Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 597: Obtaining the Soul Gem

Although the existence time of the soul gem is many times longer than Rogge's life, but in terms of nonsense, he is obviously far from Rogge's opponent.

A man is most afraid of being said to his face that he is inferior to other people.

Although Rogge doesn't know the gender of the soul gem, but from the point that the soul gem doesn't exclude gems such as the reality gem, the power gem, and other gems as brothers, he should be a man.

At least in terms of psychology and way of thinking, he is more like a man.

After a few minutes of silence, the Soul Gem finally controlled the Red Skull again and said, "I know you're talking nonsense, but what you said also makes sense."

"Several of them can find a suitable place to belong, but I can't find it without reason."

"Your deal, I agree, I will go to Earth with you!"

"You don't have to destroy my altar. This is my home no matter what. I don't like others tearing down my home."

The Soul Stone finally agreed to Rogue's deal.

But whether he did not want to lose to other Infinity Stones, or because he was simply tired of staying on Vormir, only he himself knows the answer.

But these are not important, what is important is that he is willing to leave with Rogge.

As long as the soul gem is willing to leave here, everything else is trivial.

"You will not regret the decision you made today. There are more than 7 billion people on the planet. I believe you will be able to find your 'soul mate' smoothly!"

After finishing speaking, Rogge first undid Yueyong Duo, allowing Red Skull's subconscious to return to the world of Yueyong.

Afterwards, he lifted the Yueyue again, allowing Red Skull's consciousness to return to his body.

When the consciousness of Rogge and Red Skull returned to their bodies, the altar on the mountain peak shone with brilliant light like an aurora.

These brilliant lights flew towards the sky along the two huge rectangular stone pillars, and flew into the huge round hole in the clouds.

Accompanied by the influx of brilliant light, lightning-like silver-white light flowed from the round hole in the cloud layer.

When these silver-white rays of light completely enveloped the whole world, Rogge, who was located in the round altar below the mountain peak, suddenly felt an uncontrollable drowsiness.

In the blink of an eye, he completely lost consciousness like a coma.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw Vormir's lavender starry sky.

At this time, he was lying in a small puddle near the altar mountain, and the freezing water temperature made him wake up instantly.

This is……

Without any hesitation, he raised his right hand and opened his tightly clenched right fist, which revealed an orange-yellow light.

In the palm of his right hand, there is a finger-sized yellow gemstone that exudes orange light.

Soul Gem!

This is the Soul Gem that Thanos needs to sacrifice Gamora to get.

Staring at the soul gem in his palm, Rogge smiled with satisfaction.

The third Infinity Stone is here!

Although the current Soul Gem is far from recognizing him, but these are not important.

Rogge is not the kind of person who wants to get both "person" and "heart".

As long as he can get the "body" of the soul gem, it is completely enough for him.

After looking at the Soul Gem, he channeled both the Infinity Gauntlet and the Reality Gem in the psychic scroll.

After digging out the power gems of the Infinity Gauntlet, he lined up the reality gems, power gems, and soul gems.

Afterwards, he used the ability that the system gave him when he practiced immortal mode.

Inherent Barrier · Wet Bone Forest!

In just a split second, the Wetbone Forest, which was so rich in natural energy, appeared in front of him.

Looking at the Treasure Hall of Supreme Harmony not far in front of him, Rogge directly cast the Flying Thunder God and disappeared, and instantly came to the main hall of the Treasure Hall of Supreme Harmony.

On the twelve display stands in the middle of the main hall, the six display stands on the right side are placed in turn with the eternal fire, hellfire, and the crown of the flame giant Surtur.

Compared with the display stand on the right, the six display stands on the left are empty, without any treasures.

First on the left, the red reality gem.

Second from the left, the purple power gem.

The third from the left, the yellow soul gem.

After arranging the three infinity gemstones in the order they were obtained, Rogge glanced at the symmetrical display stands on both sides.

There are three treasures on the right and three treasures on the left.

Perfect symmetry, OCD is very satisfied!

However, at this moment, he took out Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet that he didn't know where he got it, and some cracks had already appeared.

Do you want to put this here too?

Although this infinite gauntlet has some cracks due to excessive use.

But in any case, this is top-level equipment that can withstand the power of infinite gems.

In terms of preciousness and commemorative value, this infinite gauntlet is better than the twelve holy artifacts he got from the blood race.

After thinking about it for tens of seconds, he finally gave up his plan to destroy the symmetrical display of the treasures in the main hall, and placed the Infinity Gloves in the side hall where the twelve sacred artifacts of the blood race were located.

After doing all this, he lifted the inherent barrier · Wetbone Forest, and began to sense the location of the Red Skull.

At this time, the Red Skull was still on the round altar under the mountain, silently waiting for Rogge's arrival.

Although he didn't know what Rogge and the soul gem were talking about, the vision that happened in the sky just now proved a good point.

That is, the Soul Gem has reached a consensus with Rogge.

Now that the bosses of both parties have already negotiated, as the younger brother, he just needs to wait patiently.

Not long after, a hemispherical energy shield like an aurora appeared in front of his eyes.

When the energy shield dissipated, Rogge appeared in front of him.

"I've already talked with the soul gem, and you don't need to stay here to be the commentator of the altar."

"I'll take you back to Earth right now!"

As soon as the words fell, Rogge put on the hanging ring and drew a circle in front of the Red Skull.

In a few seconds, a portal connected to Earth Washington appeared in front of them.

"Let's go!"

After speaking, Rogge took the lead to step through the portal shining with golden sparks, and returned to Washington at noon.

When Rogge entered the portal, the red skull wearing a tattered black cloak walked into the portal step by step.

Back, back at last!

Red Skull never thought that after being exiled by the space gem, he would return to the earth one day.

When Red Skull came to him, Rogge closed the portal that was consuming his magic power crazily.

"This is Washington, you should remember what this is."

"The direction of the door is on your left. If you have nothing to do, you can leave now."

"After you have rectified your Hydra, remember to call over the entrusted one billion US dollars. This is my account number. You can just send the money over when the time comes."

"The sooner the better, don't exceed a month."

After speaking, Rogge patted the Red Skull who was looking up at the sky, left a Flying Thunder God spell on him, and handed him a card with his bank account number written on it.

Although Hydra is having a miserable life now, a billion dollars is not difficult for Hydra.

As for how the Red Skull will rectify the Hydra that once belonged to him, this is his own business, and Rogge does not intend to ask.

As long as Red Skull can bring in a billion dollars, and pack and deliver Hydra's funds, equipment, antique collections, etc. according to the verbal agreement, he and Red Skull will be cleared.

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