Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 103 Dazna’s decision

The country of waves.

"Jiraiya confessed?" After receiving Jiraiya's correction prompt, Zheng Dai's eyes lit up, thinking that he confessed as he requested.

He misjudged Jiraiya's character in this world, and never expected that Jiraiya would go to Tsunade to explain everything, and even tell Tsunade the story...

Of course, in fact, the story is not too exaggerated, that is, the two of them took a hot spring bath together, rubbed their backs, massaged, and had an ambiguous relationship. There was absolutely nothing that required a 404.

He didn't dare to tell the truth. He was afraid that he, who was too knowledgeable, would make Jiraiya vomit three liters of blood and die. He was also afraid that Jiraiya would go crazy to trace the source of the letter.

Although some simple processing was done on the letter, it was difficult to find him by smell or other means, but Zhengdai had no confidence in hiding it from the big toad immortal in Miaomu Mountain.

"Huh? If Tsunade seriously injured Jiraiya and took care of him in the hospital, would the troubles of Minato and his class have been solved?" Masadai suddenly thought, "Oh, this is really..."

At the same time, Konoha Hospital.

Tsunade was embarrassed and took action, using all her strength. Jiraiya, who was almost defenseless, was beaten until half of his bones were broken, and he was seriously injured and dying.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused an uproar in Konoha. The Third Hokage couldn't sit still anymore and hurried to Konoha Hospital.

"Tsunade, why did you suddenly attack Jiraiya? Is he okay?"

"...It's okay, I just need to rest for...three to five months." Tsunade replied with a little guilt.

"Three to five months!" The Third Hokage was shocked and asked: "Did you do something serious? Why?"

Tsunade gritted her teeth slightly, thinking of the content of the previous story, she felt angry and ashamed, and a slight blush appeared on her face, "Don't ask."

The Third Hokage was stunned for a moment. When he saw Tsunade's appearance, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind. Could it be that...that bastard Jiraiya was doing something to Tsunade?

I didn't see it, I usually pretend to be pretty cool with the teacher... Thinking of this, his eager mood relaxed a little, and he shook his head helplessly.

"Then we can't be so harsh. Is Jiraiya really okay? I'll go in and see him."

"He hasn't woken up yet. He will probably be in a coma until night..." Tsunade said slowly, showing annoyance again: "You go and see him. I will go out and come back later to treat him."

Looking at Tsunade's hurried back and recalling the few words he just said, the Third Hokage stroked his beard, and a trace of relief suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Jiraiya is finally brave for once. This serious injury is probably worth it!"

A few seconds later, he looked at Jiraiya who was tied up into a mummy, and listened to the medical ninja beside him describing Jiraiya's injuries, his expression dull.

"No wonder Jiraiya never dared to do it before. Fortunately, he is still young and strong. If it were an old man like me, he would have died on the spot..."

Tsunade, who left Konoha Hospital, hurried to the Inuzuka clan with the letter in her arms.

"Claw, let Kuromaru help me smell this letter and find the person who wrote it."

Inuzuka Claw was a little surprised and said: "Tsunade-sama, I heard that you put Jiraiya-sama..."

"Stop asking, let Kuromaru smell it." Tsunade said anxiously and angrily.

"Oh...oh!" Inuzuka Claw turned around, and her partner Kuromaru ran over on his own initiative, grabbed the letter with both front paws, sniffed it, and then the black and white dog's face... turned green.

"Orange, orange, this letter has been smeared with orange peel." Kuromaru mouthed the words.

Tsunade frowned: "So... we can't find it?"

Kuroimaru licked the dog's head.

Inuzuka Claw asked from the side: "Tsunade-sama, what is this letter about? Where is the envelope? If there is an envelope, maybe..."

"There is no envelope!" Tsunade said decisively subconsciously, and then looked embarrassed and annoyed, "Damn bastard, you have been prepared for a long time..."

The envelope was shattered into pieces by her long after she finished reading the story, and the channel was destroyed.


After listening to the report from his subordinates, Danzo's face twitched and he fell into deep silence.

Why hasn't anything gone smoothly lately? Jiraiya suddenly... molested Tsunade? And then was seriously injured by Tsunade?

So... in the Land of Waves, the casinos are still open? Judging from Jiraiya's injury, Tsunade may not leave the village for nearly a month.

But when Jiraiya's injury gets better, she will definitely not let go of that casino...and by then, Minato's squad will have probably completed their commission.

So when I build a casino, do I just throw money at it?

Let Tsunade bang it and listen to the sound?

Danzo suddenly felt aggrieved.

"Damn it...that guy Jiraiya, why did he suddenly...Damn it! Damn it!!"

Meanwhile, the Dazuna family.

Four young men boarded the door of his house and surrounded Dazna aggressively.

These four people were the loyal thugs of Dazuna who had dragged Aida out of the house and thrown him into the street before Haruyu and his party moved in.

"Brother Dazna, you have let us down so much!" they said in unison.

Dazna frowned in confusion: "You guys... what are you doing?"

"Still pretending!" One of the young men shouted sadly: "Brother Dazuna, you have been in contact with that little ninja from Konoha every day these days, and we have all seen it!

But we all want to believe you, UU Reading will not be bribed by the ninjas of Konoha.

But look at it now, those guys from Kado have piled all the materials on the beach, but you haven't done anything at all, just stay at home all day long..."

Dazuna snorted: "So... you think I will reconcile with them? It's you who let me down. Do you just distrust me like this? When that ninja from Konoha came over, how could he not be beaten by me?" Blast away?!"

"Destroy away? There was never a time when you didn't eat all the contents of the food box he brought over!"

Dazna was stunned, and a flash of embarrassment flashed across his face.

But, it’s really delicious.

"What? How many meals can't be done? I just want to make them angry to death. I will eat the meals they send. There is no need to discuss the matter of repairing the bridge!"

Dazuna put on a scoundrel look.

The four young men looked at each other, and one of them breathed a sigh of relief: "Let me just say, Brother Dazna is definitely not that kind of person." The other person said: "That's not what you said when you came here. Brother Dazna , so what should we do now?”

Dazna hesitated for a moment, the past two days of care from 'Cado' flashed through his mind...

"Brother, aren't you just talking about it?"

"of course not!"

Dazna looked at the four brothers in front of him, then thought about the threat of the shoemaker monster, and gritted his teeth secretly, I can only feel sorry for you Kado...

"Let's go to Kajia's house!"

‘Dazna correction degree 15%

Obtain free attribute points*1’

"Huh?" The subtitles flashed, and Zhengdai, who was picking vegetables with Hong and Asuma, was stunned for a moment.

How come... the correction rate jumped before dinner was delivered to Dazna?

hungry? Still hungry?

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