Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 595 Monthly Double

After closing the entrustment page of the system, Rogge took back the entrustment scroll with only commemorative value left from Red Skull, and threw the entrustment scroll back into the psychic scroll.

Just when he was about to take out the Infinity Gauntlet from the psychic scroll, he suddenly stopped, frowning and thinking seriously.

The soul gem is a gem of self-awareness, otherwise it would not have set the condition that one must sacrifice a loved one to obtain it.

Since it has consciousness, it means that it can communicate.

After thinking of this, Rogge temporarily put aside the idea of ​​using the power gem to destroy the soul gem altar, and smiled at the red skull who had just stood up.

"I have accepted your commission, but I still have a small request, I hope you can do me a favor?"

Although Rogge had a friendly face at this time, Red Skull still couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, and asked vigilantly: "You tell me what it is first, and I will consider whether to agree to you or not?"

The Red Skull has seen many weirdos, and to some extent, he himself is one.

But in his opinion, Rogge is the real weirdo, a powerful weirdo with strange ideas.

"It's very simple. I hope you can tell the soul gem that I want to meet it and have a good chat with it."

Talk to the soul gem?

What on earth is he trying to do?

Red Skull once again showed a puzzled look.

"I can't tell it. Although I am its caretaker, I have never seen it, let alone communicated with it."

After thinking for a while, Red Skull said slowly.

"You can, you are the man chosen by it, you can definitely."

The fact that Red Skull hasn't communicated with the Soul Stone before doesn't mean he can't communicate with the Soul Stone.

"I really don't..."

Before the Red Skull finished speaking, he saw Rogge's left eye turn blood red, and saw the pattern of the crazily spinning triangle dart on the blood red eye.

Monthly reading!

Rogge didn't give the Red Skull a chance to continue talking, and directly cast Yueyue on him, pulling his spirit into the world of Yueyue under his control.

The Red Skull didn't realize what happened at all. When he realized it again, he had already appeared in the Tsukuyomi world where the red moon was hanging high.

Unlike previous experiencers, the Red Skull was not hung on a cross, but sat on a classical and luxurious European-style high-back wooden chair.

In front of him, there is a long table with some classic German sausages and bread.

Of course, the German beer that the Red Skull is thinking about is also indispensable.

Rogge sat on the high-backed chair opposite the long table, propped his cheek with his right hand and said slowly: "You should be familiar with these German delicacies, try it, the taste should be quite authentic."

"I have several restaurants in New York that specialize in German cuisine. The chefs in them are chefs invited from Germany. The raw materials used in each dish are also transported by international flights every day, in order to create the purest German style."

At this time, Rogge was like an old friend of the Red Skull for many years, recommending these German delicacies in front of him to him.

Although Rogge has no interest in doing business, as a human being, after a lot of money, there will be some inexplicable large expenses.

Opening restaurants in various countries in New York is one of the ways he "wasted" his huge fortune.

"Don't you eat it? I thought you would miss the traditional food of your hometown more or less after you have been away from the earth for so many years."

While speaking, Roger picked up the silver fork on the dinner plate, forked a piece of German minced meat sausage, and sent the sausage to his mouth.

It tastes good, exactly like the one made by the big fat chef in the restaurant.

Although these foods are not real, in the monthly reading world, they can give the eaters an extremely real taste experience.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Roger himself has tasted these foods before.

Looking at Rogge, who was eating minced sausage, and looking at the various German delicacies on the table, he swallowed unconsciously.

"Don't worry about the safety of food, these are not real food, they just give you an extremely real taste bud experience."

After eating the minced sausage, Rogge put down the fork to explain, and picked up a glass of Bavarian white beer to moisten his throat.

The Red Skull sitting on the high-back chair looked at Rogge with a complicated expression, but in the end he couldn't bear the temptation of the delicious food in his hometown.

More than ten minutes later, the Red Skull, who was full of wine and food, leaned back on the high-backed chair, and asked puzzledly: "Aren't you going to have a chat with the soul gem? Why did you suddenly arrange such a delicious meal for me?" ?”

"That's right, I want to talk to Soul Gem. This meal is mainly to make up for the mental damage you suffered later."

As soon as Rogge finished speaking, Red Skull thought of something.

However, it was too late.

He failed to make any moves, and the scene in front of him changed again.

Monthly Reading·Double!

In the monthly reading world, Rogge gave Red Skull another monthly reading.

This time, what appeared in front of the Red Skull was no longer the late night with the red moon hanging high, but a gorgeous space like a starry sky.

"This is where?"

At this time, the Red Skull asked innocently like a child who could just speak.

Rogge didn't answer Red Skull, because it didn't make much sense to answer.

Although the current Red Skull still maintains that skeleton-like appearance, his mind at this time is no more mature than that of a three-year-old child.

This is the subconscious space of Red Skull, or the real self.

Yuedu · Erzhong was an accidental discovery of Rogge after he had another god.

Although both Yuedu and Bie Tianshen have reached a certain extreme of illusion, their principles are completely different.

Monthly reading can draw the spirit or consciousness of the target into the monthly reading space, and give the target enough feedback on the physical experience in the monthly reading space.

But other gods can fundamentally change certain views and concepts of the target.

In the beginning, Roger didn't pay much attention to the difference between the two.

However, when conducting some academic discussions with Hinata, he suddenly discovered that performing monthly reading during monthly reading can achieve the effect of thoroughly entering the target's subconscious like other gods.

After entering the target's subconscious space, as long as you master the correct method, you can completely change the target's concept from the subconscious level, so that the target will regard the modified concept as its original concept.

Although he has entered the subconscious space of the Red Skull, Rogge has no intention of modifying or spying on the subconscious of the Red Skull.

The reason why he came here was to meet the soul gem.

Red Skull thought he couldn't communicate with the soul gem, but in fact, when he got the curse of the soul gem and the "paternity test" ability, he already had the ability to communicate with the soul gem.

It's just that he doesn't know it himself.

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