Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 132: Number plate

The four-season flower given to Masahiro by his master's wife, Meabuki, is a very special illusion.

General illusions either make people sleepy, confuse, or hurt people's spirits. In short, most of them have only one effect.

Four-season flowers have four effects.

Spring flowers are white and can make people sleepy. The five people who fell asleep were affected by it.

The red color of summer flowers can make people mad and lose their minds. It was because of it that the young man from the Aburame clan gave up attacking the insect swarm and attacked Zhengdai himself.

The yellow color of autumn flowers can make people lose their strength, fall into inexplicable fatigue, and make their limbs weak. The boy and dog of the Inuzuka clan fell under its effects.

As for the winter flower, it is purple and can bring extreme fear to people. Before Zhengdai could use it, all nine opponents rushed to the street.

Moreover, on top of this, the four effects can be used in combination and are flexible and changeable, so Zhengdai resolutely solidified it into a real skill and gave up waiting for the Dark Art.

It's a pity that Zhengdai has just mastered this illusion, and his mastery level is only 70% at level 0. He can't even use the two effects at the same time.

But to deal with just a few genin, using one effect alone is enough!

As he approached the battlefield on the other side, Zhengdai gradually became clearer about the situation of his two companions.

Of the other two teams, due to the previous battle, the one that was attacked had completely lost its combat effectiveness, and only one person in the other team was slightly injured.

So at this time, it was Yujie and Yao who were dealing with an entire team, two men and one woman.

According to Yujie's strength, even if she couldn't defeat the opponent, it would at least be an anxious situation. However, at this time, she and Yabu were at an absolute disadvantage.

He frowned and glanced at Yabu who was screaming and blasting everywhere. Zhengdai rushed into the battle with a smile in his eyes and showed the three number plates he just grabbed to the last team.

"No way?!"

The leading boy among them let out a strange cry and evacuated in panic. Yujie dodged and chased after him.

The other two people were also panicking and wanted to run away. Zhengdai formed an Indian pose again: "Flowers of all seasons - winter!" ’

The coquettish purple flower grew like a piranha. It opened its big mouth and swallowed the two of them in an instant, making a sizzling chewing sound. The two of them could even feel the pain of being eaten.

Panic turned to panic. The two rolled their eyes at the same time and fell straight to the ground. Then they exchanged blows not far away. With a loud cry, Yujie successfully knocked down the last person!

"Wow!" At this time, a panicked shout from Yabu came from behind, and a kunai tied with a detonating talisman shot toward the two people who were knocked unconscious by Zhengdai.

Zhengdai's eyes narrowed, and he shot out a kunai while running forward. With a pinging sound, he slightly changed the trajectory of Yabu's kunai, and then he reached the side of the unconscious two people, forming five seals in one second.

‘Water Escape-Water Formation Wall! ’


Amidst the loud explosions, the wall of water that was spitting vibrated violently and almost collapsed.

After surviving the explosion, Dai stopped spitting water due to a dry mouth. He turned around and looked helplessly at Yabu, seeing that his face was pale and he was in shock.

Yujie flashed over, holding the two number plates collected from the fleeing boy, and handed them to Zhengdai. He also looked at Yao, as if he was looking at someone who had lost dozens of bets with her but still wanted to do it. Gamblers who are stubborn enough to continue gambling are full of helplessness.

In the previous battle, Yaou's detonating talisman not only failed to achieve any success, but also caused great interference to her and almost injured her several times.

Being watched by two people at the same time, Yao squeaked twice and looked at the number plate in Zhengdai's hand with some hindsight, "We... won?"

"Ah, I win. Senior Yau, why do you bring so many dangerous things like detonating charms?"

"I... don't have any knowledge of ninjutsu. I can use the detonating charm to do more damage. I spent all my savings to buy it." Yabo explained, feeling a little unreal, "You won? The three teams over there... …”

‘Then you have to practice throwing. Who can bear to cheat your teammates? If it hadn't been for me this time, you would have seriously injured two people or even killed two, failed the chunin exam, and been condemned. ’

Just as Dai was about to speak, he suddenly noticed the unnatural look in Yao's eyes, and he clicked his tongue in his heart, not wanting the situation to be awkward any longer.

