Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 501: Natives of Muspelheim

Although Muspelheim is a country ruled by the flame giant Surtur, in this lava hell-like world, there are far more creatures than the flame giant.

The natural environment of Muspelheim is a bit harsh, but this harshness is the result of comparing the earth and Asgard and other countries.

If the scope of comparison is extended to the entire universe, not only is Muspelheim not considered to be in a bad environment, but it even exceeds the survival pass line by a lot.

"Brother, can we really find lava fruit today?"

Beside a river of magma, a boy who looked similar to a human on Earth raised his head and asked his elder brother who was a head taller than him.

"It's definitely possible. Lava fruit likes to grow next to the river of fire."

"As long as we are patient, we will definitely find it!"

Unlike the younger brother whose appearance is very similar to that of humans on Earth, the elder brother's appearance is not "earth".

My brother's height and build are similar to those of a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child on Earth, but his skin color is a dark red that humans on Earth do not have.

If Rogge was present at this time, he would find that this rough leather-like dark red was very similar to the color he saw on the hell demon.

In addition, on the boy's dark red skin, there are cracks like cracks.

These cracks were scattered all over the boy's body, and from time to time emitted an orange-red light like magma.

"Hmm! We can definitely find it!"

After hearing his brother's answer, the younger brother, who looked only seven or eight years old, nodded heavily, with an optimistic and determined look on his face.

Just as the younger brother was about to continue searching for "lava fruit", he saw two slowly moving black shadows.

As an "indigenous person" born in Muspelheim, my younger brother was sure at a glance that the two shadows were not flame giants.

Although the flame giant with skin like burnt black charcoal looked like a black shadow from a distance, the flame giant didn't know how to wear clothes, let alone a black robe.

Yes, fire giants don't wear clothes.

To some extent, the flame giant can be regarded as a race with a long history and civilization.

However, their physical particularity determines that they cannot wear clothes like other intelligent races.

The flame giant's body emits high temperature all the time, if it's just high temperature, it's not a particularly troublesome thing.

The real trouble is that the high temperature emitted by their bodies can sometimes directly generate flames on the skin.

With such a physique, it is useless for the flame giant to wear metal armor, not to mention clothes.

"Brother, two exiles are coming!"

The younger brother's words instantly awakened the elder brother who was carefully picking up the lava fruit beside the lava river.

"Not good! Run!"

Unlike the younger brother who looked curious, after seeing the two slowly moving black shadows, the elder brother immediately picked up the younger brother, turned around and ran away.

At the moment when the elder brother picked up the younger brother, the cracks on his body burst into a bright orange-red light, as if he had an instant adrenaline rush, and he rushed towards the village.


"Those two natives seem to be running away, don't you intend to catch up?"

Doctor Doom glanced at the two children who ran away, and said indifferently.

"They can't run away."

"Well, can you stop pretending that you don't care about it? It's not shameful to be interested in alien creatures. You didn't even let go of the fire-breathing lizard before."

Rogge didn't save Dum face, and directly exposed his disguise.

The two figures seen by the little boy were exactly Rogge and Doom.

To be precise, it was Dum who wore a black robe over the green imperial robe, and Rogge who wore the Xiao organization's black auspicious cloud robe.

After being teleported to Muspelheim by the Rainbow Bridge, they did not go directly to the flame giant Surtur, but, like alien tourists, admired the "great mountains and rivers" of Muspelheim.

"Every alien creature may hide the mysteries of the universe. The more you know about the creatures in the universe, the more chance you have to explore the ultimate mysteries of the universe."

Doom Doctor Doom used a reason that sounded very high to explain his previous behaviors that were too curious.

"Yes, you are right!"

While Roger and Doom were chatting without saying a word, the figures of the two little boys quickly disappeared from their sight.

"Good explosiveness and signs of using energy to gain speed."

Doom continued in that nonchalant tone.

"Don't analyze it, you will understand everything after you catch up."

I don't know if the two of them are unlucky, or the luck of those flame giants is too good.

It had been almost an hour since they arrived in Muspelheim.

But apart from the salamander that Doom used magic to analyze and dismember before, and the two little boys who had just escaped, they never met any living creatures.

