Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 507 Queen Hela

Rogge envisioned many scenarios of fighting Surtur in his mind.

But he never expected that he would meet Hela, the Goddess of Death, in Muspelheim.

What happened to this eldest sister, is she planning to stay in the Nine Realms and not leave?

Last time it was Jotunheim, the kingdom of the frost giants, and this time it was Muspelheim, the kingdom of the flame giants.

The universe is so big, doesn't she want to go to other places to see it?

Although Doctor Doom didn't know Hela, the goddess of death, he knew that Hela was not an ordinary person the first time he saw Hela.

The aura of Hella, the goddess of death, is too strong!

Although her height was not as tall as the sitting Surtur, after she appeared, her aura directly overwhelmed Surtur.

Compared with Surtur, Hela at this time is more like the master of Muspelheim.

However, the subsequent development perfectly proved this point.

When Hela walked out from behind the throne, Surtur, who was sitting on the huge stone throne, immediately stood up and gave the throne to Hela.

Then, like a guard, he stood beside the throne.

"who is she?"

After seeing Rogge's expression becoming more and more dignified, Dum asked.

"The eldest daughter of Odin, the eldest princess of Asgard, Hela, the goddess of death!"

Rogge quickly answered Dum, and at the same time opened the Sangouyu Sharingan.

After hearing Rogge's answer, Dum also mobilized the magic power in his body silently, alerting everything around him.

"I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon, did that boy Saul ask you to come?"

Hela, who was sitting on the throne, leaned lazily on the back of the chair, raised her right leg, and asked in a queen-like tone.

Although Hela temporarily gave up the throne of Asgard, it does not mean that she recognized Thor.

In her opinion, she is still the most qualified person to inherit the throne of Asgard.

As for Saul, he was just keeping that position for her temporarily.

"It has nothing to do with Saul, coming here is purely my personal decision."

Looking at the queen-like Hela on the throne, Rogge replied calmly.

Hela's strength is indeed very strong, but she is still defeated by her own men.

When facing his defeated opponent, Rogge couldn't think of any reason for him to be afraid.

"The last time I sensed the eternal flame on Fenrir, I had a premonition that you would come to Muspelheim."

"It's just that I didn't expect that you would come so soon."

Hela's tone is still so superior, but I don't know why, this kind of offensive tone, when spoken from her mouth, makes people feel that it should be so.

"Actually, it's not too fast, but the lifespan of humans on Earth is far from comparable to that of Asgardians, so everyone's feelings about the speed of time are somewhat different."

Rogge glanced at Surtur standing next to the throne, and replied casually.

"The lifespan of people on Earth is indeed shorter, but for an existence like you, it is not difficult to extend your lifespan."

Having said that, Hela paused suddenly, frowned and looked at Rogge seriously.

"It's interesting, you actually absorbed the original energy of Muspelheim's plane."

Because the original energy of the plane has just been digested, there is still some aura of the original energy of the plane on Rogge's body.

Although these auras are very weak, for Hela who is extremely good at energy manipulation, it is easy to see them as long as they look carefully.

"Lucky, I just happened to find some."

Rogge randomly found a reason to prevaricate.

He asked Abhijit before, wanting to know where he got the original energy of the plane.

As a result, Abhijit gave him a slightly funny answer.

"It fell from the sky!"

These are Abhijit's original words at the time.

Later, after realizing that the joke hadn't had the desired effect, Abhijit explained it seriously.

That ball of original energy of the plane did indeed fall from the sky, but it fell from the sky after it was sprayed into the sky from an erupting crater.

According to Abhijit, at that time, he was planning to go to an active volcano to find a unique metal of Muspelheim.

As a result, the volcano erupted before he reached his destination.

Or rather, the volcano exploded.

The erupting volcano sprayed a large amount of magma into the sky. After a burst of "fire rain" like a natural disaster, Abhijit discovered this group of original energy of the plane near the volcano.

After confirming that the "jelly" he picked up was the original energy of the plane, Abhijit went to the volcano several times, hoping to find more original energy of the plane.

But unfortunately, after that eruption, the active volcano became an extinct volcano, and even the magma inside disappeared.

"You are really lucky to be able to find a mass of original energy in a stable plane."

"However, your luck ends here."

After finishing speaking, Hela, who had slender legs and a graceful figure, stood up and picked up the Twilight Sword, which was leaning against the throne, which did not match her figure at all.

Following that, she dragged the huge Twilight Sword with a red front, step by step down the steps in front of the throne.

"If I'm not mistaken, when you came to Muspelheim, you got the Twilight Sword!"

As soon as the words fell, Hela raised the Twilight Sword, which was three to four meters long, and slashed directly at Rogge's neck.

However, just as the huge Twilight Sword struck Rogge's neck, the size of the Twilight Sword began to shrink rapidly.

In the end, the red tip of the Twilight Sword stopped at a place only four or five centimeters away from Rogge's Adam's apple, and the steaming heat formed a faint layer of mist in front of him.

"I guess when Odin taught you swordsmanship, he must have told you that if you don't have the intention of killing others, it's best not to point your sword at others!"

After speaking, Rogge raised his left hand to hold the Kusanagi sword behind his back, and moved the red tip of the Twilight Sword away with the hilt.

After finishing all this, he continued: "I am indeed here for the Twilight Sword, and the purpose of my trip is not only the Twilight Sword, but also his crown."

Rogge doesn't mind that Hela knows his purpose, he will decide on the Twilight Sword and Surtur's crown.

Surtur couldn't stop him, and Hela couldn't stop him either.

"You are indeed very different from other Earthlings."

"You let me go last time, this time, I will return your favor."

"The Sword of Twilight and Surtur's Crown are yours now!"

Hela's tone was still that of a queen, but after she finished speaking, she stuck the Twilight Sword, which had shrunk to more than one meter long, directly into the ground, then turned her head and left.

This is all right?

After seeing Hela put down the Twilight Sword without hesitation, Doom suddenly looked at Rogge with something strange.

Could it be that he and Hela...

Dr. Doom is not a particularly gossip-minded person, but the scene in front of him reminded him of some strange images involuntarily.

Just when Rogge and Dum felt that this development was a bit strange, Surtur, who was over ten meters tall, suddenly spoke.

"Your Majesty, this is different from what we discussed before. You can't treat me like this. It's not fair!"

PS: Thanks to Huang Kuangren and Suzuko Yuriko for their rewards, thank you for your support~~

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