Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 140 Entering the Casino

At Kushina's house, the water body knocked on the door.

Minato opened the door and greeted, "Zhengdai, come... Huh? Is it a clone?"

"Well, the main body has something to do, so I can only come here." The water avatar apologized.

Minato nodded, and without asking what happened to Zhengdai, he motioned sideways for Shuimen to enter the house.

Kushina pouted in dissatisfaction in the bedroom: "What is more important than beating up that guy Ming Qing? What can the clone do? I am wearing this kid."

Shuishui apologized: "I'm sorry, sister Kushina, it's really an emergency."

"Okay, okay, Minato, tell him."

Minato scratched his hair and said with a little helplessness: "In the past two days, I tried to track Mingqing and got a rough understanding of his daily whereabouts and living habits. He usually... in the morning..."

Minato narrated slowly, explaining everything from the time the young man got up in the morning, to the time he went to bed at night, and even the daily routine of grocery shopping.

Being followed like this, Ming Qing, who had been an ANBU, still hadn't discovered Minato, which meant that this guy's strength was only average among jounin.

Although the water avatar's strength is only one-tenth of Zheng Dai's, his IQ is the same as him, and the difference is not much different. Hearing this, he immediately calculated in his mind and felt that the feasibility of the plan was greatly improved.

At this time, Minato said again: "But yesterday evening, I discovered something unexpected. In a dead end in the northwest of Konoha, Ming Qing entered a secret place blocked by illusion.

According to my investigation, it seems to be a! "

Um? !

Shuishui was stunned for a moment, such a coincidence?

Seeing that the water body reacted violently, Minato thought he was surprised and continued: "It's an underground casino. The organizer is not clear yet, but for the moment I stayed there, someone kept peeking at me secretly. I am very powerful, and I am a jounin." one!"

"No matter how powerful he is, he can't escape Sister Tsunade's fist. Maybe it's Elder Danzo again. He will definitely be in trouble this time." Kushina said with a smile.

The water avatar hesitated for a moment. Although the main body had just promised Yuji not to spread the word, Minato discovered... but it was also spread to the outside.

"It's really not Elder Danzo this time." Shui Shui said: "Sister Kushina, do you still remember what you said about the happy trial of the Uchiha clan?"

Kushina was startled and stared: "That one? Use the casino to test? Oh my god, how dare they do that? No, no, no, I have to tell Mikoto to stop them quickly. If not, it will be too late..."

Minato stretched out his hand to stop him: "Now that they have seen me, if they want to stop, they should have stopped already. We don't know the specific situation of the Happy Trial yet, so don't worry, Kushina."

Kushina calmed down, looked at the water body, and asked: "Zhengdai, how do you know?"

"The main body should be there by now. One of my temporary teammates is a girl from the Uchiha clan named Uchiha. After dinner tonight, she took the main body to the casino." Shuizhui replied.

"What a coincidence?" Minato couldn't help but sigh. He didn't know that Mr. Dai was actively teasing him to go to the casino these days, so he judged: "Is it because I feel that I have been exposed, and it doesn't matter if I take you there? It seems that after that, Uchi Wave will react on its own, Kushina, you don’t have to worry.”

Kushina blinked: "Let's talk to Mikoto tomorrow."

Shuishui Shenze said: "I don't know if the famous young man will go to the casino today. I don't think I can contact him in advance. If he goes to the casino... we may be able to change the plan."

After five minutes, the water disintegrates into water and disappears.

On the other side, just as Dai Gang and Yu Jie crashed into the wall one after another, the water body memories came over.

"...I'll go, what a coincidence?"

"Captain, go this way."

Yujie stepped forward to lead the way, and Zhengdai came back to his senses and took a look at the surrounding environment.

They were in a dim corridor, tens of meters long, with a door at the end. At the door, two young men stood on one side and the other on the right. On the top of the door, there was a strange-looking thing like a speaker.

"They're the guards at the casino tonight."

The two of them obviously knew Yu Jie, and they may even know that Yu Jie was going to bring Zheng Dai here, so they opened the door without changing their expressions and let the two of them in.

At this moment, the sound-like thing on the top of the door suddenly made two clicks. The two young men guarding the door looked at each other, and one of them ducked away and disappeared through the entrance.

"Is there an intruder?" Zhengdai couldn't help but ask.

Yuji shook his head: "No, a new person is coming, and he went out to greet him."

Newcomer? Zheng Dai's eyes flashed, and he remembered himself shaking the dice cup that day, so if he shook the dice cup in that position, would he receive a summons here?

Uchiha was one of the gatekeepers that day, right? These two were also Uchiha people?

I thought I was entering the casino, but I didn't expect that it was just an empty room with a door on the left and right, one with 'male' written on it and the other with 'female' written on it.

"Is this...the toilet? Or the bathroom?"

"No." Yuji explained: "Because they are worried that someone will leak it and be known by Tsunade-sama, many people who come here to gamble will disguise themselves or even transform. However, in order to allow the guards to confirm their identities, they cannot disguise themselves when they come in. Yes, we can only disguise ourselves in these two disguise rooms."

"That's it." Zheng Dai expressed his understanding, "Then we should go in separately now, UU reading and meet up inside?"

"Wait a minute, captain." Yujie walked to the side and opened the door of the women's dressing room, looked in twice, and waved: "No one is around, come in, captain."

...Why does it feel a little exciting?

Going into the women's dressing room with a girl, this plot trend seems a little familiar, right?

Weird thoughts flashed through his mind, and Zhengdai quickly abandoned his distracting thoughts and followed Yujie in. He saw her quickly forming three seals and transforming into the image of the young man Zhengdai saw that day.

"Captain, please change your lower body too."

"You... don't have any female gamblers among you?" Zheng Dai felt that he should ask this question now.

"Yes, but most of them are female ninjas who have transformed into men." Yujie covered her mouth and smiled and said: "Captain, follow me and go in from here, everyone will treat you as a transformed female ninja."

The handsome young man covered his mouth and smiled, which seemed a bit strange. He paused and formed a seal.

With a bang, he turned into Chow Yun-fat!

Yujie was stunned: "Captain, how could you become such a... strange person at such an old age? You are too conspicuous. Just transform into a young man."

"Don't call me captain, call me uncle." Zhengdai smiled and said seriously: "Why is it strange? Isn't he handsome like this? Yujie, you don't know, the transformed appearance has an impact on your gambling luck. , this look, prosperous!”

"It's just to take advantage." Yuxie no longer hesitated and said teasingly: "Okay, uncle, let's go in."

When we first met Yujie, she was quite aloof. After getting along with her for a long time, especially after her gambler side was exposed in front of Zhengdai, she became quite easy-going and fun-loving.

Pushing open another door of the women's dressing room, a wave of heat and sound surged in, and the entire underground casino was finally revealed before Zhengdai's eyes!

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