Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 500 Endless Greed

Konoha headquarters, Dr. Connors' laboratory.

"My lord, here are all the research reports of the Super Skrulls."

"According to your suggestion, my lord, we combined the research results of the Super Skrulls and successfully developed this combat glove called 'Endless Greed'."

Dr. Lizard, wearing a white coat, introduced Rogge excitedly, and kept waving his arms, like a conductor of a symphony orchestra.

Compared with Connors, Dr. Lizard, who is almost insane, Mister Fantastic Reed is much calmer.

If it wasn't for the involuntary "I'm great" expression on his face, Rogge would have thought that his heart was really not fluctuating.

Today is the seventh day since Rogge returned to Konoha headquarters.

In the past seven days, except for getting himself a Supreme Harmony Treasure Hall, he spent the rest of the time in Dr. Connors' laboratory, using his "prophet" advantage to provide them with certain some unique suggestions.

The secret of Super Scruis copying other people's superpowers was researched by Dr. Connors and Reid a long time ago.

Simply put, the reason why Super Scruis can copy other people's superpowers is entirely because they have genes that can be changed freely.

In general, the genes of organisms are fixed.

Even the superpowers who have awakened superpowers, their genes are still in a stable state.

Organisms with unstable genes may die completely due to gene collapse at any time.

However, the genes of the Super Skrulls broke this point to some extent.

They can adjust their genes to be the same as the target person, so as to "copy" the superpowers of others.

Although this is very inconsistent with the biological science on the earth, the Super Skrulls have proved one point with their own existence, that is, the universe is so big that all kinds of strange creatures may be born.

The secret of the Super Scruis was jointly researched by Dr. Connors and Reed.

However, how to apply this special genetic structure of the Super Skrulls to other aspects has become a difficult problem.

Just when Dr. Connors and Mister Fantastic Reed were at a loss, Rogge, who has the aura of the "prophet" of the traverser, provided them with a practical direction.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the parallel universe where mutants exist.

In a parallel universe with mutants, there is a mutant named Mystique.

Her superpowers are similar to those of the Scruws, and she can change her appearance at will.

Mystique's super power is not particularly powerful, except for the significant effect on sneaking and camouflage, there is no particularly outstanding attack ability.

However, a scientist named Bolivar Trask discovered the bright future of the Mystique gene very farsightedly.

So, after thoroughly studying Mystique's genetics, he created the Sentinels that nearly ended mutants for good.

Through the special internal structure, the sentinel robot can copy the superpower of the mutant, and adjust its own form at any time according to the needs, or share the copied superpower with other sentinel robots.

With these sentinel droids, Bolivar Trask nearly wiped out all mutants.

But it is a pity that the future without mutants he was looking forward to was reversed by a mutant who smoked, drank and drove a car when he was about to achieve it. (Note 1)

Although Roger didn't know how Bolivar Trask applied the genetic characteristics of Mystique to the sentinel robots, giving these mechanical creations the ability to replicate the superpowers of mutants.

However, the unique mechanical structure of the sentinel robot and the visual effects displayed when replicating the superpowers of mutants left him with an extremely deep memory.

So, he talked in detail with Mister Fantastic Reed about what he saw on the sentinel robot.

In the field of science, Rogge is at most an ordinary person with a lot of strange knowledge in his mind.

Asking him to give a feasible research idea and direction is purely embarrassing him.

Still, he can be the one to provide the "key."

After introducing what he saw on the sentinel robot to Mr. Fantastic Reed, Reed seemed to suddenly open a door he never knew.

The next thing is very logical.

In the future, Reed, who will be nicknamed "The Smartest Man on Earth" and "God Stick Virtue", has proved to Rogge with practical actions what is called cheating wisdom.

The genetic secrets of the Super Scruis, the idea of ​​the sentinel robot given by Rogge, plus the unreasonable cheating IQ of Mr. Fantastic Reed.

Possessing a glove with the "superpower" of copying others, endless greed was born!

Of course, due to time constraints, the "Endless Greed" that appeared in front of Rogge is still only the first generation product, and its potential and performance are far from reaching the limit.

As tested by Mister Fantastic Reed, Endless Greed is currently only replicating a target's superpowers.

And after copying, this superpower will be solidified, and it cannot be replaced at any time like the sentinel robot.

In addition, endless greed has a small limitation.

To replicate the target's superpowers, Endless Greed must come into contact with the target.

