Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 139 Yuji’s invitation

"Go to my house for dinner? You can't do it tonight. I have an appointment with the two temporary teammates for dinner tonight, let's do it tomorrow." Zhengdai shook his head and said: "And Hongdou, don't you think you have other things to do?"

As he spoke, he looked at Hinata Tokuma, who was shrinking in the crowd.

Anko snorted: "Oh, that bastard Tokuma, he asked him to block Iruka earlier, and he even told me that the elders of the clan had something to do with him..."

She started gearing up, and the teacher next to her, Omu, finally couldn't bear it any longer: "You two kids, treat me as if I don't exist, right?!"

"Hey, teacher, why are you here?" Zhengdai asked, causing Da Mu to be stunned for a moment before he saw Zhengdai pulling Hongdou away and quickly moving away.

The surrounding Hongdou boys looked at each other, and Wuyang shouted and fled in all directions.

Da Mu laughed out of anger for a moment.

Seeing that there was no fun to be seen, the students in the audience also left one after another, still discussing, most of them praised Iruka for being beaten, and some precocious children winked and talked about Zhengdai and Anko.

Only Hinata Tokuma came to Teacher Ohmu in pain. Ohgi looked around, sighed helplessly, and rubbed Hinata Tokuma's head.

"Don't worry, Hongdou won't dare do anything to you while the teacher is here. Next time you encounter a situation, remember to tell the teacher as soon as possible."

‘Teacher, do you believe this? ’

Hinata Tokuma felt that a beating was unavoidable, and being beaten was actually nothing. He was beaten by Anko more than once or twice. What he was most afraid of was that the devil gave him homework again...

"Okay, let's go home quickly." Damu said, turned around and left. Suddenly, he felt that Iruka was quite relieved after being beaten, and shook his head again.

As a teacher, I shouldn't think this way.

Two hundred meters outside the Ren school.

Anko panted slightly and said with a smile: "Haha, Mr. Omu was stunned by what you said. Zhengdai, you are still so interesting. Ever since you and Sister Hong graduated, the Ninja School has become more and more boring."

"Invincible is too lonely?" Zhengdai teased: "There are many loyal brothers, Hongdou. Go home, it's half past five, and I made an appointment with my teammates at six. Be careful tomorrow. If Teacher Omu tells you, just listen. Come on, if Iruka's mother dares to come to you again, just tell me and I will take care of her!"

"I know." Anko looked experienced in dealing with this kind of thing, and said a little worriedly: "Zhengdai, Iruka's father seems to be a jounin..."

"Don't be afraid. If he dares to take action, just move Lord Orochimaru out and scare him to death. You don't have to worry about me. Jounin, I may not be able to defeat him," Masadai said.

Hongdou stared and said: "Isn't it possible that I can't beat you? You are bragging again, you are wearing it!"

"What do you mean by bragging again? When have I ever boasted? If you say you get perfect marks in all subjects, you will get perfect marks. If you say you can beat a jounin, you can beat a jounin." Zhengdai smiled and waved his hand: "Let's go, go back." See."

"Really? Are you so powerful? No, right?" Hongdou looked at Zheng Dai's back from a distance and was stunned for two seconds. She didn't know what she thought of, but suddenly she grinned high and ran home in a bound.

‘Red bean correction degree 79%’

Zhengdai paused, looked back, shook his head and laughed: "This girl, are you craving for sweets again? Before you know it, it's 79%. Find an opportunity to repair 1% more and earn two attribute points. You should do something for her. Spicy stuff, push the correction back a bit.”

He hurried home and just before six o'clock, two teammates were waiting near his door. He ran two steps quickly and said apologetically: "Yukai, Sou, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I had to go out for something."

"It's because we came early." Yao shook his head to express that it was okay and asked, "Where to eat?"

"Are you going to the restaurant where you had lunch last time? Let's have something serious this time. Wait, I'll go inside and get some money." Zhengdai didn't know where to stand this time.

Withdraw the money, go to the restaurant, and enter a private room.

Zuo ordered a bottle of wine, Zhengdai and Yuxie replaced the wine with water, and the three of them raised their glasses and drank together.

"Congratulations on our successful entry into the third round of the Chuunin Exam!" Yabo shouted loudly, murmuring twice, and tears filled his eyes for a moment, "Finally, finally, I can finally become a Chuunin!"

Zhengdai and Yuji looked at each other, wondering whether they should remind him that even entering the third round might not make him a chuunin.

"Captain, Yuji, you don't know that in the past few Chuunin exams, my teammates clearly had the opportunity to use a trap to solve the problem, but they had to create extra problems. It's too difficult, too difficult!"

Yabu drank another glass of wine and rambled on about his experience of failing the Chunin Exam six times.

"Although, even though this time, you also had extra problems, you are strong enough. Finally, you finally passed the test. It was not easy, not easy!"

Zhengdai and Yujie looked at each other with smiles.

The meal lasted for fifty minutes. Most of the time, Zuo was talking and Zhengdai and Yuji were listening.

After paying the bill and leaving the restaurant, Yao waved nonchalantly: "No need to send me off, I'm not drunk."

After he was gone, Yujie said softly: "Sou seems to have been suppressed for a long time."

"Probably, after all, I heard from him that he has been in three teams, and he is the only one left. No one wants to get close to such a mournful person, right?"

"Luck is constant. If you were unlucky in the past, it will be doubled in the future." Yuji replied.

"That makes sense. Didn't he meet us now? Haha, I have something else to do, see you later?"

"Hey, captain." Yujie stretched out her hand to stop him, then hesitated for a moment and stopped talking. UU reading www.

Zheng Dai was stunned: "What's the matter?"

"Captain, didn't you... say you like gambling? You said you always wanted to go to the casino. I... found a secret gambling place before." Yujie said slowly: "Do you want to go?"

Um? She's taking me to an underground casino! Zheng Dai instantly became energetic and put on a surprised expression as he said, "Gathering in secret for gambling? Are you not afraid of Tsunade-sama?"

"I'm afraid, but Tsunade-sama hasn't returned to the village yet. If she goes, the danger will not be great. By the way, captain, please don't spread the word." Yuji said.

"No, no, no." Zheng Dai shook his head, looking excited, "There is an underground casino, that's great, please take me there!"

"What about you, Captain..."

‘Water Escape – the art of water body transformation! ’

"Let him do it."

The water body disappears spontaneously.

"Well, then captain, come with me."

Following Yuji, they came to Konoha West Street. Near the end of the street, the two of them plunged into a dead end that turned north and was rarely visited by people.

After a few more steps, Yujie pointed to one side of the wall, "The casino is right here."

"Here? Then how do we get in... Huh? The wall here is actually an illusion?"

Zheng Dai frowned and groped on the wall. What he touched were real and cold wall tiles, but he realized in his heart that this was an illusion at work. Both vision and touch were fake!

It turned out to be so hidden.

Yujie was a little surprised. The illusion here was arranged by the Fugaku clan leader himself. Only clan members with the three magatama sharingan eyes or very strong ninjas could see through it. She still walked through it a few times and didn't show any signs of it when she hit the wall. hesitate.

The captain was able to see through it, which was really impressive.

"Captain, let's go in."

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