Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 503 Fire Spirit

More than two thousand years ago, Abhijit, who was in his prime, was a well-known blacksmith in Asgard.

Although he is only a blacksmith, he is a blacksmith with a dream.

To put it simply, he wants to create a magic weapon like Thor's Hammer Mjolnir or Eternal Gun Gungnir, so that he can become a "master craftsman" that can't lose to the dwarf king.

In order to fulfill this dream, he traveled to Nidaville, the country of the dwarves, to Vanaheim, ruled by the Vanir Protoss, and even smuggled to Jotunheim, the country of the Frost Giants.

Of course, he has also traveled to the Earth known as "the Atrium".

However, when Abhijit traveled to all the countries in the Nine Realms, he discovered a truth that he should have understood long ago.

It is not hard work that determines the upper limit of a person's future achievements, but innate talent.

As an ordinary Asgardian, Abhijit does not have the innate talent for forging like dwarves, nor is it the lucky ones who can awaken divine power.

After putting in all his efforts, but still unable to break through his limits, Abhijit was in despair.

He closed his blacksmith shop, which had a good business, said goodbye to his relatives and friends, and left Asgard alone.

I pursued my dream of being a "master craftsman" for half my life, but in the end I found that it was just my own wishful thinking.

The disheartened Abhijit became a wanderer and started wandering aimlessly in the universe.

If the development of the matter ends here, then what happened to Abhijit can be regarded as "the helpless life of ordinary people" at best.

However, fate, the little guy who people love and hate, obviously doesn't intend to let Abhijit go so easily.

According to Abhijit himself, at that time, he was working as a bounty hunter on a backward planet whose name he forgot.

Although Abhijit's talent in weapon forging is not very outstanding, it is undeniable that he is an Asgardian.

An Asgardian who has experienced combat training since he was a child, and whose physical fitness surpasses most of the races in the universe.

With these two points, he became a pretty good bounty hunter on that planet.

Just when Abhijit was about to end his fruitless life as a bounty hunter on that planet, he received a mission that completely changed his life.

The content of the task is very simple, it is to escort a group of people who claim to be "fire elves" to Muspelheim.

These "fire elves" said that they were descendants of the Alfheim elves and the Muspelheim flame giants, so they wanted to go to Muspelheim, the country of the flame giants.

Abhijit didn't believe a word of what the fire elf said.

Although he was just a blacksmith in Asgard before, it doesn't mean that his general culture class was not good.

It is absolutely impossible for the elves of Alfheim and the flame giants of Muspelheim to have hybrid descendants.

Although they are all humanoids, the reproductive isolation between them is greater than the reproductive isolation between birds and fish.

Although Abhijit dismissed the words of these "fire elves", he was very satisfied with the rewards given by the fire elves.

The task reward given by the fire elves is enough for him to spend the rest of his life waiting to die without doing any work.

Under the temptation of the reward, Abhijit took over the task of escorting the fire elves to Muspelheim.

He knew where Muspelheim was, these fire elves didn't offend anyone, and there were no so-called chasers.

So for him, as long as he gets a spaceship that can accommodate these fire elves, he can easily complete this task, and then use the reward given by the fire elves to spend his life of eating and dying.

The mission went smoothly, and with the help of Ajibit, these fire elves came to their dream of Muspelheim.

At this point, his mission should have ended.

However, just when he left Muspelheim contentedly with the fire elf's reward, an accident happened.

The fire elves who had just arrived in Muspelheim hadn't even built a temporary camp, so they were so excited to find the flame giant.

I don't know if it was fate, but not far from the landing of the spaceship, there happened to be a group of idle flame giants.

The fire elves saw the flame giant in their dreams, and then they became the food and plaything of the flame giant.

Like Abhijit, these fire giants didn't think the fire elves were their descendants at all.

Therefore, they, who had nothing to do, broke the unrealistic illusions of these fire elves with their own hands.

To be slaughtered like prey, to be devoured like food...

No sooner had these fire elves met the kindred of their dreams than a nightmare befell them.

Abhijit, who planned to drive the spaceship to leave Muspelheim, saw this scene from the spaceship.

