Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 409 Hegemonism

Although Thanos' family planning theory has not been learned well, his decisiveness in handling things is still worth learning.

Especially the kind of resolute attitude that in order to achieve the goal, regardless of everything, even at the expense of half of the life in the universe, it is an example that every planner should learn from.

Of course, what Rogge recognized was only the decisiveness and determination shown by Thanos, not his crazy plan.

If he was in Thanos' point of view, he would never have adopted such a simple and crude plan with extremely unstable returns.

Family planning and the concept of sustainable development are the real artifacts to accomplish the ideal of Thanos.

Instead of simply destroying half of life, to ensure that the existing resources of the universe can meet the development of various races.

If there is a chance, Rogge doesn't mind talking to Thanos about this.

"You are hegemonic and will not be loved and recognized by people!"

After listening to Rogge's sharing, Tony was silent for more than ten seconds, and then continued.

Although Tony still couldn't accept Rogge's idea, his mood was obviously calmer now.

"People's love and approval? Hahahaha...Tony, did you get something wrong.

"I don't need people's love and approval, and neither does Konoha.

"Although people outside call us superheroes, to be honest, I have no interest in this so-called hero title!"

Having said this, Rogge paused for a while, and then said in a very serious tone: "I never wanted to be a hero, I just want to protect the people around me and maintain my current life.

"I don't mind helping ordinary people in need, and I can use my abilities to maintain peace.

"However, the premise of all this is if I am happy.

"If I have such strength, I will help or save others unconditionally, this is not called a superhero, this is called moral kidnapping!

"So, I don't care what other people think of me, even if people outside say I'm a cold-blooded butcher or an overbearing dictator, I don't care at all!"

Rogge didn't want to say this to Tony, but after hearing that Tony naively said the words hegemony and people's love, he felt it was necessary to let Tony know what he really thought.

Speaking of hegemony, the United States is the biggest hegemony on earth.


Tony didn't expect that Rogge's ideas would be so extreme.

However, when you think about it, what he said still makes sense.

Although his approach was a little tougher, he still controlled his behavior, and didn't really start killing or slaughtering indiscriminately.

"Forget it, that's it! Since you dare to do this, it means that you are sure!"

After speaking a little helplessly, Tony hung up the phone.

After finishing the call with Tony, Rogge was not idle, and immediately issued the latest action order to all the action teams in Konoha in the name of Konoha Intelligence Director.

With New York and Washington as the center, thoroughly investigate all protests!

Since the Skrulls played the card of encouraging people to protest against superheroes, Rogge wouldn't mind tearing the card directly.

This practice of public opinion oppression may be useful to native superheroes like Tony.

But for Rogge, who plays cards completely out of common sense, it means nothing at all.

Only when you care about public opinion and people's evaluations, will this kind of public opinion oppression have its due effect.

What Rogge did was to stand on the opposite side of public opinion and directly threaten these people with force.

Only magic can deal with magic, and in the same way, only rogue can deal with rogue.

And Rogge is the hooligan with a bigger fist.

More than half an hour later, he used the Chakra Perception technique to sense the situation over the temporary military camp.

As he expected, after he personally appeared and threatened, the military bosses behind the temporary military camp chose to take a step back and retreated the troops stationed near the Konoha headquarters.

After resolving the external public opinion and official surveillance, Rogge has no plans to continue to take action for the time being.

The Skrull's ability to shapeshift allows them to easily hide in the crowd.

Therefore, without further reliable information, he will not have any plans to take action.

After throwing the Kusanagi sword, thunder fan, and imperial robes and other equipment back into the psychic scroll, Rogge returned to the training room.

At the beginning, he was a little worried that when Hulk remembered the contents of the Eight Gates Dunjia, he would involuntarily cultivate, and then collapsed his practice room.

But when he returned to the training room, he found that he had somewhat overestimated the Hulk's memory.

At this time, more than half an hour had passed since he left the training room, but Hulk had not even memorized the content of the first door opening.

This progress is a bit worrying!

Memorizing the training content is just the easiest step in cultivating the Eight Gates of Dunjia.

But this easiest step has become the most difficult step for Hulk.

Looking at Hulk, who was reciting the eight-door Dunjia cultivation content painfully like reciting ancient poems, Rogge sighed and went straight to Hulk's side, becoming Hulk's tutor.

With Rogge's help, Hulk's memory process has improved significantly.

In the end, after spending nearly two hours, Hulk successfully memorized the training contents of the first five doors of the Eight Doors of Dunjia.

"Let's do it today. You can deepen your understanding tonight, and tomorrow I will officially teach you how to cultivate."

After asking Hinata to arrange a room for Hulk that fit his body, Roger used the portal magic to return to the secret nest in New York, and shared a delightful dinner with Gwen.

Because of the protests, Gwen has also been out of heroic activities for a long time.

Now, she focuses her energy on studying, doing what a female college student should do.


The next morning, when Gwen went to class, Roger returned to his office at Konoha headquarters and turned on the TV to watch the latest news reports.

Basically every news channel is reporting on his public declaration yesterday, and there are also many current affairs commentators who have made a detailed and euphemistic judgment on his declaration yesterday.

Meticulous, that is, they analyzed every word of his word by word.

Euphemism means that they all tacitly ignored the blatant threat, and focused their analysis on the legitimacy of the protests and the discussion of Konoha's authority to act.

At the end of the news, basically every news article mentioned a thing that everyone knows well, but is somewhat ironic.

The fierce protests that lasted for more than half a year all disappeared the day after Rogge issued the manifesto.

No protests, no marches, everything seems to be back to half a year ago.

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