Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 594: Red Skull's Commission

No one expected that after Rogge finished asking, he would suddenly punch Red Skull.

Especially the Red Skull himself, he didn't expect that he would be punched solidly, and he was still punched in the face.

If it was before he was exiled, even if he couldn't block Rogge's punch, he definitely wouldn't be unable to react to anything.


Like a baseball hit by a bat, the Red Skull drew a graceful arc in the air, from the edge of the semicircular altar on the mountain peak, and slammed into the circular altar below the mountain fiercely.

The huge impact force caused Red Skull to knock out a conspicuous impact crater in the circular altar at the foot of the mountain.

If it weren't for the soul gem giving him some enhancements as a watcher, Rogge's punch might have killed him directly.

After punching Red Skull off the altar, Rogge glanced back at the Kree warriors who looked wary and puzzled.

Shadow clone!

Rogge didn't intend to kill these Kree fighters himself, so he summoned a shadow clone and handed over the task of killing these Kree fighters to the shadow clone.

Then, under the watchful eyes of these Kree warriors, he performed the ultra-light and heavy rock technique and slowly floated down the altar, and came to the Red Skull again.

"It seems that the soul gem is not bad for you, and it actually helped you strengthen your physique."

Although the main power of the soul gem is concentrated in the soul domain, as a universe-level treasure, the soul gem does not lack the ability to strengthen others.

The strength of the soul will definitely bring about the strengthening of the body.

This is a very simple truth.

A weak body cannot support a strong soul.

"Who are you?"

It has been more than seventy years since the last time I was beaten.

Rogge's punch made Red Skull feel the long-lost pain, and it also aroused his dissatisfaction.

Although it has become the current appearance of neither human nor ghost, but in any case, Red Skull used to be the leader of Hydra.

The experience of exile may have changed some of his thoughts, but it could not completely obliterate the arrogance deep in his heart.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I want to teach you a good lesson!"

As soon as the words fell, Rogge attacked the Red Skull lying on the ground again.

From the perspective of people on earth, the Red Skull is definitely not weak. After all, he was a man who could compete with the US team Rogers.

But it is a pity that the enemy he is facing now is Rogge, who is known as powerful in the universe.

Rogge didn't need to use any ninjutsu at all, not even advanced physical skills.

With only his own physical strength, he can completely torture the Red Skull.

Under his attack, the Red Skull couldn't even do a decent defense, and became a human sandbag under his fist, enduring his violent punches and kicks.

After beating the Red Skull for five or six minutes, Rogge stopped this one-sided overwhelming attack and lifted the immobile Red Skull up.

"I hit you for two reasons."

"The first one is because the Hydra you built caused me a lot of trouble. Although they are all small troubles, they are very annoying."

"As for the second one, it's very simple, because you are ugly!"

The former leader of Hydra, now the guardian of the soul gem, was picked up by Rogge like a baby with no resistance at this time, completely without the demeanor of the previous superior.

"You are stronger than me, so what you say is what you say."

Although his whole body was in pain from being beaten by Rogge, Red Skull knew very well that Rogge did not kill him.

Otherwise, he felt more than just physical pain now.

Looking at the resigned Red Skull, Rogge let go of his right hand, causing him to fall to the ground.

"If you need to vent, you can also vent, then it's time for happy cooperation."

Roger said with a kind tone and a smile on his face.

However, after hearing his words, Red Skull suddenly felt cold all over his body, and looked at him with eyes full of vigilance.

"What do you want to do?" Red Skull asked tentatively.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Rogge. I am a ninja. I have a small title of 'Fourth Hokage' in the outside world."

"Ninja is a profession that gets paid by performing other people's commissions. If you don't mind, I hope to accept a small commission from you."

Even the well-informed Red Skull couldn't keep up with Rogge's train of thought at this time.

Especially when Rogge said these words like a gentle and kind lawyer, he even had the idea of ​​whether Rogge was a schizophrenic patient.

You just beat him up like a savage, and now you tell him that you want to take the commission from him.

If it wasn't for being unable to defeat him and escape, Red Skull would definitely choose to stay away from Rogge immediately.

"What commission do you want from me?"

Red Skull asked slowly, puzzled.

"It's very simple. You entrust me to take you back to Earth. After returning to Earth, you just need to pay me some money."

"Although your Hydra has been wiped out in sevens and eighties, there are still some stubborn loyalists left."

"I don't want many things. After you return to Earth, tidy up your Hydra, and then hand over the funds, equipment, and antique collections in the Hydra to me."

"Of course, you can also simply understand it as buying your freedom with Hydra's money."

At this time, Rogge slowly said to the Red Skull like a bewitching demon.

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple!"

It is a very cost-effective deal for Red Skull to exchange Hydra's funds, equipment and other materials for his own freedom.

Although he didn't know exactly what Rogge was going to do, he decisively agreed to Rogge's proposal.

"With the signing of this entrusted scroll, we have formally entered into a cooperative relationship."

"The remuneration should be simpler. Just write a billion dollars first. For other things, just make a verbal agreement. I believe in your character."

Rogge didn't intend to allow the Red Skull's commission to occupy the commission quota for too long, so the remuneration for scroll writing was much less than what they agreed on.

The Red Skull didn't speak, and after receiving the commission scroll from Rogge, he quickly started writing.

"Consignment content: bring the red skull cursed by the soul gem back to Earth; commission status: incomplete; commission reward: 30 ninja coins!"

The Red Skull's commission passed the system's judgment smoothly.

Although the entrustment reward given by the system is only 30 ninja coins, this is still acceptable for Rogge who has zero unused ninja coins.

Anyway, this is just an incidental entrustment. If it can pass the system's judgment, it's not bad, but what bicycle is needed.

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