Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 508 Surtur

No one expected that Surtur, the flame giant who caused the twilight of the gods in the legend and completely destroyed Asgard, would show such a gesture as if begging for mercy at this time.


Surtur's words stopped Hela, who was climbing the stairs, and looked up at the legendary flame giant.

"Yes, it's not fair, very unfair!"

"We made an agreement at the beginning, I will give you the throne of Muspelheim, and you will help me regain the eternal flame. You must keep your promise!"

Surter, who was more than ten meters tall, said in an almost roaring tone, which made his face that was originally similar to a hell demon even more ferocious.

"It seems that Odin took away not only your eternal flame, but also your IQ!"

Seeing Surtur with a ferocious expression on his face, Hela let out a disdainful laugh.

"Fairness needs strength to maintain. Without strength, you are not qualified to demand fairness from others."

"Another reminder, you didn't give me the throne of Muspelheim, you lost the throne to me, understand."

After finishing speaking, Hela ignored Surtur, returned to the huge stone throne, and sat down.

Hela proved with her actual actions how much she didn't take Surtur seriously.

But it's normal to think about it.

Hela was someone who dared to resist even Odin. Without the Eternal Flame, her state was not as good as the former Surtur, and she really had no right to be afraid of her.

Through the brief conversation between Hela and Surtur, Rogge and Doom finally understood why Hela appeared in Muspelheim and also occupied Surtur's throne.

Compared with Asgard, Muspelheim is indeed a "backcountry".

But in any case, Muspelheim is a country in the Nine Realms, a country with complete world rules.

Although the throne here is not as good as that of Asgard, it is not bad.

After all, this throne symbolizes Muspelheim's right to rule.

"Hahaha, I knew it, I knew none of you Asgardians would believe it!"

"Since you don't keep your word, don't blame me for not giving you face."

"Little ones, fuck me, let this Asgardian bitch know who is in charge of Muspelheimheim!"

Surtur's voice spread quickly.

Then, nothing happens.

Although there are a large number of flame giants in this underground cave, these flame giants completely ignored the call of their former king, and still hid in the shadow of the cave without moving, as if they had not heard Surtur's call at all. Same.

When this embarrassing scene of no one responding lasted for more than ten seconds, Surtur didn't know whether it was because he felt ashamed or was completely occupied by anger. He let out an angry howl like a beast. .


While screaming up to the sky, Surtur stretched out his right hand towards the Twilight Sword in front of Rogge, trying to summon this soul weapon that had accompanied him for countless years.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the Twilight Sword stuck in the ground would not budge.

After experiencing being ignored by his own clansmen and subordinates, Surtur was ignored by his own weapons again.

Surtur can be regarded as a failure for a man to do this.

Even the flame dragon, which was chained to the stone pillar, turned its head silently and closed its eyes after seeing this scene.

"I'm starting to doubt the records about Surtur in the ancient tomes."

Dum, who is also the king of a country, shook his head in disappointment after seeing Surtur's appearance at this time.

Although Surtur is already an abdicated king, after ruling Muspelheim for so many years, he has not even cultivated a diehard loyalist.

For a king, this is simply an incredible thing.

After discovering that the Twilight Sword was no longer responding to his call, Surtur finally put an end to howling like ghosts and wolves.

"It seems that I don't need to do anything this time. Get rid of him as soon as possible, and don't let him continue to lose face."

Looking at this former colleague, Dum made a "merciful" suggestion to Roger.

“Good advice!”

Rogge approved Doom's suggestion, but he did not attack Surtur immediately, but channeled a black glove from the psychic scroll.

Endless greed!

The reason why he asked Mr. Fantastic Reed and Dr. Connors to study the Super Scruis and develop "endless greed" is to copy Surtur's ability.

Although he doesn't know whether "Endless Greed" can replicate Surtur's ability as imagined, but this does not affect him to try it now.

Putting on the Endless Greed, he summoned the eternal flame that haunted Surtur and cast it over the "Endless Greed".

Although he left most of the Eternal Flame in the Yamato Treasure Hall, he did not forget to keep some of it with him.

In terms of attack power, the Eternal Flame is inferior to Hellfire.

But in some respects, the Eternal Flame has a huge advantage that the Hellfire cannot match.

For example, enhance the user's attack power in fields such as flames, high temperature, and blast shock waves.

Only when the eternal flame was completely wrapped around "Endless Greed", he stretched out his right hand, held the hilt of the Twilight Sword, and pulled out the Twilight Sword that was stuck on the ground.

The moment the Eternal Flame touched the Twilight Sword, he felt the perfect fit between the Eternal Flame and the Twilight Sword.

This feeling is like the perfect touch when throwing a lore in a crucial basketball game.

Sure enough, the Twilight Sword is the best prop to play Eternal Flame.

After confirming this, he raised the Twilight Sword and pointed the red tip at Surtur.

"Don't be afraid, it will be over soon!"

As soon as the voice fell, Rogge disappeared from everyone's sight.

Instant body technique!

In just a split second, Rogge, holding the Twilight Sword, came behind Surtur.

To be precise, it came behind his legs.

laugh! laugh!

Before Surtur could react, the Sword of Twilight sliced ​​through the Achilles tendons of his legs, leaving huge wounds tens of centimeters long on his legs.

After cutting off the Achilles tendons of Surtur's legs, Rogge did not see the blood splatter scene he imagined.

Although it was different from what he had imagined, the movements in his hands did not stop there.

After attacking Surtur's legs, he cast the teleportation technique again.

This time, he left the ground directly, leaped high, and came to the air level with the back of Surtur's neck.

chi chi chi chi...

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