Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 598 Cain Appears

When the Red Skull disappeared from his sight, Rogge used quantum teleportation to return to his office.

Although from the perspective of the outside world, this is still the headquarters of the Konoha Intelligence Bureau.

But in fact, this can only be regarded as a branch of Hidden Leaf Village in the Washington area.

Most of the personnel and equipment were transferred to the Hidden Leaf Village on the planet Tatooine.

Except that it occupies a larger area and Konoha has more official staff, it is no different from the branches of the Konoha Intelligence Bureau in other cities.

Sitting on his supposedly perfect ergonomic sofa chair, Roger silently thought about what to do next.

The final confrontation with Thanos will be about a year later, and the sacred tree will mature in half a year.

This also means that he needs to raise his immortal body and Sharingan to the limit in the first half of the year.

If possible, it is best to awaken the eyes of reincarnation, and let yourself enter the best state of taking chakra fruit.

After completing these things, he can eat the Chakra fruit produced by the sacred tree, making his physique infinitely close to that of the Otsutsuki clan, and reaching the level of "Goddess of Uo", "Ninja Creator God", and "Chakra God". Otsutsuki Kaguya with the title of "ancestor" and other titles used to be at the peak strength.

At that time, he will be able to truly say "I am the god of ninjas!".

Of course, this process will not be easy, and there may even be some unimaginable accidents.

But in any case, this is what he must accomplish in the next year.

Thinking of this, he opened the system's role panel and browsed his various attributes.

Host: Roger

Occupation: Ninja

Talent: Muji, Chakra of the Seven Attributes

Xueji Boundary: Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Wooden Escape, White Eyes, Dust Escape

Immortal Mode: Wet Bone Forest Immortal Mode (Inherent Barrier · Wet Bone Forest)

Jinchuriki: Nine Tails (Resonance: 5)

Non-attribute ninjutsu: Substitution, Instantaneous Body, Fixed Body, Transformation, Shadow Clone, Flying Thunder God (Tier 2), Spiral Pill Series, Spiritualism, Seal of Tongue Eradication

Five attribute ninjutsu: fire escape, water escape, thunder escape, wind escape, earth escape

Illusion: Sharingan Illusion, False Memory, Memory Seal, Dark Walking Art

Physical skills: Strange Power, Hyuga Soft Fist, Bamen Dunjia

Pupil skills: Tsukiyomi, Bietenjin, Forest Vientiane, Susanoo

Sealing techniques: Four Elephant Seals, Vajra Blockade, Immortal Art·Mingshen Gate

Chakra amount: 0.85 pillars (0.5 for the main body, 0.35 for the tailed beast)

Immortal Body: Sensei Zhujian Immortal Body (development level 95%)

Psychic Beasts: Frank the Punisher (reincarnated state), Hate Bronski, Fenrir the Giant Wolf

Artifacts: Ten Fist Sword (remaining times 2), Yata Mirror (remaining times 2)

Ninja coins not consumed: 0


The system has not mastered all the ninjutsu he has mastered. After all, the five-attribute escapism he has mastered is a bit too much.

If you want to display them all one by one, his attribute panel will become very long.

In addition, the system also does not display ninjutsu and illusions that incorporate other powers, such as Hell·Senren Mode, Prestige·Susano, Reality Illusion.

Looking at his current attribute panel, he couldn't help but recall the time when he just traveled to this world.

At that time, on his ninjutsu column, there was only one ninjutsu, the solitary Flying Thunder God.

With this Flying Thunder God, he accumulated ninja coins little by little, selected and exchanged suitable ninjutsu, and strengthened his strength little by little.

That was really a "poor" day!

For some reason, when recalling the experience of a private detective, an idea that seemed both intuition and premonition suddenly popped up in his mind.

After a year of fighting, he will die!

Die in the hands of Thanos!

For ordinary people, this kind of sudden idea may be just a random thought for no reason.

But for a person like him who is only one step away from the heavenly father level, such a thought suddenly appeared in his mind, which may mean a reminder of fate.

Shouldn't it?

Roger frowned and thought.

After thinking about it for more than ten minutes, he finally gave up on the deduction of the battle a year later.

Don't think about it, if Thanos can really grow to the point where he can kill him in a year, it will be Thanos' ability.


Time passed day by day, and before he knew it, three months had passed since he returned to Earth.

During these three months, he practiced his celestial body and Sharingan step by step, pushing them to the extreme little by little.

More than two months ago, Red Skull transferred the one billion US dollars agreed in the entrustment to his bank account, which gave him another small pocket money.

In addition, Red Skull also sent the funds and equipment that were verbally agreed, as well as some antiques.

As for whether these are all in Hydra, he didn't go into it, and Quan Danghongskull had fulfilled his promise.

After the system sent the rewards entrusted by the Red Skull, he accepted some commissions as a private detective and re-experienced the detective career he had just traveled to this world.

Of course, when receiving commissions and executing commissions, he used the transformation technique to change his appearance, and did not execute these commissions in the name of Fourth Hokage.

These commissions were not difficult at all, but they also provided a lot of ninja coins, which increased his unconsumed ninja coins to 165.

After owning these ninja coins, he did not go to the system to exchange for anything, but saved all these ninja coins just like exchanging ninja coins for Sharingan.

Cultivate, execute the entrustment, continue to practice, continue to execute the entrustment...

This has been his main life for the past three months.

During this period, he also took time to fulfill his promise to the soul gem, took the soul gem to Asgard and Kama Taj, and let the soul gem meet the space gem and the time gem once.

He originally planned to meet Vision along the way, but when he contacted Tony, Tony told him that Vision had been out of touch for a long time.

That's right, the vision with the mind stone on his forehead lost contact.

Although Fulian tried their best to find Vision, but unfortunately, they never found the whereabouts of Vision.

In addition to the disappearance of the phantom, Fulian has also encountered a very difficult thing recently.

The blood clan who had been blackmailed by Rogge for the twelve holy artifacts actually brought their ancestor Cain back to the present world.

Not only that, the blood race also appeared in the eyes of the world aboveboard, completely breaking their precepts of avoiding the world.

I don't know what those blood races were thinking. After Cain appeared, they took the initiative to provoke a battle with the Avengers.

What is even more surprising is that the Fulian actually lost.

The Avengers lost, in the hands of Cain.

If it wasn't for Tony finally getting a few sacred weapons that heaven left on earth from somewhere, the Avengers should be gone by now.

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