It doesn't matter if it touches the target's body or touches the target's blood.

From a scientific point of view, this is because endless greed needs to know the genetic characteristics and structure of the target in advance before it can replicate and imitate.

Although Endless Greed is only the first version and has certain limitations, this does not affect Rogge's evaluation of it.

He doesn't need a perverted product like a sentinel robot yet, he can only copy and imitate the "endless greed" of a target, which can already meet his needs.

"Mr. Rogge, although the copying and imitation ability of the glove has passed some simple tests, it is only the first version after all."

"So be careful when using it."

"Also, if you don't mind, I would like you to let me retest the gloves after use."

Unlike Dr. Connors and others, Mister Fantastic Reed, who had just joined Konoha not too long ago, did not call Rogge Sir or Hokage-sama, but maintained the original polite address.

"No problem! I'll give you the gloves back then!"

Because endless greed will be completely fixed once it truly copies other people's superpowers, so Reed has not really tested endless greed.

To put it simply, in theory, endless greed is a superpower that can copy others like Super Scruws.

But whether the effect will really be that good, Mister Fantastic Reed, the inventor, is not particularly sure.

After all, newly born scientific products are often related to accidents.

"You guys should rest for a while, it's worked hard for you during this time."

After expressing his gratitude to Dr. Connors and Reed, Rogge left with this "Endless Greed" that looked like it was made of leather but was actually made of nano-metal.

Back in his office, he had the glove adjusted to fit his right hand.

Then, he made a phone call to Dr. Doom.

"Ready to conquer Muspelheim?"


At noon the next day, Rogge opened the portal connecting Doom Castle, allowing him to come to Konoha headquarters.

Just like the last time we met, Doom was still dressed in that metal mask and armor.

Of course, the green robe that symbolized the Latvinian monarchy was still on him.

Rogge didn't take Dum to visit the Konoha headquarters. To be precise, he didn't even let Dum step into Konoha's headquarters building.

After casting the portal magic to bring Dum to the grass behind the headquarters building, he mobilized the magic power in his body again, and once again cast the portal magic.

Asgard Rainbow Bridge Hall!

Dr. Doom thought that Rogge would take him directly to Muspelheim, the country of the flame giant, but unexpectedly, Rogge took him to Asgard.

After arriving at the Rainbow Bridge lobby, Rogge briefly explained his purpose of coming to Heimdall, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, and then got two "Rainbow Bridge Tickets" to Muspelheim.

"Say hello to Thor for me!"

Because of Dr. Doom, Rogge had no plans to go to the Golden Palace to meet Sol, and quickly left Asgard with Doom.

Although Rogge appreciates some of Doom's actions, it doesn't mean that he has forgotten what kind of person Dr. Doom is.

This is a super villain known for pursuing the mysteries of the universe at all costs.

Letting him stay in Asgard is no different from letting rats into rice bins.


Muspelheim, the kingdom of flame giants, is a world like a lava hell.

Rogge didn't let Heimdall send them directly to Surtur, but let Heimdall choose a teleportation point at random.

When the brilliant lights of the Rainbow Bridge dissipated, the true face of Muspelheim was revealed to them for the first time.

After carefully observing the world in front of him consisting of black earth and red magma, Rogge canceled the infinite mode that he had just cast.

Although the natural conditions of Muspelheim are somewhat harsh, they have not yet reached the point where human life will be endangered in a short period of time.

In addition to being somewhat hot, Muspelheim does not spew deadly gases containing hydrogen chloride and its derivatives, like volcanoes on Earth.

At least from the perspective of Rogge, who has a fairy body, the air in Muspelheim is not dangerous.

"How about you, do you need magic to maintain your state?"

Rogge turned to Doctor Doom and asked.

Unlike the last trip to hell, they will stay here for a while this time, and explore the Muspelheim known as the "Land of Fire".

"It's okay, it doesn't affect the status without magic."

"The natural energy concentration here is very high, even if the magic is maintained for 24 hours, it will not have much impact."

Doom's armor just looks a little quaint, but in fact, his armor is not much worse than Tony's steel suit.

Maintaining vital signs is just a simple function.

"It's fine, let's go!"

After speaking, Rogge took the lead and walked forward.

PS: Thank you for the name, which is really difficult to get a reward, thank you for your support~~

Note 1: This is the plot from the movie "X-Men: Days of Future Past", if you are interested, you can watch it...

The last day of the double monthly pass, please ask for the monthly pass...

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