Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 133: 5 left

Two days later.

"Believe me, it has a high probability of being 3 points. This time it will definitely be combined into 13 points!" Yuxie held a number plate in her hand and spoke plausibly.

A trace of despair flashed in Yabu's eyes.

Zheng Dai nodded with a smile in his eyes.

Yuji put his hands together, and the number on the number plate changed. After a soft pop, it returned to 1.

Yujie's face fell, and she muttered, "I've had bad luck these past two days," and then said softly, "Sorry, let's find a few more teams, shall we?"


Yabu sat down on the ground.

"Kill me!"

How old are you, and you are still acting out? Zhengdai smiled secretly, while Yujie smiled sheepishly.

"Xiao, believe me again, next time, next time I'm sure... it's not right!" Yuji suddenly stopped mid-sentence, raised his hand and nodded his forehead, shook his head, and muttered something.

"Next time, next time, gambling is a taboo. Since you are not having any luck, it is time to stop. I still can't keep calm. I am impulsive. I am impulsive."

After reciting the spell, she looked at Zheng Dai and said: "Captain, we don't want to bet on the exact 13 o'clock. Let's find two more teams and go directly to the finish line!"

Zhengdai blinked and said, "Yuxie, do you remember how many times we exploded?"

Yujie was stunned for a moment and said shamefully: "Four times."

"So how many teams did we defeat?"

Yuji did the math: "The first time it exploded, it was six, the second time it was two, the third time it was four, this time it was two, but the previous one had defeated the others. The team directly added nine points to us.”

Just as he nodded, he unknowingly was on the road to sweeping the Chunin Exam.

"In other words, we eliminated 14 teams, and the one with nine points added. If one team is eliminated, it can only be May 4th. The probability of it happening is small, so they are likely to eliminate two teams.

In total, 16 teams have been eliminated!

As for the rest, plus we only have eight teams, there is a high probability that they will eliminate each other, so we have basically advanced! "

Zuo jumped up and said, "Captain, please stop talking about high probability, okay? Let's eliminate another team. Be safe!"

Zheng Dai was startled and couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, we should be very close to the center of the forest. Let's go there and hold another team."

Zhengdai jumped directly to the tallest tree nearby, looked at the tower in the center of the forest, identified the direction, and started running with the two of them.

No one was encountered along the way, only two delicious little animals. Before dinner time, Zhengdai kept them childlike and did not become mature.

When they got close to the tower, Zheng Dai waved his right hand, signaling the two of them to stop and hide behind a tree.

"It seems like there's someone over there."

Zuo's eyes tightened, and he subconsciously took out a detonating talisman, and put it back calmly under the gazes of Zhengdai and Yujie.

"It should be behind the bushes on the left, or maybe behind the trees directly ahead. Yuji, let's use kunai to scare them."

In the distance, behind the trees.

Obito the cat was behind, visiting with a grimace.

"Why is no one here? Seriously, it's already the third day. Where have everyone gone? Idiot Kakashi, you should have snatched Kai and the others before, but now it's okay. It's been two days and not a single person has survived. If this happens again, we will be eliminated!"

"Obito." Lin comforted helplessly: "But we may not be able to defeat Kai and the others."

"Tch, it's just Kai and the crane tail." Obito curled his lips, "I don't need you, I'm alone..."

Ping! Ping! "careful!"

The sound of two kunai clashing, mixed with Kakashi's low cry, startled Obito.

Then a cold light came over him, and he sat down on the ground with a groan.

He saw a cold kunai nailed straight 20 centimeters in front of his toes. Obito was stunned and sweatdropped.

After a few seconds of slowing down, he jumped up and cursed loudly: "What bastard attacked me secretly!"

Seeing that Obito was fine, Kakashi and Rin breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Kakashi unexpectedly whispered: "This method of throwing kunai seems to be wearing it right?"

"Hey, is it Obito? Team Kakashi?"

