Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 141 Mr. Xian

The sounds of guessing, laughter, roars, table slapping, wild laughter, all kinds of sounds gathered together to form a picture of the world.

The interior space of the underground casino is larger and more lively than Zhengdai imagined. I thought there were only twenty or thirty people who dared to sneak in and gamble at this time, but I didn't expect there were over a hundred people!

Zheng Dai was looking around the scene. As far as the scene was concerned, it was not comparable to the scenes he had seen in movies, but it was still unique.

At this moment, he fixed his gaze and saw something that surprised him through the crowd: the sculpture of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama!

A sculpture that looks like a hand holding a dice cup.

Isn't this the casino of the Uchiha clan? Why would they put this up to prevent Tsunade from smashing it?

Just as he was about to ask, in the middle of the casino, a short, fat, middle-aged man with a pockmarked face came over and said with a flattering smile: "Welcome, Lord Chen. Is this your first time here, sir? Is he an elder in your family?" ?I don’t know what to call it?”

dust? Zhengdai glanced sideways and saw the gesture in Yuxie's eyes, and immediately understood that this was her pseudonym.

what should I do? Wear?

It’s the same name.

Zheng Dai turned his eyes and said, "Ask me to send it."

"Fa... Master Fa?" the middle-aged man called out awkwardly, and smiled flatteringly, "Master Fa, do you want to go around by yourself, or do you want me to accompany you?"

"We can do it ourselves."

"Oh, okay, okay."

The middle-aged man resigned respectfully, while Yujie explained to Zhengdai: "He used to be the lobby manager of our Konoha Casino. Later, the casino was destroyed by Tsunade-sama, and he was unemployed for a while. The casino opened here, thinking Everyone was familiar with him, so they recruited him again.”

"Oh? Yujie, you are very familiar with this place."

Yujie paused for a moment, his eyes flashed with confusion, he shook his head and said, "Just... I heard about it."

Don’t you want to tell me that this is Uchiha’s place? With a glance, Zhengdai saw that half of the people in the casino had used transformation techniques, and he couldn't tell how many of them were from the Uchiha clan.

With his eyes fixed on the sculpture of the First Hokage, Zhengdai asked Yuji.

"Oh, well, it is said that the First Hokage loved gambling. Even the first casino in Konoha was opened by the Senju clan. There was also a sculpture of the First Hokage placed in it. It was also placed in all subsequent casinos. It seems that He can make money, so people who gamble believe in him." Yujie explained.

"Second Master Guan in the casino?" Zheng Dai looked strange. Was there such a thing in the original novel?

Impossible, with his gambling skills?

"Captain... let's try our luck tonight first. What do you want to play? By the way, you have to cash in some chips first!"

"Let's play something, first... let's roll dice."

Zheng Dai didn't bring much money. After all, he didn't know he would come here when he was eating. He only had more than 500 taels of silver notes left with him.

The smallest chip here is one hundred taels, so he can only exchange for the five smallest chips. Faced with Yu Jie's suggestion to lend him some first, Zhengdai only borrowed five five hundred taels of chips.

The total gambling capital is three thousand taels, which is considered a small amount of gambling, and I don’t feel bad if I lose it all.

"Maybe... we can win?"

Zhengdai glanced at the attribute column.

Gambling Skills: Level 2 (92%)

Since buying the dice cup, his gambling skills have improved at a considerable rate. If it hadn't been for the Chunin Exam, he would have broken through the third level of gambling skills.

What's more, he is Fa Ge now!

"Dang Dang Dang~ Dang Dang~" with the exclusive BGM in his heart, Zhengdai held his head high and was full of confidence!

"big big big!"

Half an hour later, Zhengdai, who was in good physical condition, stared at the dice cup, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Next to her, Yujie completely integrated into the casino environment, cheering or sighing.

"It's 14 points, we win!" Another winner was announced, and Yujie jumped up happily.

