Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 102 Tsunade’s Wrath

For the time being, Zhengdai couldn't think of a good solution to the troubles encountered by the Minato class.

There is no doubt that Tsunade definitely needs to correct herself, but the incident happened in a hurry and she did not have close contact with Tsunade. Knowing how far Tsunade banned gambling, how could he find a way to control her?

In the end, the few people could only decide to start from two aspects. On the one hand, they explored the reason why Sakuramoto Midori deliberately set up a trap. On the other hand, they also started to prepare how to dissuade Tsunade in case Tsunade arrived.

In the evening, Masadai personally cooked and made a sumptuous fish feast. He specially asked Minato Ban to take it back to his residence and eat it next to Sakuramoto Midori, giving him a lesson that was not a lesson first.

After Zhengdai finished his dinner, Zhengdai took some dishes and rice that he had reserved in advance, greeted Teacher Haixing, and slipped out of the door.

He went to Dazna's house again.

Da da da!

"Mr. Dazuna, are you at home?"


When the door opened, Dazna stared at the deputy lightbulb and said angrily: "Why is it you again!"

"How old are you?"


Zheng Dai chuckled: "Mr. Dazna hasn't had dinner yet? I'm bringing you dinner!"

Dazna was startled: "Dinner? What the hell is that bastard Cardo doing? He wants to poison me?!"

"No, no, how could it be possible? It's just that Mr. Cardo is worried that the seriously injured Kirigakure Village ninja has not left. He will come to you after he recovers from his injury. He urged me to come and see more. It's just a way to send dinner."

A trace of uneasiness flashed across Dazna's face, and he said forcefully again: "He came just in time, and I still want to ask him how he was able to carry out the commission! Why isn't that bastard Cardo dead?!"

‘Dazna Correction 2%’

Zheng Dai smiled secretly, with a calm expression on his face.

"Is that so? Then take your dinner and tell me if you have any situation. After all, your life is at stake."

Dazna subconsciously took it and pushed it forward quickly: "I don't need it! Tell Kado not to pretend to care about me anymore, it's useless!"


Zhengdai exited directly and closed the door.

Dazna almost hit the door with his head, and couldn't help but froze. Angrily, he wanted to open the door and throw out the lunch box on the handle. Suddenly, there was a scent, and he sniffed uncontrollably.

"Humph, I won't eat it!"

He put the lunch box on the shoe cabinet.

The nose sniffed again.

"What are you making that smells good?"


"I won't eat it anyway!"


"...I didn't even eat at noon. I'm really hungry now...I won't eat even if I'm hungry!"

"...Oh, why bother with yourself? Even if I eat from him, I still won't let him build the bridge!"

"Make them mad!"


‘Dazna correction level 3%’

‘Dazna correction degree 4%’

On the way back, Zheng Dai raised his eyebrows. What a spineless guy, eating the first meal? I thought I needed to deliver a few more meals.

However, judging from Tatsuna's reaction, he didn't seem to be worried about Chunyu attacking him. Could it be that when Chunyu went to his house, he said he was going to return to Kirigakure Village?

In the next two days, Zhengdai would go to Dazna's house to deliver meals. Every time Dazna said, "I won't come next time," "I won't agree to Cardo building the bridge," "Don't waste it." Thoughts'.

But the correction degree jumps a few points every time.

The preparation work for repairing the bridge was also in full swing. Materials and workers were quickly assembled, but the expected resistance has not yet arrived.

Dazuna, the leader, did not move, and the other civilians of the Land of Waves, who probably did not dare to take the lead, faced those who were wearing them.

The Minato class's commission did not go so smoothly. Sakuramoto Midori chose the location and the construction of the casino has already begun!

A pessimistic estimate is that Tsunade will arrive on the battlefield in maybe ten or eight days.

In fact, the situation is more pessimistic than imagined.

Konoha Village, West Street Tavern.

The two young men sat opposite each other and made eye contact for a moment. One of them suddenly said loudly: "Zawahara, have you heard? A wealthy businessman from our Country of Fire has decided to open a casino in the Country of Waves."

"The Country of Waves?"

"Ah, it's a small island country not far to the southeast of the Country of Fire. It's very close!"

"Really? That's great. I've been itching for a long time! Now if I want to gamble, I have to go all the way to the Kingdom of Thunder. It's too far and too troublesome!"


