Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 502 The Strange Village Chief

"Is he your brother? The same parents kind?"

With the brothers Sol and Loki around, Rogge has a little distrust of the so-called older brothers and younger brothers.

Especially when the two brothers are not the same type.

"Mayor is my brother, dear brother!"

Didier, who was trembling just now, suddenly became extremely excited, clenched his fists, and shouted with all his strength.

At this time, Didier is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, showing its own fearfulness with a non-scary aura.

"Wake up your brother, we are going to your village."

With his left hand, Rogge unbuttoned the black auspicious cloud robe, pointed to Mayor who was lying unconscious on the ground, and finally put his left hand on the button of the middle garment of the auspicious cloud robe.

Although the black auspicious cloud robe had two sleeves, he did not put his left hand into the sleeve, but put his left hand inside the auspicious cloud robe.

The left hand does not wear sleeves, and the right hand wears sleeves.

This way of dressing was learned from a certain Uchiha tribe who did not want to be named.

Although it looks a bit unreasonable, it has a unique charm.

Under Rogge's gaze, Didier came to Mayor and patted Mayor's face lightly.

Didier's concern for Mayor does not seem fake, but it is really hard to believe that they are brothers based on appearance.

When Didier tried to wake up Mayor, Dr. Doom, who was floating in the air, slowly landed next to Rogge.

"Did you get any useful information?"

Dum glanced at Didier and Mayor, then turned to Rogge and asked.


Under Didier's gentle pat, Mayor, who was stunned by Roger, slowly came to life.

However, when he saw Rogge and Doom standing behind Didier, he pulled Didier behind him and watched Rogge and Doom very vigilantly.

"Boy, I don't like people looking at me like this."

"If you continue to look at me like this, I'll goug out both of your brothers' eyes."

Although he was knocked unconscious by Rogge just now, Mayor still had that unpleasant contempt and disdain in his eyes.

After being warned by Rogge, Mayor put away his contempt and disdain, and looked at the two of them with a cold face.

"Lead the way ahead!"

People like Mayor can be seen as lacking in social beatings.

Not surprisingly, he also has a serious racial discrimination mentality.

Although there was a hundred reluctance in his heart, Mayor hadn't reached the point of complete dementia, so he pulled Didier up without saying a word, and walked towards the entrance of the village.

With Mayor leading the way, Rogge and Doom walked into the winding entrance passages.

However, just as they were about to walk out of the entrance passage, Mayor, who was walking in the front, hugged Didier, and the cracks on his body once again burst out with a lava-like red light.

In the blink of an eye, Mayor rushed over a distance of more than ten meters.

"This time I leave it to you!"

Rogue hands Doom over to stop Mayor.

"it is good!"

Dum didn't have any objection to this, and agreed without hesitation, snapping his fingers silently.

Human immobilization technique!

A faint green light flickered on Mayor's body.

Mayor, who was running wildly, was instantly frozen, and then under the effect of inertia, he kept running and rolled towards the front.

Didier, who was being held by him, also rolled forward with him.

Human immobilization technique, the immobilization technique specially aimed at humanoid creatures in the magic control system, can make the target fall into a paralyzed state and freeze in place.

After hitting the target of the human hold spell, he can stay awake and breathe normally, but he cannot speak or perform any movements.

Similar spells include animal hold, monster hold, group monster hold, and group human hold.

There are detailed records of these spells in the magic book "Spells of the School of Confusion and Control: From Beginning to Mastery".

When Dum performed the human hold technique, a series of related information involuntarily appeared in Rogge's mind.

Because the effects of these hold spells are similar to those of his ninjutsu and hold spells, he didn't learn these spells.

But this didn't affect his recognition of the spell at a glance.

After using the human hold technique to easily stop Mayor who was trying to escape, Dum, wearing a metal mask, came to Mayor step by step and lifted him up.

Just when Dum decided to give the disobedient Mayor some small punishment, several adult men with the same skin as Mayor appeared at the end of the passage.

Before the little ones have learned the lesson, the big ones have already come out.

The adult men who had just appeared just glanced at Mayor who was lifted by Doom, the cracks on his body lit up like lava, and then rushed towards Doom.