There are quite a lot of bones left behind after the death of creatures, and there are many human bones that look like people on earth.

Earth Escape·Ultra-Light Heavy Rock Technique!

Rogge performed his only flying ninjutsu now, and flew in the direction where the two boys left.

After Rogge flew into the sky, Doctor Doom also cast his flying magic and followed him closely.

Although the ultra-light and heavy rock jutsu is not a fast-flying ninjutsu, no matter what, flying is always faster than running on the ground.

Without much effort, the figures of the two little boys reappeared in their sight.

After flying behind the little boy for more than ten minutes, a small village appeared in front of them.

The igloo houses built of scorched black mud are like pieces of black stones sitting on the scorched black plain.

Judging from the size of the village, this is a small village with at most dozens of households.

Eyes open!

In order to further see the situation in the village, Rogge opened his eyes.

In the next second, he saw a picture that he didn't expect at all.

The dozens of circular houses in the village are not the kind of houses he imagined, but the entrance to the underground cave.

Under this seemingly barren scorched black plain, there is an incomparably huge cave, a huge cave that accommodates thousands of people.

The people living in the cave are not just human beings like the little boy, but also creatures like giants and monsters.

"It seems that we have changed our luck this time. Those houses are just entrances, and the real village is underground. The scene inside is very characteristic."

After confirming the real situation in the village, Rogge closed his eyes and accelerated his flight.

Just when the two little boys were about to step into the village, Rogge, who was wearing a black auspicious cloud robe, descended from the sky and stood in front of them.

Before the two little boys could speak, he cast a spell that he had just learned.

Know the language!

At the very beginning, he planned to bring the Universal Universal Language Translator with him.

But later, he directly gave up this plan.

There is no need to use the products of science to solve things that can be solved by magic.

"Hello, my name is Rogge, and I am a human from the atrium."

Rogge didn't say that he was from Earth. For the intelligent creatures in the Nine Realms, they would know more about the name Midgard or the Atrium.

After all, what are the names of the nine countries in the Nine Realms? It is general education that is popularized in all eight countries.

The only one that does not carry out this popularization is the earth.

Just when Roger was expecting the two little boys to answer him with the same polite attitude, he immediately realized that he was thinking too much.

His self-introduction made the wary look in the eyes of the two little boys disappear.

Instead, there is a kind of contempt and disdain.

this is……

Seeing the sudden change in the eyes of the two little boys, Rogge couldn't help wondering if there was something wrong with his self-introduction.

Just as he was pondering whether this was a cultural difference between Muspelheim and Earth, the older boy let go of his younger brother.

Then, like a cheetah, it pounced on Rogge, and its not-so-big hands directly hit his neck.

Facing the sudden attack of the little boy, Rogge raised his right hand casually.

Just when the little boy's hands were about to touch his neck, he slashed the little boy's head with a hand knife.


Although it only used less than one-tenth of the force, Rogge's hand knife was still a thunderous blow that the little boy could not bear.

The moment he was hit by the hand knife, the little boy was completely knocked out, and then had a close contact with the ground.

After knocking out the little boy, Rogge stepped over his body and came to the younger boy.

This time, there was no previous kindness on his face, and he asked in a cold tone: "What do I ask, what do you answer, do you understand!"

Bullying children is not Rogge's hobby.

However, at this moment, he didn't think the two little boys in front of him were children.

His criteria for judging children are somewhat different from others.

It's just that if he is young, he won't think that the other party is a child.

After all, there are some so-called minors who are not very old, but they can do demonic acts that adults can't do.

And judging from the attack just now, the boy who was stunned by him obviously had experienced professional combat training.

"Ming... understand!"

After seeing his brother being knocked down in an instant, the boy who looked almost like a person on Earth finally lost the contempt and disdain just now, and replied tremblingly.

"Where are you from? What's your name? What's the village down there?"

Rogge asked like a police officer interrogating a prisoner.

"My name is Didier and he is my brother Mayor."

"I... I grew up here, the village has always been here, it existed before I was born."

Didier replied quickly, with a look of fear all over his face.

Didn't they say that the Atrium Man is the weakest existence in the Nine Realms? The Atrium Man in front of him is so scary...

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