Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 509: Two Pupil Techniques Activated Simultaneously

Before time travel, Rogge had seen such a setting in an anime.

The Achilles' heel of the giant is located at the back of the neck, which is 1 meter long and 10 cm wide.

Of course, this is just a setting in that anime.

In other worlds, the giant's Achilles' heel may not be at the back of the neck.

However, this still does not affect Rogge's desire to attack the back of the neck of the flame giant Surtur fiercely.

When attacking Surtur's Achilles tendons with the Twilight Sword, he discovered that the Twilight Sword was not a very sharp sword.

To some extent, the Twilight Sword is more like a magic sword than a sword that focuses on physical damage.

If you have to compare the sharpness, the sharpness of Twilight's sword is not even as sharp as the Kusanagi sword he often uses.

Although the Twilight Sword was not as sharp as he imagined, it was more than enough to attack the back of Surtur's neck.

Accompanied by the flying of the Twilight Sword, the back of Surtur's neck, which was thicker than his waist, ushered in a series of extremely fast sword strikes like a meat grinder.

In just a second or two, the back of Surtur's neck was sliced ​​off more than half by the Twilight Sword, making his huge head appear crumbling.

However, the moment the Sword of Twilight stopped attacking, Surtur's injured neck recovered rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Within a few seconds, the back of Surtur's neck completely recovered, as if everything that happened before was just an illusion.

Unlike the rapid regeneration of flesh and blood creatures, Surtur's recovery method at this time is an energy manipulation technique.

By consuming the flame energy in his body, Surtur can not only recover from his injuries at any time, but can even directly change his body shape.

For example, become as tall as a mountain.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Surtur has enough flame energy.

If Surtur still has the eternal flame at this time, he can completely ignore Hela and Rogge, and even allow them to attack his body.

But it is a pity that it is not he who owns the eternal flame now, but Rogge.

After landing, Rogge did not continue to stay behind Surtur, but cast a teleportation technique to come directly in front of Surtur.

Just when Surtur was about to use his fists to teach this little guy who dared to attack him crazily, Rogge made a move that was completely unexpected.

I saw Rogge take back the eternal flame wrapped around "Endless Greed", and then threw the Twilight Sword, which had been severely "shrunk" in size, back to Surtur.

Under his precise control, the Twilight Sword with a red tip drew a beautiful parabola in the air.

Then, it was inserted straight into the ground in front of Surtur, and the red tip of the sword just sank into the ground.

"Return the Twilight Sword to you, go all out!"

No one thought that Rogge would return the Twilight Sword to Surtur.

However, after he voluntarily gave up the Twilight Sword, not only did Surtur not immediately pull out the Twilight Sword that was stuck on the ground, but he took a step or two back extremely vigilantly.

This is not in line with common sense!

This is a trap!

Looking at the Twilight Sword on the ground that had accompanied him for countless years, various conspiracy theories emerged in Surtur's not-so-bright mind.

Not only did Surtur not believe Rogge's kindness, but even Hela, the goddess of death who had fought against Rogge, also showed doubts.

Although Hella has only fought against Rogge once, she knows that Rogge is the kind of person who will find ways to increase his chances of winning.

To describe it in simpler terms, Rogge is the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to win.

And what he did at this time was obviously inconsistent with his previous style.

"Don't you dare to ask for it back, the previous ruler of Muspelheim, didn't you have the guts?"

Looking at Surtur with a vigilant expression, Rogge began to use "taunting" attacks.

The reason why he returned the Twilight Sword to Surtur was certainly not to pursue the so-called fairness of the battle.

And even if Surtur had the Twilight Sword, this battle was still not a fair one for him.

Surtur couldn't even beat Hela, so how could he win against Rogge who defeated Hela.

If it is described by the rank in the game, Surter at this time is a big rank lower than Rogge, and it may even be two ranks.

With such a gap in strength, as long as Rogge doesn't make waves, Surtur's chance of winning is only 10% at most.

Although he was ridiculed by Rogge in public, Surtur still maintained that vigilant look.

Surtur looked at Rogge vigilantly, guarding against his sudden attack.

At this time, Rogge took the initiative to close Sharingan.

To be precise, the right eye of Sharingan is closed.

Sharingan originally could only choose to open or close two states.

However, after the development of the fairy body reached 80%, Rogge suddenly discovered that he could perform different operations on the left and right eyes.

After closing the Sharingan of the right eye, he did not keep the right eye in its normal shape, but opened the white eye with the right eye.

With the opening of the white eyes, the veins around his right eye burst instantly, making his eyes present an asymmetrical and alternative beauty.

The left eye is Sharingan, the right eye is white!

Two completely different blood succession techniques endowed him with a special perspective that he had never experienced before.

This feeling is a bit like opening the other eye when using a monocular.

After opening different pupils for the left and right eyes, Rogge did not urge the still entangled Surtur, and pulled out the Kusanagi sword worn on his waist and the thunderous fan behind his back.

The right hand with "endless greed" holds the Kusanagi sword, and he holds the huge Thunderbolt fan that does not fit his size in his left hand.

When Rogge held the weapon in both hands, Surtur, who was worried about whether he had some conspiracy, finally pulled out the Twilight Sword stuck in the ground.

The moment Surtur pulled out the Twilight Sword, a burst of flame burst out from the body of the Twilight Sword instantly, and the shrunken size also expanded rapidly with the surging flame.

When the flames completely dissipated, the Twilight Sword in Surtur's hand also returned to a size suitable for him, turning into a two-handed giant sword nearly ten meters long.

"It turns out that the size is changed in this way. I accept this method!"

After witnessing the scene where Surtur restored the Twilight Sword to its original state, a satisfied smile appeared on Rogge's face.

The reason why he returned the Twilight Sword to Surtur was to copy from him, or learn the best way to use the Twilight Sword.

In this universe, Surtur is undoubtedly the one who knows best how to use the Twilight Sword.

With such a "teacher" around, there is absolutely no need for Rogge to find out the best way to use the Twilight Sword by himself.

The Sharingan in the left eye is used to replicate and observe Surtur's use of the Twilight Sword.

The white eye of the right eye is used to observe the energy flow in Surtur's body.

With this kind of observation and study without dead ends, he can master the best usage of the Twilight Sword in the shortest time, so that the Twilight Sword has completely become a new hole card in his hand.

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