Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 408 Threat

What Rogge made at this time was not so much a declaration of empowerment for the Konoha Intelligence Agency operatives as it was a naked threat to the protesters.

He is not in the mood to fight with these protesters. He wants to solve these annoying guys in the simplest and crudest way.

If there are really people who are not afraid of death, then he doesn't mind letting them see what Konoha's domineering is.

After living in the United States for so many years, he fully understands a truth, that is, the people of the United States have a general mentality of being strong.

As long as you are stronger than them, as long as you can show the absolute power that they cannot resist.

They will become just like trained pet dogs, obedient to their owners.

After threatening the live broadcast camera without changing his face, Rogge had no intention of staying here, and directly used the technique of ultra-light and heavy rock to fly, and flew towards the temporary military camp stationed not far from the Konoha headquarters. .

If the protests from ordinary people are resolved, then naturally the guard dogs arranged by the military must be driven away.

Seeing Rogge's figure quickly disappear into the distance, the protesters and reporters gathered in front of the Konoha Intelligence Bureau's gate all showed mixed expressions of anger and fear.

Angry, because Rogge threatened so bluntly.

The fear is because he recalled the terrifying power that Rogge possessed.

Not long after Rogge left, the protesters who had been gathering in front of the Konoha gate for several days disappeared immediately.

They even cleaned up all the rubbish they left behind.

Rogge is not worried that the protesters will continue to gather in front of the Konoha gate and are unwilling to leave. If these people still haven't left when he returns to Konoha, then they don't have to think about leaving.

Using thunder means to forcefully resolve the various protests that Konoha and Fulian are now facing is something he has already planned.

However, he did not tell Tony and others about his plan.

It didn't take long for Rogge to fly over the temporary military camp a few kilometers away from Konoha's headquarters, looking at the army below.

Without any hesitation, he made another superhero-style landing, landing directly into the central area of ​​the military camp.


A huge crash sounded, like the sound of a horn, making the entire barracks come alive.

In a few seconds, several fully armed teams came to Rogge's vicinity, looking at the fourth Hokage who had fallen from the sky with vigilance.

"Who is the supreme commander here?"

Rogge ignored the guns aimed at him and said expressionlessly.

Under normal circumstances, an "intruder" like him would definitely attack at the first time.

However, his identity made these warriors in charge of vigilance not dare to pull the trigger.

Although the fourth generation of Hokage Rogge is not like other superheroes, he often performs some heroic actions to maintain justice.

However, neither the soldiers present nor the ordinary people who were not there ever doubted his strength.

Some curious ordinary people, as well as some boring investigative agencies, have made some rigorous calculations about Rogge's strength.

The calculated result is that Rogge alone can defeat the entire Avengers.

Although Rogge has never really dealt with Fulian, this calculation result released by an unofficial investigation agency has not been denied by people, but has received support from a large number of people.

"I'm the commander here, Colonel Jace!"

Not long after Rogge finished his question, a middle-aged man in a camouflage uniform came to him and looked at him seriously.

"I'll give you half an hour to evacuate! If you let me see you after half an hour, the consequences will be at your own risk!"

After threatening ordinary people, Rogge is now threatening the military.

"I didn't receive an evacuation order from the military!"

Although he was facing Rogge who was far stronger than himself, Colonel Jess did not show any fearful expression, and said in a serious tone.

"This is not an order from the military, it's my order! Remember, you only have half an hour!"

After he finished speaking, Rogge ignored Colonel Jess and the surrounding soldiers, flew up again, and flew towards the Konoha headquarters.

Before flying back to his office, Rogge took a look at the current situation of the Konoha gate.

Yes, it's a complete departure!

At this time, in front of Konoha's gate, except for the corpse and head that was beheaded by his sword, no one could be seen.

Compared with the previous time, the current Konoha gate can be said to be empty and refreshing.

After flying back to his office from the huge open window, Rogge called out Hinata directly.

"Hina, let someone dispose of the garbage in front of the gate. Also, investigate this guy's social background to see if there are Skrulls behind him!"

The so-called garbage in Rogge's mouth is the corpse that was separated.

A few seconds after he finished giving Hinata, the phone on the desk rang.

"Are you crazy? Do you know what you just did, you killed an American citizen, a legal American citizen, on the live broadcast!"

Before Rogge could speak, Tony on the other end of the phone said loudly in a tone that was almost roaring.

Tony never thought that just over ten minutes ago, they were still discussing how to deal with the Skrulls at Konoha headquarters.

As a result, as soon as he turned his head, Rogge killed an American citizen on a live broadcast.

"The whole people marched to protest, the impeachment papers piled up like a hill on Capitol Hill, you are making Konoha and Fulian the public enemy of the United States!"

Tony on the other end of the phone then growled.

"Calm down! I can assure you that none of what you said will appear!"

Compared with Tony, who was extremely emotional, Rogge was calm at this time.

Now, he was even thinking about what to eat for his first dinner after returning to Earth.

Is it a traditional Chinese meal or a French meal?

"What guarantee do you take, you are simply adding fuel to the fire!"

Tony in a state of agitation has no steadiness at all, like a politician who has been taken away from all power by his political enemies.

"First of all, if someone who is not afraid of death really dares to do this, I don't mind letting Konoha's special forces team act as an assassination team.

"Secondly, if you're always so disciplined, you'll never be able to deal with unruly Skrulls.

"Finally, this is also an important truth I learned from my last trip to the universe, and I will share it with you now.

"As long as your fist is big enough, let alone just deal with a country, even if you slaughter the entire planet, no one will dare to make irresponsible remarks on you!"

This principle was learned by Rogge from Thanos, a principle that he already knew, but had not used much.

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