In less than two or three seconds, they arrived in front of Doom, and like a pack of preying wolves, they rushed towards Doom viciously.

Magic Missile!

More than a dozen bright white magic missiles flew out instantly, hitting the men like cannonballs and knocking them into the air.

Before the men landed on the ground, Doom pointed his left hand at them and cast another evocation spell.

Chain Lightning!

Silver-white lightning surged out from Dum's left hand, instantly hitting the man closest to him.

When the first target was hit, the dazzling lightning jumped to the second target at an astonishing speed.

Then came the third, fourth, fifth...

Although Doom is a mage, he is definitely not the kind of mage who will fall into crisis after being approached by someone.

On the contrary, he is extremely good at this kind of close-range spell-casting combat.

Using only two not-so-advanced spells, Doom easily repelled these men who were trying to attack him, and left them an extremely deep impression.

Although the chain lightning did not kill them, there were obvious scorching marks at the place struck by the lightning.

"We don't want to kill people yet, don't try to challenge our patience!"

After speaking, Dum let go of his right hand, causing the immobile Mayor to fall to the ground in embarrassment.

Then, he dispelled Mayor's Immobilize Human effect.

After this episode, Rogge and Dum finally came to this village located in the underground cave.

However, it was not only Mayor and Didier who were leading the way for them at this time, but also those adults who were taught a lesson by Doom.

The arrival of Rogge and Doom soon caused a commotion in the village.

Especially after knowing that the two of them came from the atrium, the villagers in the village looked at them with the eyes of rare animals.

It didn't take long for them to meet the person they wanted to meet, the village head of this strange village.


After seeing the village chief in a gray robe, Rogge froze for a moment.

It never occurred to him that the head of this strange village would be an Asgardian.

Although there are many races in the universe that look similar to Asgardians, such as the Vanir Protoss and Earthlings, etc., he can be 100% sure that the village chief standing in front of him is an Asgardian .

To be precise, an elderly Asgardian.

"I'm Abhijit, the village head of this small village. What's the purpose of the two of you coming here?"

Abhijit glanced at the Mayor brothers behind Rogge and the injured villagers, and said kindly.

"You are an Asgardian, why are you in Muspelheim?"

As an Earthling who once lived in Asgard, Rogge is well aware of the "homeland plot" of these Asgardians.

For the Asgardians, Asgard is not only their birthplace, but also their eternal resting place.

If there is no special reason, these Asgardians will never settle elsewhere.

"Have you ever been to Asgard?"

Abhijit did not answer Rogge's question, but instead asked Rogge.

"Stay for a while!"

They did stay in Asgard for a while, but the time Rogge spent was not the same concept as the time Doom spent.

"The prophecy has really come true, and Asgard has really sent an 'messenger'!"

Obviously, Abhijit directly misinterpreted Rogge's meaning, and said loudly to the surrounding villagers with a happy face.

What's up with this guy?

Alzheimer's disease?

Looking at Abhijit, who was instantly excited and kept stirring up the villagers' emotions, Rogge frowned slightly.

This village is getting more and more strange, the location is strange, the villagers are strange, and the village chief is also strange.

When the surrounding villagers got excited, Abhijit whispered to Rogge and the two, "Sorry, I misunderstood you."

"If you don't mind, we can go to the village hall to chat in detail."

Although I don't know what Abhijit is planning, neither Rogge nor Dum is worried at all.

While the villagers were watching them, they also used their own methods to confirm the strength of the village.

How should I put it, from the perspective of the two of them, this village belongs to the kind of existence that can be completely destroyed for the two of them.

Even if they only have one shot, they can completely destroy the village and end the lives of all the villagers in a few minutes.

Because of their strength far exceeding the village's ability to resist, they didn't care whether Abhijit had any conspiracy at all.

A few minutes later, they came to the village hall that Abhijit said, and from Abhijit, they learned why the village was established and what the so-called Asgard "messenger" was all about.

Simply put, this is a misunderstanding full of coincidences.

But in order to make this misunderstanding a reality, Abhijit spent the rest of his life in this small village called "Dawn".

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