unreliable, Rogge finally chose to believe it.

The reason for choosing to believe is also very simple, because there is no need for the black light gate to lie about such a thing.

If the Black Light Gate chooses to hide something, there is no need for him to share those memories.

"Since you don't have a name yet, let me give you one!

"The previous sword was called the Black Death Sword, so the newly born you should be called Xiao Hei!"

Rogge thought for a few seconds and gave the black light door a new name that was easy to understand and catchy.

Of course, if the black light door doesn't like the name Xiaohei, it is also possible to change it.

"Xiao Hei? Your expression tells me that this name is not as simple as it sounds.

"But it doesn't matter, Xiao Hei is Xiao Hei. The name is just a code name, Xiao Hei or Xiao Bai, it doesn't matter!"

Contrary to the immaturity in his tone, Heiguangmen's way of thinking is unusually mature.

"I like the way you think, so back to the point, why are you trying to influence my sanity? You should know very well that no one likes this feeling."

Rogge brought the topic back, trying to figure out Xiao Hei's true thoughts.

If he could know Xiao Hei's true intentions, he wouldn't mind that the newly created black knife had his own consciousness.

But the premise of all this is that Xiao Hei can obey his arrangements obediently, instead of influencing his reasoning on his own accord.

"Killing, destroying, dying, fighting,'s the innate instinct of every symbiote.

"Although a symbiote is a life, it is different from other lives. A symbiote is a life specially born for fighting, which is also the fundamental purpose of Gnar's creation of a symbiote.

"To correct the user's mistakes, let the user kill the enemy with the least cost, the fastest speed, and the most effective way, is there anything wrong with this?"

Xiao Hei didn't think there was anything wrong with him affecting the user's sanity. In his opinion, this was helping the user to improve the killing efficiency and giving the user more power.

"Do you know what is ultra vires? You are just a weapon, you are not qualified to help the user make decisions.

"With the user's consent, you do it, no problem.

"But you can't make up your own mind without permission, understand?"

If it wasn't for the attitude shown by Xiao Hei, Roger would be too lazy to explain this to him.

Others may be able to tolerate Xiao Hei's actions, but with him, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed.

"Understood! You don't like other people making decisions for you, you just like to be in control."

After a few seconds of silence, Xiao Hei spoke slowly.

"Just understand, I don't mind your existence, but you must not try to influence me, including my sanity and everything in the battle.

"If you can do that, we might be good partners."

Xiao Hei communicated better than imagined, and Roger dismissed the idea of ​​having to kill Xiao Hei.

And in the legend, weapons can have their own consciousness, which is a prerequisite for becoming an artifact.

Although this claim only exists in legends and some web novels, who can guarantee that it is not true.

"No problem! But I hope that when you don't need to fight or use me, I can have the right to move freely."


After reaching an agreement with Xiao Hei, Rogge's consciousness returned to reality, and at the same time, Chakra and Tongli on the black knife were removed.

"You are free to move around for a while now."

As soon as the voice fell, the black knife in front of Rogge rose into the air, and then quickly transformed into a venom-like humanoid form.

Will it still transform?

He originally thought that Xiao Hei's activities would fly around like the flying swords in Xianxia's novels, but he didn't expect it to be the same changing body as the symbiote.

A black knife that can transform, this is a symbiotic!

When the curious Xiao Hei left the training room and fought with Venom who was waiting outside the training room, Roger remembered a very important question.

He only named Xiao Hei, but he forgot to name Hei Dao.

Although the black knife is only Xiao Hei's body, the black knife also needs a name.

Because he will never be able to tell his enemies like this in the future: Dying under my little black is the greatest honor in your life!

You can fight without winning, but you can't be handsome!

So, Rogge thought about it for a few minutes, and then gave the black knife a very flowery knife name - Bei Liang!

Northern cool knife!

Of course, apart from Rogge himself, other people may not understand what Bei Liang means, but this does not affect his name for the black knife Bei Liang.

Man, when you get old, you always like to reminisce about the past!

Roger sighed silently.

The "Black Death Sword" plan was successful, and the symbiote that should be captured was also captured.

As for Gnar, the god of symbiotes who was imprisoned on the symbiote planet, Rogge wisely chose to come back next time.

His current strength is not yet the opponent of a fierce man like Gnar, the god of symbiosis.

The coordinates of the symbiote planet have been recorded by Hinata. If you want to come, you can come back at any time, so there is no hurry at this time.

"Hina, let's start the return journey!"

Under Hinata's control, the Golden Jack drove towards the nearest space jump point.

However, before the Golden Jack reached the jumping point, the venom beside Rogge suddenly turned into a mass of mucus and fell to the ground in pain.

How is this going? Halo spaceship?

"Has left the radiation range of the symbiote planet, and he needs a host."

Xiao Hei glanced at Venom and said calmly.

Rogge was stunned for a moment, because he had completely forgotten about this matter.

Just when he was about to take out a container from the psychic scroll to vacate a room for Venom, Xiao Hei suddenly came to Venom, and his sharp right claw pierced directly into Venom's body.

Rogge is not worried that Xiao Hei will hurt Venom. Under his own eyes, Xiao Hei has no such courage.

In Rogge's curious look, an energy surged from Xiao Hei's body and flowed into Venom's body along his right paw.

In a few seconds, the venom changed from its slime form back to its original form.

"how did you do it?"

Just changed back to the original posture, Venom immediately asked Xiao Hei.

"It's no big deal, it's just helping you overcome the congenital defect that requires a host to survive."

Xiao Hei still had a calm expression on his face.

Overcome the birth defect that symbionts need a host to survive?

In Little Black Eyes, this is a trivial matter.

But in the eyes of Rogge and Venom, this is simply a major event that has changed the entire survival mode of the symbiote.

Except for the symbiont planet, the symbiote needs a host to survive, which is also the origin of the symbiont name.

If there is no such defect, it means that the biggest weakness of the symbiote has been eliminated.

A symbiote that can survive without a host, can it still be considered a symbiote?

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