Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 599 Promotion of the Blood Race

Avengers is gone!

Sol, one of the six giants of the first generation, doesn't come to Earth very much now, and stays in Asgard all year round to handle government affairs.

Wanda and Pietro, who would have joined the Avengers, became part of Konoha because of Rogge.

Although Hulk is still in the Avengers, Hulk does not agree with the concept of the Avengers at all.

He will continue to stay in the Avengers purely because of Natasha and Banner.

If he had made his own decision, he would have left the Fulian early in the morning.

The Vision with the Mind Stone and the Zhenjin body could have made up for the decline in Sol's combat power when he was not in the reunion.

But now Vision doesn't know where to go.

As for Tony, the US team Rogers and others, their strength is very good in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in the face of real high-level combat power, they lack the absolute strength to make a final decision.

If it was in the past, matters such as the existence of the blood race would be transferred to the Konoha Intelligence Bureau, and Konoha would handle it.

But that's a thing of the past.

Since the "New York Agreement" incident, the Konoha Intelligence Bureau has not paid much attention to these matters.

The current Konoha Intelligence Bureau is like a fishing unit that only receives a salary and does not work.

Unless the blood race and Cain took the initiative to fight at the door, Konoha would not take the initiative to make a move.

When Konoha was in charge of these things before, the officials and the public felt that Konoha's actions were too domineering.

But now, when the dark races like the vampires appeared, they began to miss the time when Konoha was in charge of these affairs.

At least at that time, under the domineering style of Rogge and the Konoha Intelligence Bureau, no organization or dark race dared to jump out so blatantly to oppose the authorities.

In fact, a week ago, Rogge received a call from Secretary of State Ross and several military leaders, hoping that Konoha could continue to perform some of his previous duties.

But Rogge rejected them without thinking about it.

Konoha hasn't been so lowly that she will come and go when she invites her.

Even if Konoha still received the official salary, Rogge didn't save them face at all.

If you are unhappy, then stop Konoha's funds, anyway, Konoha doesn't count on these funds now.

Three months ago, when he started his final immortal body and Sharingan practice, Rogge gave the "No. 2" in Muye Yin Village an order to start interstellar trade.

The current Hidden Leaf Village can obtain the materials it needs by trading with other planets.

It is worth mentioning that after the start of interstellar trade in Muye Yin Village, the Rope Grass Slave Hunting Group, which has a good reputation in the slave hunting industry, was officially disbanded.

Noah, the leader of the slave hunting group, took all the members of the slave hunting group and formally joined Muye Yin Village and became the guard of the Konoha interstellar caravan.

With the help of Noah, veterans who used to make a living in the gray area, Konoha's interstellar caravan developed very smoothly, bringing back many rare resources for Konoha.

So don't just stop Konoha's funds, even if Konoha doesn't get any supplies on earth, it won't affect the normal operation of Konoha Hidden Village.


New York, Manhattan.

After Rogge enjoyed an absolutely pure French lunch with Gwen at the French restaurant under his own name, he just left the restaurant and planned to return to the secret nest with Gwen, when he was suddenly caught by the latest Audi R8 this year. The sports car stopped at the door of the restaurant.

Apart from Tony, there will be no one who likes to drive an Audi R8 sports car and dares to stop him.

Sure enough, as soon as the silver-gray Audi sports car came to a stop, Tony, wearing a custom-made suit, got out of the driver's seat and came to him with a gloomy face.

"Why didn't you answer my call?"

Tony took off the sunglasses he was wearing, and said in a resentful tone.

If Tony wasn't a man, his current tone would easily remind people of a girl whose boyfriend has changed his mind.

"I don't have a phone with me."

Roger glanced at Tony, and replied indifferently.

"You really don't care about anything, you weren't like this before?" Tony continued.

"Really, why don't I know. All along, I only do what I want to do, and I don't think I have changed anything."

Although Tony hasn't said yet, Rogge can be 100% sure what Tony's purpose is.

In fact, this is not the first time Tony has approached him.

A few days ago, in Washington, Tony and Natasha also looked for him once, hoping that Konoha could help deal with the matter of the blood clan.

"It was indeed the bastards in the White House and the military that made a mistake last time, but I hope you can help deal with the blood clan issue this time for the sake of our friendship in the past."

"You live here too, you don't want to see blood-sucked corpses appearing on the streets every day, right?"

Although the number of blood clans is small, after taking the initiative to provoke a battle with the Avengers and the official, the blood clans have always occupied an absolute advantage.

The reason for this almost one-sided situation is inseparable from the return of Cain, the ancestor of the blood clan.

As far as Rogge knows, after Cain's return, every blood race has been promoted visible to the naked eye.

Almost every blood clan has raised the strength of a title.

Especially Duke William, the blood-blood dukes, even touched the realm of the legendary blood-blood king.

Of course, because he hasn't fought against the promoted Duke William and others, Rogge is not sure how powerful this so-called blood king is.

However, when facing the Avengers and the human army, these blood races showed an almost overwhelming absolute advantage.

Not to mention the dark magic of the blood race, this is purely a dimensionality reduction blow.

The blood race's unbelievably strong physical fitness alone is already tricky enough.

That's right, blood races are indeed afraid of special bullets such as ultraviolet bullets and holy water bullets.

But the problem is that ordinary human soldiers can't even target the vampires.

What's more troublesome is that the blood race also has the ability to embrace and transform blood slaves.

After the war started for a period of time, the Avengers and the military found helplessly that the number of blood races had not decreased significantly, but had also increased significantly.

With Cain as the ancestor, the descendant commandment of the third commandment among the six commandments of the secret party completely disappeared.

Every day, a large number of ordinary people are transformed into vampires and blood slaves. What is even more frustrating is that many people actively choose to join the vampires, trying to gain a long life by transforming into vampires.

This phenomenon is especially evident among the elderly and young people in their teens and twenties.

The old man voluntarily chose to become a blood clan in order to prolong his life, which had come to an end.

And those young people regard becoming a blood clan as a trend and an opportunity to change their lives.

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