Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 506 Unexpected Enemy

"Are you sure the flame giant Surtur is in this underground cave?"

Doctor Doom, who was wearing a black robe, asked in disbelief.

"90% sure!"

Although it was a position he had determined, Rogge himself was not particularly sure.

After all, he had made two mistakes in a row before.

"You said the same thing the last two times."

After hearing Rogge's not particularly confident answer, Dum complained.

"Even if I make a mistake again this time, it's just a tie with you."

"You also said before that your divination would never go wrong, but it turned out that you made mistakes three times in a row."

Rogge wanted to get the location of Surtur from Abhijit, but unfortunately, Abhijit knew nothing about it.

Although Abhijit has lived in Muspelheim for more than 2,000 years, in the past days, he and the fire elves have tried to stay away from the flame giant as much as possible, so it is impossible for them to inquire about Surtur. information.

Although he didn't get the information he wanted from Abhijit, Dum said confidently that he could solve this problem.

Then, he divination the wrong position three times in a row.

After failing three times in a row, Dum refused to continue divination, so the task of confirming Surtur's location was handed over to Rogge.

Because he had never seen Surtur before, and didn't know what his life signal looked like, Rogge could only use the simplest and crudest method to find Surtur.

First of all, he maximized the chakra perception technique and selected the flame giant with the highest life intensity within the perception range.

Then, he cast quantum teleportation and brought Dum to the flame giant.

After some "friendly" communication, he learned the approximate direction of Surtur's location from the mouth of the flame giant.

After confirming the approximate location, he once again cast quantum teleportation, teleporting himself and Dum directly.

After repeating this process twice, he and Dum arrived at the present place.

"This time, he should have come to the right place. Although the life strength of the guy inside is not particularly high, his life energy is obviously different from that of the flame giant in front, so if there is no accident, the most powerful flame inside The giant is Surtur."

In order to avoid being slapped in the face again, before entering the underground cave, Rogge cast the chakra perception technique again to perceive the situation inside the cave in detail.

"I hope so!"

Doom still didn't quite believe Rogge's perception.

"Let's talk about it first, Surtur's Twilight Sword and Crown are mine, and the rest are yours."

"If you want to conquer Muspelheim, you can, but you have to do it yourself."

"If you need my assistance, you and I will be half of the territory that has been conquered."

This was an agreement Rogge had reached with Dum before departure.

The reason for redeclaring it again is to avoid disputes over the ownership of the spoils later.

"Don't worry, I will never go back on what I promised."

"The Sword of Twilight and Surtur's Crown, I will never snatch it from you."

Compared with Rogge, who has a clear goal, Dum's trip to Muspelheim this time is much simpler and purer.

To put it simply, he came with the mentality of increasing his knowledge and expanding his research field.

Although Dum has made some achievements in the field of magic, but because he is on the earth, he has been unable to further expand his gains in the field of magic.

To give a simple example, if he is a mage in Asgard, he can completely improve his research and strength in the field of magic by traveling to different planets and countries.

In this regard, Abhijit is a very typical example.

Abhijit does not have a particularly outstanding talent in forging, but he can go to Nidaville, the country of dwarves, or Jotunheim, the country of frost giants, to find opportunities to break through his forging skills.

This method is a very practical method for Asgardians like Abhijit, or other people who have also opened the planet of the era of the great universe.

But for Dum, the Doctor of Destruction on Earth, this is a rare opportunity.

The reason why he agreed to go to Muspelheim with Rogge is because of this opportunity to travel to other planets.

Of course, establishing enough friendship with Rogge is also one of the very important reasons.

After confirming that Dum would not have the idea of ​​the Twilight Sword and Surtur's Crown, Rogge channeled the Kusanagi Sword and the Thunderbolt Fan that he hadn't used for a long time from the psychic scroll he carried with him.

After Odin's death, the enchanting effect on the Flying Raijin Kunai and the Thunder Fan disappeared.

However, Rogge, who is already a mature mage, added the enchanting effects of flying and responding to summons to Flying Thunder God Kunai and Thunderbolt Tuan Fan, which made up for the regret caused by Odin's death.

"Let's go, let's meet the legendary flame giant Surtur!"

After speaking, Rogge took the lead in walking towards the underground cave.

In his memory, Surtur without the Eternal Flame couldn't even defeat Thor before awakening.

However, he still did not dare to underestimate the master of Muspelheim.

After experiencing so many things that do not match his memory, he will not continue to use the situation in his memory to infer Surtur's strength.

Being careful and prudent is a professional quality that a qualified ninja must possess.

More importantly, he didn't want to overturn in the hands of an enemy like Surtur.

The underground cave where Surtur is located is far larger than the previous "Dawn" village.

After traveling quickly in this cave like an underground world for more than ten minutes, Rogge and Doom saw Surtur, the target of their trip.

Unlike what they had imagined, Surtur seemed to have anticipated their arrival early on.

At this time, Surtur was sitting on a huge stone throne, condescendingly looking down at the two uninvited guests, Rogge and Dum.

"Something's not quite right!"

Dum, who was standing next to Rogge, suddenly spoke.

"Leave Surtur to me to deal with, and you are responsible for dealing with the others."

Rogge glanced around, and said to Doom in a calm tone.

However, at the moment he just finished speaking, a sense of danger suddenly surged in his heart.

has a problem!

The dangerous intuition that surged in his heart immediately made Rogge extremely vigilant.

Just when he was considering whether to open his eyes to confirm the surrounding situation, a familiar figure came out from behind Surtur's throne.

Damn it!

Why is she here!

The person who walked out from behind the throne of Surtur was none other than the eldest princess of Asgard, the sister of Thor, the god of thunder, and Hela, the goddess of death!

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