Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 142 Fugaku talks about gambling

Master Xian, who was complimented and called by all the gamblers, walked towards the center of the casino without changing his expression.

The crowd parted automatically, watching him expectantly as he exchanged the chips, and walked to the round table. Then he said calmly: "Old rules, when playing, the maximum bet cannot exceed five thousand taels."

"Oh!" Many people cheered and rushed to the gambling table here. The person in the center of the gambling table who was responsible for rolling the dice shook the dice cup with a helpless expression.

Ta-ta-ta-ta! The dice cup was pressed on the gaming table.

"At 11 o'clock, five thousand taels." Master Xian said.

There are countless followers who are crazy about it. At one time, there are countless chips piled up like a mountain at the position representing 11 o'clock on the gambling table, while no one cares about the rest of the place.

"Betting on accurate points?" Zheng Dai stared at the outside, could it be...

The dice cup opens, 4, 5, 2, 11 points!

"Alright, alright!"

"Master Xian is still so powerful!"

"It's just like picking up money!"

"It's a pity that Mr. Xian only plays one game at a time..."

Under the regretful eyes of many people, the man called Mr. Xian walked away from the gaming table with thirty thousand taels of chips in his hands without looking back.

Bet on accurate numbers and your chips can be doubled by 6 times!

The casino staff were in a hurry to pay the compensation. Just this one, the casino would lose more than 200,000 taels!

This made Zhengdai even more certain that this guy must be from the Uchiha clan, and his status was not low in the Uchiha clan. At least he did not attract any criticism by 'giving money to gamblers' like this.

He also gave it more appropriately. Two hundred thousand taels was completely harmless to the casino.

Zhengdai glanced at the faces of the more than ten young people who had not stepped forward to pay attention to the wish before, but only looked at Master Xian respectfully. These... couldn't be all Uchiha people, right?

The proportion is a bit too much.

He turned his head to look at Yu Jie, and saw Yu Jie's face full of admiration. He stepped forward and bowed slightly: "Master Xian."

Hey, are you here? Zhengdai was a little startled when he realized that after Master Xian left the gambling table, he walked directly in front of him and Yuji.

Master Xian responded to Yu Jie's admiring greetings and nodded lightly, as if it was just a small matter to bet on 11 o'clock, and there was no feeling of complacency.

His eyes swept over Zheng Dai's face, and he frowned slightly again, obviously confused by Fa Ge's appearance, and looked at Yu Xie inquiringly.

Yujie nodded lightly, then turned back to Zhengdai with a little excitement: "Master Xian wants to teach us how to gamble. We have a chance to gamble against him."

He knows who I am! Zhengdai was even more certain that this must be a big shot in the Uchiha clan, most likely the second elder of Uchiha who had guided Uchiha in his practice, and it was also possible that he was someone else.

Uchiha actually has such a skilled gambler? The stronger the strength, the better the gambling skills?

My Uchiha is awesome.

Several thoughts flashed through his mind, and Zhengdai stepped forward to greet him respectfully: "Hello, Mr. Xian."

Master Xian raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Zheng Dai in surprise, and said, "Go to the private room."

The lobby manager walked over consciously and led the three people into a small private room, leaving only a group of regretful gamblers.

"It's a pity that I wasn't called upon again."

"Yes, if you can get Master Xian's guidance, winning or losing is nothing."

"Speaking of which, I remember Mr. Xian came over half a month ago and brought that young man who looked a bit like a girl to gamble."

"What looks like a girl? She is a female ninja who has transformed into a female ninja. I have paid attention to her. Her gambling skills are good. Maybe Master Xian wants to take him as a disciple?"

"I'm so envious..."

In the casino, there were more than a dozen people who did not participate in the discussion. They looked at each other with envy in their eyes. Some people lowered their voices and exchanged words:

"The patriarch really values ​​Yujie, but who is the uncle Yujie brought today? Is he a senior or elder of the family?"

"I don't know, I've never seen this kind of transformation..."

In the private room, the three of them sat down in front of a small round table. Master Xian said to Zheng Dai: "As expected of a child who graduated with perfect scores in all subjects, you can guess my general identity with just a few clues, and even... guessed part of it. The truth about the casino?”

Yujie was suddenly startled and looked at Zhengdai: "Captain, you... Mr. Xian, he..."

Zheng Dai blinked and suddenly said in astonishment: "How do you know my identity? In this casino, the identity of the guests is revealed? How can this be done?!"

Master Xian was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly.

"You're good at pretending to be stupid. It doesn't matter. If you know it, you will know it. Even if you don't have the guts to talk nonsense to others. Cancel the transformation spell, Yujie, wear it now. This look looks very awkward."

"Well, yes." Yujie dismissed.

Masadai paused, scratched his head, and returned to his original appearance. Then he stared at Master Xian, laughing, and at the same time he was curious about which member of the Uchiha clan he was.

Master Xian made seals with both hands.

With a bang, it returned to its original appearance.

Zheng Dai was stunned, and his eyes widened in an instant. It was actually Uchiha Fugaku? !

Uchiha Fugaku said calmly: "Looking at your reaction, you didn't completely guess my identity. Who do you think I am?"

"Well, I have met the Uchiha clan leader." Zhengdai stood up quickly to greet him and said: "I thought you would be an elder of the Uchiha clan, but I didn't expect... I didn't expect it to be you, the clan leader."

"Haha, Yujie said that you like gambling, but it seems that you don't like it enough. Do you still think that gambling is just a sideshow? A well-known gambler?"

Zheng Daisan smiled and said nothing. He didn't know whether he should say that he had heard about the Uchiha Happy Trial from Kushina. After the initial surprise when he saw Fugaku, he quickly calmed down.

Fugaku shook his head, picked up the dice cup on the small table in front of him, shook it in his hand, and said: "The art of gambling is not that simple, and it also has a great impact on the strength of ninjas. There is no harm in learning it."

Zheng Dai was a little stunned, this...can also involve the strength of the ninja? What kind of truth? Next to him, Yujie pretended to be listening to the teachings.

Satisfied with their reaction, Fugaku continued: "Betting is a psychological game. When you are equal in strength to the enemy, the psychological game in the battle can affect the outcome of the battle. No, it does not have to be equal in strength. Even if you are not as good as your opponent, there is If you use the skill of gambling well, you can win!"

Give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle? Zhengdai summarized Fugaku's words in his mind, but he didn't take it seriously. It might turn into scrap metal.

Fugaku chuckled: "Don't believe it? When you master the superb gambling skills, you will feel the illusory luck factor. No matter what you choose, the battle will always develop in a direction that is beneficial to you!

Let me tell you a rare and well-known example. The first Hokage Senju Hashirama-sama is a god of gambling who has never lost in his life.

Compared to him, I'm still far behind.

At that time, his strength was obviously not as good as that of Uchiha Madara's ancestor, but every time he played against him, he used his gambling skills to play the game and grasped the right time and place in advance, so that he could always defeat Madara's ancestor!

If it weren't for his gambling skills, maybe the first Hokage would be the ancestor of Uchiha Madara! "

Wearing it: (⊙o⊙)

Damn it!

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