On the other side, Zheng Dai muttered in surprise as well.

"If it's them, just let it go." After speaking to two teammates, the three of them walked out.

Obito, who was hopping and scolding, froze and swooped back into the grass, "Hey, what should I do? It's Zhengdai."

He finally had the last bit of pressure left, knowing that they would never be able to defeat the Zhengdai team.

Lin smiled helplessly: "Obito, let's go out. Zhengdai and the others should have accumulated enough points. If they haven't accumulated enough, they probably won't rob us."

"How many teams did you defend, Kakashi?" Shodai called from a distance.

"We only met Gai, and they have already entered the tower." Kakashi replied: "What about you, have you accumulated enough points?"

"Not enough, we exploded, so we wanted to come here to guard, but I didn't expect you guys to arrive first. Did Kai and the others go in? Have they defeated the team?"

"Exploded?" Kakashi was startled, and Obito in the bushes instantly grimaced.

"Ah, they stole the number plate of Team Ibiki. With good luck, they directly accumulated nine points. I thought I was almost promoted, so I didn't wait any longer. If you guys explode... do you want to fight, Zhengdai?"

Zuo Daxi, finally, can I finally make it to the third round? My teammates finally stopped cheating!

No, in a sense, these two teammates were more deceitful than before. They had given him a good time before, but this time they were tortured repeatedly.

Zheng Dai smiled and said: "Then we can go in, we have exploded four times."

"Four times?" Kakashi was stunned, then suddenly realized, and said speechlessly: "I asked why it is so difficult to meet people. How many teams have you defeated?"

"There are 14 teams. They should be one to three teams away from each other, so there may be less than eight teams left."

When it comes to arithmetic problems, Obito didn't understand much, but he generally understood. It seems that we can advance directly? Lie down and win?

"14?" Kakashi's eyes were solemn, and he couldn't help but want to fight Masadai again.

To meet so many teams, Zheng Dai must have been 'ramping' in the forest these past two days without hiding his presence. Kakashi originally wanted to do this, but due to his usual caution, he finally chose to move incognito.

I can't help but regret it now.

Zhengdai smiled: "Let's go. In the third game, we have a chance to fight. Oh, not necessarily, Kakashi, Yujie is very powerful."

Kakashi was slightly stunned, UU read www. uukanshu. net cast a serious look at Yujie for the first time, but Yujie was looking at Obito with half his head sticking out of the grass.

He...can become a very strong ninja?

That bet should probably be made with the captain. Whether the captain imitates a cat or a dog after losing, it should be very interesting.

After a few more pleasantries, the two teams of genin coexisted peacefully. Obito laughed and was extremely happy, and walked into the tower together.

As soon as he entered, Zheng Dai noticed three scorching gazes hitting his face.

One belongs to Kai, one belongs to Hideki, and the last belongs to the examiner Jonin.

"Hideki?" Zhengdai looked at Hinata Hideki with a rather surprised look, which made Hideki grit his teeth in annoyance.

What do you mean, I can't pass? These damn civilians are still so annoying!

"You are finally here. I thought you were going to eliminate the remaining two teams as well."

The words of the examiner Jonin let them finally know the number of remaining teams. The four teams that arrived at the tower and the two in the forest made a total of six teams.

As for the last two teams, they didn't meet anyone else until the end of the five-day time limit, so they had to have a fierce battle outside the tower. One team devoured the other team's points before they dared to enter the tower... and then regretted it. My intestines turned green.

At the end of the second exam, the Zhengdai team, which was desperately trying to get 13 points, finally failed to do so. There were supposed to be 8 teams that advanced, but it was reduced to 5!


PS: (I didn’t expect another alliance leader to appear, so I would like to thank one chapter first, not counting the additional updates. The three additional chapters will be added after they are released.

Well... If there are still people who want to reward, please do it on the day it is put on the shelves. The results on the day of being put on the shelves are very important. In addition, my archived manuscripts...are really not many (?_?))

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