In a private room of a tavern, a broad-minded blonde woman was drinking alone until she was slightly tipsy. She frowned slightly, drank the wine in one gulp, stood up and walked out.

"Someone wants to open a casino in the Country of Waves?"

"Uh...ah! Tsunade-sama!" The two young men who had been discussing earlier stood up in panic.

"answer my question!"

"Uh... no... ah... yes!" The two wanted to deny it at first, but under Tsunade's gaze, they told the 'truth'.

"Hey." Tsunade snorted, turned around and walked out of the tavern, and loudly said at the same time: "Boss, the money for my drinks will be recorded in Zhao's account as usual!"

"Hey, Tsunade-sama, walk slowly!"

After leaving the tavern, a dazzling light flashed, and Tsunade, who was a little drunk, couldn't help but shake her head, "What country are you from?"

"Tsunade!" At this moment, a familiar call came from behind her.

"Hmm... Jiraiya?" Tsunade turned her head, her eyes fixed, "Are you coming to drink too?"

"What should I drink?" Jiraiya smiled helplessly, hesitated, and said, "Tsunade, can you come to my house with me? I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter? I'm... going to destroy a tavern... uh no, a casino."

Jiraiya's heart skipped a beat. Fortunately, he made a decision in time, otherwise wouldn't that damn story really be spread?

"It's an important thing, please!"

Tsunade was stunned: "Okay, okay, I really can't do anything to you."

The two went to Jiraiya's house together. Jiraiya found the anonymous letter written by Zhengdai and gave it to Tsunade, "Look at this."

"You read a letter written by your parents? Why don't you show it to me?" Tsunade mumbled and read carefully for a moment, "Huh? Huh? Huh?"

She looked up at Jiraiya, suddenly looked up in confusion and laughed: "Why didn't you do what this letter said, hahaha..."

Jiraiya was helpless: "How dare I?"

"Hahaha, who wrote this?"

"It's good that I know."

Tsunade snorted: "So, you read this letter to me because that little story made you embarrassed? You don't want me to cooperate with you on the street once, do you? Hahaha..."

Jiraiya smiled bitterly.

"If possible, that would be the best."

Tsunade was slightly stunned, then revealed her surprise: "What on earth is that little story? Does it really threaten you? Show it to me."

A look of uneasiness flashed across Jiraiya's face.

"I...teared it off."

"Oh?" Tsunade narrowed her eyes, approached Jiraiya with a hint of drunkenness, and burped at him, "What's the content?"

"I...can't remember. UU Reading "

Tsunade curled her lips: "Oh, forget it, I'm busy destroying the casino, bye~"

"Don't!" Jiraiya hurriedly stopped him, gritted his teeth hard, and said slowly: "That story... let me tell you first, it has absolutely nothing to do with me. After you read it, you can't make me angry!"

"Huh?" Tsunade raised her eyebrows: "No."

Jiraiya went to find the envelope step by step and handed it to Tsunade. Tsunade shook her head and fixed her somewhat ghostly gaze on the envelope.

'One day, Jiraiya finished his commission and went to the hot spring to relax. Suddenly he heard the sound of water. He raised his eyes and said in shock: "Tsunade, why are you in the men's bath!"'


Tsunade was sober in an instant.

As she read, her face turned red again.

This time I was not drunk, but angry. The exhalation from the nostrils increased, the chest heaved up and down, and he squeezed the envelope into a ball hard, and his fist made a creaking sound as the bones rubbed against each other.

Jiraiya, who was sitting next to her, swallowed with some difficulty and became a little restless. His eyes followed Tsunade's chest up and down... Even a saint couldn't bear to watch this kind of story with Tsunade. Live...

‘Jiraiya correction degree 2%’

‘Jiraiya’s correction level is 3%’

"Asshole! Who wrote this! Huh?! Jiraiya, where are you looking?!!"

"Ah no, I didn't, I'm not..."

"Die to me!!!"

Bang! ! !

‘Jiraiya correction degree 4%’

‘Jiraiya’s correction level is 5%

Obtain free attribute points*1’

"I promised...not to express my anger."

Lying in the ruins of his house, Jiraiya passed out as his last thought flashed through his mind.

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