Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 504 Abhijit's commission

Krunan, the gladiator, and Mick, the worm with the knife.

Although they are not famous gladiators on Saka, they also have their own fame.

To be precise, it is the fame in the pad game.

Before every championship battle in Saka Star, there will be a cushion game to mobilize the audience's emotions.

Although the level of danger in the back-up game is not as high as that of multiplayer melee and team melee, it is definitely not a play-by-play game.

It is not an easy task to make a certain reputation and survive in the cushion game.

Rogge vaguely remembered that before his gladiatorial fight with Ronan, it was this Kronan warrior named Koeng who was in charge of the padding match.

"How did you get out of Saka?"

Glancing at Korn and Mick who were still alive and kicking, Rogge asked curiously.

"We snatched Gao Tianzun's spaceship, passed through the 'devil's body', and then came here."

"Although the environment here is not very good, it is much better than my hometown. After all, my mother and his little boyfriend will not appear here."

Koenger explained briefly.

"Kenger and Mick's spaceship fell into the lava river, and we rescued them. You are the Fourth Hokage, and they told me."

Abhijit added.

"The two of them may be able to explain why you know that I am the Fourth Hokage, but you haven't explained why you think that I will definitely make a deal with you."

Although Abhijit's strength is not very good, that is, the level of ordinary Asgardian fighters, but for some reason, Rogge always feels that he is not that simple.

Roger didn't doubt the experience Abhijit just told, but just suspected that he had concealed something else.

"Go out first, and close the door by the way."

Abhijit did not answer Rogge's question directly, but let Keng and the others leave the village hall first.

After the two of Kenger left and closed the door, Abhijit said slowly: "Although I don't know what you are going to do when you come to Muspelheim, I think that a person with outstanding strength like you Existence, we will definitely not refuse the opportunity to continue to improve our strength."

After speaking, Abhijit took out a small metal box from his arms, and then handed the box to Roger very solemnly.

"Open it and have a look, you won't be disappointed."

Glancing at Abhijit with a serious expression on his face, Roger took the metal box in his hand and opened it.

Inside the box was a strange "jelly" that looked like magma and hadn't completely solidified.

Both Rogge and Doom could be considered well-informed, but they still didn't recognize what this mass was.


On this strange "jelly", Rogge felt the extremely obvious fire energy.

"This is a mass of original energy of the plane, the original energy of Muspelheim."

Abhijit suppressed the excitement in his heart, pretending to be calm and said.

But no sooner had he finished than Doom opened his mouth to deny his claims.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible to be the original energy of the plane!

"The original energy of the plane can only appear in a materialized form when the plane is about to collapse."

"In the current Muspelheim, it is absolutely impossible for the original energy of the substantive plane to appear."

When Dum refuted Abhijit, Rogge quickly recalled the information about the original energy of the plane in his mind.

The original energy of the plane, this is the saying in the field of magic.

Changed to a relatively easy-to-understand explanation, it can be understood as the core energy of the planet, or the source of life of the planet.

In short, this is one of the most precious existences on a planet or plane.

"You are all powerful mages, whether this is the original energy of the plane, you have enough ability to distinguish the authenticity."

"It doesn't do me any good to lie about something that's easy to break."

Abhijit didn't care about Dum's rebuttal, and still firmly believed that the "jelly" in the box was the original energy of the plane.

"Whether this is the original energy of the plane, I will confirm it later. If it is true, what do you want to trade it for?"

Roger closed the box and asked about Abhijit.

"A country belonging to the fire elves!"

"It doesn't matter if it's in Muspelheim or anywhere else."

Sure enough, Abhijit gave an answer that Rogge expected.

"No problem, as long as this is really the original energy of the plane, I can help you fulfill this wish."

For Rogge, it is not difficult to help Abhijit fulfill this wish.

Isn't it a country belonging to the fire elves?

a piece of cake!

If these fire elves don't like Muspelheim, he can also give them a piece of land on the planet Tatooine and let them build their own kingdom.

And on the planet Tatooine, no one would come to trouble them.

After all, it was Rogge's private domain.

To master a planet of his own is to be so rich and powerful.

After agreeing to Abhijit's conditions without hesitation, Rogge directly began to confirm the authenticity of the original energy of the plane.

When he used magic to confirm the authenticity of the original energy of the plane, Dum stood aside without saying a word, neither speaking nor planning to help.

After some dazzling operations, he finally completed the confirmation of the authenticity of the original energy of the plane.

"This is indeed the original energy of the plane, but I want to change the way of trading!"

After speaking, Rogge handed back the metal box in his hand to Abhijit, and then channeled out a commission scroll.

"I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I like to complete important transactions in the form of entrustment."

"The reward is the original energy, and the content of the entrustment is to help the fire elves build their kingdom."

"If there is no problem, you can write the commission now."

Although this kind of entrustment has passed the judgment of the system, it will not be rewarded with too many ninja coins.

But no matter how few ninja coins are rewarded, they are also ninja coins.

Rogge has never minded things like pulling the wool out of the system.

Although Abhijit didn't know why Rogge insisted on entrusting the transaction to complete the transaction, but since Rogge said so, he could only operate according to Rogge's "obsessive-compulsive disorder".

As for Dum, it was directly ignored by Abhijit.

Abhijit had never heard of Dum's name at all, and compared with Rogge, Dum wearing a metal mask seemed a little less serious.

It didn't take much time for Abhijit to write all the content on the entrusted scroll.

"Designation content: help the fire elves to establish their own kingdom; commission status: unfinished; commission reward: 20 ninja coins!"

Maybe it was because the difficulty of entrusting was too low, or it was possible that the system had sensed his idea of ​​plucking wool, and the system gave him a commission reward that was lower than he had imagined.

"Your commission, I take it!"

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