Zheng Dai also smiled brightly, collected a few chips, wiped his sweat, and smiled to himself. It was exciting enough, but those with a weak heart would not be able to play this.

In the past half hour, he had been betting with Yujie, and he won more than he lost, and his three thousand taels of chips had turned into five thousand taels.

But when he took a look at his gambling skills, he frowned. He didn't even increase by 1%. Is it because following a bet does not count as his own bet, or... my gambling skills are higher than Yujie's? Won't you make progress by just betting?

He tried to make his own judgment, and occasionally made opposite bets to Yujie twice, which attracted Yujie's unexpected look. After another half an hour, the five thousand taels he was wearing returned to three thousand taels.

"Fa, don't play randomly." Yujie pulled him and stared at the dice cup with bright eyes.

"This one is definitely small, trust me!"

Zhengdai looked at the gambling skills that were expected to rise to 94%, and he said, "Is it okay for me, Brother Fa, to follow the crowd?"

"I think it's big!"

Yujie: "It must be small, oh, it's 7 o'clock, just trust me!"

Another half hour, and all is lost.

Gambling Skills: Level 2 (95%)

This is probably the price of growth.

Fa Ge, it’s useless.

Pulling Yujie away from the round table with a face full of reluctance, Yujie said: "Fa, your luck is not as good as mine tonight, why don't you follow me? What should I do now? Do you want me to lend you some more chips?"

Zheng Dai didn't care about winning or losing...really didn't care. To him, money is just an external possession. In order to earn four attribute points from Kakuzu, he spent more than 50 million.

Similarly, if gambling skills can be improved by spending money, he would be willing to exchange 5,000 taels for 3%!

Revenge against the fox is better than anything else!

However, in this environment, gambling skills should be of no use. The noisy sound made him unable to hear the shaking of the dice. Is it true that he is not as lucky as Yuji if he loses more?

But gambling skills are on the rise...

Zheng Dai suddenly had some doubts and confusion about the skill of gambling.

This skill won't affect luck, right?

"Chen, lend me another five thousand taels."

Yuji nodded. She had won almost 5,000 taels from gambling so far. She gave it to Zhengdai without hesitation and said, "Don't bet this time. UU read and follow me. I can win it back!”

Confident to the point of exuberant.

Zhengdai didn't agree immediately. He thought about it and said, "Shall we play something else?"

"Others, what, poker, sparrows? But you can't bet with me on anything else."

"It's okay. If you lose, you lose. The first time you come to the casino is like paying tuition. You have to experience various gambling methods and win back in the future! Can I enter the private room over there? It's too noisy outside."

Yuji nodded: "You won't get used to it the first time you come here. Next time..."

She paused for a moment, remembering that the casino had been exposed to Minato Namikaze, and there might not be a next time. The excitement in her face instantly subsided a lot, and she said softly: "If you can get in, then let's find two people to play with." Sparrow? Can you do it?"

"I...learn quickly." Zhengdai really didn't know how to play mahjong in Naruto World.

"You learn quickly? You just don't know how?" Yujie was stunned, then who dares to play with you?

At this moment, the noisy casino suddenly fell silent for a moment, just like everyone in the noisy classroom was silent at the same time for some unknown reason. The two gamblers who were still yelling were particularly loud. When they thought about it, they immediately felt A virtual one.

Everyone is silent for some reason. Could it be Lady Tsunade who is here? Looking towards the entrance of the casino, they breathed a sigh of relief and showed excitement.

"It's Master Xian!"

"Master Xian who has won 76 games in a row?"

"It's been a long time since I saw Master Xian!"

76 consecutive wins? God of Gamblers? Zheng Dai was slightly startled and looked over. Standing at the entrance was a square-faced man with an unfamiliar face.

He glanced at Yu Jie again and found that Yu Jie's expression was excited and respectful.

This... couldn't be some big shot of the Uchiha clan, right?

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