Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 600: 100% Immortal Body

Although the blood race is far from being a perfect creature, under the temptation of super long lifespan and extraordinary power, many people still take the initiative to throw themselves into the embrace of the blood race and give up their human identity.

And these human beings who have joined the blood race have also become the most troublesome targets for the Avengers and the military.

"First of all, I don't mind what the United States will become. Even if it becomes a country of blood clans, it won't have much impact on me."

"You should be very clear that I'm not an American."

"In fact, until now, I have been using a fake identity bought on the black market, so I have no obligation to help this country do anything."

"Secondly, if you come to me for help as a friend, I'd be happy to help you once, just like you helped me before."

"But if you come to me for help as the person in charge of Avengers and an American superhero, then I can only say sorry."

"Okay, I've finished what I want to say. If you have nothing else to say, I'm leaving."

After speaking, Luo pulled up Gwen next to him, turned around and left.

From a friend's point of view, Tony is indeed a good friend.

But there is one thing that he has never realized.

Tony received a traditional American-style elite education, and his way of thinking and behavior has an obvious American style.

If Rogge is also an American, maybe he will agree with him.

But unfortunately, Rogge is not an American, and he does not have any feelings for this country.

Watching Rogge and Gwen go further and further away, Tony sighed helplessly, and then drove his latest Audi R8 sports car and disappeared at the end of the street.

"Are you really planning to ignore the blood clan incident this time? I heard from my father that a lot of vampires have appeared in New York recently, and many workers on the night shift have been attacked."

Gwen asked cautiously.

"What? You want me to take action against these blood races?"

Rogge stopped, turned to look at Gwen, and asked slowly.

"I don't know! I hope you can protect more people, but I'm afraid you will get hurt."

"I read the news about Hulk, the blood ancestor Cain is very strong, I..."

With a tangled look on her face, Gwen said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, if I make a move, the injured person will be Cain."

"Don't forget, I am the Fourth Hokage, the strongest ninja on Earth!"

While speaking, Rogge stretched out his right hand and patted Gwen's head.

He also read the Hulk news that Gwen just mentioned.

After knowing that Hulk was injured by Cain, he quietly went to the Avengers headquarters and met Hulk.

how to say?

Cain is indeed quite strong, defeating the entire Avengers including Hulk with his own strength.

But after communicating with Hulk, he realized why Hulk and the Avengers lost so badly.

The reason is simple, unilateral suppression at the magical level.

Whether it's the Hulk who has mastered the eight-door armor, Tony with the steel suit, or the US team Rogers who can fight anyone 50-50 for a period of time, they are all typical physical attack heroes.

In front of Cain, who was superb in dark magic and extremely strong in physical fitness, they were unable to exert their due combat power at all, and were defeated by Cain with absolute superiority.

Although magic can be called another science that has not been mastered by humans, magic is actually quite incomprehensible without the ability to master the same system.

To give a simple example, if Rogge throws Hulk into the mirror space, then even if Hulk has mastered the eight armors, he will never be able to get out in a short time.

Without enough countermeasures and countermeasures, magic is so unsolvable.

So Hulk and the Avengers lost in the hands of Cain, it is not wronged.

And according to Hulk, Cain clearly had the opportunity to deal with them quickly, but Cain kept his hand and did not kill them.

It was precisely because of Cain's holding back that Tony had the opportunity to bring those heavenly weapons that had always been considered antiques, "repelling" Cain and the other blood races.

Why Cain would stay away from the Avengers, Rogge didn't know.

But one thing he was sure of was that Cain and the blood race were deliberately controlling the situation and did not let the matter develop to the extent of a catastrophe and racial war.

Except for various cities in the United States, there has not been a single case of blood races attacking humans in other countries.

All the blood attacks were concentrated in the United States, and the scale was not large. It was far from the level of a large-scale war, and it was not even as large as Rogge's previous two battles with the military.

"Don't think too much. If things really get out of hand, I will definitely talk to Cain. No matter what, I'm still a human being."

After dispelling Gwen's worries for the time being, Rogge took Gwen back to his secret den in New York.


Time flies, and before you know it, another week has passed.

After spending two or three days with Gwen in New York, Rogge returned to the Hidden Leaf Village on the planet Tatooine and started his own practice again.

The development progress of the fairy body is 100%!

After more than three months of practice, he finally raised the development level of the immortal body to 100%, and raised his immortal body to the same level as Zhujian.

The thorough development of the immortal body has brought him three remarkable changes.

The first one is to increase the amount of chakra again.

Adding the Nine-Tails Chakra that he can currently borrow, his total Chakra has officially exceeded Chakra, reaching 1.1 Chakra.

Among them, the amount of chakra that belongs to him is 0.7 pillars, and the amount of chakra that can be borrowed from Kyuubi is 0.4 pillars.

The second change is that his Kaleidoscope Sharingan has been officially upgraded to Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

In fact, after he has a fairy body, the side effects of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan have been suppressed to the minimum, and there is little chance of blindness due to excessive use.

But after he fully developed the fairy body, his kaleidoscope Sharingan was promoted to the eternal kaleidoscope.

However, unlike the eternal kaleidoscope in his memory, his eternal kaleidoscope did not bring about any changes in the pupil lines, and it still looked like the arc-shaped triangle dart.

For this point, he was not too entangled.

The reason is very simple, because his eternal kaleidoscope was forcibly upgraded through the body of Zhu Jianxian, rather than evolved by transplanting other people's kaleidoscope sharing eyes.

The third change brought about by the thorough development of the immortal body is about the wooden escape.

I don't know if it's because Zhujian's immortal body can perfectly match Mudun. After developing the immortal body to 100%, he discovered that casting Mudun is not a particularly chakra-consuming thing.

Compared with before, the Chakra he needs to cast Wooden Dungeon has dropped by about half, and he has more detailed control over the plants created by Wooden Dungeon.

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