"Yes, we win. Senior Tuo, you should also trust me as the captain a little bit. If I dare to take the initiative, I will definitely be sure."

Xuan San smiled: "Sorry, I won't throw detonating talismans again when I meet other teams."

Zhengdai shrugged, looked at Yujie, his eyes flashed at the same time, and said in unison:

"Let's count the points!"

Yuji pointed to the number plate he was wearing: "There is one here that has been combined once. The number must be very high. Do you want to wake someone up and ask them what the number plate is?"

Zhengdai thought for a moment, then suddenly turned his eyes and saw three young people arriving at great speed.

They were not candidates, but three medical chunin. They checked the conditions of several unconscious people and rejected their excuse of 'torture' their number plates.

"They lost consciousness and the representatives have withdrawn from the assessment. If you want to ask, you can only ask during the battle." One of them explained: "You can take everything they have on them. Ninja tools and food are considered trophies."

Another person said: "Then we will wake up the three teams and take them out of the examination room."

"Is that so?" The three of them looked at each other, and Yau went to search. There was no detonating talisman, so he didn't get anything.

Zhengdai pointed into the distance: "There are three teams over there, please go there."

The three of them were a little stunned. They were patrolling the entire examination room in a team. They had just heard the constant sound of detonating symbols here before, so they rushed over and saw that the three teams were completely wiped out, and only Zhengdai's team was left. It was surprising enough to get up unscathed, but there were three teams over there?

In the end what happened?

Only half an hour into the second game, a quarter of the team was eliminated?

Someone took over here, so Zhengdai's team went deeper into the woods, found a hidden jungle, and lined up the five captured number plates in order.

"This has been combined once." Zheng Dai first took away one, and then put his team's one in his hand, "Combine it directly? The maximum number of the three numbers is five, and there is a high chance that the total number will be greater than 13. Small."

Yuji's eyes turned, shook his head, grabbed Zhengdai's wrist, and begged: "Let me do it, captain, I will definitely be able to score 13 points!"

The corner of Zuo's mouth moved, thinking about how he had been wronged before, so he remained silent, while Zheng Dai nodded in agreement.

"It doesn't matter who comes, you can come."

Yujie's eyes showed gratitude. She picked up the piece that had been closed once and put it together with the other piece.

One piece becomes useless, and the other piece shows 10!

"Three pieces add up to 10 points, and two-fifths of them may explode." Yuxie muttered something in his mouth, with a professional look, and picked up two more pieces and put them together, and the number was 7 points!

"10+7, it exploded, so these two pieces cannot be used together." Yujie thought for a moment, took her team's piece, and directly combined it with 10 points.

Yao felt his heart tighten.

Number change, 12 o'clock!

"It's done!" Yao whispered excitedly, "At 12 o'clock, as long as we successfully reach the finish line, we will definitely advance to the third round!"

However, Yujie stretched out her hand and said seriously: "Two of them make up seven points, which can only be five-two and four-three.

The three number plates make up ten points, which may be five-four-one, five-three-two, four-two-four, or four-three-three.

If there is anything inside, it can only be 541. The probability is that it only accounts for a quarter of it, which is small.

So there's probably not a bit in it.

Our number plate is two o'clock.

That is to say, including the six number plates obtained, there are seven number plates in total, there is only a very small probability of appearing at 1 point, so for the last one, I am more than 60% sure that it is 1 point! "

Yao looked confused when he heard this and opened his mouth to speak.

Zhengdai understood. He looked at Yujie, who had a serious look on his face, and nodded strangely.

So two minutes later, they threw away the five useless number plates, carried the number plate with the number 8, and embarked on a journey to search for other teams.


PS: The second alliance leader in this book appears, thanks to the leader of the Margok Head of State.

This chapter does not count as the alliance leader’s additional update, but it is just to express that the alliance leader’s three additional chapters will be supplemented by Eryang after it is released.

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