I don't know if the tragic experience of the fire elves reminded Abhijit of his past. He made a decision that was not suitable for bounty hunters, but it was very suitable for Asgardians.

He rescued these fire elves who were more than half dead or injured.

At the cost of his serious injury and the complete destruction of the spaceship, he rescued these fire elves alone.

The spaceship was destroyed, and Abhijit and the surviving fire elves were completely trapped in Muspelheim.

Relying on the unreasonable physique of the Asgardians and the meticulous care of the fire elves, Abhijit gradually recovered.

The shattering of hope and the grief caused by the mass death of the tribe completely changed these surviving fire elves.

After seeing these originally lively fire elves become lifeless, Abhijit made the decision that changed his life.

He wants to stay in Muspelheim and build a small kingdom for these fire elves.

In order to rekindle hope for these fire elves, he used his identity as an Asgardian to tell a "little" lie.

"As long as we can establish a camp here, when Asgard knows that this camp was established by his people and other races, Asgard will send 'messenger' to attribute the camp to Asgard Dominate the area."

"As long as we can get Asgard's approval, we can establish a kingdom of fire elves in Muspelheim, a real hometown of fire elves."

Relying on the asymmetrical information advantage, Abhijit successfully fooled the fire elves, and re-planted the seeds of hope in the fire elves' hearts.

In fact, Abhijit's statement cannot be said to be completely wrong, but he has modified one of the key points.

Asgard will indeed protect the camps established by its people in other countries.

But the prerequisite is that there must be a large number of Asgardians in this camp.

There are only a few Asgardians in the camp, and it is impossible to get recognition from Asgard.

So what Abhijit offered to the fire elves was a hope that was impossible to realize from the beginning.

Asgard will never send an army to Muspelheim for Abhijit alone and a group of people who call themselves "fire elves", let alone establish a so-called fire elf kingdom for them.

Under this false hope, Abhijit and the fire elves began to build this village called "Dawn" little by little.

In order to make these fire elves have a certain ability to protect themselves, Ajibit also began to teach the fire elves the knowledge of the nine worlds and fighting skills.

In the following days, they also rescued some creatures that wandered to Muspelheim inexplicably, such as the giants and monsters outside.


"It's a good experience, but you should know that the fake will always become the real."

"The two of us are not the so-called 'envoys' of Asgard, and it is impossible for us to help the fire elves establish some kind of kingdom."

Rogge expressed sympathy for Abhijit's encounter with the fire elves.

However, this does not mean that he will help these fire elves.

"It is true that what is false cannot become true, but you will definitely help us."

Abhijit didn't care about Rogge's rejection, and still maintained a happy look on his face.

"Really? I'm starting to be a little curious, where did you get your confidence from?"

Abhijit's reaction was beyond Rogge's expectations, and it also aroused his curiosity.

"Because you are, Fourth Hokage Rog-sama!"

After hearing Abhijit suddenly say the words Fourth Hokage, Rogge's face darkened instantly, and he became extremely vigilant.

Abhijit's words not only made Rogge vigilant, but also Doom, Doctor of Doom, also cheered up.

Although Rogge introduced himself in front of Didier, he did not say that he is the Fourth Hokage.

"How did you know that I am the Fourth Hokage? Answer carefully. This answer directly determines the safety of your life and that of other people."

Seeing Rogge whose face suddenly became serious, Abhijit waved his hand quickly, indicating that he was not malicious.

"I have no malice, I just want to make a deal with you"

"As for why I know you are the Fourth Hokage, you will understand after you have met Keng and Mick."

Koenger and Mick?

Roger suddenly felt as if he had heard these two names somewhere.

"Kenger, Mick, you all come in!"

The closed door of the villagers' hall was pushed open, and two not-so-tall "people" appeared in the sight of Rogge and Dum.

The moment he saw these two "persons", Rogge finally knew where he had heard their names.

Star Saka, the arena of champions!

Könger is a Crunan fighter who is just over two meters tall.

And Mick next to him is a "dwarf" bug with two knives.

Of course, this gnome is viewed from a human point of view. If viewed from a bug's point of view, Mick is an out-and-out giant

After seeing Korn and Mick, Roger shrugged and sighed helplessly.

This little guy of fate has started messing around again!

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